• Published 24th Mar 2022
  • 2,773 Views, 22 Comments

Gonna be my day - GCloud

Sunny, after being confronted by Hitch regarding her dreams and wishes, starts pondering why she is trying to bring the tribes together.

  • ...

I'll never get lost in the gray

It was another beautiful afternoon in Maretime Bay. Ponies in town were either busy with their duties to call it a day or out enjoying the sun and the cool salty breeze from the coastal city. However, there was one pony that wasn't feeling good and was staring off into the sea wondering and thinking about all the things that happened that day.

Sunny Starscout was trying to look at the positives from another failed attempt at trying to convince the earth ponies that pegasi and unicorns aren’t a thread. But, unlike other attempts, the conversation she recently had with Hitch Trailblazer, the local sheriff, left her pondering the reason behind her actions. Did she really want to pursue a dream that has left her with only one friend? Did she really want to be an outcast because she couldn’t accept that the pegasi and unicorns are enemies with the earth ponies?

“Why? Why am I doing this? Is it worth going out every day, embarrassing myself in front of everypony? Is Hitch right?” Sunny was wondering, sitting on a bench near her smoothy stand. She needed comfort and somepony to talk to right now, she couldn’t be there anymore reliving what had transpired. So, she decided to go to the lighthouse and thought that maybe some familiarity would lift her spirits and cheer her up once more. She got up and started strolling through town.

While still filled with many unanswered questions, she noticed that some ponies along the road were glaring at her disapprovingly. Normally, she paid them no mind. This time though, she felt uncomfortable. She needed to get out of there now, so she galloped as fast as she could towards her home.

Upon arriving and readjusting the picture frame of her and her dad, she picked up her diary and went straight up to the top of the lighthouse. She figured that writing her emotions in black and white would be almost the same as talking to somepony about the inner turmoil in her heart. She grabbed her pen and started:

Dear diary,

Today I visited Canterlogic and crashed their presentation to try and convince ponies in the crowd that the three tribes are meant to be friends. Even though Hitch told me not to pull any stunts, I just couldn't let this opportunity pass me by. I have been preparing my speech, cardboard sign, wings, and horn for the last week and I thought I would convince somepony, anypony at this point.

All the ponies were there and they were listening intently, this was the perfect moment. But, the whole thing was a disaster: I ended up with a high-tech unicorn horn and a pair of wings, with this green slime that was shot at me and just being the laughing stock of the whole town. I was embarrassed beyond belief, but I kept trying. I spoke from the heart and saw a pair of foals listening to what I had to say! Phyllis, however, countered all of my efforts and ideas and everypony listened to her. I tried once more but, by that point, the crowd had had enough of me and my "silly" ideas. They started to shout at me and boo at what I was doing. Phyllis was just the worst saying that it was quite sad and I just wanted to give her a piece of my mind but for what? I failed, I failed once more and

Sunny didn't know when her eyes started to fill with hot tears. She was angry but, at the same time, she was feeling so distraught and sad. It wasn't like she hasn't failed before, what changed compared to her other attempts? None of them made her feel this way, why would this one? Nevertheless, Sunny wiped her tears, calmed herself a little, and continue writing:

Hitch helped me remove the slime and the high-tech stuff, but he was upset and disappointed I could tell. We went to my stand and when my shift was over he began lecturing me. I was upset and frustrated with everything that happened. But I was not ready for the last part of the conversation. He told me that everything I believed was just a bedtime story made up, that things were how they were and they will remain the same, that I had no proof to back my claims, and that a speech wasn't enough.

The worst thing is that... the worst thing is

Sunny was sobbing now, unable to write further. She thought that writing in her diary was going to calm her, but it was doing the exact opposite. She was more confused, angry, and sad than ever and needed to put her mind to something else. She wiped her tears once again and went to her room. Maybe she would be able to rearrange some stuff, clean something up, read a book from her shelf, something. Nonetheless, upon entering her room she saw her face in her mirror. This surprised Sunny, she didn't recognize her at first, something was off, way off.

"Let me help you finish the sentence, my dear Sunny, the worst thing is that Hitch was right," Her reflection was speaking to her? The mare thought she was going insane, but she couldn't look away, she was standing there petrified. "You just can't accept that now, can you?" her reflection continued. "And what hurts the most is that if we keep this false dream alive, we will be left alone with nopony to have our backs! Don't you see Sunny? It's time to make a choice and frankly, the answer is obvious."

"W-what are you talking about?" Sunny was still in shock and some tears began streaming down her face.

Her reflection was now furious, "SERIOUSLY! WAKE UP! This is no dreamland, you know exactly why I am here, why we are here! Dad left us and it is time to move on. The sooner we do this, the better is going to be for us! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! OR DO YOU WANT ME TO SPELL IT FOR YOU?!" Her reflection was fed up and stared daggers at her.

Sunny was taken aback by the answer and decided that enough was enough. She was angry and this reflection thingy was not going to talk to her like that, "Move on from what exactly. Dad was right, fear is not the way and I will not, I repeat, I WILL NOT REST until the tribes are together ONCE AGAIN!"

"You really are a fool mare! Today, we betrayed our friend, remember? The only friend in town and the stallion we love. We let him down. Don't you see what is going on Sunny? Because of this dream, we have but a friend; because of this dream, we have nopony to talk beside him; because of this dream, we have embarrassed ourselves multiple times; and because of this dream, DAD IS DEAD!"


"WHY NOT? AFTER ALL, I AM YOU! You just don't want to face the TRUTH! We have nothing Sunny, we have no proof to continue believing in the FALSE UTOPIA that the three tribes can be friends. And the worst of all is that you are the BIGGEST hypocrite because you too are SCARED OF THEM SUNNY. Deep down you know this is true. Deep down you wonder if the ponies in town are right. And let me tell you, this is NO FAIRY TALE! THIS DREAM IS KILLING US!"


"Face it Sunny" her reflection was now calmed and collected all of a sudden. "And mark my words: give up on this dream of yours, before we are doomed and left to fend for ourselves alone."

Sunny just couldn't take it anymore and wanted to hit the mare on the other side. She lifted her hoof ready to strike. But the action never came, she was unable to move, unable to do anything besides crying. Her legs gave in and she collapsed there in the middle of her room. "Dad, I-I need you! I need you! P-please c-come back!" The mare sobbed uncontrollably before falling asleep there.

Hitch was in his office, trying to fill his paperwork before calling it a day. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't focus on the task at hoof. All he could do was remember the conversation he had with Sunny and her expression after telling her that she might lose him as a friend if she kept the stunts and the speeches. The sheriff felt guilty and just couldn't take the mare out of his head.

"Sprout, please help me finish this paperwork. I just can't do it. I need to sort out a situation first," Hitch said before looking at his deputy.

"Is everything ok? Do you need any help?" Sprout asked from his desk, looking a little concerned.

"I am fine, it's just something I need to take care of. Don't worry, I got this." And with that, Maretime Bay's sheriff exited his office and started looking for Sunny. "If she is not in town, she most definitely is in her lighthouse," deducted Hitch before asking some ponies if they had seen the apricot mare.

"I think I saw her going to the lighthouse. But sheriff, why are you wasting your time with that mare. She is not right in the head. You of all ponies should know."

"Thanks for the indication and no. I don't think so. She may have a different opinion than the rest of us, but I assure you that she is not crazy. Besides, I am not giving up on anypony in town. Especially not her." Hitch stated resolutely before galloping to the lighthouse.

Sunny woke up and found herself in the middle of her room. Her eyes and head were hurting, but she was hearing something. Somepony was knocking on her door and calling out to her. She rose to her hooves and headed to the first floor almost automatically without any thought. However, the voice on the other side made her stop in her tracks, remember her reflection and the nasty things that it said to her. That only made her want to cry once more and do nothing more.

"SUNNY! Please I know you are in there! Please open up I need to talk to you!"

"G-go a-away!" Sunny replied, her throat was hurting a little for all the yelling earlier.

"Sunny, are you ok? Please open up I need to see you!"

Sunny wanted to yell at him and tell him to go away once more, go to bed to cry herself to sleep. But she couldn't, deep down she wanted to hear him and to embrace him. Sunny felt so confused, so exhausted. Her feelings weren't making any sense. Before regretting it, she opened the door and cast her eyes down. She didn't want to show her face.

The view alone made Hitch feel terrible. Sunny was always optimistic and happy. Her name fit her so well most of the time. The only other moment he saw her so down was when her dad died a couple of years ago. This hit him, his words might have cut deeper than he thought they would. He has hurt his foalhood friend, his best friend. "Sunny, I-I am sorry. It's my fault," the sheriff started to sob and hugged Sunny. He promised to be a pillar of strength, be an example, and be there for everypony in need, not to hurt ponies by berating them with his words.

The whole thing surprised Sunny. Hitch wasn't like this normally. He always carried himself with pride and confidence. Only a few times has Hitch shown this vulnerable side of his. She knew he was being genuine in his apology and returned the embrace.

"I didn't m-mean it Sunny, I w-will n-not stop being your f-friend," Hitch whispered to Sunny's ear. This finally broke the mare again. And she started sobbing and apologizing as well.

"I am s-so s-so s-sorry too. I-I also t-took advantage o-of our friendship. Not a-anymore, n-not anymore," Sunny cried holding Hitch closer.

Their embrace lasted until both were out of tears. This was therapeutic for both of them. They needed this. They needed somepony to turn to and hold in their time of need. Sunny's sadness was melting and her optimism was growing, while Hitch was finally at peace. In the end, both were smiling at each other blushing a little for the tender moment they shared.

"Thanks for coming here and saying those things Hitch. You don't know how much I needed to hear that. But I must admit, you were right. If I want to convince other ponies that the three tribes are supposed to be friends, I will need proof to back my claims. All I have is my dad's journal but I need more than that."

"I know Sunny, but we also have no proof to be worried about them either. If I'm being honest, sometimes I wonder how the world would be with unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies living together. I wonder if there is a better way. Sometimes I am conflicted if what I do, we all do, is right."

"I feel the same way. Today I questioned why I'm doing what I'm doing. Maybe I am wrong or maybe I am right, the only way to know is to find the truth. I believe that there is a better way to live than being in constant fear of the other tribes. I believe that friendship is the way. I want ponies to be happy and not live so scared all the time. Just now, you showed me that I will not be left alone, and for that, I will always be grateful. But I made up my mind and that's why I cannot stay here in Maretime Bay anymore, I need to go out there, find proof."

"WAIT WHAT?! Are you insane Sunny? No, I won't let you do that. Please, nopony has ever left Maretime Bay by their own accord as far as I am concerned."

"And that is why we have no proof Hitch, my dad recorded his findings in his journal. But I can't go out there saying it is proof. Ponies will dismiss it and they will not take it seriously. They will say it is from crazy ponies, they will say it is all false without giving it a chance. And I am tired of speaking my mind to no ears. I made my decision. I just need to find what is true. I need this," urged Sunny looking determined.

"Oh I am going to regret this," Hitch muttered. "Fine, fine... I will go with you."

"Wait! you will!"

"Yes, I will. This is capital I insane, yes, but I'm going to do it because I have no intention to lose you. I can't let that happen."

Those words made her blush even more. And she couldn't stare away from Hitch, she was lost in his eyes and his words. It was too unreal to be true.

"I-I think I will go and make some arrangements before departing, you know? Being the sheriff you have to leave everything in order, give your deputy the talk a-and" Hitch said very nervously. "I b-bet you are going to do the same, right? So I will be out of your mane and well..."

Sunny interrupted him mid-sentence kissing him on the cheek, "Thank you, Hitch. You are a great friend."

Hitch was stunned by the gesture and just wasn't sure what to do.

"Hitch? Weren't you going to make some arrangements?" Sunny giggled at his friend's shocked face after some minutes had passed with both of them staring at each other.

"R-right, I'll go now and leave b-because you are a busy mare and I-I don't want to be a... I'd better go. Thank you, Sunny. For being my friend!" Hitch departed quickly, he just wanted to be out of there before continuing making a fool of himself in front of the mare she loved.

After a few minutes, at a good distance from the lighthouse, the sheriff stopped, turned back, and whispered, "I love you, Sunny."

Meanwhile, Sunny went inside her home with new energy. A quick sip of water and a hot bath later, she went to her bedroom, to her bed. "I love you, Hitch" Sunny whispered before covering herself with her blanket.

The apricot mare started recounting all the things that happened that day, from the Canterlogic fiasco to the final goodbye and tender moment with her foalhood friend. She looked to the mirror one last time and saw hopeful and happy eyes staring back, a little red but there was no sadness nor anger. She was sure of her decision. She was going to leave Maretime Bay and pursue her dream. She wasn't scared, not anymore, because she was not alone. Her best friend, the love of her life was going to be there every step of the way.

"Tomorrow is gonna be my day. I'll do my part, hoof to heart," Sunny said before closing her eyes and letting sleep take over.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked this story.
This is an idea that popped into my head while re-watching the movie: I noticed how Sunny in her speech says that everything the earth ponies believe about unicorns and pegasi is wrong. However, after meeting Izzy, she still believes that unicorns can read minds and use their horns to fry brains.

I believe Sunny is in constant conflict between what she was told by her father and by the other ponies she grew up with. Is not until she meets Izzy and then Zipp that she is a 100% sure that her dad was right and that it is possible to bring ponies back by bringing magic back. But if that wouldn't have happened, what would she have done? Give up or continue fighting. Be consumed by fear or not.

Great thing there was a little tender and kind moment to lift everyone up :raritystarry:

So now, regarding the G5 ponies and their world, I like the movie a lot and well I want more about it. I'm hyped and excited and I have some ideas that I want to explore and write about.

I also have a G4 fanfic that I wrote back in 2016 that I am translating since it is written in Spanish but I want to have it out there for everyone to enjoy :twilightsmile:

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 22 )

AAAA :fluttercry: This is the story I needed! you have been able to squeeze my heart with tenderness, and that's why I shiped them so much, they both have that complement that makes them feel good, she needs him and he needs her! I LOVE THIS STORY I loved every word of it! :pinkiesad2::heart:

Thanks so much for that!! I am really happy that you enjoyed this story :heart:. That moment at the end was a little challenging but so fun to write :twilightsmile:

I also really like the ship between them. I love their interactions in the movie and yeah I would love to see how that develops later in the series.

Great fanfiction.

I truly believe Hitch would never actually stop being her friend. Honestly I think he told her that more for her own good, because one day the other townspeople might have had enough of her. Maybe he was worried that Sunny might be endangering herself by going down that route. And perhaps they would demand Sunny be banished or something if she kept doing her actions.

Also I love the scene with Sunny debating herself and whether this was truly a worthwhile destiny. Unlike Twilight before she went to Ponyville, Sunny actually loves socializing. She's probably be very popular in Maretime Bay if she didn't believe what she did. It must be sad for her that by preaching universal friendship she denies her own friendship with others.

I bet if Hitch didn't come to help her, Sunny would have snapped and did another protest but perhaps this one would actually be endangering her life because she would realize she had nothing left to lose.

I think this fanfic shows why I love their friendship and possible romance. They compliment each other. Hitch is rational whereas Sunny is passionate.

I think my favorite part of this is that Sunny applied what Hitch said, and it shows how her friendship with him benefited her. And helped her to realize what she really needed to do. I wish the movie had a moment where Hitch helped her in this way.

I like to think Hitch reminds Sunny of her father since Argyle seemed to approach his ideals in a more scientific way, although it was someone passionate like Sunny who had to carry it out.

You can't just have great dreams and ambitions, you also need a logical rational plan to carry them out. I think that's what Hitch can give.

Now of course if we're thinking of this as a movie I would prefer the romance to come much later. Perhaps in the show.

Anyways sorry for the long comments. Your fanfic gave me an outlet for these ideas I already had. But this was a great fanfiction!

PS Sunny x Hitch for life!


they both have that complement that makes them feel good, she needs him and he needs her!

I always envisioned Hitch as the protective down to earth dad figure and Sunny as cheerful passionate mom figure of the Mane Five.

I see them like the Fantastic Four. I see them as not just as friends but also a family. Sunny might have lost her old family but now she has a new one.

This is anice story and I'm glad that Sunny didn't give up and that Hitch wanted to help her.

REALLY good job on this AU one-shot. Yeah, I could definitely see this happening if Izzy didn't show up. VERY MUCH appreciated Sunny's inner argument as well as Hitch agreeing to back Sunny up when she needs it in her efforts to get proof to back up her father's old notes. And, yeah, I also like how this is definitely open-ended enough to easily visualize Sunny and Hitch still meeting and befriending Izzy, Zipp and Pipp - just later down the road and under different circumstances.

Quite appropriately emotional and very much in-character.

Wow! Thanks for the comment. I really love that you were able to write down all that from this fanfic. I was so nervous when publishing this story and the feedback it's been amazing.

All the things you wrote are on point and I agree that Sunny and Hitch do complement each other with the dichotomy of logic/passion.

I really love their friendship and truly believe that Hitch, with his conversation after the Canterlogic stunt, was trying to protect Sunny from a worse fate. At some point, the town ponies would have complained with Hitch or tried something worse.

And about the romance aspect of the fic, I like the ship and it suits the story. However, I didn't want them to kiss or something more. I think that to go there, the romance should be developed more. Much more tender, cute moments. I like that because the payoff is so satisfying. This is a tease but the signs are there for more, and as pointed out, the last moment between the two shows that both need each other which makes the relationship much more deep and organic. They complement one another and I am proud that I was able to pull it off.

All in all, thanks so much for your comment :twilightsmile:

Thank you for reading and enjoying the story! Yeah I think that Hitch did a good job at the end to lift Sunny's spirits :yay:

Thank you so much! And yeah the intention was to be left open-ended as an alternative route to the movie. Maybe I can continue this with Izzy, Pipp and Zipp.

I am happy that you enjoyed it! I was so nervous to publish the story but the reception has been blowing my expectations away! :yay: :yay:

Aww this was a very sweet story and a very sad one and also very interesting scenario of what if izzy didn't show up yet so Sunny felt like everything fell apart she felt very emotional and she starting to doubt herself about everything and after what hitch said made it worse for her and basically she cried all day and hitch felt guilty for saying that to Sunny and he wanted to apologize to her when he got there he saw that Sunny was crying and he felt even worse she was about to tell him to go away but instead she open the door for him and they share an Embrace with each other again that is so sweet and sunny wanted to find proof that not unicorns and Pegasus are not the enemy so she's going to go out there but hitch wants to go with her because he doesn't want anything happening to her and with that they decided to go out there before he left he got a kiss from Sunny awwww I really like the shipping between those two and both of them will find the proof and they won't be alone again this was a very good story here keep up the good work

Thanks and sorry for responding so late! I am so happy that you enjoyed the fic and well I really look forward to continue writing. I hope I can release one more G5 story before the "Make your mark" series starts.

What great song btw. Haven't heard that song but it is really good. And Vanessa sings it! Or rather, Sunny sings it! hahaha...and it goes more or less with how the fic goes. Thanks for sharing it!

Yeah it was like during her younger years of being in Disney Channel and she's been singing since high school musical and it's really cool to hear her sing again in ​My Little Pony new generation

You're very welcome and cool can't wait to see some of your stories

Will there be a sequel?

Maybe. That is my answer for now. However, if I can come up with something interesting and tell a story based on this what-if, I will let you all know :raritywink:

I have some ideas, but I want to have a roadmap before jumping the shark.

I'm so proud of this story :twilightsmile:, so the sequel should be as good or even better.

I am thinking about making it and I probably will.
I wasn't so sure ay first, but I have a couple of ideas that are interesting.

Nevertheless, I will most likely post a blog about it.

This is a interesting take. You plan to add more chapters to this story or make a sequel?

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