• Published 10th Mar 2022
  • 151 Views, 0 Comments

AppleLauda plays Minecraft - AppleLauda99942

AppleLauda decides to do something new

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AppleLauda vs. Randomizer

"So everytime you mine a Block, a random entity will spawn?" Sandbar asked.
"Yep... That means the first Block I mine could kill me" Apple Lauda answered.
"Better hope it's not a Elder Guardian or somethinge else what could kill you" Ocellus said.
"The first Block will be a fireball" Smolder said with a laugh.
Apple Lauda mines a dirt block and a Snowman summoned.
"That's useless..." said Yona in disappointment.
"I say the next thing that will spawn is a Wither Skeleton" Silverstream said.
"No... It will be a TNT" said Gallus.

Apple Lauda gathers some equipment to mine even more blocks.
"Can I get my crafting table back?" Apple Lauda said and mines the Crafting Table. Unfortunately, a fireball spawns and kills Apple Lauda.

The Young six start laughing. "YOU MEAN YOU GET A FIREBALL IN YOUR FACE HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Gallus said whilst laughing.
"That's what Karma means hahaha" Sandbar said.
"Well so uh... I didn't have much reaction time at that one shot fireball. Can I blame myself that I died there? Hm..." Apple Lauda said.
"That's a reset hahaha" Silverstream said.
"Austrian Pony got BBQed" Yona said.
"That was unlucky" Ocellus said.

Then a new run was started and Apple Lauda gathers equipment again and sees a Pyramid and goes down without stepping on the pressure plate.
"If the pressure plate is a Creeper and it ignites down here, then I have a problem, right?" Apple Lauda asked.
"A big problem" Silverstream said.
"It won't happen" Gallus said.
"Yak knows that it won't be a Creeper" Yona said.
"what are the odds that something else spawns than a Creeper?" Smolder asked.
"I don't know" Ocellus shrugged.
Apple Lauda mines the pressure plate and a TNT block spawns. "THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE HAHAHAHAHAHA" Smolder said and laughed.
"dude this is a joke!!!" Apple Lauda said being not satisfied at all and uses his Water Bucket to save him but he dies again"
Silverstream bursts out in laughter as well as Ocellus, Sandbar and Smolder.
"Hahahahaha, you died again" Gallus said
Apple Lauda starts another run and he made some serious progress, until he reaches an Village.
"I say he will die to a fireball" Sandbar said.
"no I wo-" Apple Lauda said and mines a Sandstone slab. He gets killed by an fireball.
"WHAT THE HECK!!!" Ocellus said and starts laughing.
"Sandbar what is wrong with you" Gallus asked sarcastically.
Silverstream and Ocellus totally lose it and burst out in laughter.
"Austrian Pony not lucky today" Yona shrugged and giggled.

then Apple Lauda starts another run and mines an Oak tree. A Wither spawns.
"DUDE!!!"he shouted.
"PFFFFFFT OKAY" Sandbar said and laughs.
then Apple Lauda mines a Crafting Table after making eqipment. An Elder Guardian spawns.
the Young Six can't stop laughing. ">H-HOW IS-IS TH-THIS HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Silverstream said and laughs harder.
"There's no way hahaha" Gallus said.
"Apple Lauda very unlucky today haha" Yona said.

then Apple Lauda mines an acaica tree and another Wither spawns.
"ANOTHER WITHER HAHAHHA" Smolder said laughing.
"OKAY ONLY TO UNDERSTANDING PURPOSES I MINED AN OAK TREE PREVIOUSLY!!!" then Apple Lauda mines a spruce tree and another Wither spawns.
"DUDE THERE'S NO WAY 4 MONSTERS, 2 WITHERS, 1 BOB (Elder Guardian) OKAY THIS IS RIGGED" Apple Lauda yells.
"it's called tough luck haha" Gallus said.
"the only thing that is rigged is your mind" Ocellus said.
"and how do you get Blaze Rods?" Smolder asked.
"probably by summoning more Withers" Sandbar said with a chuckle.
Silverstream laughed.
"Imma just mine another Block" Apple Lauda said and breaks some grass. A Witch spawns. Apple Lauda slams his hoof on his desk. "HOW MANY MONSTERS THAT TRY TO KILL ME?!" Apple Lauda yelled.
the Young Six chuckled. "lemme guess... the next one will be TNT again" Sandbar said.
"Sandbar no..." Apple Lauda said and mines an Smooth Sandstone Block. A TNT spawns but Apple Lauda doesn't die
"well what did I say? A prediction..." Sandbar said.
"I need those Blaze Rods..." Apple Lauda said and starts to look for Blazes. He mines an Torch and a Blaze spawns.
"Finally..." Apple Lauda said in relief... "now all I need are Enderpearls" he adds

Apple Lauda kills many Blazes and recieves only 7 in total after killing 20 Blazes. now he tries to get Endermen or Villagers. Apple Lauda mines a LOT of debarked wood, getting a lot of Cod's.
"what could be Endermen?" Apple Lauda asked.
"try debarked Birch" Silverstream calls. And actually, debarked birch were Endermen.
"Silverstream you genius" Apple Lauda said and gives Silverstream a kiss on her cheek. "Stronghold, here I come!!!" Apple Lauda said.

After Apple Lauda entered the Stronghold, he fills the Portal with 12 Eyes of Ender and enters the End.
"I hope Endstone isn't another Final Boss" Apple Lauda said.
the Young Six started laughing again.
"Please be not an..." Apple lauda said and Iron Golems spawn after mining Endstone.
"Oh my goodness!!!" Ocellus said "these might help you battling the Ender Dragon" she adds.
"if they're mad at the Dragon..." Gallus explained.
"I don't think that this will work..." Apple Lauda mentioned. Good thing he has enough beds to blow the Ender Dragon up but first, Apple Lauda has to destroy the Ender Crystals using Bow and Arrow and after destroying the Ender Crystals, Apple Lauda needs to wait until the Dragon comes down. Until then, he shoots the Ender Dragon with Bow and Arrow.
"just don't blow yourself up" Smolder said laughing.
"I won't die to another explosion at all" Apple Lauda responded.
"try mining a bed" Gallus suggests.
"just to die to a TNT or a Fireball? No thanks" Apple Lauda said. "The Ender Dragon comes down!!! Finally!!!"
"you're already dead" Sandbar said.
"what?!" Apple Lauda asked and gets launched by the Ender Dragon, but he clutches using a Water Bucket.


*Gallus fell from a high place*
Gallus is confident to do the water bucket clutch "c'mon this will be it".
*Gallus fell from a high place*
*Gallus fell from a high place*
*Gallus fell from a high place*
*Gallus fell from a high place*
Gallus starts to struggle. "Are you kidding me?!"
*Gallus fell from a high place*
"OH COME ON!!!" Gallus yelled.

End of Flashback

Apple Lauda brought the Ender Dragon down to a third of the health. A few more beds and that's it... If Apple Lauda only had enough beds... He still uses the Beds in order to deal damage on the Ender Dragon, but there's a tiny amount of health left. Apple Lauda uses his Iron axe to defeat the Ender Dragon. "After failing to explosions, you finally did it" Ocellus said. "You defeated the Ender Dragon... Wait... Smolder is a Dragon and... oh crap..."
"I'LL MAKE WIENER SCHNITZEL OUT OF YOU HAHAHAHA!!!!" Smolder said in a evil voice. Apple Lauda starts running.
"this is for hurting a Dragon" Sandbar said in a laugh.

Author's Note:

This Story is based on a video from an German YouTuber. His name is BASTIGHG and he did a challenge where he mines a block and a random entity spawns in return.

I hope I made enough punctuations and that enough of my sentences are ending in periods.

If a Mod sees this message I hope I made everything correctly this time. I triple checked everything and I hope that this will pass this time. Please let me know if I did something wrong again

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