• Published 9th May 2022
  • 1,838 Views, 61 Comments

The Next Chapter of our lives! - ScisetShimmerEvan

Graduation is approaching and Sunset has something important to share with her friends while Cinch gets her revenge on the Main 7 with some unexpected help.

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The True Power of the Dark Crystal (written by 13 Shades of Sunset) (Updated 1/22/2023)

The day was finally here.

Graduation Day!

All the students who had completed their senior year at Canterlot High were guests of honor at this year’s ceremony, along with their families and relatives.

We find ourselves in the backstage gym where the ceremony is to be held. Princess Twilight, Sci Twi, Brightfire, Starlight, and Moondancer are comforting Sunset, who was going to be doing her speech real soon.

Pony Starlight and Spike the Dragon were gonna come attend the ceremony with Princess Twilight originally, but something came up last minute in their schedules, meaning only Princess Twilight was able to attend. But no matter, they’d still be there to witness it, in spirit.

“I sure can’t wait to hear your speech Sunset!” An excited Starlight shares.

“Same here, your gonna do great Sunset!” Exclaimed Sci Twi.

“I must say, you both are looking great,” Brightfire complimented.

“Don’t thank us, thank Rarity.”

“That’s Rarity for ya. She knows what she’s doing,” adds Princess Twilight.

“My mom just got me this for graduation, but I still like it,” explained Sci Twi.

“But still, thank you, sir,” shared Starlight.

“Please, call me Brightfire. No need for that level of formality.”

Just then, some more security arrived, with the graduation ceremony minutes away from starting. This got Moondancer curious, as she takes note of how many there were.

“Am I the only one wondering what’s up with all this security?”

“From what Sunset told me, it’s to be ready for a possible attack by Cinch and her team,” explained Starlight.

“Let’s hope we won’t have to deal with it today of all days.”

They all nod in agreement, to Moondancer’s concerns.

But little did they know, something was coming their way.

The graduation ceremony had started and everything was going according to plan.

Principal Celestia gave a short welcome to everyone, with a prologue right before Sunset got her signal.

“Good luck out there Sunset.”

“Thanks, Twi.”

“Break a leg Sunset,” Brightfire shares, before he hugs his daughter.

Feeling more confident than ever, Sunset walked toward the podium, seeming to have no worries going through her mind. That was until she nearly tripped walking to the podium.

“Why did I agree to wear heels? Rarity is getting what’s coming later.” Sunset complained letting out a small grunt.

Principal Celestia finished her first part of the ceremony, as she welcomes Sunset onto the stage. The audience gives her a round of applause as she gets ready for the big moment.

Sunset could see the rest of her friends down in the front row, with the other graduates all smiling and waving at her.

But just before she began her speech, a strange noise is heard backstage, getting Sci Twi's attention.

“Did anyone hear that, or was it just me?” Sci Twi asked.

While Sci Twi was wondering what she heard, Sunset was reading the introduction of her speech, until she stopped, noticing something in a nearby window.

“Oh no!”

“Everyone get down!” Brightfire shouts.

Before we know it, the side of the gym gave way! All the guests and students, while shaken and frightened, waited to see what caused the collapse.

“What was that?” Sci Twi wondered.

“Look!” Princess Twilight points to a woman, making her entrance on the side of the gym. Being none other, than Former CPA Principal, Abacus Cinch.

“Hello everyone. Hope you don’t mind some uninvited guests!”

“Cinch!” Sunset exclaims. “How did you get past security?”

That’s when Adagio Dazzle and the rest of Cinch’s team appeared by her side.

“It’s a little thing we call, a never-ending nightmare,” Adagio explained, who along with her sisters, were ponied up, just like at the final round of the Battle of the Bands.

Cinch somehow was able to repair their pendants, so they could use their magic once more giving them the capability to pony up again! But how? That’s a mystery, we sadly don’t have an answer to.

“Now that we're here, it is time for your friendship to meet its end!” Cinch exclaimed.

“If it’s a fight you want, we’ll give you one!” Sunset exclaims.

Before we know it, Sunset, alongside her friends, team up to get ready for what move Cinch had planned.

“Bring it!” Adagio replies as she and her sisters get ready for battle.

Many of the students and their families were starting to panic, as Cinch and her team barged in, ruining what was supposed to be a special day.

Making sure nothing worse would happen, Brightfire, Starlight, Moondancer, Princess Twilight, the teachers, and Principal Celestia, helped escort everyone out of the gym, letting the Main seven handle it from there.

“Everyone, follow us to safety!” Starlight shouted.

They were able to get everyone out of the gym, making sure no one got seriously hurt.

The girls try to transform like they normally would, but a problem had surfaced. Sunset and Twilight seemed to be the only ones who transformed, while the rest of their friends just spawned their pony ears, wings, and tails, but not their powered-up forms when using their crystals.

“Wait a second. Why didn’t we transform like Sunset and Twilight?” Rainbow Dash points out.

“Are these what you're looking for?” Cinch holds up the necklace she was wearing, revealing five of the Harmony Crystals attached to it, along with the dark crystal.

“Our crystals!!!” Rarity exclaims.

“The ones we have are fake!” Applejack replies, as she breaks the fake she had been wearing.

“How did you manage to take them from us?” Rainbow Dash yelled back.

“Let’s just say, I had someone take them from you when you least expected it,” shared Cinch.

“Until one of them forgot to swap out the last two crystals with the fake ones!” Aria replies, scolding Sonata.

“I said I was sorry!”

“Enough! What matters now is that I have your crystals. And with the dark crystal included, I am more powerful than ever!”

“You're not getting away with this!” Sunset exclaims.

“Oh yes, I will. Now then, let’s see how you like it when your power is used against you!”

Cinch begins using the crystals around her neck, combining their powers as she transforms like what happened with Gloriosa.

Cinch gestures her hand, feeling the magic flowing within her, and immediately shoots a beam of magic right at the Main seven.

They all take cover and evade action.

“Well girls, it’s up to us to stop them,” Sunset informs.

“It’s time to end this for good!” Replied Sci Twi, as they all nodded in agreement.


And before we knew it, the battle had begun!

“Bad time to say this, but I don’t have a plan,” shared Sunset.

“At least we're not completely defenseless,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“But we don’t have our powers, Dashie. We’re not fit for battle without our crystals!” Says a worried Pinkie Pie.

Rarity stumbles a bit in battle, struggling with her footwear while dodging attacks.

“This is the one time I regret wearing heels!”

“This is what you get for making us wear them for graduation,” Applejack shares.

“Well, I’m sorry for not knowing this would happen!”

“Not the time to argue girls!” Sunset yelled back.

The Main seven inflict various attacks dodging as best as they can while getting close to the Sirens.

But just when they thought they were about to succeed, a herd of timberwolves appeared, with Sunny riding one of them.

Starlight was surprised to see the wolves again, the moment she returned to the gym. And that her old friend had somehow managed to tame them too was the question.

When Sunny noticed Starlight, she was surprised to see she was on the opposite team and aiding their enemies.

“I like the new look Sunny, it suits you. For someone who’s on the wrong side!”

“I should say the same about you, Stars. That beanie doesn’t suit you. In my opinion, you always looked hotter with pigtails!”

They both try their quips at each other, while the battle commenced in the background.

“I don’t even care about it, now that you’ve said it to the world! You're gonna pay for using me after all these years!” Starlight explains.

“Oh, you are so gonna get what’s coming. Unlike myself, you refused to help our leader. And now, I’ll let her finish you. Do it Cinch!”

Cinch transfers some of the crystal’s power into Sunny, giving both the timberwolf and herself a power boost.

As a result, she uses that power on Starlight, with a giant fireball approaching her fast!

“Starlight, look out!” Sunset shouted.

Sunset pushes Starlight just in time before she gets hit by it herself, groaning in pain from the burns she received. While upset it didn’t hit Starlight, it just made Sunny feel more inflicted she’s getting what she’s been wanting for so long. Revenge on her counterpart.

Sunny slowly approaches Sunset step by step, getting ready to do the final attack to end her doppelganger's life!

“Prepare to join the rest of your family Sunset. Cause that’s where your heading bitch!”

“Sunset no!”

All of a sudden, something no one saw coming happens. Starlight suddenly ponied up and helps Sunset again Sunny! She forms a shield around them, just as Sunny is about to attack, saving her friend from a tragic defeat.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?”

“Helping my friend!”

Starlight thought she was in the clear, til Sunny got back up in the form of Aria Blaze, outnumbering them.

“Who are you?” Starlight asks.

“While we’ve never met til now, I already hate you. You look just like me! Prepare to get a taste of my power!!!” Aria replies as the battle continues once more.

Pinkie and Sonata are eye to eye with each other, like something out of a cowboy movie, waiting for one another to make the next move.

“Sonata, don’t do this! You're the least evil Siren out of the rest of your sisters. So, please. Let us help you… Cupcake?” Pinkie pleads, offering the Siren a delectable treat.

“You think words will make me want to be your friend! Hell, no! I may be the least powerful out of my sisters, and the dumbest sometimes, I’m not useless when someone tells me what to do!”

She attacks Pinkie Pie with her magic, turning the cupcake into ash.

Just like Sunny, Sonata is transferred power from the Harmony Crystals, getting the power up she needs to finish off Pinkie Pie.

We now find Adagio, coming to assist Sunny and Aria, who seemed to be winning! Sunset and Starlight were pretty weak at this point, having lost most of their strength.

“You've ruined our lives from the moment we met Shimmer! So what more can we possibly lose? Cause this time, I won’t accept defeat!” Replied Adagio.

Sunset wasn’t sure, how much more of this she could handle, so she decided to do the last thing she’d do to Adagio. Talk to her with empathy.

Using the remaining strength she had, she got herself up and began to speak to her.

“Listen to me, Adagio. You don’t have to do this! Why does it when all it’ll do is make things worse? You can join us. My friends and I can find you and your sister a new home. Feeding off of people's negativity or helping Cinch, just won’t do it. There’s always another way to fix your problems. Just, please. Don’t make the same mistake I once made!” Sunset says, trying to persuade them.

“Why help us after what we tried to do to you and your friends?” Aria questions.

“Because sometimes, you can’t get by without help from your friends! You were always there for each other. But only if you accept the magic of friendship, over evil. I want to help you and your sisters. Please. This is coming from an equestrian who’s been where you were once before. It’ll only make things worse!”

Somehow, and I don’t know how it worked for Sonata.

“She’s right! We should be helping them, they are not our enemies!”

It seemed to have worked with Sonata, as she immediately stops fighting Pinkie Pie.

As for her sisters, they decide to bail off and find Cinch.

That was until they heard a scream!

“Someone, please help us!”

“We can’t handle much more of this!”

Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity were being drained of their powers from Cinch. She somehow was able to tamper with the crystals, using them to absorb the magic from the girls, making them weaker by the minute.

“You girls are no match for me! I’ve got your power, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!”

But that was where Cinch was wrong.

“Not today Cinch!”


Cinch turns her back to see her teammates fighting against her!

“Get them to safety!” Adagio says to Aria.

“Why are you idiots helping them? They’re our enemies!!!” The angered Cinch yells.

“We don’t listen to you Cinch! We only work on our own! And as a matter of fact, I never trusted you from the very start! Now it’s time for you to have a taste of your own medicine!”

Using her magic, Adagio weakens Cinch, giving her and Aria time to fall back, before she regains her strength.

“You’ll pay for this!” Cinch yells, in a weakened state.

The herd of timberwolves has now surrounded Sci Twi and Sunset, like a lion hunting its prey.

“If we want to defeat these things, we have to work together!” Exclaimed Sunset.

“That’s exactly what I had in mind!” Said Twilight.

That’s when the two girls decide to try something new, as they combined their powers to stop the wolves one by one.

“It’s up to us now before it’s too late!”

With their combined power, they manage to get rid of the wolves for good! Using their powers together, it became a giant flame flower, burning the wolves alive, like slaughtering meat on a farm! And soon enough, all that remained of the wolves, were the burnt remains of their bodies.

“So long timberwolves.”

While it was a call for celebration, Sunset, and Sci Twi’s powered-up forms power down, and are just ponied up with their pony ears, tails, and Sci Twi’s alicorn wings.

“Guess we used up a lot of our power to defeat those wolves.”

“I’m sure we’ll be fine like this, right?”

But Sci Twi was wrong. Their situation was just about to get ten times worse!

“Uh, Twilight. We got company!”

“Twilight Sparkle, where are you!”

Cinch was coming their way, in search of Sci Twi!

“Quick, we have to hide!”

Cinch had now recovered her strength and gone back to her original plan. Searching for her once faithful student Twilight Sparkle.

“There’s nowhere you can hide, Ms. Sparkle. I know you’re here!” Cinch replies as she searched the mostly destroyed gym for her.

Sunset and Sci Twi were being as quiet as possible while hiding behind a set of bleachers. All was looking good, til Cinch spots them.

“There you are!”

The bleacher gets lifted into the air, and thrown across the other side of the gym, destroying another wall of the gym and making the entire place unstable.

Cinch grabs a hold of Twilight, taking her out of the gym to the front of the school. After grabbing Twilight, her hair comes loose from her ponytail, and her heels come loose from her feet.

“Put as much distance between you and the truth as you want, it changes nothing! Pretending to be everything you are not… A Student… A band member… A Girlfriend… But there is one unavoidable truth you will never escape. You cannot change Twilight! You will always be a monster, just like your pitiful girlfriend!”

That stung deep. Sci Twi had forgotten how afraid she was of Cinch when she was still a student of Crystal Prep.

But after transferring to CHS, meeting people who are kind, care for one another, who’d stand up for those in need of help, the fear she once had for Cinch, had simply disappeared. She was no longer afraid of her, and now she had to stop the former principal!

“I know, but I’m not the monster you made me into. I am Twilight Sparkle! Canterlot Wondercolt! Sunset Shimmer’s girlfriend. And a member of the Rainbooms! I have grown so much since I was shown the magic of friendship. Which is something you will never take away from me Cinch!”

Using the remaining strength she had, Twilight creates a massive ball of magic from within her bare hands, before throwing it straight at Cinch, causing her to lose her grip.

Sci Twi lands safely back on solid ground, where Sunset was there waiting for her. She looked beat up, had last her heels, and had a few nasty burns, but wasn’t showing signs of accepting defeat.

Cinch had had enough of this, and shot back another beam of magic at Sci Twi, but managed to avoid it in the nick of time.

But the moment it missed her, the beam was going straight toward Sunny.

“Sunny look out!”

Starlight jumps in, moments before the beam of magic hits Sunny and saves her.

She was fortunate she managed to stop the beam from hitting her former friend while dodging it at the same time. Which was not easy.

Sunny was shocked after witnessing what happened, not knowing how to express what she felt.

She looks up at her old friend Starlight, who was in a state of worry for her.

“Starlight… You saved me! But why?”

“Because you needed help. Even if you might still hate me, I wasn’t just gonna let Cinch hurt you.”

“Wow, no one has ever done that for me…” Sunny says, in a perplexed manner.

She wanted to ask Starlight if they could start over as friends until suddenly, another problem had arisen!

“We’ll save the talking for later. Something seems to be going on with Cinch,” Sunset adds.

”I’ll take Sunny to safety, can you and the others handle the rest?”

“You can count on it Starlight,” replied Sunset.

The Main seven reunite at the front of the school, where they find Rainbow Dash with their crystals.

She had gotten them back from Cinch without harm following her failed attempt on killing Sunset.

“I got the crystals back! We can still win this!” Rainbow says as she gives each crystal back to her friends.

But that’s when they noticed something was wrong with them.

“The crystals! They’re cracking!” Shouted Rarity.

“Can we still use them?” Wondered Fluttershy.

“Uh, girls, something’s going on with Cinch?” Replies Applejack, who’s now in a state of worry.

Without the five crystals, and only the dark crystal left in Cinch’s possession, it was trying to take control of her!

Cinch tried to fight back, but the more she did, the more tears in the sky opened up around the city! It was just like what happened during the final round of the Friendship Games, but worse than the first time!

“What’s happening? Why can’t I control it?”

“Oh no! It’s the true power of the dark crystal! She’s losing control over it!” Brightfire replies, who just arrived alongside Moondancer, Starlight, and Princess Twilight.

Sunset knew she had to stop her, but how, she didn't know. But if she tried snapping some sense into Cinch as she did with the Sirens, it might just work.

“Cinch, you need to stop this! You can’t control all that power! The crystal will kill you if you don’t give it up!” Sunset yells, attempting to get through to the former principal.

“Why should I listen to you? You’ve ruined my plans one too many times now! And I think it's finally time you have a taste of my wrath!”

Cinch lets her envy and anger get the best of her, as she uses some of the dark crystal’s power, aiming it once more toward Sunset!

“Sunset no!”

Right as the ball of dark magic flies towards Sunset, her friends come in to protect her!

Rarity forms a ginormous diamond shield over them just in time, to protect them from the incoming magic. But for how long is the question, all the while the shield is surrounded by a ring of fire from the magic.

“How are we gonna stop Cinch now?” Replied a concerned Rarity. “Even with our crystals cracked, I don’t know how we're gonna stop her?”

That’s when Sunset realized something.

Out of the seven of them, Cinch was the one who wanted her the most. So, if they were to end this monstrosity, Sunset had to do it, alone!

“You all have to get out of here and away from me! I’m the one Cinch wants,” Sunset points out, but Sci Twi grabs her wrist in denial.

“No! We're not leaving you!”

“What! But Twilight-”

“We almost lost you twice Sunset. We're not letting it happen a third time! I told you I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. In any world!”

“Even if you should?”


“Yes, Sunset! Yes! Until the end of time!”


With the current situation, the Main seven were currently in, the rest of the girls decided to tell Sunset something very important.

“She’s right darling,” Rarity nods.

“While we’ve only been your friend since the Fall Formal, none of us would trade you for anything,” Fluttershy adds.

“In any world,” replies Pinkie Pie.

“Just like Twilight would,” Rainbow Dash mentions.

“We care about you Sunset. We would never abandon you, leave for what you’ve done to our lives. You just made them even better if we never had met you,” Applejack replies, to which they all nod to her point.

“Besides, you're our family Sunset. And family sticks together. No matter what. So if one of us goes down fighting, we all do,” explains Sci Twi.

Sunset didn’t know what to say. For being the cause of so much havoc brought into their lives and magic to planet earth, none of them wanted to lose their friend, even after everything that’s happened. From the Fall Formal, the Battle of the Bands, the Friendship Games, Camp Everfree, the music video contest, their two-part encounter with Juniper Montage, the Memory Stone tragedy, the Equestria Land incident, the Spring break cruise, the time loop, and finally, their battle against Cinch!

“If this is our last moments together, it was an honor being your friend,” Sunset confesses.

Rarity’s shield began to crack, meaning there wasn’t much time before the worse would come.

“I love you girls,” Sunset replies, as she hugged her friends for dear life.

“We love you too Sunset,” Sci Twi replies, knowing that she got to be with the people she cared most for, right before meeting her end.

As the girls prepared for the amenable, something was happening with their crystals none of them had noticed. They soon combined before going straight into Sunset.

The beam of dark magic finally breaks through Rarity’s shield, and before we know it, Sunset and her friends are no more.

Princess Twilight, Brightfire, Starlight, and Moondancer, witnessed the devastating scene upon them, knowing that they had failed to stop Cinch in time.



Everyone gasps and cries out. Cinch had won, and they had lost.

“My friends, they’re gone…” Princess Twilight replies, knowing she failed and that her friends were nothing more than history.

Starlight was driven to tears. She hadn’t felt this sad since she lost her parents seven years prior. And after witnessing the death of her beloved friends, all she wanted was to cry out the pain she had deep within her heart.

“I can’t believe it. We- we’ve lost! Our friends, they’re gone! Nooo!!!”

Cinch began celebrating the mighty victory she finally achieved, knowing that she just defeated the seven girls who had ruined her life.

“I’ve done it! I’ve finally done it! Those stupid girls are nothing but history thanks to me!”

But just when we thought all was lost, a silver lining occurs.

A glowing orb appears and shines brightly, revealing a godlike being.

“Wait, what’s happening?” Wondered Moondancer.

When Cinch notices the glow of light coming from where the Main Seven was, she knew she was in for trouble.

“No, it can’t be!”

Everyone is now filled with hope and amazement, as they look to see something that many thought they’d never see again.

Daydream Shimmer!

“But how?” Wondered Brightfire.

“The crystals must have used their powers to transform Sunset into Daydream Shimmer!” The princess explains.

And just like that, Daydream Shimmer got to work.

“Go get her Sunset!!” Her friends shouted.

Using the power of the seven Harmony Crystals, Daydream Shimmer seals up the tears that the dark crystal had opened up, before she builds up a beam of magic, and aims it at the dark crystal.

Once it comes in contact with the crystal, a huge explosion occurs with a cloud of dust surrounding the area.

The remainder of the gym, which had been badly damaged, finally collapses, leaving a pile of rubble in its remains.

Everyone is fortunately safe, thanks to Rarity and Starlight’s shielding. And no one seemed to be massively hurt. Just some cuts and bruises, and a little bit of blood.

“Is everyone alright?” Moondancer asks, checking for affirmation.

“I’ve been worse,” replied Applejack.

But then, Sci Twi noticed something.

“Wait, where’s Sunset?”

Starlight then spots Sunset, right next to the side of the school.

“Over there!”

The girls headed over to help their friend, praying to god she was all right.

Strangely though, Sunset was no longer in the clothes she was wearing for the graduation. Instead, her appearance now looks identical to Princess Twilight’s Fall Formal dress, albeit in white. Wardrobe aside, they still needed to find out if Sunset was indeed alive.

“Starlight, do you mind helping me?” Sci Twi asks, to which she does.

“Wherever on earth did that beautiful dress she’s wearing come from?” Wondered Rarity.

“You’re more concerned about her wardrobe than her condition!” Complained Applejack.

After they carried Sunset from where she was found, Sci Twi and Starlight lay her on the ground, hoping she was okay.

Sci Twi could instantly tell Sunset wasn’t in good shape, nor was she moving!

“She’s not breathing!”

Everyone went silent. They hope it wasn’t what many had thought, but needed answers first.

“Come on Sunset, wake up!”

Sci Twi began giving Sunset mouth-to-mouth, hoping to help get air back into Sunset’s lungs. But it didn’t seem to be working.

“Hang in there Sunset, your gonna make it. I promise!”

But no matter how hard she tried, nothing seemed to be working.

“Sunset, please, hang in there! You’ll be ok, please!”

“Twilight, you need to calm down,” Brightfire reassured her.

“No! Please don’t leave me Sunset! I can’t lose you again!” Sci Twi says, hugging Sunset with all her might.

Sunset feels a cough coming on due to breathing limitation, but is thankfully alive.

“Twilight, you're squeezing me too tight.”


Sci Twi soon sees Sunset looking at her, smiling, albeit with some blood going down her lip.

“I couldn’t breathe with you hugging me so tight,” Sunset says, in a bit of a raspy voice.

Sci Twi exhaled, but felt relieved now. “Oh Sunset, thank goodness you’re-”

But just as Sci Twi was about to tell Sunset she was ok, everyone began staring at her in shock.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?”

“By Starswirl’s beard!” Princess Twilight says. “Sunset, you got wings!”

She was right, Sunset now had a pair of wings sprouted on her back.

“What! How can this be?” Sunset questioned.

“Wait a second. Those aren’t just any wings. They’re alicorn wings!” Explained Brightfire.

“Bu-but how!?!?” Sunset questions.

“The crystals must have been able to tell that you let go of your past mistakes, that you were willing to protect your friends at all cost! Granting you the power you needed to stop Cinch. Taping into their main power source, to use it to destroy the dark crystal in the process,” explained Princess Twilight.

“Of course. Why didn’t I think of this myself?” Said Brightfire. “The true power that the crystals hold within them, is combining, to give one the power to defeat any evil it’s up against!”

“Uh, English please?” Asked the confused Rainbow Dash.

“The crystals fused with Sunset, transforming her to become Daydream Shimmer to destroy the crystal, and gifting her the wings as a reward for destroying the dark crystal,” explained Brightfire.

That makes Sunset show some doubt.

“But, do I deserve it?”

Princess Twilight reassures Sunset, that she truly does. “Yes, Sunset. You’ve come a long way since you were shown the magic of friendship back at the Fall Formal. The crystals gifted you this, after using their power to destroy the dark crystal.”

“She’s right. That crystal was never supposed to exist in the first place. You were able to use their power to destroy one of the most dangerous Equestrian artifacts ever created. And stopping a tragic disaster from happening,” explained Brightfire.

“Plus, getting over your past as well,” added Sci Twi.

“So, does this mean you forgive me?” The injured Sunset asks.

“Does this answer your question?”

Sci Twi gives a sweet, passionate kiss to Sunset, who then breaks it with a blush right after.

“Yes, yes it does. Thank you Twilight,” Sunset says with a smile.

“You look beautiful in that dress by the way.”

“Thanks. I love you Twilight.”

“I love you too Sunset.”

With Sunset’s recovery out of the way, there was still another point of matter that needed attention. Cinch.

“So, what are we gonna do with her?” Moondancer says, pointing over to a now powerless Cinch.

“Let the two of us handle this. Cinch needs to hear this coming from two people who’ve been in the same situation she was just in. But, uh, can someone lend me a hand? I think I sprained my right leg or something?”

Sunset tries to walk, but Sci Twi reassures her to rest.

“Here, let me help.”

As Sci Twi assists Sunset over to Cinch, they could hear the former principal boasting about her defeat.

“How did this happen? I’d been planning this for months, and I still lost! How can this happen to me!” Cinch growled.

“Let me tell you something someone once told me Cinch. You will never rule Equestria or get our magic! Any power you had is now history. Today, you've shown everyone who you truly are. You've shown them what is deep down inside your heart. Unlike myself and Twilight, you refused to let go of what happened in the past and accept your guilt.”

“What Sunset shares is true. The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere. And you will never rob anyone of it, ever again, now that you’ve tasted its true power. And that you’ve ruined our special day… Bitch!” Sci Twi replies, roasting the former principal.

“So, you’ve got two options to seek out. Either accept the fact that you’ve lost, and we show you how special the magic of friendship is. Or forever be alone. The choice is yours to make,” shares the bacon-haired girl, giving Cinch the ultimatum.

“Like hell, I’d want friendship! Your twerps have ruined my life! The reputation I created at Crystal Prep, losing the win streak, and taking away my prized student! You’ve gone too far compared to how I knew this school years ago! You have messed with the wrong person young lady, and I’ll be taking this straight to-”

But just before things would get to a whole other level, Shining Armor enters the scene in his police car.

“Not so fast Cinch! You are under arrest, for damaging school property, abusing four teenagers, planning to ruin a school graduation, and respectively trying to destroy the world as we know it, in the process.”

“But, officer, you don’t understand! I’m innocent I tell you! Innocent!” Cinch pleaded.

“Tell it to the judge.”

Cinch is soon handcuffed by Shining Armor, and escorted to his police car, where she then looks back at CHS, and the Equestria Girls themselves.

“This won’t be the last you’ve heard of me! I’ll be back! You hear me, I’ll be back!” Cinch yells, just as she leaves the scene with Shining Armor.

Spike soon arrives after searching for his owner and immediately jumps into Sci Twi’s arms in excitement.

“You did it, girls! I’m so- ruff,” Spike says, right before he abruptly barks.

“Spike, are you ok?”

“What’s happened to his voice!” Fluttershy wondered.

That was when Moondancer realized something.

“Wait a second. If Spike lost his voice, then, that must mean-”

Oh no, our crystals!” Pinkie points out.

All seven of the Harmony Crystals began to crack as they shattered in their hands, before turning into bitter dust, and they all reverted to their normal appearances once more.

“They’ve turned to dust!” Exclaimed Rarity.

“We’ve lost our powers… Our magic is gone,” replied the injured Sunset.

“No, it can’t be! There’s no way! Maybe we still got them, right Sunset?” Rainbow Dash wonders, in a panic state.

“Dash, without our crystals, we don’t have our magic. Without them, it no longer exists. We're just normal girls again.”

“And Spike an ordinary dog again too,” replied Fluttershy, while Spike moaned in sadness in her arms.

“That still doesn't explain why this happened?” Mentioned Applejack.

“The crystals must have used up all their power to destroy the dark crystal,” said Brightfire.

“What makes you say that Brightfire?” Asked Princess Twilight.

“Because if one crystal is destroyed, the others will too.”

“After everything we've done for the sake of our world, this is the price we get! Just why?” Rarity wonders.

“What Brightfire shared is correct I’m afraid. They were all made by the same ponies who created the Elements of Harmony. And for a good while, I had a feeling this was bound to happen," the princess explains.

“Those crystals were replicas of the Elements of Harmony, my friends and I wielded back in Equestria. After King Sombra destroyed them, I knew it was only a matter of time before those crystals would cease to exist as we know it,” said Princess Twilight sadly.

“So, what do you do now that we’ve lost our magic? What next?” Sunset wonders.

“I don’t know Sunset... But, don’t be sad girls. While your powers are unfortunately gone, the crystals have accomplished what they were created for. And it fulfilled that purpose.” Explained the princess.

“Yes, and with the dark crystal gone, our worlds are safe once again,” Brightfire adds.

“You did it Sunset. Our world is safe thanks to you,” Sci Twi says.

“No, Twilight. It wasn't because of me. It was our teamwork that stopped Cinch’s plans. Along with some unexpected help along the way,” Sunset adds, looking at the Sirens from their hiding spot, with their destroyed pendants in hand.

“Har har…”


“No biggie!”

The Sirens each reply, as they fluster a bit at their reference.

Just then, Sunny comes along to say something important to Sunset.

“Thank you for saving me back there.”

“Don't mention it.”

“Why did you save me? Why did you not just let me get hit by that magic?” Sunny asks.

“Even if you still hate me, I wasn’t gonna ignore someone in need of help,” replied Sunset.

This got Sunny curious.

“That still doesn’t explain why you did it. I’ve done nothing but act like a villain to you all. All because you came to this world, stole my identity, and got just about everything I’ve always wanted!”

“Because being a hero isn’t about taking care of yourself. It’s about taking responsibility for others you love and care for.”

“Huh… Well, I’ll be! That’s the best advice I've ever heard! Especially my counterpart. Where did you learn that from?”

“I learned it from someone I look up to. Knows a lot about friendship too,” Sunset replies, winking to Princess Twilight in the process.

“What about the stuff you’ve mentioned about family? During the times I spied on you, even before we met, you mentioned you had lost your family, just like the way I did. Though, you seem so hopeful and free. How did you move forward in life after losing everyone you once loved?”

Many were curious as to what Sunset was to say next, and thankfully, she did.

“You're not wrong about the last one. But, I found a new family. New friends. And you can too, if you accept the magic of friendship. If so, you don’t have to be alone anymore. Just like Starlight.”

Sunny went silent for a good minute, thinking over Sunset’s advice.

“Maybe, I will. If Starlight seems to like it, maybe I will too. Friendship doesn’t sound like a bad thing, so I guess I’ll give it a try?”

That made Sunset feel very proud.

“I’m so happy for you Sunny. I knew you had a change of heart. I’m glad it came true!” Starlight replies, as she hugged her friend in the process.

“You too, Starlight. Even if your magic was short-lived, you carry the magic of friendship well like my counterpart.”

“Thanks, Sunny.”

Just then, Principal Celestia arrived on the scene, joining in with an important reminder.

“Sorry to interrupt the moment and all, everyone, but we still have a graduation to do?”

“Yes, but perhaps outside,” Sunset says, with the remains of the gym in the background.

“And change into something more presentable. Sunset and I are in the worst state out of everyone," shared Sci Twi.

"But we have nothing to change into?” Said Sunset.

“Don’t worry girls, I’ve come prepared for this,” shared Rarity, who soon gives them a new pair of clothes to change into.

“Thanks, Rarity,” replied Sunset and Sci Twi.

“Anytime girls.”

“I still question where she got those in the first place,” wondered Applejack.

With that out of the way, Principal Celestia began shifting gears to get the ceremony back on as soon as possible, following the unexpected disturbance, with hopes to have the event back on real soon.

To be Continued…

Author's Note:


Human 5 and Sunset’s school spirit outfits with pantyhoses

Sci Twi’s attire, art made by kora kosicka

Princess Twilight's attire, art made by lorenzodennis28

Starlight's attire, art made by lorenzodennis28

Alicorn ponied up Sunset, art made by orin331

That sure was a lot to take in, don't you agree? I hope you all enjoyed this chapter after a very long wait. I am very sorry about the delay. When August began my collab partner, 13 Shades of Sunset was busy for most of the most and wasn't able to have this chapter done til almost a week ago. Then a few days later, my editor aka Echo Breeze went into a depression again. Please don't ask why, it's the personal information I'm not gonna go into detail about. Anyway, delays aside, I'm back on track to completing this story as there are only 2 more chapters left to publish and then this story is complete! I hope you all stick around for it, as I've got lots of surprises up my sleeve for the ending. Stay tuned for more! :raritywink: