• Published 2nd Apr 2022
  • 719 Views, 7 Comments

A Pony's Guidebook to Becoming a Grand Duchess - RuanQingSi

Now retired and unshackled from the burden of ruling Equestria, Celestia accidentally finds herself transported into another world. The ponies-no, creatures, are very strange, the world around her is very strange, and she is very strange.

  • ...

Through Space and Sanity

What prank should I pull on Luna today? Should I tell her she's....No, that would be too mean. Though it's not like she doesn't deserve it...

Celestia's mind wandered back to the moment she witnessed Luna stuffing her mouth full of Celestia's delectable double chocolate fudge cake, her hooves stained with the brown substance and crumbs as evidence of her crime. Luna cannot be forgiven easily. Her crime is beyond atrocious, it's terrible! If I don't make her pay my name's not Celestia!

Her thoughts rambled on as she sprayed one of her last daisies with a water can, the devious part of her brain spinning like cog wheels to form the perfect scheme. It was just that Celestia used up too much of her attention to realize her flowers were now overwatered, the pot she was working on threatening to unload the muddy liquid.

"Oops!" Said Celestia with surprise, then a grimace. She had spent a considerable amount of time taking care of these flowers, but now some of them were destroyed, by her. Sighing, she teleported some of the messed up daises to another part of the garden, and walked out of the front porch. As her bare hooves (which for the first time parted from her royal regalia in 1,103 years) grazed over the soft green Equestrian grass she had long become accustomed to, Celestia looked up at the sun.

Unlike other ponies (and alicorns), locking her eyes with the sun did not cause her to blink furiously nor flinch, in fact, she would smile at the warm light every time she glanced up towards the Equus sky the fiery orb shone on. Ever since she and Luna handed over to Twilight the control of both celestial bodies, every sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset looked the same. Though, she couldn't blame Twilight. After all, despite the fact that a small part of their powers rests in the amulet, the artifact had no way to imitate the two's artistic touches each gave towards their work.

There was no change to the proportion of their lighting, colors, nor the night's number of stars and constellation patterns that Luna so prided herself with and would gloat to Celestia every time somepony complimented the stars she arranged. Celestia smiled. Painting and music were always Luna's strong suit. Even if Celestia forcefully fit her head in the compartment that is known as the arts, she could never understand the depth of the subject nor display the ability to execute those compositions as adequately as Luna could. Though this excludes the theatre department of course; acting as a ruler for more than one thousand years required her to possess a large amount of skill in the art of lying akin to that of a mountain.

Before Celestia could reach this morning's destination (which was unsurprisingly a dessert shop)to fill up her grumbling stomach, she sensed strong magic manifesting around her. Turning her head back, her horn flared with golden magic, and her wings unfolded at the ready, Celestia's eyes widened as a magical circular portal formed, the contents inside it was dark and colorless, similar to a void.

The portal spun slowly, its movements imitating a clock, a wheel, and its colors gave it a portrayal of a lone galaxy in the midst of the large universe. A few seconds passed before the pale alicorn's muscles relaxed, and the glow of her horn faded. However, Celestia didn't dare approach the new creation, yet.

Observing the portal suddenly made Celestia remember a moment when she was still Princess of Equestria, when she had invited Discord to the Grand Galloping Gala to incite some harmless chaos. The rift Discord had tore between space and dimensions at that time looks awfully similar to the one standing before her now. Is this another one of Discord's concoctions? Pranks? Celestia raised a hoof to her chin, pursed her lips, and narrowed her eyes.

If this portal is the result of Discord's magic, then what is he even planning? Helping Fluttershy with her animal sanctuary and monitoring magic all over Equestria should keep him busy enough to prevent him from bothering her and Luna...Celestia looked back at the portal, not noticing any differences even as time progressed. After glancing left and right, Celestia carefully walked towards the portal, her steps so delicate as if one loud noise would provoke an earthquake.

"If this isn't Discord's doing, who's creation is this? Perhaps another manifestation of dark magic?" Celestia asked aloud, despite being well aware there was no one around to answer her. Ever since the incident with Starlight Glimmer and the dream realm, Celestia often found herself slipping into states of soliloquies. She couldn't help talking to herself, it gave her a sense of false-companionship when she was without any company.

Walking around the portal, Celestia frowned when she couldn't find any magical fluctuations or an essence of darkness within the portal's outer surface even as she was so close. Should I touch it? She knew it was dangerous to prod a magical construction without a proper understanding of its uses and effects, but it wasn't like standing around observing was doing anything for her currently.

After contemplating for a few minutes, Celestia hesitantly poked a tiny part of her right hoof into the portal, and immediately a force powerful enough to crush mountains impeded on her, hauling her whole body into the portal. The sound of rustling leaves on immobile trees disappeared along with the views of her surroundings.

Celestia didn't even have time for resistance as it sucked her in, her body constantly stretching and elongating from the magical pressure. As her body traveled and twirled in spirals through and to the end of the void-like pathway, for the first time in her life, she felt the opening light to be too bright.

All Celestia could see for a brief moment was the color white. Everything was white, as if she was trapped in a colorless box, with only an unpigmented color as her host. Thankfully, the chalky abyss faded, and Celestia could finally discern some colors in her field of vision.

Though, there was another matter of more importance to concern herself with, and that is, she was losing consciousness. She could feel it, given the number of times she allowed herself to be kidnapped, it was like a natural emotion to her, which did not ease her anxiety. This was not part of one of her plans, and definitely not a part of some grand scheme. Who would ever expect that they'd be sucked into a random portal when they parted from their house in the morning!? She definitely didn't!

However, in addition to recognizing some colors, at least Celestia could still make out some sounds in spite of her contemporary inability to move. Those sounds were voices, voices calling out a name. She tried her best to perceive the name so as to collect some kind of information that could guide her to her questions of what, where, and why, but her brain continually seemed to dislike the idea of cooperating with its master.

No...Ugh...Why is it so hard to breathe, and why is it so hot in here? It's like...like...I'm having a...a...a...feve...fever....

Celestia's brain and body was telling her to rest, that she was too tired. Too exhausted to continue thinking.

There's no harm in taking a quick nap, right? It asked her. Celestia indeed felt worn out, and her body was so heated that she suspected she might be on top of a furnace. She agreed.

Celestia's mind then slipped out of consciousness.

Author's Note:

This story was inspired when I read "Discord the Archduke", written by AkumaKami64, soooo....enjoy? :pinkiehappy: