• Published 13th Feb 2022
  • 2,437 Views, 6 Comments

Rarity’s Nightmare and Love - Phantom-Dragon

Rarity has a nightmare, and needs Spike for comfort.

  • ...

Good night Rarity

“Hello Rarity!”

“Good morning, Rarity!”

“Looking good, Rarity!”

The usual kind of greetings that a unicorn, even the most fashion forward of unicorns, like Rarity herself would hear. And she would always respond to them with a dignified nod.

“Why thank you, darling,” She would say to every ponies and creatures she meet, along the way.

She just loves the attention. To her, it was rewarding enough to have every eyes, gazing and admiring the exquisite details and beauty of her latest designs and style. It was clear as day that she had put a lot of hard works, in her passions for fashion.

Yet, despite all the love and admiration from the crowd, it is incomplete without the admiration of one more. The young dragon, Spike, who is her best friend, Twilight’s assistant, and adopted younger brother. And not mention, Rarity's not-so-secret admirer. But secretly, to her, he’s more than that. Quite surprisingly, to the elegant and fashionable Rarity, he is her diamond in the ruff.

Speaking of whom, Rarity's eyes lit up, as bright as Celestia's sun, when she finds the young dragon, sitting at a table, outside of an ice cream shop. The young dragon was enjoying himself some strawberry flavors, encrusted with gems, while reading an issue of the Power Ponies comic. One thing about the dragon, that Rarity knows fully well, is that he loves his comics and gems, just as much as he loves her.

With a flick of her mane, Rarity composed herself, as she approached Spike, all elegant and ladylike of her, aiming to make another good impression on Spike.

"Oh Spike~" She sang, in a lovely voice, that could possibly put so many opera singers to shame. "Hello~"

She waited for a couple of seconds, to see a response from Spike. But for some odd reason, there came none. Normally, Spike would instantly perk up, or be head over heels, upon hearing Rarity's voice. And yet, suddenly, he didn't even flinch.

Flabbergasted, Rarity spoke again, but in a more casual tone, "Spike?"

Again, no response. It was as if Spike can't hear her.

"Spike? Hello?" Rarity asked, as she circled around the dragon, and took a seat, on the opposite side of the table, in front of Spike.

But the dragon didn't even look up. He seemed to be too occupied with the comic he was reading to care. He continued scooping a spoonful of his ice cream, as he continued to read.

"Hmmm," Rarity pondered, deducing that perhaps Spike was just too into his own little world to notice. "Oh, Spike. What are you reading?~" She asked, with a hint of flirtation in her voice, but again, no response.

She was about to take his comic away, when a voice called out.

"Hey Spike!" Exclaimed the voice, to which the dragon finally came to life.

Rarity cringed, as she and Spike turned in the direction of the voice, to see none other than the mail griffon, named Gabby Griffon. Once before, griffons are infamously known to be short-tempered and unfriendly. However, Gabby Griffon is the exact opposite. And furthermore, it is well-known that both she and Spike have a strong friendship together. Stronger than Rarity and Spike's bond, it seems, much to Rarity's chagrin.

"Gabby!" Spike shouted, excitedly running to the griffon, leaving a distraught Rarity, by the table.

It truly pains the fashionable unicorn to see Spike, bonding with another girl, beside her, or her friends.

Not wanting to be left out, or be ignored, Rarity tried to make herself known, "Hello G–"

"I'm so happy to see you again!" Spike smiled happily, unknowingly interrupting Rarity. "Ready to get started on your rounds?"

"Of course I am!" Gabby smiled, with a spread of her wings. "I'm always looking forward to doing my rounds with my favorite dragon!"

"And I'm always happy to spend lots of times, with my favorite griffon!" Spike smiled as he flapped his wings and joined the griffon.

"W-Wait, Spike!" Rarity called, desperately chasing after the dragon. "Spikey-Wikey! What about me?"

But it was no use. The young dragon had vanished, out of sight, with the griffon. Humiliated, Rarity fell on her haunches, as the world around her slowly turned bleak. Once upon a time, Spike would always give his heart and his full devotion to Rarity. But, as of late, ever since Gabby entered the picture, his attentions been divided between Rarity and the griffon. Though, it would seem that Gabby would always get the lion's share, being literally half-lion.

Nevertheless, Rarity was determined not to let this one moment ruin her day. She went off, searching the town for her other friends. It didn't take long for her to find them, having a picnic, out in a flowery meadow.

"Darlings!" Rarity called out, as she galloped over to meet her friends.

But then, her eyes widened in shock, when she saw who was joining them. It was none other than Spike and Gabby.

"Hey girls!" Spike greeted. "Mind if Gabby and I join in?"

"We're always happy to have Gabby join us on our picnic get-together, Spike!" Twilight smiled. "Right girls?"

"Right, Twilight!" The girls, except Rarity, agreed together.

"You're the best girl, anypony could ask for, Gabby!" Pinkie Pie squealed.

"You're so nice," Fluttershy added.

"You're so talented," Rainbow Dash complimented.

"You're so hard-working than any griffons ah know!" Applejack added. "Unlike some hoity-toity, stuck-up ponies I've had the misfortune to know," She said harshly. "Like a certain unicorn who's afraid to get her hooves dirty..."

It was a fatal blow to Rarity's confidence. It felt as if a piercing jab went through her heart, like a needle, when she heard Applejack make that comment. Granted, both she and the apple farm pony don't always see eye-to-eye, with each other, when it comes to their social standings. But they've always been friends. Most of the time.

But the crushing blow came, when Spike wrapped his arm around Gabby and smiled, "And best of all, I love you!" He kissed her on the cheek. "Because with you, I feel more like a friend than I ever did with anyone else!"

"I love you too, Spike!" Gabby returned the kiss, on Spike's nose. "You complete me!"

"Shut up," Spike smiled. "You had me at hello."

Rarity felt her heart aching, with every beat, by the seconds. The pipes broke as the tears came pouring from her eyes, from which she can feel her face burning, down her cheeks, pouring out her salty heartbreak.

Rarity tried to walk away, when Spike turned his head in her direction, but with a look of disgust and disdain.

"Oh, well if it isn't Miss Rarity..." Spike frowned in a venomous tone. "Come to ask me to be your errand boy again? Need me to be a pin cushion? Got a mountain of accessories you need me to carry for you? Or be your favorite basket holder/bodyguard?"

"Or thinking about stealing him away again?" Gabby frowned.

"No..." Rarity shook her head. "I'm not like that anymore...I wouldn't..."

"Bet ya say that to all the boys you've suckered into doing your biddings," Pinkie Pie spatted in disgust. "Remember that one stallion from the farmer's market?"

"I was doing it for Fluttershy!" Rarity said in her defense. "Don't you remember, Pinkie?"

"What about that Trender Hoof fella?" Applejack asked, sounding rather suspicious. "Didn't ya admit you've had a crush on him, long after Blueblood? What do ya need Spike for?"

"I've...I've...I've gotten over him," Rarity replied.

"Gotten over?" Twilight scowled in disgust. "Just like how you would treat, Spike, in the future? You'll just get over him, and leave him in the dust, like you did with all the other handsome stallions and males you've met?" With a look of disgust, Twilight wrapped her wings around Spike, protectively, "I can't trust you with him, anymore!"

"Twilight. I wouldn't...I swear!" Rarity continued to plead.

"I think it's best if we forget you and move on," Spike huffed, as he turned his head and left with Gabby. "C'mon, Gabby. Let's go."

"Right behind you, Spike," Gabby said, as she followed the dragon.

"We don't want you in our life anymore!" Fluttershy said, rather uncharacteristic of her.

"We'll be just fine without you!" Twilight added.

"We don't need you to be happy, anymore!" Applejack spatted.

"Good riddance to you!" Rainbow Dash huffed.

"Yup!" Pinkie Pie said.

"No! Please, don't...don't go!" Rarity pleaded to her friends. "Don't leave me! No!"

But it was no use. Rarity watched helplessly as all of her friends, vanished out of her sight. Not even Spike dared to look back and bat an eye. With her heartbreak increasing, tenfold, and the saltiness increasing from her eyes, Rarity fell to the ground, as her world became more bleak, and dreary, completely devoid of all life, resolve, and ambition, as if the colors been drained from her eyes. Eventually, all she has are the shadows for company, in a seemingly empty void.

"Please, don't leave me," Rarity pleaded. "I don't want to be alone..."

"On the contrary," A haunting, yet familiar, voice spoke. "You are far from alone..."

"Who...who's there?" Rarity sprang up to her hooves. "Show yourself!" She demanded, lighting up her horn, to illuminate her surroundings.

"Oh, Rarity..." The voice chortled. "There's no need to be so defensive, nor dramatic. After all, there's no one here, but you...and only you..."

"I...I don't understand..."

Rarity frantically turned her head to the left, then to the right. She turned her whole body, in every directions, trying to cast her light, on the source of the voice. Suddenly, the light from her horn struck something reflective. It bounced the light off, catching her eyes. After recovering from her surprise, Rarity cautiously walked up to the object, to find it was simply a huge mirror. The kind that she normally kept, at her boutique, for her customers to observe their reflections, each time they tried on her latest designs.

Rarity looked at herself in the mirror, with her reflection staring back at her. At first, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Then, without warning, the air around her turned cold. The snow white unicorn shivered from the bitter cold, wincing as she hugged herself for warmth.

But when she looked up, she was startled to see her reflection, no longer reflecting her movements. But instead, appeared to be glowering down on her, with icy cold blue eyes, and pupils as sharp as diamonds.

"Good evening, Rarity," Her reflection sneered. "Remember me? I certainly did forget you. After all, I am you."

Rarity watched in horror, as he reflection stepped out from the mirror, with its coat as translucent as the glass it had left, but the icy cold eyes remained. The other Rarity turned her head and grinned menacingly, revealing a pair of sharp fangs.

"No...it can't be..." Rarity gasped.

"Oh, but it can, and it is," The other Rarity smirked. "I am what you were. What you are. What you tried to destroy, long ago...I have been every one of your negative emotions – fear, sorrow, anger, and jealousy – inside your head and your heart."

"Don't be ridiculous," Rarity huffed, trying to appear tough. "What have I got to be afraid of? Or...be sad, angry, or jealous about?"

"Everything you loved, everything you owned, disappearing and leaving from your life," The other Rarity continued. "Nothing ever lasts forever, you know. Like they say, all good things must come to an end. And it's best to let it all go, and move on. Your precious, Spikey–Wikey for example..."

"What do you know about, Spikey–Wikey?"

The other Rarity chortled, as she began, "Don't try and deny it, Rarity. You knew as well as any creature that Spike was very much in love with you. He breathed and devoted his whole life for you."

Light her horn up, in a haunting blood red light, the other Rarity produced a familiar ruby, in the shape of a heart. Rarity was all too familiar with the gemstone.

"He practically gave his heart out to you," The other Rarity continued to taunt. "And you took it...and never gave it back."

"That's not true!" Rarity shook her head in denial. "I would never–"

"You stole his heart, and persisted other handsome stallions and males," The other Rarity continued. "And yet, Spike was always there for you, not as a lover, but for a support, or a confident. Nothing special that is worthwhile."

"That's not true, I would never–"

"You tell yourself that you could never hurt, Spike," The other Rarity continued. "That you loved him, just as much, despite what many others would say and comment. How do I know? Well, must I repeat myself? I am you, Rarity. A better and prettier version of you. The real you!"


"You can lie to yourself and the world, that you never meant any harm, to the ones you loved. But in your mind, you knew otherwise. After nine long years, from the day he first laid eyes on you, Spike had found someone else to be happy with. He was ready to move on. Eager and more than willing to settle down, with someone who reciprocates and loves him in return. Yet, you don't want him to be happy. And being ever so selfish, you got in the way. You deliberately stole Spike away, from this Gabby Griffon. You were more than willing to hurt a kind-hearted griffon, to satisfy your own happiness. And only Discord could stoop that low."

"No! I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Of course, you did. And it will forever be on your conscience, for all time," The other Rarity chuckled, with her coat growing darker and darker, by the seconds, and her mane and tail, becoming more flowing. "You wanted attention. You wanted fame. You've worked hard to achieve and earn your accomplishments, to cement your standing, throughout Equestria! Yet, the love and the praises from all the ponies is meaningless, without Spike..."

"Because he's my friend!" Rarity replied. "I loved him!"

"Do you?" The other Rarity asked. "Even enough to leave him alone, with Gabby, at the risk of your own heartbreak? Or too much to keep him, all to yourself, in spite of his unhappiness. Perhaps you just can't accept the fact that he's growing up. That once he and Twilight move back to Canterlot, then you may never see him again. And why do you even bother with him, anyway? You have your growing fashion empire. You have your designs. The ponies who loved you. Why can't you just forget about the dragon and move on?"

"I can't forget about Spike!" Rarity sobbed. "For all the times we've been through, together. For all the adventures we've been on, and all the friendship memories we've made...he means so much to me! He is my ultimate treasure! I....I don't want to lose him!"

Disgusted by Rarity's devotional outburst, the other Rarity's transformation was completed, as she stood before Rarity, in her complete and demonic form.

"Then he will die!" Nightmare Rarity scowled, rearing up on her hind legs, letting out a dreadful neigh.

"Rarity?!" The voice of a frightened boy was heard.

"Spikey–Wikey!?" Rarity called to the dragon, who suddenly appeared.

"Rarity? What's happening?" Spike asked, petrified with fear, before he was struck in the chest, by a beam of light.

"NO!" Rarity screamed, drowned by the howling agony from the dragon, as the world around her was swallowed up in light.

"NO!" Rarity screamed, sitting up from her bed, panting heavily from the nightmare she experienced.

Covered in the cold sweats, her rapid heartbeat slowing down to a calm pace, that matches her breathing, the unicorn composed herself.

"Oh, I had the most horrible dream," Rarity sighed. "...But it seems all so...so real..." With a gasp, Rarity kicked the blanket off of her, as she raced to her window, looking outside to see the Castle of Friendship, not too far away.

Unable to fall back asleep, Rarity raced down the stairs, before she exited the front door, and raced to the castle, determined to see the young dragon. This wasn't the first time Rarity has paid a late-night visit, for Spike. Once, she practically broke into his room, in the middle of the night, and stood over him, on his bed, just to invite him to a place called, the Great Gem Crevasse of the Crystal Mountains.

Looking back, she felt rather ashamed for coming across that way. She wasn't in her right mind, back then, and was so crazy, that it was not ladylike of her. Most unbecoming indeed. She eventually realized her mistake and tried to mature from it. But the embarrassment of the shame continued to linger.

Turning her attention, back to the present, Rarity arrived at the Castle of Friendship. She carefully, and quietly opened the doors to the side, letting herself into the castle's maze-like hallways of doors. Of course, having been a regular visitor to the castle, Rarity knew her way around. It didn't take long for her to find Spike's room.

Concentrating her magic into her horn, Rarity quietly opened the door, taking a peek inside, to see the young dragon, fast asleep, huddling himself into a ball, beneath his blanket. The sight of seeing him, all peaceful, tugged at Rarity's heart. She smiled to herself, simply at how cute he is. But then her thoughts were interrupted, when she recalled her nightmares.

Knowing she may be unable to go back to sleep, Rarity lets herself, into Spike's room, and walked up to the young dragon's bed.

"Oh Spike?" Rarity gently whispered, nudging the dragon awake. "Spike?"

"Huh? What?" Spike yawned in his sleep, wearily opening his eyes up.

"Spike!" Rarity said loudly.

"Ah!" Spike screamed, fully awake. "Rarity? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I know it's rather late, or rather early," Rarity began. "But...I couldn't sleep..."

"Really? Why?" Spike asked. "And why is it so important that you had to come into my room, in the middle of the night?"

"Because...I had a terrible dream..." Rarity admitted.

"Really?" He asked, his tiredness turning alarmed, into concern. "What? What was it about?"

"Well...I...I dreamt that you would...you would..." Swallowing a lump in her throat, Rarity confessed. "I dreamt that you would leave, and forget all about me!"

"What? That's ridiculous!" Spike exclaimed. "Why would I ever forget you? And why–"

The sudden sound of tearful crying interrupted Spike. He looked over, to see that Rarity was crying. The moonlight, shining in his room, has shown him that Rarity’s eyes were redden, to show that she had been crying a lot.

“Rarity…” Spike began, even more concerned. “What’s…”

Before he could finished, Rarity wrapped her hooves around him, in a tight hug.

“Please, don’t forget me, Spike!” Rarity sobbed. “Please don’t!”

“Uh, okay,” Spike replied, still unsure.

With Rarity sobbing, quietly, all Spike could do was hug her, and comfort her, by stroking her back, and mane. Eventually, Rarity was calmed down.

“Th-Thank you, Spike,” Rarity whimpered. “I’m…I’m terribly sorry for the fuss I’ve made. I…”

“Don’t worry about it,” Spike replied, before he began, “Now, about this dream of yours. Do you want to talk about it?”

“Well…” With that, Rarity calmly relayed every aspects of the recent dream, she could remember, but she left out Nightmare Rarity, as well as Gabby.

Needless to say, Spike was just as scared, if not surprised.

“…And here we are,” Rarity concluded sadly.

Spike scooted up to Rarity, putting a gentle claw on her shoulder.

“You were scared that I would forget about you, and move on?” Spike asked.

“Of course!” Rarity replied.

Spike scratched his head, before he said, “Well, if it makes you feel any better. I won’t. You’re not that easy to forget.”

“I know darling,” Rarity muttered, before another thought came to her mind. “Spike, what do you see in me?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Spike…what do you think of me, whenever you see me? Why were you so willing to follow me around, eager to please me, waiting on my every whim and stuff? Even when I was pursuing the affections of other gentlemen, you stayed by my side. Why?”

Blushing a shade of red, Spike stuttered, “Well, I uh…” Taking a deep breath, the young dragon asked, “You want the Applejack truth?”

Rarity nodded in response, “Okay,” Spike complied. “The thing is…I love you. When I first saw you Rarity, I couldn’t help but be captivated by how beautiful you are. I thought I saw an angel, or a princess.”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle, “Really?” She asked, with a blushing shade of pink. “Me? An angel? Or a princess?”

“Yeah, I mean, why not? You’re not only beautiful, but you’re also generous, and strong, but also brave. And you’re not afraid to speak up, like that time when you stood up to Garble and his gang, to defend me. Or that time when saved yourself from the Diamond Dogs. Or during the battle against Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, when you saved Twilight! I thought that was very admirable of you.”

“Oh, well, a lady’s not without her moments, darling,” Rarity smiled proudly.

“But on top of all that,” Spike began. “Was when you saved me, from my…greed,” The young dragon cringed. “It wasn’t my favorite memory, but it’s happy, all the same. I was so out of it, I wasn’t thinking clearly. But then, you spoke up, and you reminded me of who I was. And it woke me up from that nightmare, all because of you.”

“Aw, Spike.”

“But about you and these other guys you pursued, I…I’ll admit, it hurts to see you crushing on other guys, given how long we’ve known each other and after everything I’ve done to please you…”

Upon hearing this, Rarity’s ears folded back, feeling more guilt-ridden than before.

“But then, I figured, if you’re happy, then I’m happy for you,” He admitted. “Because that’s all that matters. Just seeing you happy, even if I’m not included.”

This revelation alone left a resounding impact on Rarity’s heart and conscience. It was a wonder how he’s been able to put up with Rarity’s demands and grievances. Not to mention why he assisted her in winning over Trenderhoof’s heart, even it pains him to, knowing that her heart may belong to another. Pity she couldn’t say the same for Spike’s friendship with Gabby was made known to her.

“Well, about that,” Rarity began. “Spikey-Wikey, I…I’m truly sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“No, no. I’m sorry. I know I apologize a lot, but it’s true. After all this time, I…I never knew your admiration for me was this deep. It’s admirable. And for you to put up with my demands, just to please me, and choosing my happiness over your affection I…I’m so ashamed for what I’ve put you through…”

“Rarity, it’s okay, we…”

“Just let me finish, darling,” Rarity pleaded, with a crack in her voice. “Hearing how far you would go, just to make me happy, I…I realized I’m no better than when I was Nightmare Rarity, when I got in between you and Gabby…”

The tears started pouring from Rarity’s eyes, as she continued, “You, Spike…you did nothing, but please me, even going as far as helping me win the hearts of others, over yours. And how did I repay you? By monopolizing your times, away from a friend, you held dearly. It still weighs heavily on my conscience.”

Rarity sobbed again, to which Spike tried his best to comfort her.

“It’s okay, Rarity,” Spike said softly. “It’s okay. It’s over. You’re not Nightmare Rarity. You are your own pony. You are good!”

Unfortunately, the frightened unicorn was too distraught to listen, and kept on crying, hugging Spike, as she repeatedly apologized.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

After a good long while, Rarity calm down again, as both she and Spike lay down on the bed together.

“Wow, look at us,” Spike sighed. “We’re just days away from me and Twilight moving back to Canterlot, and…”

“…and we’re talking our hearts out to one another,” Rarity agreed.

“Our feelings.”

“And our fears,” Rarity turned over and smiled, putting a hoof on Spike’s cheek. “But I can say, without a doubt, Spikey-Wikey, that our love is true. I love you, Spikey-Wikey.”

“I love you too, Rarity,” Spike said, wholeheartedly, as he gazed deeply into Rarity’s eyes.

Losing themselves in the moment, both Rarity and Spike closed the distance between them, until finally, their lips sealed the deal.

Their minds went numb, as if struck by lightning. Their hearts beat rapidly in-sync. Their tongues wrestling for dominance, as they deepened their kiss.

For what felt like hours, they opened their eyes, and their rationality kicked in. They immediately parted, blushing up a storm, as their mind raced as fast as Rainbow Dash, processing what they just did.

“Wow…” Spike gasped. “That was…”

“Wonderful,” Rarity finished, sounding breathlessly.

“Yeah…” Spike agreed. “Well, let’s get some sleep.”

“Oh, but Spike,” Rarity began. “If I may.”


"Is it okay, if I sleep with you?" Rarity asked.

Initially surprised, Spike heartwarming smile grew, as he patted a spot, on the bed, for Rarity to sleep. Without wasting a second, Rarity got into bed, with Spike snuggling up next to her.

"Good night," Spike began.

"Sleep tight," Rarity replied.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite," They said together, before they giggled, and let sleep take over.

And for the rest of the night, Rarity didn't have anymore nightmares, as she and Spike snuggled up next to each other, in their loving embrace.

‘Even if this may be our last night together,’ Rarity smiled in her thoughts. ‘My heart will go on and on, for you.’

Author's Note:

Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday. And before I go, just wanted to say:

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Comments ( 6 )

That was a beautiful story, and Happy Valentines Day, And a happy birthday to your brother.

Wow, this was really heartfelt. I've written my own fair share of Spike and Rarity confessions, it's fun to come up with different ways. I have yet to try a nightmare to have them confess.


:twilightoops: Spike Rarity!
:moustache: I'll have hay tries oat bacon and coffee for breakfast
:duck: and We'll have daffodil and tomato on toast with strawberry smoothies
:facehoof: Lunch? Sleeping in?
:moustache: Who slept?
:raritywink: When's diner?
:pinkiegasp: Spike and Rarity finally became a couple!
:twilightangry2: Yea, A couple of pains

"you're not that hard to forget"... 😅 Uhm so she's easy to forget?

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