• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 1,131 Views, 10 Comments

Copy Pasta - SealSir

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Copy Pasta

“Good morning class!” chimed Ceerilee happily.

“What are we gonna do today Mith Cheerilee?” asked Twist excitedly.

“Today will be the first day of the big project I have my class do every year. The topic is Manehattan.” as soon as Cheerilee finished the sentence she saw Twist start
fist-pumping quietly at her desk.

“I'm gonna ace this report” Twist thought to herself “I was born in Manehattan, I got this in the bag.”

Scootaloo went to the library with Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom to do research for the topic. The other girls found books right away, but Scootaloo not exactly at home in libraries couldn’t find a book.

“I'm looking for a book about Manehattan.” said Scootaloo to Twilight.

“Follow me” said Twilight.

Scootaloo follows Twilight through the library and to a shelf labeled Cities.

“You'll find what your looking for in the middle of the third shelf” said Twilight.

“Thanks” said Scootaloo.

Twilight walked away leaving Scootaloo alone in a foreign land.

“Well, better get to work.” said Scootaloo to no one in particular.

She then pulled a pencil and notebook out of her saddle bag. Picking a book off the shelf she began writing.

Twilight was walking through the bookcases yelling when Scootaloo woke up.

“Ugh... how long was I out.” Scootaloo thought to herself.

Standing up she grabbed her things and headed for the door.

The next day on her way to school she met up with her friends.

“Hiya Scoot” said Apple Bloom.

“Hey” she responded.

“Did you finish your report yet Scootaloo?” asked Sweetie Bell.

“I dunno I dozed off in the library” said Scootaloo, an embarrassed look on her face.

“Ah finished mine!” interrupted Apple Bloom. “Ah think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself”

Scootaloo checked her saddlebag and upon seeing a couple pages of writing said. “I finished mine too!”

“I thought you fell asleep” said Sweetie Bell.

“I must've fallen asleep after I finished” said Scootaloo happily.

The schoolhouse loomed over the horizon like a giant cloud. The fillies entered and upon realizing that they were late quickly took their seats.

“Now we can begin” said Cheerilee a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Who has finished their report?”

The majority of the class raised their hands, all except for Truffle Shuffle.

“Alright, pass those forward class” said Cheerilee.

The class passed their reports forward, all except for Truffle Shuffle.

“Today you all get early recess” said Cheerilee. “Except for you Truffle Shuffle, you stay behind and finish you report”

Truffle Shuffle sat at his desk awkwardly as the rest of the class rushed outside to play. Then he took out some paper, a pencil, and a book labeled: Manehattan: A city of mares and gentle-colts. Cheerilee stared at him disappointedly for a few seconds then started grading papers. She was impressed with the reports, all except for one Scootaloo's report was very good.

“Unusual...” thought Cheerilee “Scootaloo's reports are usually quite bad” Cheerilee grimaced at the harsh diss, it was mean but true. Scootaloo wasn't exactly what you'd call an 'Honor Student'.

After school Cheerilee went to the library to find out more. She asked Twilight which book Scootaloo had checked out. Twilight told her and when Cheerilee asked if she had an extra copy Twilight handed it over.

Back at her house Cheerilee started reading the book and comparing it to Scootaloo's report. She found that the two where almost exactly the same. Shocked at what Scootaloo had done she got into bed almost reluctantly.

The next day Scootaloo was late again. Cheerilee taught the lesson but couldn't get it out of her head that somepony would actually plagiarize. As the fillies were heading to recess, Cheerilee told Scootaloo to wait inside for a bit.

“Scootaloo did you actually write this report?” asked Cheerilee “or did you copy it out of a book?”


“Scootaloo, do you know what plagiarism is?” asked Cheerilee her voice full of disapproval.

“No” Scootaloo said timidly.

“Plagiarism is when you copy something out of a book word for word and its illegal” Cheerilee explained her voice still full of disapproval.

“Oh, I knew that!” Scootaloo said cheerfully.


“Yep” said Scootaloo, a little too cheerfully “Plagiarism is cool, I call it 'Copy Pasta' I dunno why, I just do”


Cheerilee then jumps up onto her desk and launches herself at Scootaloo.

“DRAGON KICK IN YO FACE!” yelled Cheerilee as her foot connects with Scootaloo's face.

“AAARRRRGGGG!” Scootaloo yelled as she flies backward hitting the wall with a loud 'THUMP'.

Cheerilee runs toward Scootaloo and punches her in the face, breaking her nose, blood begins to dribble out of her mouth and nose. Cheerilee spin-kicks Scootaloo through the window into the schoolyard where the rest of the fillies are playing. They all turn around when they hear the crash.

“Cheerilee what are you doing!?” yelled Diamond Tiara

“It lookth like sheth fighting Thcootaloo” Twist said

“Thanks for stating the obvious metal-mouth” Diamond Tiara said rather meanly.

“DONT JUST STAND THERE. HELP MEEEEE!” Scootaloo yelled desperately

The rest of the class starts running towards Cheerilee screaming loudly. Cheerilee whips around smashing Silver Spoon in the jaw and knocking her unconscious. Diamond Tiara lands a punch on Cheerilee's ribs breaking a few. Twist then spin-kicks Cheerilee in the side of the head. Truffle Shuffle uppercuts Cheerilee in the armpit, dislocating her shoulder. Cheerilee falls to the ground defeated. Scootaloo stands up and starts limping towards the hospital.

Before the rest of the class can catch up to Scootaloo they see Mr. and Mrs. Cake staring wide eyed at them.

“What did you just do to Cheerilee?!” Mr. Cake asked angrily.

“She was trying tah kill Scootaloo!” yelled Apple Bloom.

“A likely story!” shouted Mr. Cake “Lets get them!”

Mr. and Mrs. Cake start charging toward the group of students, angrily brandishing their fists. The students start preparing, grabbing shards of glass and anything they can use as a weapon then start charging at the two bakers.

Scootaloo picks up some glass and starts throwing it at Mr. ans Mrs. Cake when they are away from the students. A rather large piece of glass hits Mr. Cake in the neck severing his jugular and causing him to bleed profusely while writhing on the ground.

Scootaloo still weak from fighting Cheerilee hangs back behind the group. Watching, Waiting, for her chance to strike. Mrs. Cake is pushed out of the fray towards Scootaloo. Scootaloo throws a punch at her but Mrs. Cake easily dodges it. Then Sweetie Bell jumps onto her back and starts choking her. After a while Mrs. Cake stops breathing and falls to the ground.


“They attacked us!” yelled Scootaloo.

“YEAH RIGHT YOU” Big Mac yelled running towards them.

Big Mac pulls out a large stick and starts spinning it around in his mouth. He swings it at Diamond Tiara and breaks her legs.Then he jumps up and does a front flip bringing the stick down on Twist cracking her skull. He then jabs it toward Scootaloo breaking her ribs and causing her to fall back and crush Apple Bloom.

Big Mac turns to face Sweetie Bell.

“COME AT ME BRO!” she yelled.

Big Mac starts running at Sweetie Bell. Right as the stick is about to hit her she jumps over Big Mac and bicycle-kicks him in the back of the head. Big Mac jumps away blood dripping from his head. Now Sweetie Bell charges sliding through his legs she kicks Big Mac in the crotch. Big Mac falls over and surrenders, clutching his crotch tightly.

Comments ( 9 )

You need to work on your tense agreement, and fists vs. hooves, but this was marvelously bizarre.

Everypony was kung-fu fightiiing...


That was... wonderfully bizarre.

So when my friend was in third grade, his teacher wasn't quite stable, and upon hearing him give the wrong answer to a question she seized his desk and flipped it over with him still inside. He managed to wiggle free and run out of the room before it progressed to this point.

Scootaloo should have DIPPED, is what I'm saying.

Password: Swordfish (not really my password)

Reaction: LOL!

This is a cross between trollfic, laziness, fun, and me.

And THAT'S why you don't copy other people's works.

This story was probably not done with any seriousness in mind. It was a story about the seriousness of plagiarism then suddenly it's Street Fighter with ponies. That's fine I guess but the writing itself needs serious work if there was any meaningful intent behind this. 4/10

Uh I don't think Silver Spoon deserves a tag for this. She had no lines and was effectively useless.:unsuresweetie:

Uuuhhhhhh oooo.k

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