• Published 24th Mar 2022
  • 719 Views, 24 Comments

St Trineighans School for Fillies - SamuelK28

Instead of being sent to the moon, Luna is given a school to teach her subjects the importance of the night

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Interlude: Club Day

Apple Bloom looked across at Rarity and gulped; Sweetie’s sister had the same look on her face that Applejack did when Apple Bloom had done something wrong. In other words, she and her fellow first-years were in even more trouble for something. Great, and just when she’d thought things had finally calmed down after her mental first week at this insane asylum for fillies. What worried her most though was that she couldn’t think of any reason over the past week for Rarity to be mad at them. They’d practically cleared Berry’s vineyard for her, even if they’d been down two students due to Diamond and Silver playing hooky again, made ample progress in languages and had glowing feedback for the cakes they’d made in Home Economics. Okay, so maybe Scootaloo had skipped out on Textiles with Mjӧlna and Tempest to have a buckball rematch with some second-years and maybe she’d been ordered by Moon to skip Art to go howl at the moon but…

“Ah,” Apple Bloom said as the bit dropped.

“Ah, what?” Scootaloo questioned to her left through a mouthful of croissant.

Apple Bloom was just about to fill Scootaloo in on her deductions only for Rarity to not give her the opportunity to do so by addressing the entire room.

“Good late afternoon first years and welcome to your first monthly assembly. I have decided to set these up to not only keep you informed of any vital information pertaining to your time here at the school but also to answer any questions or resolve any problems you might have. I do hope you have enjoyed your breakfast because we have a lot to get through before today’s festivities can begin,” Rarity explained. “Any questions?”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo questioned without bothering to raise her hoof. “Where are Sweetie, Ruby and Moon?”

“Good question and I’ll answer that shortly. Please though raise your hoof in future Scootaloo if you wish to ask a question,” Rarity replied before turning and addressing the whole of her year group once more. “Now, unless there are any other urgent questions, how about we save them for the end because right now we have some serious issues to attend to, starting with your attendance levels in class these past two weeks.”

“Knew it,” Apple Bloom muttered under her breath to Scootaloo but not low enough it would seem as Rarity’s attention immediately darted back to the two fillies.

“Care to explain, fillies, where you were this week when you should have been in Art and Textiles?” Rarity enquired, turning her disapproving gaze upon both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

To Apple Bloom’s credit, and surprise, she wasn’t in the least bit fazed. “Sorry Miss Belle, Princess’ orders. Did you not read last week’s St Trineighans’ Trash?” she said calmly, despite already knowing the answer.

Out of the corner of her eye Apple Bloom caught Scootaloo staring at her like she’d just signed her own note of execution, unsurprising considering they were the reason Rarity had most definitely not read last week’s edition of the school newspaper, or, as Rarity called it, “A gossip rag only fit for Opal’s litter tray”. In fact, their head-of-year had even gone as far as attempting to vaporise every last copy of last week’s edition in existence after one of Sweetie’s photos had appeared on the front cover along with the headline, Belle and the Beast: Dust finally gets her mare!. Unfortunately, for the alabaster mare anyway, there had been way too many copies and she had swiftly realised her efforts to eradicate the incriminating material were pointless. To top it all off, the Crazy Mark Crusaders had avoided punishment due to the fact that they were “only reporting the truth” whilst Rarity had barely been able to set foot out of her classroom due to the never-ending stream of wolf whistles, hushed whispers and giggling she constantly received in the hallways from the students. So, for Apple Bloom to bring up the topic in assembly was either an extremely bold or an extremely stupid move.

Rarity’s disapproving gaze grew in its intensity as she let out a snort of barely restrained fury and said through gritted teeth, “Unfortunately, I did not, as although such publications can provide useful information to their target audience, they are more notorious for scandalous stories to pull in readers that have little, if any, factual basis to them.”

“I think the fact Miss Dust is still not walking straight a week later is all the evidence we need,” Tempest hollered from somewhere near the back.

Aside Mjӧlna and Spur, who couldn’t help breaking out into sniggers on either side of Tempest, none of the first-years dared to react to that remark. Of course, her friends’ reactions only fuelled Tempest’s ego further and she couldn’t help but add further fuel to the metaphorical fire.

“How’s the horn by the way?”

Somehow, the fur on Rarity’s face had gone from white to bright red, likely a magical reaction to the embarrassment or anger from which she was now suffering. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes momentarily, and then redirected her attention to Tempest as her eyes burst open.

Tempest gulped, her usually cocky and brash outer exterior wavering for just a second as she shuffled nervously in her chair and looked down at her desk, unable to hold Rarity’s gaze.

“Let me make this clear to you Miss Berrytwist and this goes for the rest of you, too, so listen carefully as I’m only going to say this once. Most teachers here at St Trineighans couldn’t care less how you spend your time at the school or how you behave. I am not most teachers and as your head-of-year, I am going to make sure you hoof the line and attend all your lessons unless you have an extremely good reason not to so that you can one day achieve a decent career. If you do not, well, might I remind you that I’m a former student of the school. If you haven't thought about what that means, well, I've learned more than my share of lessons. Would you believe a spell that when cast on food can cause spots to appear on the coat of anypony who consumes that food? White suits you by the way,” Rarity finished, a smug smile now adorning her muzzle.

Tempest stared at the white specks of fur on one of her forelegs, her mouth agape in surprise.

“Call that a group punishment for all the unauthorised absences over the past two weeks. Don’t worry; the effects will wear off…over time,” Rarity explained as many of the other first-years began to stare at the spots that now adorned their coats, the colours of which ranged from bright pink to luminous yellow.

“Why do mine have to be pink?” Scootaloo groused.

Rarity barely registered the interruption, her eyes solely fixed upon Tempest, who was now staring back at her with an equally devilish smirk whilst clapping her hooves. “I misjudged you; Marshmallow, you’re not half bad. Leave it with me and I’ll ensure no pony misses any classes again in future.”

“I’m wondering if I should be annoyed by the nickname, concerned by what that final statement might entail or both, probably both, but we’ve barely cracked the surface and have a lot to get through in this assembly; so, you know what, why not?” Rarity paused before turning her attention to every filly in the room. “Listen up; I’ll put the absences over the first two weeks down to you settling in at the school but from here on out, unless I receive a note from Zecora, Starlight or Luna, I expect to see you all in every lesson from here on out. Take the spots as a warning because if you do try and play truant in future, Tempest and Mjӧlna have my authority to drag you to said lesson however they see fit as my attendance enforcers. They shall report back to me at the end of every week and if I find any of you have been avoiding classes, well, let’s just say I’d advise you to grow eyes in the back of your head,” Rarity stated firmly, her smug smile taking a somewhat unnerving turn that sent a chill down more than one of her students’ spines. “Understood?”

“Yes, Miss Belle,” the first-years swiftly replied as one except Apple Bloom who was waving her pale-yellow left forehoof, now covered in red spots, high in the air.

“Yes, Apple Bloom, is there a problem?” Rarity said in a sickly-sweet voice, her tone a clear indication that there better not be.

“Erm, yeah,” she pulled a letter from her hair with her left forehoof and held it out for Rarity to take. “Ruby and Sweetie also have one, excuses us from Art, my Princess’ orders,” she explained. “It was in the school paper but as we just cleared up, you didn’t read last week’s edition,” she added as a slightly confused looking Rarity trotted over to take the letter from Apple Bloom.

“Why in Faust would Luna allow you to skip classes?” she said gruffly as she snatched the letter from Apple Bloom’s hoof.

“I said MY princess, as in her Royal Highness, Princess Moon Moon of the Night Howlers, daughter of Princess Luna of the Moon, Stars and Dream Realm,” Apple Bloom explained. “It’s all there in the letter,” she added.

Rarity barely heard her, all her attention on the letter she’d just swiped from Apple Bloom.

To my loyal subject, I am sad to inform you that in my short time as your Princess I have already faced a failed assassination attempt from the so called Elusive and Mysterious Madam Trixie. Due to being outranked by my mother, Princess Luna of the Moon, Stars and Dream realm, I am currently unable to issue a warrant for her capture and execution for this heinous crime. I can though still decree that the Elusive and Mysterious Madam Trixie is an enemy to all werewolf kind and that any werewolves found aiding and abetting this low life scumbag shall be bound with silver chains, thrown in a coffin that shall also be bound with silver chains and then be buried alive. What this means for you, a student of St Trineighans is the following:

- You must stay one hundred metres from the Elusive and Mysterious Madam Trixie at all times unless using her for a toilet.
- You must not attend any lessons this criminal teaches.
- You must not talk to her for any reason.
- As she is a citizen of Equestria, you cannot physically harm her in any way in retaliation for her crimes or you will (unfortunately) face punishment for any crime you commit.

Although my mum is strongly against this decree, she knows that she is powerless to contradict any business that only affects my subjects and as such, in time, she will be seeking us a tutor for Art. For the time being though, please use your new found free time wisely,

Her Royal Highness, Princess Moon Moon of the Night Howlers, Daughter of Princess Luna of the Moon, Stars and Dream Realm

Rarity’s eyes started to widen as she continued through the letter before she went back over it twice just to make sure she hadn’t read it wrong; she hadn’t. At least that cleared up why Madam Trixie had smelt like werewolf piss the one time she’d passed the other teacher in the hallway this past week. “Okay, leave it with me,” she finally sighed as she levitated the letter to her desk with her magic. “I’ll talk to Principal Luna about finding a solution,” she stated, before turning her attention back to the entire class. “Anypony else have a decent excuse for not attending a particular class?”

Wisely, no filly else dared to challenge their head-of-year’s authority.

“Excellent. Take note Tempest that until further notice, all werewolves are excused from attending Art,” Rarity stated as she returned back to the front of the classroom. “Now, onto a few other pressing matters, for a start, unsociable howling. It has come to us teachers’ attention that there has been a significant increase in werewolves howling this term, in particularly at unsociable hours when students should be sleeping. I understand there is only one werewolf in attendance here but please can you inform your friends to remember to be considerate to your fellow students or we will have to unfortunately take the drastic measure of muzzling you. Please also make a note Apple Bloom that it has also been decided that howling will only be permitted on the nights of a full moon when on school grounds, understood?” Rarity finished, levitating a small stack of papers up from her desk and heading back over toward Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom nodded in reply as the papers were placed down on the desk in front of her. “Understood,” she responded unhappily before taking a glance at the papers she’d just been provided.

“Good, in front of you is a list of all of the dates of full moons this school year along with a written copy of the school’s decision on the matter. Please pass the copies on to your friends,” Rarity explained before swiftly moving onto the next topic, leaving Apple Bloom to mull over the school’s decision to restrict her and her friends right to freely express themselves.

It was about fifteen minutes later, which had been spent mostly listening to Diamond Tiara complain about one thing or another, when Rarity was finally able to come to the last topic for discussion, today’s event.

“Okay, if there is nothing further anypony would like to talk to me about, let me fill you in quickly about this evening’s event, entitled Club Day. Simply put, every student at St Trineighans must take up at least one club or extracurricular activity and on the second Hornday of the first term, an event is held in the sports hall whereby the ponies running these clubs try to persuade others to sign up to their club or activity. Some of these are run by other students, such as Moon Moon who is running Werewolf Wrestling this year, whilst others are run by teachers often looking for assistance with their work outside of the classroom, such as Mrs Punch who will be seeking help for her brewing business. Overall, this year there are fifteen options for you to choose from and I expect you to choose not one but two of these activities to keep you out of trouble outside of classes. With me so far?”

A series of nods was the reply from the first-years.

“Excellent, then before we head off, here are your choices and the night or nights they run. Although technically incorrect, we class the first night as Moonday and continue from there.” Rarity responded trotting over to the blackboard and pulling it down to reveal a list of clubs. “I’ll give you several minutes to have a think over what you might enjoy outside of classes and then we’ll make our way to the sports hall. Oh, and please choose wisely; your extracurricular activities can play a vital part in your future career choice. I know you are probably a little too young to understand but although boycotting and burning homework may sound like a laugh now, you might seriously come to regret that decision in a few years’ time.”

And with that last piece of spoken wisdom, Rarity fell silent as the students examined the list of extracurricular activities upon the board and the days they ran.

Drama and Dance – Moonday and some Horndays

Book Club and Amateur Librarian – Moonday (Book Club), Any other spare time (Librarian)

School Newspaper – Hoofsday, Fursday and Sunday

Music – Hoofsday and Hornday

Daredevil – Wingsday

Werewolf Wrestling (Werewolves only) – Wingsday

Social Games – Fursday and Magicday

Boycott and Burn Homework Club – Hornday

Association of Sleeping Enthusiasts – Hornday

Assistance in either the Chemistry lab, Herbology Greenhouse or Kitchens – Any school night after classes or all day on days off.

Preparation for the Royal School Games – At least two of Moonday, Hoofsday, Fursday and Magicday.

Dress Making and Crafts - Any school night after classes or all day on days off.

Silence – Moonday, Hoofsday and Fursday.

Apple Bloom looked at the list and pondered. Werewolf Wrestling was obviously going to be one of her choices but the fact it only ran once a week meant she had a lot of time she could spend doing something else but what was the big question. There were a lot of possible options. The fact she wanted to do something with the rest of her free time ruled out the two joke clubs instantly whilst the fact she couldn’t play an instrument or sing and also wasn’t a keen reader ruled out Music and Book Club. Daredevil club was in part run by Trixie and also clashed with wrestling so that was immediately out. Social Gaming sounded fun but she felt her time could be spent doing something more worthwhile. Journalism didn’t really appeal to her, especially as her hoofwriting was just as bad as her reading ability whilst Silence just sounded peculiar. Her best options were either more physical exertion, what earth ponies excelled at, or helping a teacher.

“Equestria to Bloom, Equestria to Bloom,” Scootaloo’s voice suddenly echoed in Apple Bloom’s ear, piercing into her thoughts.

“Huh, what?” Apple Bloom queried, coming back to her senses.

“It’s time to go. You’ve spent the past five minutes staring blankly at nothing,” Scootaloo explained rising from her stool. “Tough decision?”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom replied, slipping of her own stall. “You seem to have made up your mind though?”

“That’s easy, sports have always been my thing and the Royal School Games is a great way to get noticed,” Scootaloo swiftly dismissed.

Too swiftly.

“And?” Apple Bloom queried.

“And what?” Scootaloo responded with clearly feigned surprise at the enquiry.

“Well, for a start we need to choose two activities and secondly, us Apples are excellent judges of character and right now your body language is telling me you’re hiding something; so spill,” Apple Bloom demanded.

Scootaloo suddenly looked like she’d been caught with her hoof in the cookie jar but before she had a chance to try and muster an excuse for her behaviour, she was saved by Rarity.

“Come on; stop dilly-dallying. We’re already late,” their head-of-year called from the doorway.

Scootaloo saw her opportunity and took it, using the momentary distraction to hurry away into the mob of students squeezing through the doorway and out of the classroom.

“Oh, she is so hiding something from us,” Screwball whispered into Apple Bloom’s ear. “Want to find out what it is?”

“You bet,” Apple Bloom replied as they started after Scootaloo.


“Hey Moon, how’s it going? Haven’t seen Scootaloo have you?” Apple Bloom queried as she picked up the quill and signed her name up for Werewolf Wrestling.

“Hey Bloom, hey Screwy. Woah, what happened to you two?” Moon requested, staring at the spots that now adorned both her friends’ coats.

“Rarity. She laced our breakfast with a magical spell to teach us a lesson about not skipping classes anymore. Apparently, they are temporary but who knows just how long they will last?” Apple Bloom grumbled, having already received a number of peculiar looks and sniggers of amusement from fellow students upon entering the hall. “She was also extremely unhappy with your declaration surrounding Trixie. I’m glad you weren’t there or I don’t doubt she would have tried, by hook or by crook, to get you to overturn your proclamation.”

“Pfft, she could try but she wouldn’t win that battle. I’m already pissed off enough as it is by the howling restrictions my mum has lumped on us,” Moon said testily, the smile that had adorned her muzzle after seeing her friends’ peculiar looks instantly evaporating.

“Ah, that was the next thing I was going to talk to you about after Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom replied, placing one of the copies of the announcement Rarity had given her on the table for Moon to examine.

“I’m afraid I can’t help you with Scootaloo,” Moon stated with little interest, her attention solely on the two pieces of paper now held in her magic. “Although not like I’d see much in this position.”

Being the newest club and one in which not many students would be interested or able to participate, Moon had to no real surprise been given the worst position in the entire hall, tucked away in the furthest corner from the entrance next to the fire exit.

“Still hasn’t stopped you getting a fair number of recruits,” Apple Bloom stated, in an attempt to cheer her friend up. “I’m guessing it’s down to that sign your mum gave you for your booth; it looks amazing.”

“Plus, you get first dibs on the fire extinguisher!” Screwball added with her usual amount of excessive enthusiasm.

Moon chuckled, diverting her attention for a second away from the paperwork and back onto her friends. “I suppose that could have come in handy when Sweetie was giving me a hoof setting up before heading off to stand in for Rarity until she arrived with the rest of you. As for the banner, it certainly has caught a few eyes and so far, every werewolf except one has signed up which I class as a huge success. Why is Scootaloo not with you by the way?” Moon finished, returning her attention to the paperwork.

“We think she’s got a secret hobby she’s embarrassed about that relates to a club she wants to sign up for. Apple Bloom called her out but before we could press an answer out of her, she managed to slip away from us,” Screwball explained, practically bouncing on the spot in anticipation of discovering Scootaloo’s secret.

“Oh, does she now? That does sound interesting but unfortunately no matter how much I’d like to help, I can’t leave my booth unattended I’m afraid even if it is…” Moon stopped mid-sentence, her eyes moving from the paperwork once more and focusing on something, correction someone, behind Apple Bloom and Screwball. “Blood Moon,” she muttered, barely loud enough for anyone even in close proximity to hear.

“Moon Moon, our so-called new princess and ruler,” Blood Moon said scornfully, rudely pushing Apple Bloom and Screwball aside so she could come face to face with the other werewolf. “I see you’ve got your paws on the new howling restrictions. Funny how there’s been no issues until you and your merry band of rapscallions appeared.”

Blood Moon was a year older than Moon, although slightly shorter, and quite literally the complete opposite, her coat and mane being entirely white. Blood Moon’s all-white appearance though was neither the only or most peculiar thing about her, that honour falling to her eyes. The left one was a cloudy grey, now unable to see anything due to a gruesome gouge that dominated that side of her face. Half her left ear was also missing. The right eye on the other hoof was what gave Blood Moon her werewolf name, a pinkish red orb that right now was staring at Moon with utter disdain.

“Blood Moon, I wasn’t expecting you to want to sign up to my…”

“I don’t,” Blood Moon interrupted before spitting on the sign-up sheet. “Thanks for nothing,” she growled before turning and pushing past Bloom and Screwball once more, disappearing back into the general throng of students that were ambling through the hall perusing the different extracurricular activities that were on offer.

“Well, that was rude. What’s her problem?” Screwball exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at the departing pony.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed her giving me and Ruby dirty glances in Physical Education as well,” Apple Bloom added.

Moon sighed. “She just doesn’t like being a werewolf is all, nothing I can’t handle. Why don’t you two shoot off and find out what Scootaloo’s up to?”

Apple Bloom looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow. “Seriously? First Scootaloo and now you too?”

Moon sighed. “Fine, due to subject confidentiality reasons I am unable to disclose any information in regards to Blood Moon or any of the werewolves within the school. So yes Bloom, I do know why she is acting that way but if I tell you or anyone for that matter, my mum told me she would throw me in a bath of liquid silver. I’m sorry but the only way you’ll receive any more information on the matter is either Blood tells you herself or if she becomes a serious threat to your safety. Understood?”

“Okay, okay, got ya,” Apple Bloom replied.

“As for the restrictions, sadly it’s out of my hooves. Mum owns the school and has to think about the majority of students first and foremost. Hopefully if we can have a few incident-free moon cycles I might be able to get Mum to reconsider the matter. For now, we must ensure we act responsibly. None of us want the muzzle of shame,” Moon ended somberly.

“It’s fine, I understand totally. I just wanted to ensure you were aware of the matter is all as Rarity asked me to pass these on to you, Sweet…

A lump suddenly landed atop Apple Bloom’s back. She didn’t even flinch.

“Hi Sweetie,” Apple Bloom deadpanned not even turning to see who had pounced on her. “I see Rarity finally relieved you.”

“Ooh, looks like you might need that fire extinguisher after all,” Screwball tittered.

“I know exactly what you’re thinking. Firstly, I’m a werewolf and werewolves have an acute sense of smell. Secondly, even if I wasn’t a werewolf, you’re a werewolf and all werewolves have a unique and very strong scent that even a filly with the worst cold imaginable could smell a mile away. Werewolves and stealth equals impossible, nice try though,” Apple Bloom explained. “Now, would you kindly get off my back?”

To Apple Bloom’s surprise the other filly leaned in and stuttered in her ear, “I-I n-need your help,” just loud enough for Screwball and Moon to also catch what she had just said.

“Wait, what? Sweetie are you in trouble, has someone hurt you again?” Apple Bloom replied with clear concern.

“No,” the other filly replied sheepishly. “I just need another werewolf and Moon and Ruby are too busy,” Sweetie began before Moon interjected as she delicately levitated her friend off Apple Bloom's back and onto the floor.

“Sweetie, I know I’m an alicorn now but I’m never too busy to help one of my subjects and more importantly, a very good friend. Just tell me what you need and I’m sure I can help just as much as Apple Bloom can.”

“No, no,” Sweetie stumbled with her words, not used to speaking. “I-I’m not i-in any trouble, it’s just I need another werewolf who’s yet to commit to all their ex-exter-exteracur, clubs,” Sweetie finally blurted in frustration.

“I see. And you were hoping Bloom hadn’t committed to anything else yet aside wrestling,” Moon replied, stroking her chin deep in thought.

“Please tell me you haven’t,” Sweetie squeaked with alarm, turning to face Apple Bloom with the look of a puppy who’s just had their favourite toy taken away from them. Tears were welling in her eyes.

“No, I haven’t,” Apple Bloom responded. “I came right here to see Moon. But if you think you can coerce me with the puppy dog look, you can think again. I’ll decide what clubs I take and no one else.”

Sweetie looked like she was about to burst into tears.

“BUT, if you give me a good reason to choose your…”

Apple Bloom got no further as Sweetie grabbed her hoof and, with surprising strength for a unicorn, began to pull her away from Moon’s booth.

“Okay, okay, I get the message, I’m coming, I’m coming,” Apple Bloom said to Sweetie before turning back to Moon and Screwball. “Sorry Moon, we’ll talk again later. Screwball, you all right looking for…” Apple Bloom stopped mid-sentence once more. Screwball was gone.

Apple Bloom wasn’t allowed even a second to ponder though where the insane filly had disappeared due to the constant tug on her left forehoof by Sweetie Belle.

“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” Apple Bloom sighed following the other filly as she raced through the throng of students, using her petite size to her advantage to slip through the smallest of gaps imaginable.

Apple Bloom, slightly bigger than Sweetie due to her earth pony heritage, struggled to keep up. Thankfully, it was only a minute or so later that Sweetie reached her destination, one of the biggest booths in the whole hall.

“Oh no,” Apple Bloom whimpered, rapidly turning and attempting to head back in the direction she had come from only to find that her hooves weren’t obeying her command. In fact, she was heading in totally the opposite direction.

“So, you’re Sweetie’s friend. Sorry to use my magic but we’re a little desperate and I could see you were more than a little apprehensive. I guess she didn’t tell you the full story before bringing you along?” an orange unicorn with a short blonde mane that reminded Apple Bloom very much of her sister said on the other side of the booth’s table.

“Hey Carrie, is she the one?” A second unicorn, who looked identical to Carrie in almost every way, asked, trotting over after finishing, unsuccessfully, to persuade some third-years to sign up.

“Sure is Theresa. Our last hope if we want this year’s production to be a success,” Carrie informed. “But where are my manners? I’m Carrie Zation and this is my twin sister Theresa and we’re fifth-years that are also the new heads of the Drama and Dance Association here at the school.”

Apple Bloom looked at the two unicorns sceptically for a moment before muttering, “Apple Bloom. I wish I could say it’s nice to meet you but, well, kind of being held against my will here. Whatever Sweetie promised, I’m not…” Apple Bloom paused as she saw the tears well in Sweetie’s eyes once more. That though, wasn’t what made her change her mind. The fact her friend looked like she was about to explode into a miniature sun on the other hoof, very much did. “Fine, I’ll listen to what you have to say but I’m not promising anything especially as I can’t act or dance,” Apple Bloom conceded. Thankfully that was enough to prevent the miniature sun, for now. “Just get straight to the point of why you need me specifically, please.”

“Thank you,” Carrie replied, letting out a relieved breath as she released Apple Bloom from her magical grip.

“Here,” Theresa added, passing Apple Bloom a flyer.

St Trineighans Amateur Dramatical association proudly presents this year’s chosen production:


Apple Bloom read the top two lines then looked at the picture of a bloodthirsty werewolf and a screaming mare underneath and sighed; she wasn’t liking where this was going. Underneath the picture was one final line that only further fueled her unease.

Newcomers welcome, no acting or dance experience required, many parts available, including preferably a werewolf for the lead antagonist role.

“Let me guess; you’ve had no luck finding that werewolf?” Apple Bloom stated bluntly.

“You got it,” Theresa sighed. “There are only eleven werewolf students in the entire school. We had hoped at least one might be interested but only two so far have even glanced at our booth before you and one of those was Sweetie and she’s our head of costumes and makeup. The other one didn’t even hang around for us to talk to them.”

“I’m not surprised,” Apple Bloom replied. “May I ask what made you choose this particular play? From just your recruitment poster it seems more than a little offensive in its stereotypical portrayal of werewolves as nothing more than savage beasts,” Apple Bloom grumbled.

Carrie and Theresa shared a nervous glance between each other for a moment and then Carrie turned towards Apple Bloom and blurted, “We’re psychics.”

Apple Bloom stared at Carrie for a second like the older filly was insane. “Come again?”

Theresa’s head hit her right forehoof. “Well, there goes any chance she’ll sign on now,” she grumbled under her breath. “Good job, careless Carrie.”

Carrie turned and glared at her sister. “What did you want me to say, huh? That we thought it looked like a cool production to put on? As far as I’m concerned, we either tell her the truth and pray she is kind enough to help us out, or end up spending the next nine months foolishly working on a play that we know is destined to fail. I know what my dream showed me, her contribution is pivotal to the play’s success.”

Theresa met her sister’s glare with one of her own and for a time the twins were at an impasse. Eventually, it was Theresa who buckled and turned her head in Apple Bloom’s direction.

“Look at our cutie marks. We each have one half of an iconic symbol of drama. Mine is a mask that represents tragedy whereas Carrie has a mask that represents comedy. But they also have a darker meaning to them. We have dreams of the future, or rather, Carrie has dreams; I have nightmares,” Theresa explained.

It was only then that Apple Bloom noticed the dark circles that buried the older filly’s eyes. “What do you mean, nightmares?” she pressed hesitantly. Apple Bloom was pretty sure she was not going to like the answer to her question but if she was going to be coerced into the Drama and Dance club, she wanted to know exactly what she was getting herself into.

Theresa let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. “It’s simple really, even for a young filly such as yourself to understand. Carrie dreams the best possible outcome; I dream the worst. We have no control over when they will occur or any idea what they will be about and they can vary in many ways such as how many times we have that particular dream, how far in the future it will be and how much of the dream we can remember when we wake up.”

“Not even Luna has the power to be able to access and view our dreams,” Carrie added.

“And let me guess; the last one was of this year’s play,” Apple Bloom stated, closing her own eyes and rubbing her temple with her right forehoof. She was really not liking where this was going.

“Correct,” Theresa replied before adding, “But it was very vague and all we could make out for certain is the play’s name and that it will only be successful if an actual werewolf plays the antagonists role.”

“Actually,” Carrie interrupted, “There is one more thing.”

Theresa opened her eyes and turned her this time shocked gaze upon her sister.

“I’m sorry sister, I did not feel it important at the time. In fact, I’d completely forgotten until now and upon seeing that bright red mane. I’m one hundred per cent certain the filly playing the werewolf in my dream is her,” Carrie stated firmly, jabbing a hoof in Apple Bloom’s direction.

Apple Bloom banged her head hard against the table. “Ow,” she murmured not lifting her head up. “And what happens if I refuse to participate?”

Once again, the twin sisters glanced at each other nervously. It was Carrie who eventually turned and addressed Apple Bloom.

“At best we recreate Theresa’s nightmare scenario and the play turns out to be a massive catastrophe.”

“At worst neither dream is recreated and…” Theresa abruptly cut off before she turned and buried her head into Carrie’s neck, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Woah, wait, I’m sorry. D-did I say something wrong?” Apple Bloom queried, barely able to hide the rising panic in her voice.

“No, it’s just…” Carrie paused, unsure what to say next.

“Death,” Luna’s stone-cold voice brusquely cut into the discussion behind Apple Bloom that sent a chill shooting up the filly’s spine. “If one of the two outcomes is not achieved, a grisly death awaits one of those who features in them.”

Apple Bloom slammed her head hard for the second time into the table. The poor table broke in half.

“Bucks sake,” she grumbled turning to Luna. “So, I either participate in this play or possibly end up getting a silver bullet to the brain? Or worse, one of my friends does.”

“Possibly but it is likely to be much, much more painful than that,” Luna replied solemnly.

“Well, that’s a lot better isn’t it?” Apple Bloom replied sarcastically. “Where do I sign up?” she sighed, turning back to the twins in defeat.

Carrie smiled, “You mean it?” she said as Apple Bloom found the sign-up sheet and pot of ink amongst the rubble and committed to her fate in writing.

“Well, I don’t feel like I’ve much choice,” Apple Bloom stated before adding, “Yet how your play is going to be a success with a pony who can’t act or dance is beyond me. Wait, what is Scootaloo’s name doing on here?”

“She a friend of yours? We’ve had a fair few first years sign up I’m afraid so I’m not sure I’d be able to say who you’re referring to without seeing them first” Carrie explained.

Apple Bloom groaned, already regretting her decision, even if she might have found out just why Scootaloo was being so secretive. Making herself look like a jackass was going to be embarrassing enough but in front of her friends, it was going to be total humiliation.

“Geronimo! Hey Apple Bloom, I found her.”

“What now?” Apple Bloom grumbled, looking up. “Pony dung,” she swore as two heavy lumps barrelled into her.

“Screwball, you have three seconds to give me a good reason for literally dropping in on me like this before I send you back to where you came from, 1…” Apple Bloom growled from the bottom of yet another pony pile.

“You and me both,” Scootaloo groaned sandwiched between Apple Bloom and Screwball. “One moment I’m signing up for Royal Games try outs the next I hear a pony scream my name and suddenly I’m here. Where is here exactly?”

“Drama and Dance booth,” Apple Bloom deadpanned, forcing her friends off her and rising to her hooves.

Scootaloo’s eyes bulged. “I-I didn’t think that would be your thing,” she stammered.

“It’s not but being a werewolf is. What’s your excuse?” Apple Bloom replied with a malevolent grin.

“B-because she loves them," Sweetie interjected tentatively.

"Excuse me, what?" Apple Bloom queried turning to Sweetie Belle. "If you have something to say Sweetie please do," Apple Bloom attempted to coerce.

"I like to sing and dance," Scootaloo interjected this time in a low tone, her gamboge cheeks taking on a rosy hue as she directed her eyes at the floor.

“Woah, okay, that was unexpected but you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about what you love doing,” Apple Bloom said, trying to stem her friend’s embarrassment. "And how does Sweetie fit into this anyway?"

"I'd help her and Rarity with the costumes and in return they would let me sneak into the back row of rehearsals," Scootaloo explained, still not lifting her gaze from the floor.

"I see," Apple Bloom replied, everything becoming somewhat clearer in her mind.

“I personally want to hear what she sounds like,” Luna chipped in, intrigued. “This is also news to me and as you are all well aware, very little in this school remains secret from me for very long.”

Scootaloo’s eyes shot up in panic at that comment and she looked like she was about to attempt to bolt once more as Apple Bloom turned to Luna with a look of thunder.

“You’re not helping,” she snapped angrily.

“She’s good,” Theresa interrupted with a sniffle causing everypony to turn their attention her way. “I spotted her sitting in the back corner of the theatre when she popped by with Rarity last year. I didn’t know who she was at the time and was heading over to confront her for intruding our private practice when I started to hear her following along and singing softly to The Music of the Night. She scarpered though at the end of the song after spotting me and before I could get a clear look at her. She’s young and her voice is rough around the edges but I’m sure she could make it as a singer with the right training and attitude. I was thrilled to spot her hesitantly hovering around a little while back and be able to persuade her to sign on.”

Scootaloo looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her whole and buried her head into her forehooves in embarrassment.

“C’mon Scoots, it’s not that bad. At least you can sing,” Apple Bloom stated with a forced chuckle, throwing a foreleg around her friend and pulling her in for a hug.

“And this way we get to have fun and spend more time with each other!” Screwball exclaimed as she finished adding her own name to the sign-up sheet. “It’s a win-win.”

Scootaloo slowly removed her head from her hooves and forced a smile across her muzzle. “Seriously? You two not going to laugh at me, the ruggish tomcolt, for being into such sissy things?”

“Nah, I’m more likely to laugh at how stupid you look right now,” Apple Bloom teased. “Although, I’ll make you a deal. You don’t laugh at how bad my acting is and I’ll forget this awkward incident ever happened. Deal?”

“Deal,” Scootaloo chuckled “Now, as soon as you each grab a script, how about we get out of here and enjoy the rest of our weekend?”

“I’d love to but I think I’ve a table to…huh?” Apple Bloom finished, staring at the pristine table in front of her. “How?”

“Don’t mention it,” Luna said behind Apple Bloom. “And if you leave the scripts to me, I’ll take them to your dorms. It’s a lovely evening out there and there’s still an hour or so until my sister’s sun sets; so why don’t you grab a ball or something from the equipment shed and go play? Just take my daughter with you if you don’t mind. She looks bored out of her mind in that far corner.”

“I’m not going to say no to that. What do you say Screwball; Baseball, Hoofball or Buckball?” Scootaloo asked her friend looking a lot more like her old self.

“I’ve already grabbed the bat, ball and catcher’s mitt,” Screwball giggled.

“When…” Apple Bloom began, only for Luna to cut in.

“Miss Ball, might I remind you to be careful and limit the use of portals on school grounds. The last thing we need is a student to accidentally stumble into one and end up lost in the chaos realm,” Luna reprimanded.

“Sorry headmistress,” Screwball replied not in the least regretting her actions.

“No harm done on this occasion just remember for future please. Now of with the lot of you,” Luna said, waving the fillies away with a hoof.

It was as the four members of the Crazy Mark Crusaders departed that they heard Luna’s voice one final time call after them.

“Oh, and Scootaloo, just a heads up that I’ll be along to rehearsals to hear you sing at some point, please don’t disappoint me. And loving the new look, pink suits you.”

Scootaloo didn’t look back as her expression turned to one of a dead filly trotting.

Author's Note:

And we're back. Ending is a little iffy but I was struggling with it for most this week and maybe just being to critical. Hope you enjoy it anyway and I now have a key plot for book one. Oh and anyone get it?

Carrie + Theresa + Zation = Characterization

Next onto Act 2: An Inspector Calls.