• Member Since 20th May, 2012
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Comments ( 20 )

I have a few more chapters actually written, and an actual story to go with this. Should I continue it? The "end" here is more of a beginning. The other chapters might have "hot" porn, even if the content is intentionally vile. I didn't want the first section here to be hot though, so it's kinda weird and gross. Sorry about that. It was a conscious decision, but probably not a good one.

Yes please. That would be nice. :twilightsmile:

Neat. I didn't think people would like this. I'll keep working on it then, and get the rest presentable. Thanks for the comment!

Ooh, this was great. I too would love to see more, please.

This was a really gripping read! Great work ^^

I’m gonna like this. Seems interesting.

You should totally continue the story

Hmm... perhaps the other chapters would be best presented as a sequel? So this could be the end, or not.

This is rad, it’s insanely gross really gripping in a strange way. , I wanna see how this plays out

Will do! Thanks!

Thanks! That means a lot coming from you! I love your stuff!

I don't know, Bride of Sombra, I feel like this might be stepping on your toes.

The story continues... for now. The question is how far to drive this train. The end goal was not a pretty place.

That's a pretty decent idea. I think I want to continue this part of the story from within "this" story. There is another part that would be more interesting with a "protagonist" swap, and that might demand a new story.

When I first started writing this, I wanted to make it an enemies to lovers thing. You know, like "The Hating Game" or something. But I didn't make the situation amenable to that, and I realized it wouldn't work at all. So I figured a more grimdark/gross perspective on it was appropriate given the characters that I ended up writing. I re-wrote the two cups chapter to make it explicitly not sexy, and more just wrong. I might put actually pornographic scenes in later, but even if it happens, Twilight will be a slightly different character by then... and that's more the story anyways. Thanks! I'm glad you were at least marginally entertained. I'm really surprised this has a positive rating at all given the content. lol

Do you have any idea what you've done?

Yes, and we love it! :D Gallus? Oh, nice! But yeah, I love the chapter and the insight into Twilight and just how tense this entire chapter was.

All depends on the reasoning behind it. Your actually telling a story with this, a lot of gore fics are just bloody for the sake of it.
Can’t wait to read next chapter when I get a minute I

Gallus, loyal til the end, hope he’s okay. Twi could use an actual companion through this

I have questions what age is Twilight now ?

Love the story so far, can't wait to see how it terns out especially the in seeing the foal born.

Oof. Sorry.
Uhh... This is set after the end an indeterminate amount of time, but before that massive timeskip to old mane six. So, old enough? The only characters where age might matter are Shining and Flurry. Is she like 6? 10? or like 16? Is Shining "old" yet, or still in his prime? For how long? It's at somewhere between 15 years later and 35, so Shining could be 40 ish or closer to 60. And Velvet and Night light could be 60 ish or closer to 80... Anyways... Thanks for the comment!
Thanks! I'm not sure what you're expecting, but it'll probably be different.

Sorry about the slow response/update. I have been actively avoiding my computer for the last week. I'll try to get the next bit out in a day or two.

Yay even more misery and sadness. I love it

I never wrote my comments down.

This was dark.
This was grim.

And I thought the end of chapter three made a perfect ending to the tale of Twilight's fall.

But you made the world so interesting, I understand wanting to stay and see what else happens there, so there's chapter four. And hopefully more :D

I really enjoyed your take on everything

Gross? Nonsense! This fic is FLAWLESS!!! This is totally gripping!
Continue writing the blood! It makes this perfect. Along with the hotness!

When will you update this?

I don't know. A major character arc involving Flurry Heart died when one of my irl people died, and I didn't want to write that now. That arc was sort of where this was going to build to. I have to re-think what I want to do with this story.

I was going to build it backwards with Twilight raising Flurry in a fucked up bid to have her kill Sombra, but have it fai miserably as Flurry throws in with Sombra. Flurry was going to wake up her mom eventually, long past the point where she was an adult. Then Cadance would have to cope with a world where her husbandwas long dead, her sister in law was Sombra's queen, and her daughter was a cruel overlord of the crystal empire while being Sombra's minion/occasional squeeze. Then we'd corrupt Cadance as she worked with Twilight, not realizing how fucked up Twilight had become, in another failed bid at Sombra.

Repeat, slightly less personally for Luna, then when Celestia comes about some hundreds of years later she's forced to deal with this nightmare world. Anyways, Flurry was a key player in this, and Twilight being a super terrible parent figure was a key part of her development. I don't want to write that, so I put this on hold in my mind while I thought about it. If you want to know more, I made a blog post at some point.

I'm still mulling this over, and I'll probably update it, but I need to re-think the flow of the story.

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