• Published 28th Mar 2022
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Dreams, Duty, and Loyalty - Hades Shadow 92

Sable Gale wins her first big race, catching the eye of a certain Rainbow maned Wonderbolt. But her reasons for winning set the events that will teach both mares a valuable lesson.

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Dreams, Duty, and Loyalty

Dreams, Duty and Loyalty

It was a bright sunny day in Cloudsdale, the wind was light and breezy, the temperature wasn’t too bad, and pegasi were flying everywhere. Most were flying towards the Cloudsdale race track, getting ready for the big race that was to be held today.

Flying towards the VIP boxes were three particular ponies, here to oversee the race. They weren’t just any ponies either, they were Wonderbolts, the best of the best.

“Rainbow Dash, I know you’re excited but slow down.” Spitfire yelled after the rainbow maned pegasus.

“I can’t help it boss! I love racing, and I can’t wait to see who wins it!” Rainbow yelled out, spinning in the air.

Fleetfoot laughed as she flew next to Rainbow, “Well I’m glad you’re excited. Most of the others hate watching and prefer to actually be in the race.”

“Hey, I like being in the race too, but watching is just as fun. Seeing all the different techniques, moves, and skills of all the fliers makes me more pumped to improve myself. And seeing any potential recruits would be awesome.” Rainbow said while spinning in the air.

“Yeah, that’s my favorite part about these assignments. Gotta keep an eye out for new talent. The Wonderbolts could always use new blood in the academy.” Spitfire said before barreling past the other two.

“Hey! No fair!” Rainbow yelled.

“Gotta keep pushing yourself Crash!” Spitfire yelled back, laughing loudly.

Rainbow and Fleetfoot shared a look and sped up to catch up with their captain. The three ponies flew the last bit of distance before coming to the landing on the VIP deck of the stadium. After dusting off and getting their passes from security, they made their way to the box and looked out across the crowd. The stadium was packed and ponies were brimming with excitement as the time drew closer for the race to begin.

“Hey, you girls want some drinks? My treat.” Fleetfoot said, getting up from her seat.

“That sounds awesome, thanks Fleet.” Spitfire waved back at her.

Fleetfoot left the two mares to watch as the crowd grew restless, anxious for the race to begin. Rainbow was practically bouncing in her seat, excitement filling her being.

Soon, the crowd cheered as the racers began to fly onto the track and make for the starting line. Several pegasi stood at the line, all in similar flight suits, with different numbers attached to their flanks. All shapes and sizes, all different ages from young adults to mature ponies.

“So Spitfire, know anything about any competitors?” Rainbow asked.

“Not really Crash. Didn’t get a chance to look at the roster.” Spitfire said, leaning back against her chair.

“Well it’s a good thing I got us some then.” Fleetfoot said, returning with water bottles and a few pamphlets.

Rainbow and Spitfire took the bottles of water and the pamphlets, getting comfortable and looking down at the racers once again. Fleetfoot joined in, laying back in her seat.

Rainbow looked over the pamphlet, seeing several names of ponies she didn’t know. It had their names, age, and past racing history. Most of them had a decent record, wins and losses all around. This was a pretty big race, lots of bits and recognition on the line.

But one racer caught her eye. Sable Gale was her name, and according to her record on the pamphlet, this was her first official race. Pretty bold to be coming to this race as a newbie. There was a big prize with this race, so lots of pros would be participating. Not to mention those who wanted to be spotted by the Wonderbolts.

“Hey Spitfire, have you ever heard of this, Sable Gale?” Rainbow asked.

Spitfire looked at her own pamphlet, scanning for the name. When she found it, she raised an eyebrow.

“Never. Probably a rookie who thinks she’s hot stuff. Still, I’ll give her credit for making her debut here.” Spitfire said.

“I agree. I never had the courage to come to a big race like this for my first one.” Fleetfoot said.

“Yeah, I was at your first race. I beat you Fleet.” Spitfire said laughing.

“Hey! I was a rookie, and I didn’t pace myself! I learned!” Fleetfoot yelled back, jabbing her captain in the side.

“Hey, I didn’t say you were bad. Not like we can all perform a legendary technique as a filly in our first race. Right Rainbow Dash?” Spitfire said, smirking at Rainbow.

Rainbow grew a blush on her face, looking away and causing the other two Wonderbolts to laugh at her embarrassment. Rainbow soon recovered and joined in on the laugh. Time went on and the racers all came out to the starting line.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, Welcome to the Annual Cloudsdale 500!” The announcer for the race sounded out from the speakers around the stadium.

“We’ve got quite the race for you today! These five fliers have trained for this moment and are ready to make their mark in the world of flying. And to no doubt show off to our very special guests here today. Please help me welcome Captain Spitfire of the Wonderbolts!” He said, the crowd roaring into applause as Spitfire waved.

“Joining our beloved Captain is fan favorite Fleetfoot!”

Fleetfoot also stood up and waved as applause roared out again.

“And last but certainly not least, we have the Element of Loyalty herself, that’s right ponies, Rainbow Dash!”

The crowd roared again, Rainbow waving with a little blush on her face. Spitfire and Fleetfoot chuckling behind her.

The racers all looked up at the Wonderbolts, some with determination, some with admiration. The racers finished their stretches as the time for the race grew closer. One mare in particular caught Rainbow’s eye, as she was the last to finish her stretches. A black coated mare with a black and green mane. She didn’t look as nervous as the others did. She looked so determined and ready for this race. Rainbow couldn’t put her hoof on it, but there was something different about her demeanor.

“It’s time! Racers, to the starting line!” The announcer bellowed.

The racers all lined up, side by side and wings outstretched. Muscles tensed and ready for flight.

A pegasus with a black and white striped referee outfit came out next to the line, a flag in his hoof as he hovered in the air.

“On your mark!” He yelled as he raised the flag.

The racers got into position.

“Get set! GO!!” He yelled out again.

And like cannonballs, the racers leaped into the air and onto the track. A gust of wind nearly blowing the ref aside.

“And they are off! What a start! Leading the pack is Number 1, Gusty Breeze! She’s a well known combatant here in the stadium. Keep your eyes on her folks. The pack right behind her, ready to clench that early lead!” The announcer said, excitement oozing from the speakers.

Rainbow looked at the mare in question. She had never seen her in person, but had heard of her. She had talent, but was a bit too full of herself off the track.

“And in last place is newcomer Sable Gale. Looks like the newbie choked. Well it’s only her first official race everypony.” He said.

Rainbow got her binoculars to get a look at the newbie. From what Rainbow could see, she didn’t look like she choked. No. She looked as determined as she did at the start of the race. Pretty good for a newbie to keep her cool like that. Rainbow was for sure gonna keep an eye on her.

The first few laps were uneventful, with Gusty holding first place. Sable had since gotten into fourth place, with no sign of fatigue. She was pacing herself pretty good.

By the sixth lap, Sable had made it to third place. With the former third place mare having winded herself. She was closing in, and Rainbow was on the edge of her seat.

“It’s been quite the race everypony. Newcomer Sable Gale has worked her way up to third place. This rookie is determined and closing on the leads. Gusty Breeze is still holding her lead, but could the rookie catch up to her in time?” The announcer said.

The race kept going, and by the ninth lap, it was Sable in second and Gusty in first.

“And here we are everypony. The final lap, and what an upstart. Sable Gale has caught up to second place and is closing in on Gusty. But does she have the juice for one last push? Or will Gusty make this rookie go home with the silver?” The announcer spoke into his mic.

Rainbow had her binoculars locked onto the two leading ponies. Sable Gale was indeed catching up to Gusty, closing in inch after inch. Gusty looked frustrated as she kept looking back at the rookie coming up behind her. Gusty looked like she was about to pass out, clearly having overdid it to keep her lead. But Sable wasn’t looking that much better. Breathing heavily but still had that determined look on her face.

The finish line was getting closer and closer as Sable was now neck in neck with Gusty. Gusty was shooting her a dirty look and tried to push herself further, but that was her last mistake.

Gusty soon started to look down and lose speed, most likely from fatigue. And that’s when Sable made her final move. With the last of her strength, Sable pushed forward and took the lead from Gusty. And with that final push, the checkered flag at the finish line said it all.


Sable landed on the other side of the finish line, leaning against the wall of the stadium, her breath heavy as she slumped to the ground. Gusty landed with a lot less grace as she dug her hooves into the ground and tumbled, landing her face in the dirt.

Rainbow and the rest of the Wonderbolts cheered along with the crowd.

“That was AWESOME! She totally smoked her!” Rainbow said, pumping her hoof in the air.

“I have to admit, the rookie pulled it off pretty well. I’m impressed.” Spitfire stated.

“Are we sure this is her first race? She looked like a pro out there. What pacing, what determination.” Fleetfoot said.

“We gotta meet her. The Wonderbolts need new ponies like her boss.” Rainbow said, looking to Spitfire.

“I agree. Let’s head down there and see this rookie up close.” Spitfire said, leading her team out of their seats.

Sable Gale and the other racers were brought together and all in a line, with Sable on a small podium.

“Congratulations racers! What a show!” The announcer said as he landed in front of the group.

Medals were brought out, each pony getting one. As the silver medal was placed on Gusty, she glared daggers at the mare of the podium. Sable was given the gold medal, smiling and thanking the stallion.

“Let’s hear it for our awesome racers!” The announcer said to the crowd.

The crowd stomped so hard it might have shook the whole stadium. Rainbow and the Wonderbolts joined in as they landed on the track. Three of the racers all rushed them, telling them how cool it was to meet them. And while Rainbow was flattered and gave a few autographs, she looked beyond them to try and find Sable. But she wasn’t there.

She looked towards the exit to the locker rooms, where she saw Sable making her way there. Gusty was right behind her, not looking happy.

“Oh boy..” Rainbow said, making her way to follow them.

Rainbow found the mare’s locker room, and could hear yelling inside.

“You had to have cheated! No rookie could beat me!” Gusty said.

“I won, deal with it.” The other voice, who had to be Sable, said.

Rainbow walked into the room and found Gusty glaring at Sable, who was getting her saddlebags out of her locker.

“I trained hard to compete here! This was my big chance to have the Wonderbolts notice me! And you ruined that!” Gusty shouted.

“I trained hard too! Just go compete in the next one! Or better yet, go sign up at the academy.” Sable said.

“You don’t get it! I want them to come to me! I’m gonna be the next best flier in Equestria! Better than Spitfire, better than Rainbow Dash! I can’t start my career losing to a nopoby from some backwater town!” Gusty said.

And with that, Rainbow had heard enough.

“Hey! That’s enough!” Rainbow said, getting the attention of the two mares.

Gusty looked shocked to see Rainbow there, while Sable looked slightly surprised.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?” Gusty asked.

“I heard the shouting. Is this how a future best flier should be acting? Being a sore loser and yelling at a newcomer? Calling her a nopony and insulting her hometown?” Rainbow said sternly.

“But… but.. I’ve been training longer! I’ve got 5 gold medals in less than a year! And this nopony just comes out of nowhere and beats me! She had to have cheated! I want her tested for steroids, or performance enhancers!” Gusty shouted.

“Are you serious? Every racer is tested for any kind of performance enhancer or steroid before they are even allowed to enter. If you have even a trace of the stuff in your system, you don’t get to race. So there was no cheating. She simply flew smart, saving her energy for the opportune moment.” Rainbow explained.

“But it’s not fair! I was supposed to win this race!” Gusty screamed.

“What in Celestia’s name is going on here?” Spitfire said, coming into the locker room with Fleetfoot right behind her.

“We got us a sore loser here Spitfire. She’s been insulting Sable, calling her a backwater nopony and a cheater.” Rainbow said.

“Is that so?” Spitfire said sternly.

Spitfire flew immediately in front of Gusty, looking her straight in the eye.

“You think you’re hot stuff?” Spitfire said.

“N… No ma’am.” Gusty said, sounding scared.

“Darn right you’re not! If you were a real sportspony, you’d be congratulating this rookie on her first win, and a darn good one too!” Spitfire bellowed.

“Wonderbolts are to uphold themselves not only as great fliers, but as inspiration to others. We are the elite, and we do not belittle, or bad mouth any pony! If you ever want to be a Wonderbolt, I suggest you get over yourself and get your act in order! Do I make myself clear!?” Spitfire shouted in Gusty’s face.

“Yes Ma’am!” Gusty said, scared out of her mind.

“Excellent. Now get going.” Spitfire said calmly.

Gusty nodded quickly and left the locker room in a hurry. The three Wonderbolts turned to Sable, seeing that she had packed up her bag.

Rainbow Dash approached her, “You ok?”

Sable looked at her, “Yeah, no big deal. Is she always like that?”

“From what I’ve heard from Soarin, yeah pretty much.” Spitfire said.

Rainbow continued, “So, that was a pretty awesome race. You sure know your stuff for a newbie.”

“I worked really hard for this win. I had to win.” Sable said solemnly.

“Had to?” Rainbow asked.

Sable put her saddlebags on and turned towards the door, “Please excuse me.”

“Hey, hold up.” Rainbow said, trying to get her attention.

Sable ignored her and ran off up the stairs.

“What was that about?” Fleetfoot asked.

“Not sure. First time a newbie ever blew us off.” Spitfire said.

“Well I’m not giving up. She is totally Wonderbolt material. I would never pass up a chance like this.” Rainbow said, moving in the direction Sable went.

Spitfire and Fleetfoot called out to her but she didn’t hear them as she raced up the stairs after Sable. She looked around and eventually spotted her talking with the race officials. When Rainbow landed, the officials were handing over the prize money for the race. 7000 bits to be exact.

“Here you are Miss Gale. Magnificent race. We hope to see you again soon.” The lead official spoke as he hoofed over the bits.

“Thank you sir.” Sable said, quickly putting the bits in her bag.

As the officials took their leave, Rainbow approached Sable Gale.

Sable turned to see the rainbow maned Wonderbolt, “You again.”

“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you. You have a lot of talent. Ever considered trying for the Wonderbolt academy?” Rainbow asked.

“Once or twice. Now please excuse me.” Sable said, turning to leave again.

Rainbow got in front of her, “Hey hold on. With your skills, you could breeze through the academy and make it into the reserves no problem. That’s a real opportunity there.”

“I realize that, but I don’t have time to talk. Please get out of my way.” Sable said, still trying to be polite but had a hint of irritation in her voice.

“What’s the big hurry? Most ponies dream of having your skills. And even more dream of the opportunity you’ve been given. You should really consider it. Come talk with Spitfire and we can have you in the academy in no time.” Rainbow said.

“I don’t have time to talk. I got what I need, and now I have to get home.” Sable said.

Rainbow was taken aback by her statement, “What is that supposed to mean?”

Sable sighed, “Look, I needed the bits. That’s the only reason I entered this race. Ok?”

Rainbow’s eyes widened, “So you raced just for the money?”

Sable didn’t say anything and moved past the mare once again, this time unfurling her wings in preparation for flight.

Rainbow recovered from her shock and turned to glare at Sable, “All that talent and you only care about is the money!”

Sable stopped and didn’t move.

“If you’re only in it for the money, then you are so not Wonderbolt material. It’s not about the money. It’s about the thrill, the passion, and reaching new heights. My dream was to be a Wonderbolt. And it wasn’t for fame or the money, it was to be the best. But I bet the only dream you have is a nice rich life in a big mansion somewhere right?” Rainbow yelled.

Sable didn’t answer for the longest time, and only after several minutes did she look back at Rainbow. And when Rainbow saw her expression, all her anger just disappeared.

Sable looked like she had been stabbed in the heart, eyes lowered and drained of life. She looked like she wanted to cry. And sure enough, a single tear streaked down her face as she lifted her head to look at the Wonderbolt.

“You don’t know anything about me or my dreams…” Sable said quietly.

Before Rainbow could respond, Sable Gale flew into the air and soon vanished over the stadium wall. Rainbow could not find it in her heart to chase after her. She was too confused. Why did she look so sad?

“Rainbow Dash!” Spitfire said, coming up behind Rainbow.

Fleetfoot landed with Spitfire, moving next to Rainbow.

“Did you find her?” Fleetfoot asked.

Rainbow was hesitant to respond, but soon let out, “I did.”

“And? What happened?” Spitfire asked.

Rainbow looked up at her captain, “I think I did something horrible Spitfire.”

“You want me to find this Sable Gale?” Twilight asked.

“Please Twilight. I need to apologize.” Rainbow said, looking pleadingly at her friend.

“I can certainly try. Though I’d like to know just what you plan to apologize for?” Twilight said, writing something into a scroll.

“I said some… really bad things to her. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was mad, and…” Rainbow said, hanging her head.

Twilight saw the look of distress on Rainbow’s face. This was serious.

Just as Twilight was thinking of how she could find this pegasus, she felt a familiar tingling sensation on her flank. She turned to see her cutiemark had started to glow. She then turned to see that Rainbow’s was also glowing. Their marks flew across the throne room to the map in the center. They circled around the map and eventually landed on a small town just outside of Dodge City.

The two mares looked down at the map, seeing the destination they were being guided to.

“Do you think the map is leading us to Sable?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s possible. The map must have sensed your want to make amends with this mare.” Twilight said.

“Should we follow it?” Rainbow asked.

“We must. The map has never let us down before. It must be leading us in the right direction. I’ll get us tickets for the train.” Twilight said.

Rainbow nodded, walking behind Twilight towards the train station. As they got on the train, Rainbow couldn’t help but think about what Sable had said to her.

“You don’t know anything about me or my dreams.”

The town was small, even smaller than Ponyville. Houses were poorly constructed, but sturdy enough to live in comfortably. Ponies moved back and forth, happy as can be. Foals running through the streets as they kicked a ball around. Wagons and carriages moved through the streets as well, carrying families and other ponies to their destinations.

Rainbow and Twilight exited the train station, looking around the town with wonder.

“This place reminds me of Appaloosa.” Rainbow said.

“I did some research on the way over here. This town is called Oasis. They have several aquifers to bring water to Dodge City and Appaloosa. They also are the base for the Pegasus Wildwind Delivery service, which travels all around the Southern parts of Equestria.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of that delivery service. Pinkie said it’s the only one that delivers to her family’s rock farm.” Rainbow said.

Twilight nodded, “Now, let’s find this Sable Gale. I bet the local sheriff can point us in the right direction.”

Rainbow nodded and both mares flew over the streets and quickly spotted a building with a star on it. They landed and walked through the door and into the office. They found an old pegasus stallion with a badge on his chest, sleeping at his desk snoring loudly.

Twilight walked up to the desk and cleared her throat.

The sheriff grumbled a bit as he started to wake up, “If this is about the old drunk at the saloon, just have someone drag him home.”

“Excuse me Sheriff.” Twilight said.

His ears perked up and he finally looked up to see Princess Twilight standing in front of him. He was so shocked that he fell back in his chair, causing a cloud of dust to kick up as he coughed and sputtered. Once he got back to his feet, he dusted himself off and adjusted his hat back on his head.

“Welcome to Oasis, Princess Twilight. My name is Sheriff Dusty Cloud. And might I say, it is a fine honor to have royalty visit our humble town.” He said, bowing to Twilight.

Twilight smiled, “Please, there is no need to be formal. My friend and I came here in hope that you could help us find somepony.”

He immediately got up and straightened up, “Oh absolutely your highness. I am at your service. I know everyone that comes through here.”

Rainbow Dash stepped forward, making her presence known to the sheriff, “Do you know a mare named Sable Gale?”

The sheriff looked to the Element of Loyalty, his expression turning curious, “Sable? What’s your business with her?”

“So you do know her?” Rainbow asked, her eyes lighting up.

“Sure I know her. I’ve known her since she was a little filly. Now tell me, why is a Princess and an Element of Harmony out here asking for Sable?” The sheriff asked, his tone getting more serious.

“I… need to talk to her. About something that happened after the race in Cloudsdale.” Rainbow said, her voice getting low.

The sheriff immediately glared at Rainbow, “So you’re the one that was harassing her at the race.”

Rainbow’s head shot up, “Wait what?”

“She told me after she got off the train. I walked her home and she told me all about this big shot Wonderbolt was harassing her about joining. And when Sable said no, they went on saying that all she cared about was the money and that she had no real dreams. That sound familiar?” He said.

“I… I…” Rainbow said, not knowing what to say.

“Did you ever stop to think about why she wanted the money?” Dusty Cloud asked.

Rainbow hung her head, she couldn’t say anything. She didn’t think about that. She thought she just wanted the money for herself.

The sheriff walked to the door, “Follow me.”

Rainbow and Twilight were confused, but didn’t refuse. The sheriff walked them through the town, getting some looks from the residents. But one look from the sheriff told them that this was not the time to gawk. The walk took them to the other end of town. A medium sized building came into view, the sheriff starting to walk towards it.

As the sign on the front came into view, a sense of dread fell over both mares.

Oasis General Hospital

The doors opened, revealing a waiting room, not empty but not full either. Ponies walking around with bandages and other small injuries. Mares with children walking around and taking them to a small playpen on the other side of the room. The reception desk was small, but right in the back of the room behind glass.

“Sheriff. What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

He said nothing and walked up to the receptionist’s desk. The mare behind the glass looked up and smiled at her sheriff.

“Hello Sheriff, how can I help you?” She asked.

“Howdy Nurse Daffodil. How is Mistral?” He asked.

The nurse’s ears drooped as she looked at her clipboard.

“Her condition has improved, but she is still very weak. I’m afraid the money won’t last.” The nurse said solemnly.

The sheriff cursed under his breath and looked behind him at the two mares. He then motioned with his head towards the hallway to the patient rooms. Rainbow and Twilight followed him without question. The dread from earlier had doubled after hearing the conversation with the nurse. Who was Mistral?

Soon, the sheriff stopped at a room, and turned to them.

“Please keep your voices down.” He said.

The two mares nodded and the stallion opened the door. As they walked inside, the two mares gasped at what they saw.

A pegasus mare was lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to a machine giving off a constant beep. She had a tube down her throat and several machines hooked up to her. She looked terrible, so pale and weak.

“Sheriff, who is this?” Twilight asked.

He stepped toward the bed, “This is Mistral Gale. Sable’s mother.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened and were glued to the older mare in the bed. She looked so much like Sable. Her coat was the same color as Sable’s, the biggest difference in the mare’s appearance compared to her daughter was the blue in her mane rather than Sable’s green.

Rainbow turned and asked the question she was dreading, “What’s wrong with her?”

“She was born with a weak heart. She kept herself strong with exercise, went to the doctors every month. She was so careful. But she was strong, even when she was told having a foal would kill her, she didn’t back down. Eventually, that caught up with her. She had a heart attack two weeks ago, and had to be put on life support.” Sheriff Dusty Cloud explained.

Rainbow’s eyes widened, “So the reason she needed the bits…”

“Was to pay to keep her mother on life support. That is correct Miss Dash.” The sheriff said, finishing her sentence.

Rainbow felt sick, and not because she was in a hospital. She felt so horrible that she collapsed onto her forelegs. She had called Sable greedy, saying that all she cared about was a cushy life. And now she knew the truth. She had bullied a mare who was trying to keep her mother alive…

“Rainbow, please. You have to calm down.” Twilight’s voice rang in Rainbow’s ear.

Rainbow hadn’t even noticed that Twilight had jumped to her side when she collapsed. The alicorn was holding her side, keeping her wing against her.

“How can I calm down after hearing that? I said those horrible things to a mare who just wanted to keep her mom alive?” Rainbow said, tears forming in her eyes.

Twilight held her for several minutes, not moving even when Rainbow buried her head in her chest. Rainbow very rarely cried, but this was beyond anything Twilight had seen from her rainbow maned friend.

When Rainbow started to calm down a little, Twilight turned to the sheriff.

“Is there anything that can be done for her? Any treatment?” Twilight asked.

“A heart transplant is the only way to save her. But her blood type is AB Negative, the rarest one to match. She’s been on the waiting list since her heart attack. But the doctors haven’t found a match yet. Without that life support, Mistral would be dead in just a few days.” The sheriff explained.

Rainbow perked up at that, “Don’t ponies donate organs all the time? Surely there’s gotta be one somewhere in Equestria.”

“Rainbow, it’s not that simple. Not with a heart.” Twilight said.

“Hearts can only survive a couple hours out of the body. Four to six if I recall correctly. The likelihood of finding a heart that matches hers is very slim.” Twilight explained.

“I don’t care.” A new voice said.

Everypony turned to see Sable Gale in the doorway. She did not look happy to see them. She had a boutique of flowers in her hoof. She also looked like she hadn’t slept in days.

“Sable.” Sheriff Dusty said, taking a step towards her.

“What did you bring them here for? They don’t have any business here. Especially her.” Sable said, pointing at Rainbow Dash.

Twilight stepped in, “Rainbow came here to apologize and make amends for what she said. The sheriff told us of your situation.”

“And what, now you know me and what I’m going through? You still don’t know anything. I don’t want her apology. Just get out.” Sable said, stomping over to her mother’s bedside.

Rainbow walked up to her, “Please. I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t want your pity either. Just leave.” Sable said, a tear falling down her face.

Rainbow didn’t move, but she didn’t talk either. Not for a good few minutes. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

In the end, Rainbow couldn’t help but smile.

“I meant what I said before.” Rainbow said.

Sable looked at her in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“When I said you had real talent. And that you could breeze through the Wonderbolt Academy. You could be the next great Wonderbolt with your skills.” Rainbow said.

Sable looked at her with wide eyes, but turned away and looked down at the ground. The tears were forming in her eyes again. Little droplets falling down her face.

“I’ve dreamed of hearing that from somepony like you. I love the Wonderbolts. Mom used to take me to at least one show every month. Even if it hurt our budget at home, she knew how much I loved watching them fly. I wanted to fly like them one day. To soar through the skies of Equestria, showing everyone that a pegasus from Oasis could be just as good as a pegasus from Cloudsdale.”

Sable sniffled and wiped away the tears from her face.

“But when Mom needed me, I didn’t think about my dreams anymore. My place is here, taking care of her. I entered that race to win the money to keep her here. But it wasn’t enough. They said the prize money would only be enough to keep her here for about a month. And there’s still no guarantee that they’ll find a compatible heart.” Sable said, her voice starting to shake.

After a minute of silence, the dam broke, and tears flowed as she screamed, “I CAN’T EVEN GIVE HER MINE!”

Rainbow saw the mare crying into her mother’s bed, and the true realization of her situation came to her. She was willing to give her mother her own heart. But she wasn’t compatible. To have the courage for such a sacrifice, and be told it doesn’t matter. Rainbow could do only one thing at that moment.

She hugged the mare tightly. Sable was surprised. This mare, who she barely knew, and didn’t have a great impression of, was trying to comfort her. Eventually she gave in and sobbed into Rainbow’s chest. The two stayed like that for several minutes, Sable’s sobs grew louder and she even started to hyperventilate. Rainbow pushed her back and gave her more room to breathe, letting her take deep breaths to calm her down.

“Why?” Sable said, after she could breathe again.

“Because you needed a hug.” Rainbow said.

Sable pushed away from Rainbow and looked at her Mom.

“You really love her, don’t you?” Rainbow said, sitting next to Sable.

“Of course I do. She’s my Mom. Don’t you love yours?” Sable asked.

“I do. There were so many times growing up, I thought she loved me a bit too much. She and Dad always getting me trophies for every little thing I did as a kid. I thought it was annoying for a long time, but recently, I saw it in a different light. I am so lucky to have parents who support me as much as they do.” Rainbow said.

She looked at Sable’s Mom, “And I can tell by how you talked about her, that she really supports you too. Wonderbolt tickets can be pricey, believe me. But your mom went out of her way to give you those shows. To help you find your dream.”

Sable lowered her head, “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

Rainbow perked an eyebrow at that statement, “What do you mean?”

“All that matters is keeping Mom alive until we can find a heart. I don’t have time for dreams anymore. I’m taking double shifts at the Pegasus Wildwind Delivery service. I’m selling all my old trophies and junk too.” Sable said.

Sheriff Dusty jumped in at that statement, “Sable! You’re already run ragged as it is. Taking every job you can find in town. Making deliveries outside the normal routes. You’re gonna run yourself into the ground.”

“I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions.” Sable shot back.

“Hang on. Why do you have to give up on your dream? There’s another race coming up. You could fly there and win again.” Rainbow said.

“Because I don’t have the time. I owe the hospital a lot for keeping Mom here. My duty as her daughter is to do whatever it takes to take care of her.” Sable said.

“Your duty as a daughter is to make yourself happy.” Twilight said, putting herself in the argument.

“If I can’t have Mom in my life, how can I be happy? She’s the only family I have!” Sable said, standing up and glaring at the Princess.

“If it was your Mom in that bed, what would you do?” Sable demanded.

Twilight stepped back at that question. She looked at Mistral and could see Twilight Velvet, lying there hooked up to the machine. The Princess of Friendship fell silent. She didn’t have an argument. If she was in Sable’s position, she would be no different.

“No!” Rainbow shouted.

She got in front of Sable, holding her ground.

“Your Mom wouldn’t want you to throw away your future and your dreams. She would want you to hold onto them.” Rainbow said.

“What do you know? You come here and think you can tell me what I need to do with my life. What should I do then? Go sign up for the Wonderbolt Academy and leave my mother to die?” Sable shouted.

“No! I just don't want you to give up on your dreams.” Rainbow shouted back.

“Then tell me, Element of Loyalty, who should I be loyal to? My duty to my Mother, or my dreams!?” Sable shouted louder than ever before.

With that question, everypony fell silent. Rainbow was shocked and fell on her rump upon hearing those words. She, the Element of Loyalty, could not give an answer to the question. She was stumped. And could only look away.

Sable sat down next to her mother, saying only two words, “Just leave.”

Rainbow could only comply. She had nothing more to say. She walked past Twilight and out of the room, followed shortly afterwards by the Alicorn and the Sheriff. No pony said anything. As they walked down the hallway of the hospital, doctors and nurses were giving them looks, ranging from disappointment and concern.

When they all reached the exit and went outside back into the town, Twilight finally asked.

“Are you ok, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow shook her head slowly, “No.”

Sheriff Dusty Cloud stepped in front of the two mares, “I’m sorry. I misjudged you Rainbow Dash. The things you said in that room were true. I don’t want Sable to give up on her dreams either. Racing and flying truly make her happy, ever since she was a filly. She never lost her smile. And neither did Mistral. All she ever wanted was for Sable to realize her dream.”

“But how can we make Sable see that? She has so much talent and determination. She could go all the way. How can we help her?” Rainbow asked.

The sheriff shook his head, “There ain’t much you can do Miss Dash. Unless you can magically find a compatible heart for Mistral, I can’t see anything else that could get to her.”

“And that may be impossible. Her blood type is so rare, I doubt we could find one if the doctors couldn’t.” Twilight said.

“Yep. All we can do is hope. It’s such a shame that life support costs so much. Poor Sable is gonna work herself to death keeping that thing going.” Sheriff Dusty said.

“Yes. That is tragic. Race winnings won’t be enough. I wish there was something we could do to help her raise the money.” Twilight asked.

Then Rainbow’s head shot up, her eyes wide as the lightbulb in her head lit up. She immediately took to the air and flew away from the two ponies. Twilight coughed at the dust Rainbow had kicked up and saw her friend flying away. In the direction of Cloudsdale if she knew her geography.

Spitfire sat in her office, filing paperwork away all day. Boy was she bored, but somepony had to be in charge around here. Requests for appearances, press conferences, weather reports, and all other kinds of responsibilities were laid across her desk. It would take days to sort through all this stuff.

Just as she was about to pick up the next page, her door burst open and most of the papers flew off her desk and into the air. She fell back in her chair at the sudden crash and storm of papers that blew around her. When she righted herself, she repositioned her glasses.

“Alright. Someone is cleaning this mess up and it’s not gonna be me. Now who's the bird brain who caused this?” Spitfire said, getting up from her chair.

When she could see the perpetrator, she couldn’t help but lose some of that edge in her voice.

Rainbow Dash stood in front of her, out of breath and covered in dust. She looked like she flew across Equestria and back. She looked terrible.

“Crash, I give you points for pushing yourself. But this is going a bit far. What in Celestia’s name happened to you?” Spitfire asked.

Rainbow caught her breath and stood up straight in front of her captain, “Spitfire, I know I’m still new to the Wonderbolts, but I have a favor to ask.”

Spitfire’s eyebrow quirked at that, “Favor? What kind?”

“I know it’ll be a lot to ask. But I’ve done a lot for Equestria and the Wonderbolts. All I ask is that you hear me out and give this a chance.” Rainbow said.

Spitfire sat back in her chair, “I'm listening Rainbow Dash.”

As Rainbow told her idea to her captain, Spitfire’s expression changed several times. Skeptical, confused, shocked, surprised, intrigued, sympathetic. All these emotions ran through her while listening to Rainbow’s proposal. After the mare was finished explaining, Spitfire sat in silence, pondering the idea and giving it some deep thought.

When Spitfire looked at the rainbow maned pegasus again, she had a smile on her face.

“You know Rainbow, I think I can arrange something like that.” Spitfire said.

Rainbow’s eyes light up like stars, “You mean it!?”

“Yeah. It’s an awesome idea. I don't think anyone will be against the Wonderbolts doing something like that. It’ll be good for morale and build goodwill. Plus, it’ll be a good change of scenery.” Spitfire said.

Rainbow immediately flew up to Spitfire and shook her hoof vigorously.

“Thank you Spitfire! Thank you thank you thank you!” Rainbow said, still shaking Spitfire.

“Daaaash, you’re gooona shaaake myyyy hoooooof oooooffff!” Spitfire said while her hoof was being shook.

“Oh. Sorry boss.” Rainbow said sheepishly.

“So how long will it take to set up?” Rainbow asked.

“Should only take a few days, a week at most. If we get Princess Twilight to help speed things along that would definitely help.” Spitfire said.

“I can talk to her! I’ll go right now, this is gonna be awesome!” Rainbow said before flying out of the office.

Spitfire was about to call her back, but smiled and just went to her paperwork. She had a lot to do to make this work. But the end result would be worth it in her eyes.

Sable sat next to her mother, resting her head on the bed. Her eyes were bloodshot, like she had been crying for hours. After the news she heard, how could she not cry?

She was running out of money, and the hospital couldn’t keep her mother on life support if she couldn’t pay the bill. Every bank she went to for a loan denied her, the risk not being worth it in their eyes. Cheap bastards.

What was she going to do? Her mother needed her. Maybe she could sell all her things and have enough until a bank could give her a loan. Or by some miracle they could find a heart in time. She was trying to keep her hope alive, but it was getting harder and harder.

It had been a week since Rainbow Dash and Princess Twilight had been there, and the words that Rainbow said kept entering her mind.

“Your Mom wouldn’t want you to throw away your future and your dreams. She would want you to hold onto them.”

The truth was she didn’t want to quit racing. She wanted to get better and be among the best. But what about her mom? If she dies, Sable wouldn’t have anyone. She couldn’t live like that. Her mother was all she had.

Suddenly, a loud pop noise came from outside, jolting Sable out of her stupor. She immediately looked outside through the window and saw ponies running and flying towards the west side of town. What was going on?

The door then opened to reveal Sheriff Dusty Cloud. He had a big grin on his face as he got her attention.

“Sable, come on out here. Y’all gotta see this.” He said, motioning for her to follow.

Sable looked to her mother and didn’t move for several minutes. Part of her wanted to see what was going on. But the other part didn’t want to leave her mother.

Suddenly, she was being pushed out the door by the Sheriff.

“What the hay?” Sable said, looking back at him.

“She’ll be alright Sable. Come on, you gotta see this.” Sheriff Dusty said.

She tried to protest, but the large stallion wouldn’t relent. She eventually gave in and followed him out of the hospital. Once she was outside, she saw several more ponies in the streets. More than Oasis had ever seen in quite some time.

“Sheriff, where did all these ponies come from?” Sable asked.

“You’ll see. Now come on, it’s just on the outskirts of town.” Sheriff Dusty said.

More dragging and more questions left unanswered. This was getting ridiculous. Sable was about to demand some answers when something flew across the sky like a rocket. She looked up to see several pegasi flying in formation. Formations that she had seen several times in her life.

What were the Wonderbolts doing here?

Sable soon found herself in a large crowd of ponies. The Sheriff went ahead of her and asked ponies to move aside and let them through. Sable was now at the front of the crowd. A large stage was set up on the outskirts of the town. The Wonderbolt’s banner raised above it, showing proudly.

A few moments later, the whole team touched down onto the stage. Sable has seen all of them many times. Firestreak, Soarin, Fleetfoot, Blaze, Surprise, all of the team was here. And the last two to land were Captain Spitfire, and Rainbow Dash. Seeing the rainbow pegasus again made Sable feel uneasy, but she needed to know what was going on.

Spitfire came up to the microphone.

“Hey there Oasis, who is everypony?” She said with her trademark grin.

Ponies cheered and stomped their hooves for the captain.

“Now that’s what I like to hear. Now let’s get down to the good stuff shall we?” Spitfire said.

“Today, the Wonderbolts will be giving a special performance for the ponies of Oasis and everypony in the area. Dodge City, Appaloosa, and even all the way over in Baltimare!” Spitfire shouted.

Ponies cheered once again, stomping loudly and making the ground shake a little.

Sable couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The Wonderbolts were gonna perform way out here? But why?

“Now before we give this performance, I would like to direct your attention to the box over there.” Spitfire said, looking over to a box office.

Inside the box office was Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. The alicorn mare smiled and waved her hoof at the crowd.

“Princess Twilight will be running our box office. Now before you all question why we would come all the way out here just to charge you for watching the show. I’m here to tell you. The show is completely free.” Spitfire said.

Ponies were confused, muttering to themselves back and forth. Sable was confused as well. Who was paying for all this?

“But that leads to the big reason why we came here. You see everypony, this show is a charity.” Spitfire said.

The crowd really began to chatter after that statement.

“This charity is going to a very noble cause, and is backed by Princess Twilight. We will not force you to pay for the show, you can see it for free like I said. But to those who do donate, we will promise extra rewards for you. For example, 50 bits will get you backstage passes to future Wonderbolt shows. 100 bits gets you a day with any member of the Wonderbolts of your choosing. And 500 bits guarantees you the best seats for every show coming next year!” Spitfire announced.

The crowd cheered even louder than before. Sable was stunned. What cause could they be here for?

Spitfire then looked back to Rainbow Dash, who then stepped forward.

“That sounds like a pretty awesome time to me, don't you think? But to be serious for a moment. I ask you all, not as just a Wonderbolt, but as an Element of Harmony. Help us raise the money we need to help a very special pony and many others to come. Give us a chance to help them in their time of need. What do you all say?”

The crowd erupted into cheers, throwing hats and many other objects into the air. Pegasi flew through the air, whistling loudly and soaring through the sky. Sable felt something strange at that moment. Like she was a part of what was going on.

“Let’s have a great show everypony!” Rainbow yelled.

The Wonderbolts all took to the skies and began their aerial warmup sessions. While they were doing that, Princess Twilight was swarmed with ponies that were practically throwing bits at her. Several ponies from the town offered to help her organize everything and take donations. Sable didn’t move from her spot however.

The sheriff smiled at her, “So Sable, what do you think about this?”

She looked at the old stallion, “What’s going on? Did you do this?”

“Nah. I can’t take credit for this idea. But you’ll learn soon enough. Now come on, let’s go enjoy the show.” Sheriff Dusty said.

Sable simply followed him to a more secluded spot. She sat down next to him as the Wonderbolts continued their warm up routine. She couldn’t help but crack a little smile from seeing them fly. She hadn’t seen a show since her mother had her heart attack. She missed this feeling.

Several hours passed of ponies donating to the cause and enjoying the show. The Wonderbolts all flew in dozens of routines, some were even new ones that hadn’t been seen by anypony. Sable was so entranced by the performance, she didn’t even realize that the Sheriff had left her. She just sat there and cheered on the best fliers in all of Equestria. She was happy. More so than she had been in weeks.

When the show finally came to an end, the Wonderbolts landed and were brought several refreshments and gave fans a chance to talk with them. Ponies swarmed the stage and crowded the team of fliers. Sable flew over and wanted to talk with some of them too. But she would never get past the hoards around them.

“Hey.” She heard a voice say behind her.

Sable turned around and found Rainbow Dash standing there next to her.

Sable awkwardly waved her hoof, “Hey.”

“Did you enjoy the show?” Rainbow asked.

Sable blushed a little, not being able to say anything, but she did give a nod of her head.

“Yeah I thought so.” Rainbow smirked.

She then led Sable away from the crowd, to give them a little privacy to talk. They went behind the box office and into the shade.

Sable had to ask the question that was plaguing her mind.

“Why did you do this?” Sable asked.

Rainbow smiled and looked at the back of the box office.

“Wondering about the noble cause that Spitfire was talking about?”

Sable nodded. Not knowing what else to say, she waited for an answer.

“Before I answer that, I gotta ask. When you were watching us up there, did you imagine yourself flying with us?” Rainbow asked.

Sable was taken aback by the question. She thought about it for a few minutes. And she realized, Rainbow was right. She had envisioned herself wearing that flight suit and flying alongside Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, soaring through the air and clouds. The wind in her mane, the thrill of the fall and rise. Just like she had felt at the race.

She nodded to the older mare.

Rainbow smiled, “That’s how I felt when I saw the Wonderbolts fly. I wanted to be among them. That was my dream. And I can see, that’s your dream too.”

Sable’s eyes widened. It was true. Being a Wonderbolt was her dream. It had been for several years. Ever since her mom took her to her first show when she was a filly.

“And I won’t let you lose that dream.” Rainbow said.

Sable looked up and saw that Rainbow was right in front of her. She put a hoof on Sable’s shoulder and smiled down at her.

Sable slumped, “But… my mom.”

Rainbow smiled even brighter, “I don’t want to give up on your dreams. But you don’t have to leave your mom either.”

“But how can I have both?” Sable said.

Rainbow smiled and turned Sable around, revealing Princess Twilight, who was walking towards them with some papers.

When the alicorn reached them, Rainbow asked, “How did we do Twi?”

Twilight smiled, “With all the donations that we acquired here, as well as the donation tour you went on over the course of the week. We have acquired 200,000 bits.”

Sable’s eyes widened like dinners plates, “200,000 bits!? That’s a lot of money. Whatever this cause is, it must be really important.”

Rainbow patted Sable’s shoulder, “Yeah. Paying your mother’s life support and funding a search for the right donor heart is a pretty important cause.”

Sable went rigid, she couldn’t have heard that right. She turned her head back to the pegasus.

“What… did you say?”

“All of this, all those bits. There for your mom.” Rainbow said.

Sable couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She stepped away from the two mares. Her eyes couldn’t focus on either of them. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. After several seconds of trying to talk, only one word came out.


Rainbow walked in front of her again, “So you don’t have to give up on your dream.”

Her dream, that’s what this was all about?

Sable shook her head, “Yeah right. This is a pity isn’t it? Or some apology for saying those things to me at the race?”

Rainbow shook her head, “No. This isn’t just an apology. I did want to apologize for what I said. But you needed more than words. And I wanted to show you something.”

“Show me what?” Sable asked.

“That your dream and being there for your Mom can be connected. Look.” Rainbow said, pulling Sable out from behind the box office.

Sable saw several ponies talking with the Wonderbolts, some pegasi even showing off their moves to the star athletes. Ponies were enjoying themselves so much, and all these ponies helped raise the money that was supposed to be for Sable’s mother.

She turned to Rainbow Dash, eyes starting to form tears.

“Why? Why me?” Sable asked.

Rainbow smiled at her and then looked at the Wonderbolts, “Because we’re a lot alike.”

Sable looked confused, looking to where Rainbow was looking, she saw Spitfire giving pointers to some young pegasi that Sable knew from her job. They all seemed so happy. It reminded Sable of when saw the Wonderbolts perform for the first time.

Her mother had scrapped up the bits for the tickets, and surprised her on her birthday. When she saw them flying through the sky with such speed and skill, she knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. She remembered training every day, even taking up the job at the Wildwind Delivery Service so she could practice her flying every day and make some money.

As she thought about her past, what Rainbow said came back to her.

Sable looked at Rainbow, “What did you mean when you said we’re alike?”

Rainbow smiled, “I remember going to as many Wonderbolt shows as my parents could afford. I remember wanting nothing more than to be a Wonderbolt. I worked so hard everyday to make myself a better flier. Not for the fame, but because I love flying. I love racing. I love showing ponies my skills.”

Sable smiled and a small tear fell down her cheek.

“Come on. Let’s get a better view.” Rainbow said, pointing at the clouds above them before lifting off the ground.

Sable followed her as they came to land on a fluffy cloud overlooking the whole town square. From up there, they could see everypony enjoying themselves.

They didn’t talk for a while, just looking down at all the ponies walking and flying about. They could see Soarin trying out the local bakery. Fleetfoot getting mobbed by colts and fillies. Spitfire telling stories as several ponies sat down and stared in awe.

Sable finally broke the silence, “You really did all this, for me? We don’t even know each other.”

Rainbow nodded, “I know. But I can see a lot of myself in you.”

“Really?” Sable asked.

“I’ve never been in a situation like you and your mom, but I’ve had my fair share of challenges when it came to making hard decisions.” Rainbow said.

The older mare sighed and looked up, “You know, there was a time when I almost gave up my chances with the Wonderbolts.”

Sable looked at her in shock, “What!?”

“Oh yeah. At the academy, there was this mare named Lightning Dust. I thought she and I had a lot in common. We had skill, and we were leagues ahead of eveypony else. But she was made leader while I was her wingpony. I didn’t like that, especially when she started taking risks that endangered other cadets.” Rainbow explained.

Sable listened intently.

“And then, she did something that put my friends in danger. And when she was praised for it, I couldn’t have that. I’m the Element of Loyalty. And when it comes down to my loyalty to my dream and my friends, I chose my friends. And just when I thought I would lose my dream because of my decision. I was rewarded for it. Lightning Dust was kicked out, and I eventually became a Wonderbolt.” Rainbow said.

Sable didn’t know what to say. She looked down at her hooves and tried to process this. The words she yelled at Rainbow several days ago.

“Then tell me, Element of Loyalty, who should I be loyal to? My duty to my Mother, or my dreams!?”

This was her answer. It was her decision. She could still be loyal to her mother, and to her dream. She didn’t have to give up racing and being a Wonderbolt. She didn’t have to give up on her mother.

Sable finally broke down and collapsed into the cloud, crying her heart out. All the stress, all the worry, and the sadness. It was all coming out at once. And when she felt a wing on her back, she immediately looked up to see that Rainbow Dash was laying down with her and was comforting her. Sable buried her face in Rainbow’s chest and cried. Sobs racked her body, but Rainbow did not relent. She held Sable there on that cloud, letting her release it all.

Several minutes of crying went by before Sable was able to calm down, catching her breath and looking up at the older mare. Rainbow smiled down at her, her magenta eyes filled with nothing but comfort. Sable rested against her, like she would to a big sister.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Sable said.

“You’re welcome, Sable Gale. Whatever happens after this, I’ll be here to help.” Rainbow said.

Sable chuckled, “You know, I think I have a new favorite Wonderbolt.”

Rainbow was touched and just sat on that cloud, her newest fan still under her wing. She had done good. And now, it was all going to work out.

Two months later

“Rainbow!” Sable said, hugging her hero.

Rainbow Dash and Sable Gale had grown close over the last two months. Rainbow came to visit at least two days a week. She helped Sable at home, visiting her mom in the hospital, and giving her personal flying lessons. Sable had grown to be her personal protege.

“Hey Sable, what’s going on? You said you had amazing news?” Rainbow said, hugging her friend.

“No time! Come on!” Sable said.

Sable then pulled Rainbow Dash towards the hospital, not giving the mare anytime to ask questions. When they arrived at the hospital, doctors and nurses were running around like crazy. Sable dragged Rainbow to her mother’s room and found two nurses pulling her off the life support machine.

“Hey, what’re you doing?” Rainbow asked worriedly.

One nurse looked at her, “We are prepping Miss Gale for surgery.”

“Surgery?” Rainbow asked.

She then turned to Sable, who had a big smile on her face.

Rainbow had a thought, but it took her a bit to gather the courage to ask, “Did they find one?”

“”Yes! Yes they did! The doctors told me this morning! They think she’s gonna pull through!” Sable said excitedly.

“Sable, that’s totally awesome!” Rainbow said, giving Sable a hug.

Sable giggled like a filly in the hug. And as the nurses took her mother away, she followed, with Rainbow right at her side.

It was several hours later in surgery. But eventually they brought Mistral Gale out of the operating room. They took her to a new room, having moved all her belongings out of the life support room. Sable and Rainbow sat next to Mistral’s bedside. She already started to look better. The scars on her chest were covered with gauss, and the tube was no longer in her mouth. She started to look like she was getting some color back to her face as well. The doctors said it might be at least a day before she woke up however.

Rainbow put a hoof on Sable’s shoulder, “She made it through.”

Sable sniffled and nodded, “She did. I’ll finally get to talk to her again.”

“Yep. You sure will.” Rainbow said.

Sable’s ear dropped a little, “So, does this mean, you won’t visit anymore?”

Rainbow chuckled, and then she started to dig in her saddlebag.

“I wanted to wait until we knew your mom was gonna be ok. And now that we’re here, I think this is the best time.” Rainbow said.

Rainbow then pulled out an envelope, the Wonderbolt seal visible in the middle. She held it out to Sable, who took in her hooves.

“What’s this?” Sable asked.

“This is a letter of recommendation for the Wonderbolt Academy.” Rainbow said.

Sable’s head snapped to look at Rainbow, “What!?”

“Never wrote on these before, Twilight had to help me out. But it’s official. Once you fill out your application, turn that in as well. You’ll be at the academy in a matter of weeks.” Rainbow said.

“I can… is this a dream?” Sable asked, staring at the envelope.

Rainbow pulled her into a hug, “Nope. You’re living your dream Sable.”

Sable hugged Rainbow harder than she ever had. Rainbow held her there for a while.

Suddenly, a sound came to their attention. They both turned to see something miraculous.

Mistral’s eyes were opening slightly, and her head started to look around until they landed on Sable. And slowly, a smile kept on Mistral’s face.

“My baby…” Mistral said in a quiet voice.

Sable couldn’t hold back, “MOMMY!

She collapsed at the bedside, resting her head on her mother’s foreleg. Crying hard, only this time, they were tears of joy. Mistral stroked her daughter’s mane, comforting her baby girl with all the love she could muster.

As the doctors rushed inside to check on her condition, Rainbow just stood there. She looked at the two, and her heart just exploded. She was partially responsible for this reunion. And she couldn’t be happier for them.

Rainbow Dash swore to herself right then and there that she would guide Sable to be the best Wonderbolt that Equestria has ever seen. And with those thoughts, her cutiemark glowed, signifying that her task was complete.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, Hades here.

So, something new. I needed a bit of a break from my usual stuff, so I gave this one a try.
I hope you all enjoy it.

See you all next time.

Comments ( 1 )

Amazing Story plot! Emotional and teary eyed at parts, plus a wonderful happy ending!! You really get to understand Sable in her life that she is going through. Plus seeing the bond she gets with Rainbow was really sweet. DEFINITELY A GREAT STORY!! Keep up the amazing work ❤️

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