• Member Since 28th Dec, 2020
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Graymane Shadow

“It’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other peoples’ expectations. They produce their worst work when they do that.” - David Bowie

Comments ( 9 )

On your author's note: I don't think feeling 'worthy' of writing an FoE fic is really the best way to think about this. It's true: a lot of people are inspired by the original work, including people who thoughtlessly write wish-fulfillment or any other assortment of trash, but I think you should give yourself more credit. I don't feel like you should make yourself too lowly. You've definitely succeeded at writing an 'addition' to the universe so to speak, and in a pretty original way!


It’s less a matter of worthiness and more a case of not knowing Fallout well enough, honestly. But thank you for the comment!

that's good too many fallout equestria fics lean too heavily on the fallout side of the crossover, we need a bit more magic and a bit more of the themes from MLP in FOE IMO

Howdy, hi~!

As a fan of the original work, this really is a great add-on to the main story. Really wish I saw that FOE note since the missiles really threw me for a loop until I clued in. Love the slice of life feel of the whole fic, juxtaposed against the horror of the second half. Banger short story and glad I took the time to read it.

Thanks for the read~!


I can indeed see where that would be confusing!

I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a fun little piece to write. I'm planning to expand on it a little but no ETA on when that might be.

Fantastic story! Perfectly captures the tragedy of the whole situation, I love snapshots into the lives (and deaths) of average citizens. This one is so especially sad (dare I say bittersweet? Something about his routine resonates with me a lot in a way that makes me smile a little).

Great work! :yay:


I’m glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to write a short piece with feeling, and I think that worked pretty well here.

This was absolutely wonderful! I love how you captured the day to day horror of life in this setting. I've always been fascinated by the red mist so I particularly appreciated this :)


Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the comment.

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