• Published 31st Mar 2022
  • 160 Views, 7 Comments

At First Sight - Richard79

Two Students Transfer to a new school.

  • ...

This is the only Chapter

At First Sight

Spike was growing tired of watching Prince Blueblood and his unwanted advances toward Rarity. Who he'd often see shrugging his arm away any time he tried to place it on her shoulder or around her waist. Spike had spotted Rarity on his first day at the new school two weeks ago same as Blueblood. He knew Blueblood was only after Rarity for her looks. Spike could see a gentle heart behind those sapphire eyes of Rarity. Whenever he would pass Rarity in the hallway he would always bow and just say "My lady." And continue walking away.

One day Rarity paused when he said that and tilted her head. Her curly dark purple hair hung off her shoulder. I’ve been putting off talking to him long enough. Best to do this before it drives me any crazier. "Might I ask you a question, darling?" Each time she'd seen him she could feel her heart pause for a second. It was a strange feeling. She wanted to say something before but couldn’t do it. He was new, same for that annoying Prince Blueblood. Yet he’s always around when Blueblood is, it’s like he’s watching out for me…

Spike swallowed the lump in his throat. She's never once spoken to me until now. "...sure." He managed to say feeling a slight blush on his cheeks.

Rarity noticed his cheeks turning red and she couldn't help but smile. Did I cause him to blush? "You always say, my lady, whenever you see me. Yet…that's all."

Spike smiled a little at her. She was five inches taller than he was, so he had to look up at her. The sound of her angelic voice nearly made it impossible for him to speak. "Well...I wasn't sure...what to really say..."

Rarity placed a hand on her hip and smiled at him. "I must admit you do sound adorable when you call me that. Your bow just tops it off." She watched his eyes widen and his face reddened even more. She could feel her heart beating faster now. She took in a breath before she added. "I wouldn't mind if you talked to me when you see me around. I'd rather like it if you would." She noticed his smile widen a bit more. He wasn’t tall by any means, she guessed he stood around 5 feet tall with a head of spikey green hair and emerald eyes to match. Yet there was just something about him, something different.

Spike was about to say something back when he noticed Prince Blueblood coming down the hallway. Great…nice timing…

"Rarity oh there you are. I was getting so worried." He said keeping his nose in the air.

Spike felt himself shudder at how he said her name. He emphasized the a in her name Raaarity. He knew he was in Blueblood's shadow. At six feet tall he appeared to be a giant to Spike. He felt himself stagger when Blueblood bumped into him like he hadn't seen or even noticed him.

Glancing down Blueblood let out a huff. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you. Run along now, will you? You little upstart."

Inside Spike was glaring at him, but he didn't let it show. Yeah, sure you didn’t. There would be a right time to act, and he knew it. He noticed a flare in Rarity's eyes. She'd seen what Blueblood had done to Spike. Spike looked up at Rarity. "See you after school." He turned around and walked on down the hallway to his next class. Glancing back he caught a little nod from Rarity.

Spike entered his next class with a smile on his face. I’ll finally get the chance to talk to her. He was surprised that he was actually able to form words around her without fearing that she’d be able to hear his heart hammering against his ribcage. Why do I half to be so shy around her?

"I need to get to my last class of the day if you don't mind." Rarity said shrugging off Blueblood's hand from her shoulder again. She lost count by now how many times. She wasn't about to accept him as anything more than an annoyance. He'd made it quite clear that he was after something more. She’d said no on more than one occasion and others had heard her. She'd made sure of it.

"It's too bad we don't have our last class together Rarity," Blueblood replied with his nose back up in the air.

I for one am glad we don't. She thought while walking to her class and thankful to be away from him. Her thoughts soon turned to Spike. There was something about him that she found intriguing. Is it his short spiky green hair or was it those emerald eyes of his? She blew out a breath "It's just him."

"Rarity, do you have something that you would like to share with the rest of the class," Cadance asked glancing back at her from the chalkboard when she heard her speak up. "I am trying to teach a class after all."

"Oh...um...no ma'am, sorry." Rarity used a book she had opened to hide the blush showing on her face. After school. She thought and knew that was a half-hour away. I’ll finally get a chance to talk to him. She thought when a second thought popped into her head. He’s shy, that’s why he hasn’t said much. That’s got to be it. Now, where should I meet him? He hadn’t said.


You could have told her where you wanted to meet her. Spike's inner voice echoed. He knew Prince Blueblood would be the last one out. He hated walking with a crowd that was a fact he knew from before. Spike was waiting out in the main area. He knew which direction Rarity would be coming from. His smile widen when he spotted just her coming along with the class, she'd been in.

Rarity waved a hand when she spotted Spike. "You do have everything?" She asked and he nodded. "Wonderful, shall we be off then?"

"Sure, I should have said where to meet me," Spike said as they exited the school together being outside, he didn’t feel so closed in. Is it just the school?

"Not a problem, darling." She replied with a smile and added. "Besides, I don't live that far from school anyway."

Spike blinked when he heard her speaking. "Really? My mother found a house eight blocks from this school."

He’s been that close? She shook the thought from her head. You just met him, don’t be silly… Clearing her throat she spoke. "Well, I'm a bit closer at only half the distance. It's a wonder we haven't run into each other walking to school."

"I've seen you walking before. I just never knew what to say to you." Spike admitted while rubbing the back of his neck.

The two continued to walk and talk. Both were surprised at how easy it was.


"That little upstart." Prince Blueblood said recalling what Spike had said to Rarity before heading to his last class when he couldn't spot Rarity. "He's trying to steal Rarity away from me." He figured and managed to catch the bus. He lived over a mile away from the school and hated the fact of having to take the school bus home.


Rarity and Spike both found out that neither of them had any homework for the weekend. Spike was a sophomore and Rarity was a senior and soon she'd be graduating. They'd walked over to a park not too far from where they both lived.

"I just happened to spot you at school one day, by accident really," Spike said picking up a few blades of grass, letting them go they drifted in the gentle summer breeze.

"Well, I'm certainly glad I caught your eye."

"I bet most think that." Spike lifted his gaze up to her.

Rarity tilted her head. "Come again, darling?" She found it surprising that he was able to talk so openly when he wasn’t in school, and it was refreshing.

"Most just see what you look like right?" When Rarity nodded, he went on and felt his face start to turn red. "When I first saw you, it was your eyes I noticed first. I could see a gentle, kind, and caring heart behind them."

Rarity's jaw dropped open at what Spike said. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. “Thank you, Spike.” She could feel tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much.”

Spike could see the redness in her eyes. “Sorry If I upse-”

Rarity put a finger to his lips. “Don’t be,” She smiled. “And you didn’t, it’s just no one’s ever said anything like that to me.” She pulled her finger back when she realized she’d done it without thinking. Clearing her throat she smiled slightly. How careless of me, I wasn’t even thinking. How…strange.

Spike could still smell the body soap Rarity used; he knew it was lavender. The softness of her skin lingered on her lips when she pulled her finger back. “Um…okay. Guess I’m the first.” He noticed Rarity looking at her hand as she reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. She tore the paper in half. He watched her write something down on the paper and fold it in half. “What are you-”

She handed him the folded-up piece of paper and the other half with one hand and the pen with the other. “Well, we’ll need to both go home at some point. Here’s my phone number, we can stay in contact even after school if you want. Unless you don’t want to.”

“I’ll need to think about it.” Spike grinned at her.

Rarity giggled at that. “Oh, really darling?” She returned his grin and lowered her lashes.

Spike found himself lost in those sapphire eyes as he took the pen; his fingers brushed against her fingers. Is she flirting with me? His voice echoed in his mind while he wrote down his number and handed the pen and paper back to her.

Rarity retrieved her phone from her bag and opened it to put his phone number in and Spike had his phone out of his back pocket doing the same. “Um…Spike?”

He asked glancing up from his phone. “Yeah?”

“How can we stop Prince Blueblood?” Rarity asked out of the blue.

Spike definitely had an idea. It was then that he told Rarity a little secret about himself. That he normally didn't tell anyone.

"Really darling is that so. Well, thank you for trusting me."

Spike could see the sparkle in those sapphire eyes of hers. “People usually laugh at me when I tell them. So I just kept it to myself.”

“You’ll never find me laughing at you, with you yes.” The smile she had on her face turned into a grin. "I might have a plan to put a stop to Prince Blueblood." She told Spike about her plan in detail.

"So, we do think alike." Spike replied liking her plan and happened to glance at his watch.

"Do you have someplace to go?" Rarity asked when he looked at his watch a wave of sadness washed over her body.

"My mother let me stay out a little bit after school," Spike said.

“You could text or call me when you have some free time.” She said with a smile.

“I’ll definitely do that.” He said with a smile. An idea hit him as he got up, he held out his hand. “My lady, shall I help you up?”

“You may.” Rarity smiled at him and placed her hand on his. Spike’s fingers curled around hers. She was surprised that with a tug from Spike she was back on her feet. “There’s more to you…” Rarity said as her voice trailed off. He’s stronger than he looks…how interesting.

“I get that a lot, people are usually judged on appearance first,” Spike replied.

“Believe me, darling, I know how that feels.” Rarity said with her hand still held by his, she wasn’t objecting in the least. “Want to walk a lady home?” This just feels so right, yet it’s our first time even talking this long…

“It would be my honor, my lady,” Spike said with his usual bow. He kept his hand around hers as his mind began to wander. I bet others would say we look odd together. I’m not doing this to get popular, I just want to get to know her, and I bet she does too.

Rarity noticed his eyes widen a bit. “Problem darling?”

Spike shook his head. “Sorry, just lost in thought.”

“Same here Spikey-” Rarity’s free hand came up to her mouth and coved her it. “Oh, I mean…” She felt his hand twitch while holding hers.

Spike smiled at her. “It’s okay. I kinda like it.” He reached his hand up and felt his spikey green hair. “It sort of fits.”

Rarity found herself laughing, and it wasn’t her usual prim and popper laugh while the two of them walked back to her place.

“You have a beautiful laugh, and I know that one was genuine,” Spike said to her as they walked up to her doorstep. “Well, I kept my promise to walk you home.”

Rarity couldn’t keep from smiling. “Yes, you did.” She lowered her gaze to his as he let go of her hand. “Do let me know when you get home won’t you?”

“I’ll be sure and do that. Oh, and thank you Rarity.” Spike said still feeling the warmth of her hand on his.

“For what darling,” Rarity asked smoothing out her lavender top.

“For just talking to me.” Spike took a step closer to Rarity.

“Same here Spikey.” She said his nickname that she’d unknowingly given him and noticed that he’d taken a step towards her. Her heart started to beat a little faster. Taking in a breath she started to lean over when she heard a knock on the window beside the door.

Both of them froze and Rarity spotted her mother at the window. “Mother…” Rarity turned back to Spike. “I’m so sorry darling, I need to go inside.” She could feel her cheeks were a little red. “Do let me know when you get home.” She said opening the door and slipping inside leaving Spike standing on the porch.


Spike had made it home with one thought on his mind. She started to lean in, I know she was going to kiss me. I just know it. She really does like me. Luckily the look on his face wasn’t anything new to his mom. To her, he always looked goofy, with his unusual green spikey hair that he liked. He’d pulled his phone out when he’d reached his front door and sent Rarity a text as he’d promised. It took her only a few seconds to respond with a reply.

After eating supper Spike went up to his room and lay on the bed, he’d made sure to plug in his phone, he hovered his finger over the call button on his phone that was under Rarity’s name. What had almost happened on her front porch wouldn’t get out of his head. I think it is better if I text her first.


Rarity had been reading one of her romance books. Yet her mind had drifted off to what almost happened at her door. She hadn’t been able to get it out of her mind. I wanted to and I know he did too A familiar chime went off on her phone. Reaching over she touched her phone and knew without a doubt who it was. Not many people had her personal number. She opened her phone and read Spike’s message. Do you wish your mother hadn’t interrupted us earlier?

Rarity smiled and reread the message for the third time. I wish she hadn’t either. She thought while she typed out a reply and hit send.

Spike had his phone laying beside him when it went off. His eyes widened when he read her reply. My mother could have waited a little bit. His jaw finally dropped open when a second text came through. Mind if I call you Spikey? Spike quickly tapped out three letters and hit send. A few seconds later his phone went off and he heard an angelic voice on the other end.

“Yes, I wanted to call you,” Spike said rolling onto his side and propping himself up on his elbow while holding his phone. “Would I what?” Spike knew he heard her say what she said it just took him a few minutes to register it. “Of course, I can meet you in the park in the morning. It’s where I go on the weekend. My mother won’t mind.”

Rarity was laying back on her pillow with her phone next to her ear. A smile beamed on her face. I could get used to this. She thought, it still felt crazy, yet so right. It was just one conversation, yet I could feel a connection with him. “I’m glad to hear it, oh you’ll be up around eight, that works for me. I’ll meet you around nine then. We can meet in the same spot we were at today.”

Spike was already setting the alarm on his phone and noticed it was getting to ten in the evening. None of this was out of the ordinary, the only difference was that he was meeting a girl at the park. A knock came from the other side of the door.

“You know you can’t stay up all night talking to her.” His mother said from the other side of the door.

Spike felt his jaw drop open. “How’d you know mom?”

“Son, I’m your mother, I could see a difference, a good difference in you.”


He heard Rarity say his name on the other end of the phone. “Yeah, that was my mom, apparently, she likes the change she’s seeing him me. I have no clue why,” He grinned at that and added, “But there’s a definite change.” He heard Rarity’s unmistakable laugh on the other end.

“Very cute darling.” She remembered talking to her mother after Spike had walked off from home. “My mother questioned who you were. I told her you were a friend I met in school.”

“She’s okay with me?” Spike asked holding the phone.

“I think she’s seen you a few times walking by yourself to school…”

Spike heard a yawn from the other end. “Sounds like someone needs to get some sleep.”

“Yes, I’m so sorry darling, but I believe you’re right. See you tomorrow Spikey.”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s okay Rare. Good night, see you tomorrow.” He hung up and thought he heard Rarity start to say something when his jaw dropped open. I called her Rare, not Rarity.


Spike was up before his alarm was set to go off, he’d eaten a big bowl of cereal and had a glass of milk to go along with it. He had his shower out of the way. His dark green shirt he left untucked from the black shorts he had on. They matched the back shoes he’d tied up.

His mother could see that he was on cloud nine and it reminded her of how she’d met her husband in high school. She was the unpopular one and he was the one everyone wanted to be with. Yet he ended up choosing her. “Have fun, son.”

Spike smiled back at his mom. He took a glance in the mirror at his spikey hairstyle that now took on a new meaning to it, when he was combing it, he could see Rarity’s smile in his mind and hear her calling him by the new nickname she’d given him. “Thanks, mom,” Spike said while he closed the door behind him. The sun was warm on his face and there was a nice breeze blowing in. He’d put his backpack on and in it, he had a bowl of peas, and he’d made two baloney sandwiches he’d placed in separate baggies with a few napkins with it. It wasn’t much, just something simple. Opening his phone he sent Rarity a text letting her know that he was heading over to the park. Halfway to the park, he heard his text tone. I see you.

He turned around and saw Rarity coming up behind him wearing a dark purple dress that matched her hair that was blowing out around her long slender legs. The dress was sleeveless showing off her arms. He felt his heart stop for a second at the sight of her.

She walked up to him by quickening her pace to him. “Spikey, it’s good to see you again. That hair of yours is unmistakable.”

“Well, you look amazing.” Spike smiled at her knowing she was right. “You wouldn’t object to a hug, would you, Rare?”

“Not at all, thanks for asking.” She said opening her arms, he stepped into her and found his arms came to just above her waistline. Rarity held him around his shoulders and could smell the gel and shampoo he’d used in his hair. The short version of her name echoed in her head again. “Mind if I ask you a question, darling?”

Spike pulled back from the hug and noticed people walking by smiling at them. Well, this won’t be so bad after all. He glanced up at Rarity. I feel like I’ve answered this before “Sure.”

“You called me Rare again like you had last night on the phone.”

Spike lifted his eyebrows. “Do you not like it? It…just slipped out-”

Rarity put her finger on his lips again. “Darling, it’s okay, I did the same thing when I called you Spikey.” She took her finger away from his lips.

“I remember, Rare.” He could feel his head spinning a bit.

“So, shall we head to our spot then?” She asked taking hold of his hand.

“I was thinking the same thing.” He replied as the two walked to the same spot they’d sat at the other day.

Hours went by as the two of them talked about school and what went on after school. Spike had noticed some geese and ducks in the pond they were close to. “Want to feed the waterfowl?” He asked.

“Sure.” Rarity said and laid her phone down beside her.

Spike pulled his backpack off of his back and unzipped it. Rarity happened to glance inside and spot the two baloney sandwiches and the container of peas.

“Are the peas for the geese and ducks?” She asked when he pulled out the container.

“Of course, bread isn’t healthy for them, but peas are.” He opened the container and took out a handful. When he tossed in a few of them it was mad scrabbling as a duck went for a pea at the same time a goose did.”

Rarity brought up her hand as little drops of water hit her arms. “I take it there hungry.” She said with a laugh she dipped her hand in the bowl and threw out more peas. The same thing happened again.

Spike got between her and the water. He could still hear her laughing at the battle on the water. Glancing up he happened to spot a pair of swans coming down to land in the water. “Hey, Rare, we have company.”

Rarity glanced up when Spike said that and spotted the swans coming in. “Truly beautiful.” She said and watched the swans land on the water.

“I would agree.” He watched Rarity turn to him when he said that. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted two kids playing with a ball. One of the kids landed a good kick.

Rarity watched the ball sail right towards her only for Spike to shoot out his hand and catch the ball just before it connected with her face. Her jaw had dropped open at how fast he’d moved. Truly amazing.

Spike glanced back at her with a smile and turned back to the kids. With a flick of his arm, the ball sailed back over the kids who just ran off in the opposite direction still kicking the ball. “Kids,” Spike said.

“You’re amazing.”

Spike turned back around and notice the swans coming up to them. “Thanks, good reflexes, looks like we’ve got company.”

Rarity had noticed the swans just standing close to them. Their black eyes stared out in a blank stare while their heads moved around. “Guess, they’re hungry.” She scooped up some peas in one hand and divided them with the other. Holding out her hands both swans started to eat out of her hands. She found herself laughing at the feeling of their beaks as they bobbed their heads to get the peas. When they finished, they opened their wings up and stood still for a few seconds. Rarity had her phone beside her and was able to snap a picture of the pair.

The swans then just took off into the sky leaving Rarity and Spike with their jaws open. “I’ve never seen them do that,” Spike admitted, he’d been to the park often enough and had spotted them before.

“Well, I for one am glad they did. It’ll be a memory I will always cherish.” She turned to him and smiled. “I’m glad we did this.”

“This was after all your idea Rare.”

Rarity nodded. “Well yes, I know. Are you objecting to being here with me?”

Spike caught the grin on her lips, and his mind flashed back to the porch at her house last night. “Hum…hard to say.”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she turned away from him.

Spike took the opportunity to scoot closer to her. He could still see a grin on her face. Who’s playing who here? The thought crossed his mind. He let out a slight laugh.

“Oh, now you’re laughing-” She turned back to him and found that a mere breath separated them. “I…um…” She found herself staring into his emerald eyes and her voice had failed her for the moment.

Spike smiled when her voice trailed. “I didn’t hesitate to say yes to meeting you here and you can’t deny that we have a connection.” He lifted a finger up to her cheek and trailed it down to her chin. “Right?”

Rarity could feel a shudder she couldn’t stop running through her body from his feather-light touch on her cheek. Busted. Her inner voice rang out in her head. She didn’t even bother denying it.

Spike watched her eyes lower to his lips and them back up to his eyes.

“Right…” She started to close her eyes when a loud honk from a goose, sounding more like a bad air horn prank, made her jump and her arms shot out and wrapped around Spike’s shoulders. She let out a muffled scream from her face being buried on his shoulder.

Mentally Spike let out a groan at another opportunity missed. He let that pass and found himself hugging her back comforting her. “It’s okay.”

Rarity lifted her head up. “I’m terribly sorry about that Spikey.” She said and let out a breath and felt Spike’s hands running through her hair. Letting out a sigh she felt herself relaxing a bit and actually feeling a bit better.

“Guess, you’re a bit jumpy,” Spike said and smiled when he felt her relax. “Feeling better I take it.”

“Quite so darling, thank you. Honestly, I keep expecting Prince Blueblood to pop out on us, I know he doesn’t think highly of you.”

“Rare, I’m not worried, I only act how I act at school. I know I can handle him.” Spike said reassuring her. “Please, trust me.” Since he and I’ve been going to this school I’ve never seen him at this park even one time.

Rarity didn’t hear his voice waver and she heard the sound of confidence in it. She couldn’t deny that he was a different person outside of school he appeared so confident, and it was reassuring. “I do trust you and you are different when you’re not at school,” She pulled back and looked at him. “I like this side of you. However, your eyes gave you away, well to me anyway.”

Spike’s jaw dropped open.

"I too am quite observant with details myself." Rarity explained. "It's what drew me to you."

"My eyes?" So she could see the real me same as I could see the real her. He thought.

"Well...yes, emerald is one of my favorite colors." Rarity admitted with a smile.

Spike felt his cheeks redden a little. "Thanks." His hand brushed over the two baloney sandwiches he'd brought with him. "You aren't hungry by chance, are you?" Huh guess my backpack must have fallen over when the geese scare her.

Rarity glanced down at the two baggies. "Planned ahead, did we?"

"Figured we'd be out here for a while." He said with a laugh. Spike replied picking up the baggies. "I just brought plan baloney sandwiches. Figured ketchup would get too messy."

"Very considerate of you." Rarity said taking one of the baggies and opening it. The color of the bread was nearly identical to her skin. "Thank you, darling." She took a bite of the sandwich. The bread was so soft. Swallowing she said. "This doesn't taste like store-bought bread."

Spike had taken a bite of his sandwich too. "Nope, I kind of dabble in the kitchen from time to time."

Rarity's eyes lit up at that. "Really darling, so you made the bread?" She couldn't help but take another bite.

Spike nodded.

The two of them finished their sandwiches together while geese and ducks played around in the pond.

"You didn't by chance bring anything to drink, did you?" Rarity asked after she'd used one of the napkins to clean her mouth off.

"I figured I could treat you to a soda. They have a pop machine near the restrooms." Spike jabbed a thumb behind him.

Rarity happen to glance at her phone and found that several hours had slipped by. Wow, time surely flies when you're out having fun. "Sounds good." She stood up while Spike was gathering the baggies and the container for the peas. Zipping up his bag he noticed Rarity had her hand held out for him.

"Thought I should return the favor." She said with a smile.

Spike accepted her help up. He felt his foot catch a little when he stood up and bumped into her. His arm came around her waist to steady her and himself. "Sorry."

Any passer walking by it would appear that the two of them were about to dance.

"If only we had music darling." Rarity replied.

Spike looked at how they were standing. He let out a quick laugh. When a thought struck him "I wouldn’t mind a dance with you sometime." He let go of her and reached into his pocket on his pants for the change he'd brought with him.

"That could be arranged." Rarity replied as the two of them walked over to the soda machine together.

Spike put in two of the four quarters and pressed the only button that didn't have the sold-out light lit up. A can came rolling down to where Spike could reach in and grab it. Glancing up he noticed the button beside the button had turned red. "Really? Oh, come on." Spike said to the machine.

"Guess we only get one soda between us." Rarity replied and a grin slid across her lips. One way to find out.

"Yeah," Spike said turning around holding the can in his hand. He noticed the look on her face. "What?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could share the soda? If you're okay with that."

Spike lifted an eyebrow at the thought. "I had thought of letting you have this one and I could get water from the fountain." His gaze drifted down to the can still in his hand.

Rarity reached over and opened the can and Spike let her take it from him. She took a drink and looked at him. "It's so refreshing and cold on my tongue." Rarity said and watched his emerald gaze darken slightly. Just the look I was going for.

When Spike reached for the can she pulled it back a bit. "But I thought you wanted water."

Now you're just teasing me. "I can change my mind, can't I?"

Rarity handed him the soda and saw that he didn't take his eyes off of her while he took a drink. He lowered the can and handed it back to her.

When Rarity took another drink, he said the first thing that came to mind. "Do you always tease people like this Rare?"

Rarity had to fight back a cough as she tried to swallow. The grin on his face had her turning a little red. She took in a breath it gave her time to think of a response.

Spike had caught the redness of her cheeks.

"No, Spikey. I call it flirting with someone I actually like." She handed him the soda her sapphire eyes sparkled in the sunshine. I feel so much better getting that off my chest.

Spike found himself speechless for once. He used the need for a drink to hide it.

"Hum...cat got your tongue darling?" Rarity asked.

Spike lowered the can from his lips. "Not at all. I was just taking in the fact that you like me.” He took in a deep breath and let it out. "I've liked you since the first day I saw you." He held the can out for her and watched her jaw drop open. "Care to have the last swallow?"

Rarity took the can without saying anything to him and finished it off. She threw the empty can into the recycle bin and took hold of his hand.

The two started walking again. Spike could feel his heart hammering like a jackhammer in his chest.

"We just click so easily Spikey." Rarity said finally finding her voice again.

"Believe me Rare, I've noticed. Kinda crazy."

The two continued walking around the park when Spike got a text from his mother. I see you took something to eat, but you should think about heading home for supper. He noticed the time on his phone. "Wow is it really past five already?" He told her what his mother had said to him.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is darling," Rarity replied. "From what your mother said you need to head home.

Spike felt his heart drop a bit at the thought of parting with Rarity.

Rarity could see the look in his eyes. "Darling, I wouldn't mind meeting you at the park again tomorrow." Rarity suggested with a lift in her voice. “That is if you still want to see me again.” Rarity could see a flash in those emerald eyes of his and smile at that. “Same time tomorrow then Spikey?”

“Of course my lady Rare.” Spike followed it up with his usual bow towards her.

“You’re too adorable Spikey.” Rarity replied with a giggle.

Spike grinned at her when a thought hit him. “You know it’s going to be fun at school on Monday.”

“Oh, I have a feeling that things will be different by the day's end and the last bell rings.” Rarity replied

“Yup and we’re just two different people,” Spike said.

“Who just happens to have a strong connection to one another.” Rarity added.

Spike took hold of her hand causing her to look down at her hand and back up to him. “Seeing as your mother interrupted us…and then that goose…”

Rarity pictured the two images in her mind. “Ah yes, fearing something might interrupt us again darling?” I’m not objecting to it happening, I’d rather enjoy it if it did.

Spike ran a hand along the back of his neck. “It is becoming a pattern.” He admitted and knew he was right.

“We could break the-”

Spike heard a familiar ring tone coming from his phone. “See what I mean.” He tapped the call button. “Yes, mom.” He said without even needing to look at the screen. “Yes, I’m on my way home. Oh, am I with someone? Spike paused a bit and heard his mother laughing on the other end. His jaw dropped open. “Seriously? Why? Um…okay I’ll ask her, be home soon, bye.” He hung up the phone and put it in his back pocket. He could see the curiosity on Rarity’s face.

“Would this have something to do with me?” Rarity asked and saw Spike’s face turn red. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“It’s not just that. My mother had to remind me that all I do is talk about you when I’m home-” Spike's jaw dropped open when he realized he just blurted that out without even thinking.

Rarity’s let out a little giggle. “Oh no, this is interesting.” She said as the two of them headed for Spike’s home. Rarity had tried to call her mother, but it had gone to voice mail. She must be talking to someone again.

Spike turned down his block from the park and spotted his mother standing out on the front porch. “She could have waited till I got inside.”

Rarity noticed the woman staring at her, she also took note of her long green hair and matching green eyes. Well I can see where Spike gets his looks from at least. She thought while stepping up on the porch with Spike.

“Ah, so this is the one you’re going on and on about since you transferred to this school.”

Spike took the award pause to introduce his mother to Rarity and vice versa.

“Rare, shouldn’t you let your mother know you won’t be home for a bit longer. I’m sure she’ll worry about you as mine does.”

“Quite right Spikey, thank you, darling.” She took out her phone and unlocked it and tapped on the number she’d set on speed dial for her mother, she heard a few rings go by and her mother picked up. “Mother? Yes, I’ve been invited over to a friend’s house by their mother. Who…oh mother I thought we were done discussing this topic. Yes, I know you’ve seen him…mother…oh for heaven sakes. Yes, mother thank you, darling, bye.” She pressed the blackout button on the side of her phone. She could hear a slight laugh from Spike followed by a second laugh from Spike’s mother. “Well now, this just got awkward.” She turned and faced them even though her face she was for sure red by now.

“Who was it your mother saw?” Spike’s mother asked and added. “Would I happen to know this person?”

Spike had a grin on his face. “So your mother’s spotted me out walking after you’ve gotten to school, I take it.”

Rarity nodded. “I’d hear about it when I get home. Boy, did I hear it when you left my front porch last night…before…we…” She cleared her throat that memory of last night and the park stayed fresh in her mind. “I’ve never seen my mother with such a smile on her face before.”

“Sounds like your mother saw a good guy in you, son. Unlike this Prince Blueblood, I keep hearing about from Spike.” Spike’s mother lifted an eyebrow. I wonder what happened on the porch last night. She caught the look in Rarity’s eyes.

“Oh, mom, not you too.” Spike rolled his eyes.

Spike’s mother smiled. “Can I just be happy about this? I don’t even like this Blueblood and I doubt seeing him would make me change my mind.”

“It won’t trust me.” Rarity replied to Spike’s mother. “I keep brushing him off and I know Spike’s seen him on more than one occasion when I’ve tried. He just won’t take no for an answer.”

“Well trust me when I say, you’ve found someone good, and who cares if you’re a year ahead of him, or a bit taller, or a couple of years older that doesn’t matter at all. Now I can see why my son goes on and on about you.”

Rarity could see Spike blushing out of the corner of her eyes. “Well, I can say that my mother even likes Spike. She can see things in people like I can and apparently Spike can too.”

“Really? What does your mother say about me?” Spike asked trying to push past the blush on his cheeks.

“That I should be walking home with you. She’s glad that Blueblood lives a mile away and has to ride the bus to and from school.”

“Well, my lady,” Spike did his bow. “I believe that could be arranged on Monday if you want.” He replied.

Rarity grinned and giggled a bit.

“That’s just my son, he’s so kindhearted, yet when he sees someone picking on another, he’ll defend them. I know Blueblood won’t like the outcome if he keeps his actions up.”

Rarity laughed at that. “I would think not. Oh, Spike, I can tell I’m going to like your mother.”

“It’s where I get my kindness from,” Spike replied. “You like me so it’s no wonder about my mother. I’d like to sometime meet your mother Rare…if that can be arranged.”

Rarity recalled they’d set up to meet in the park in the morning when a thought halted Spike’s request that would change when they were to meet up. “Unfortunately my mother works nights on Saturday and has Sunday off to recover…so I could see if we could meet in the park tomorrow afternoon.”

“I look forward to it, my lady,” Spike said and bowed to her.

Rarity smiled at that and noticed the grin from his mother.

“I hate to cut this short, but I have dinner ready inside.” Spike’s mother said.

“Rare could join us,” Spike suggested.

“Unfortunate darling, I must decline, my mother would throw a fit if I spoiled my appetite for supper.” She looked at Spike and smiled. “Another time perhaps?”

“About Sunday, Rarity, I heard on T.V. that there’s supposed to be a severe thunderstorm tomorrow. So you’re plans might be derailed again.”

Spike pulled out his phone. “Not to worry mom. Rare and I can still call and text each other. I don’t see a storm stopping us from doing that.”

“Quite right, darling.” Rarity said with a beaming smile. “We’ll see what tomorrow brings for us.”

Spike’s mother laugh and that had both of them looking at her. ”Oh, sorry, it’s just how the two of you act, brings back a few memories. Now Spike let’s get inside and enjoy dinner.”

“Guess, that’s my cue to go Spikey. Guess if I don’t see you tomorrow, I’ll see you Monday, we could walk to school if you want.”

Spike reached out and pulled Rarity close to him and hugged her. “I’d already thought of walking with you. I know your mother would like it.”

Rarity returned the hug. “Well, see you then darling.” She walked down the sidewalk, turned, and waved back to Spike and his mother. On the walk home she kept wondering what memories Spike’s mother had been thinking about. Spike and I were just talking.


Sunday came in and so did a down pour of rain with lightning to match. It definitely wasn’t a day to go out and about. Rarity could see when a crack of thunder woke her up, she grabbed her phone and checked the time and found it to be just past eight in the morning. “I bet my Spikey would be up.” Rarity said in a hushed voice. She opened her phone and found a text waiting on her. “I bet this is from Spikey.” She opened it and started reading. My mother couldn’t stop talking about you after you left last night. I bet that sounds familiar. She kept going down memory lane taking about her marriage and how we reminded her of being young again. My parent’s met when they were in school. Like you and I have. When you wake up you can text or call me, I’m already up the storm made sure of that. Rarity read the text two more times and checked when he’d sent it. “So you’ve been up for twenty minutes longer than me then?” Rarity stretched and enjoyed the silky feeling of her sky-blue nightgown she had on, it hugged her slender frame. She tapped the call button at the top of her phone and put it to her ear. “Hello, darling.” Rarity heard her voice and she also heard Spike take in a breath at how her voice sounded, it had a soft silky sound to it. “I didn’t mean for that to come out…well yes, I did just wake up. Oh really? I’ll remember that Spikey.”

Spike could still feel his heart hammering in his bare chest, he normally slept without a shirt on, it was how her voice sounded when he’d answered the phone. He wasn’t objecting to that part; he’d been thinking about that text he’d sent her and the small part he’d left out. You two act more like a couple than just friends. Her mother had said to him more than once. Yet he figured Rarity would be able to figure it out. You could just ask her out you know. His inner voice said. When he heard his nickname on the other end he snapped out of his thoughts. “Huh? Oh, sorry, I was just lost in thought.” Spike grinned at that and added. “Yes, I was thinking about us.”

Rarity could feel her face turning red as her inner voice repeated part of the text back to her. “Um…darling, does your mother…think we’re a couple? I’m only asking from the text you sent-” A sound made her look at her phone, she noticed that the call had just ended. “Why would he-”

Spike crossed his fingers and tapped the video call feature that lit up under her. The screen lit up and he could see his face in the little camera widow, and he waited for her to pick up.

Rarity noticed the video option popping up. She could see Spike on the other end before she even answered. Her hand went up to her hair. A couple. That was how the text read, I’m sure of it. She looked down and realized that she’d answered it. Spike's camera came up in a smaller window beside her larger picture. She tapped his picture so she could see him better. Glancing to her side she saw that she’d already turned her light on when she’d gotten up. It had been out of habit. “So is this why you hung up on me?” Rarity asked as she looked at how her hair looked yet she found herself immediately relaxing just hearing his voice.

“Sorry. I wasn’t sure if you’d pick up seeing as you’d just got up.” Spike said smiling, he found it natural to see her like this, this was the real Rarity that he’d pictured before. “Please, don’t be upset with how you look. I’m not.” He kept his phone at neck level and smiled at her.

Rarity smiled back at him. “Thank you, darling.” She took in a breath, the noticed how he was holding the phone but decided not to mention it. Another question was still on her mind. “Um, darling, about my question before you hung up on me.”

“That one I figured I should answer face to face...well phone screen to phone screen.” He smiled at that.

Rarity just shook her head. “Well go on darling, it’s rude to keep a lady in suspense.” I think I already know where this is going. She thought.

“My mother thinks we’re already a couple, seeing how well we get along. I kept telling her that we clicked when we first met. That sent her on another trip into her memories.”

“Well we do, don’t we darling.” She watched as Spike kept the phone at his neck. “Um…darling you can relax if you want.”

“Oh kinda obvious huh? I don’t sleep with a shirt on Rare.” He said it yet he really didn’t feel nervous, this was Rarity, after all, She had the phone lower down on her showing off the top part of her sky-blue nightgown.

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Oh um, you could put the phone down and grab a shirt if you want. I can wait.”

Spike rolled on his side and rested the phone against the alarm clock on his bed. He found it strange that he had one, yet it made for a good phone prompt.

Rarity watched him come up on his side and rest his elbow on the bed.

“I don’t even feel nervous.”

“Yeah…same here, Spikey. You were being your sweet self.” When he nodded Rarity took the time to take in the view without drawing attention to it. She’d hugged him a few times and felt the muscles beneath his shirt. “You look amazing darling; I was right when I felt those muscles when I’ve hugged you-” Her hand came up to her mouth. “Oh, darling I’m so sor-” She could hear Spike laughing on the other end.

“Blurted that out, did we? We’ve both done that on occasion.” Spike replied then added. “Thanks for noticing.”

Rarity grinned at him, took in a deep breath, and cleared her throat. “So your mother thinks we're a couple, does she?”

Spike nodded. “It kind of sounds normal, doesn’t it?”

“Rarity, darling is that your boyfriend you’re talking to?”

Spike heard the voice in the background it sounded like a slightly older version of Rarity. He could see Rarity’s eyes widened at what he figured was her mother that had just asked that question.

“Mother, I-” She heard Spike say her nickname. Turning to the phone she watched him nod and smile. Her mouth dropped open. “I um…yes…yes, it is.” She called back with a grin on her face, she’d been looking at Spike. I’m going to have a little chat with my mother about this.

“I hope you told Spike that I need my sleep on the weekend darling. You’ll see him on Monday.” Her mother’s voice echoed.

“Yes, mother I did…” Rarity stuck out her lower lip.

Spike mimicked how she looked then said. “I bet my girlfriend wouldn’t mind texting then, now, would she? It would be quieter and it was my idea to video call you anyway.”

Rarity felt her cheeks redden and she stuck out her tongue at him for mimicking her. “Oh, I have a feeling she won’t mind.” She tapped the end button on her phone and took in a deep breath and let out slowly, she could see the stars swimming in her eyes. She could feel her heart in her chest and the warmth that had spread throughout her body. Thank you, mother.

Spike sat up on his bed and had his feet swung over the edge, he was still looking at his phone. A big smile was on his face. He’d taken in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Wow… He could feel his head swimming with a flood of emotions. If he had wings, he bet he’d be flying above the storm that continued outside. Monday morning is really going to be something different. Spike though still with a smile on his face. He knew his mother would notice for sure. “Great…” He said picturing his mother going on and on.

He got out of bed and found a shirt to put on while he did that his phone went off and he knew it was a text message. I can’t believe my mother. Spike read the message again and sent back the reply he knew she was thinking.

Rarity had made herself a morning cup of tea and opened the reply from Spike. I bet my mother would have done the same thing Rare. Are you objecting to having a boyfriend now? She smiled at his message and knew he’d know what she meant. She typed out a reply. I wouldn’t doubt it. Well, are you’re objecting to having a girlfriend? She attached a little smiley face next to the message and sent it.

Spike had been eating cereal and had just put down his glass of milk when he read the text Rarity had sent him. “Why would I object?”

“Object to what son?” Spike’s mother asked, she’d taken note of the goofy look on her son’s face when he’d come out of his bedroom earlier. “A text from your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, she can be funny-” His voice froze, and he looked right at his mother. “How’d…”

“Your actions told me, son. I figured that it was only a matter of time.”

Spile smiled at that and picked up his glass and took another drink. “It was Rarity’s mother who brought it up,” Spike explained the situation that had gone on.

“Sounds like Rarity’s mother feels the same way about you two. I can’t say I blame her. Shouldn’t you reply back or are you going to keep her waiting?”

Spike nodded and sent her back a text and it had been like that all day until Rarity sent Spike a text informing him that her mother had gotten up. Unfortunately the rain was still coming down and every few minutes thunder would rumble overhead. The hours rolled by, and night finally came. It was an unusually warm night. The air felt warm while Spike sat by his open window enjoying the smell of the air after it had rained. “If it stays like this tomorrow after school we can go back to the park.” He had his phone propped up on his desk and plugged into the charger. Rarity and he had been video calling again.

“Yes, it is a beautiful night. But much to wet for a romantic walk at night. I’m hoping for tomorrow afternoon as well.” Rarity smiled at him; she was enjoying the look of the stars that had come out when the storm finally let up. She was also setting beside her bedroom window on her bed with her phone propped up on her dresser. “So I take it your mother knows about us?”

Spike turned from the window back to her and laughed. “She could just tell, must be a mother thing.”

“I think it was the same thing with my mother.” Rarity replied and could her mother in her head. She looked at Spike and both of them smiled.

“Were you going to ask me?” Both of them said it at the same time. That caused both of them to start laughing together.

“Guess we’ll never know Rare,” Spike said with a grin.

“Same here darling.”

“So is my girlfriend going to wait on me and let me walk with her to school?” Spike asked even though he knew the answer to his question.

Rarity couldn’t help but grin at that. Hearing that is going to take some getting used to. "What time do you start walking to school, darling?"

"I give myself twenty minutes usually. So start looking for me after seven forty in the morning."

"Well, it's no wonder we haven't run into each other waking to school." Rarity said.

"Why?" Spike asked he couldn't help but be curious.

"I leave home a half-hour before the first bell so I can go into one of the study rooms in the library to work on any homework I might have had trouble with."

"And a way to get away from Prince Blueblood?" Spike asked.

Rarity nodded. "Recently yes."


She lifted those sapphire eyes to him.

“I promise you that I can handle him. I’m not worried so please don’t worry yourself.” He could see a slight smile on her face. “If I was with you right now, I’d be holding you.”

Rarity let out a sigh. “I would truly enjoy that.” She couldn’t help but picture the scene of Spike with his arms around her. In doing so she felt herself starting to relax. “Thanks, Spikey.”

“You’re welcome, Rare. Just know that distance can’t separate us.” Spike replied.

Rarity felt her cheeks grow warm. “You’re still the charmer, don’t ever change…that.” She let out a yawn with the last word. “Oh, pardon me, darling.”

“Well, we do need to get some sleep,” Spike said looking at the time on his phone and finding that it was getting on to ten o’clock. “I get up at six in the morning. So we should sign off.”

Rarity smiled. “I know, I can’t wait to see you in the morning.”

“Yeah, me too.”

They both hit the hang-up button at the same time.


It was Monday morning and Rarity made sure to wait for Spike so the two of them could walk to school together. The sun had risen, and the warmth of the day had already started to dry up the rain that had come in on Sunday morning.

They greeted each other with a long-awaited hug. Rarity had on a light green skirt. She liked the way it looked next to Spike’s green hair and emerald eyes. Spike decided to go comfortable and wore a lose pair of pants and kept his dark green shirt untucked. Confining clothing wouldn’t be good if he needed to move fast without restrictions.

“You look amazing, Rare,” Spike said and noticed she had her long dark purple up in a set of twin French braids that were rapped together, and she had a black hair tie at the base.

“Thank you, Spikey. Same for you darling, I take it your dressed like this for our plan?”

“Yeah, figured I might need to move fast,” Sike replied taking hold of another hand so they could walk side by side. He stayed on the side close to the road while they walked down the sidewalk. “Should we tell anyone at school about us?” Spike asked with a smile.

“Oh…I’m sure people will catch on.” Rarity said smiling back at him while keeping hold of his hand. Us holding hands should be a big giveaway and us walking into school together.

The second they stepped into school Spike was on the lookout for Prince Blueblood. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something different was in the air, it had a thickness to it. They had a full ten minutes before class even started. So they went to their lockers that happened to be side by side. When Spike originally transferred here, they hadn’t been able to find another locker except the one right next to Rarity. Spike hadn’t minded this at all.

“It’s kinda nice not to have run into Blueblood yet.” Rarity said getting her books set up for her classes she had before the lunch bell.

“I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s near, I felt it the second we came through those doors,” Spike admitted.

“Now that you mention it.” She said and happened to glance up and saw the smiles from some of the passing students. I wonder if this is what normal feels like? Or this is how it’s going to be from now on. “I have to.”


Rarity and Spike had the same lunch period but this time they walked out together, their class before lunch was the same one. Spike had kept his eyes out for Blueblood. He thought he spotted him when they first got to school. Must have been the feeling in the air.

While Rarity and Spike were eating the topic of the school came up and they weren’t surprised that it was about them.

“Rarity, we could see how you’d look at Spike, it’s no secret. He’d always be near you like when that Prince Blueblood was around.”

“Well, yes, he was.” Rarity admitted to her group of friends. Guess it was obvious that I liked him from the start. No wonder we clicked so well. She smiled at the thought and the realization.

“No kidding, that Blueblood is just like bad news Rarity, he like needs to be dealt with.” Another of Rarity’s friends said.

“Believe me darling, I know, and I assure you he will be delt with as you put it.” Rarity replied.

“I’ve been keeping an eye out for him. I know he’s here.” Spike added setting next to Rarity.

“Blueblood? I saw him come in early he had a sour look on his face and his eyes…they held a glare I’ve never seen before.” A student at another table said he couldn’t help eaves dropping on the conversation. He couldn’t stand Blueblood either.

“I’m not surprised,” Spike replied and added. “He’s mine to deal with.”

The other male student smiled and noticed the look in Spike’s eyes. “No prob man. Good luck.”

“She’s definitely someone to protect.” He looked up and noticed the smile on Rarity’s face and reached out and took hold of her hand. “Without question,” Spike replied looking at Rarity who had a slight redness on her cheeks.

They could hear the awes from some of the other students around them. One of the female teachers walked by and couldn’t help but glance at the situation that had made the students aweing. A smile was on her face.

The group ate their lunches and before they knew it the lunch bell rang. Spike knew from their class schedules that in the last few classes he and Rarity be separated. It wasn’t something he was comfortable with.

“Don’t worry, Spike, Blueblood doesn’t have any last classes with me after lunch. Even the ones he did in the morning no one my friends reported seeing him.” Rarity assured him.

That confirms it. I know he’s hiding out. Waiting. “Rare, I just get the feeling he’s hiding out, waiting to do something.” Spike said as the two of them went off in two different directions. We can’t really do anything if he hasn’t done anything yet.

Time passed by and Rarity found herself in the last class Cadance had been writing on the chalkboard while Rarity kept looking at the clock.

Cadance turned around and noticed that Rarity was spaced out again. She cleared her throat and caught Rarity’s attention. “Do we have a date tonight, Miss Rarity? That’s the third time I’ve caught you looking at the clock on the wall.”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she could feel her cheeks turning a bit red. “I…um…sorry…”

Cadance smiled at her, she held up a hand. “It’s not my business to pry, I just happened to be walking by the lunchroom and saw you and Spike.”

Rarity smiled at that. “Well, yes, I guess word travels fast.” She replied. I could have sworn it was her that I saw earlier. Guess I was right. She could hear the giggles from other females in the class. She smiled at that.

“Now let’s get back to class.” Cadance said with a lift in her voice.

Time flew by again and Rarity jumped when she heard the last bell ring singling the end of a school day. She packed up her backpack she liked to keep with her so she could spend her last time carrying her books around in her arms. Rarity made her way out of the classroom and barely got two steps out of the door when Blueblood caught her arm.

"There you are Rarity. I've been looking for you."

“Hello, Blueblood.” Rarity said. Sure you have. Rarity thought and noticed the look in his eyes.

"Yes, now I've been hearing from others that you have someone now," Blueblood said. "His eyes narrowed at her. "What about us?"

"There's never been nor will there ever be an us." Rarity said in a firm tone, she could hear the anger in her own voice.

Blueblood spun her around and pinned her against the lockers. "How can you say that?" His voice rose more in volume.

“You’re nothing but a royal pain-”

"Hey, Blueblood."

Rarity heard Spike's voice echoing even over the crowd of people. She spotted him walking down the hallway towards her. His emerald eyes were locked on Blueblood.

“The little upstart.” Prince Blueblood said in a mocking tone turning towards Spike and looking down on him. This was something he had enjoyed. He dropped his hands to his side and faced Spike.

"I bet your name isn't the only thing blue." Spike shot back becoming more annoyed by the minute with this guy and how he was treating Rarity. He took in a few breaths to steady his emotions and clear his mind.

Rarity's jaw had dropped open and she tried to bite back a giggle.

Princess Blueblood turned to Rarity when he heard a slight snicker from her. "You dare laugh at me?"

Spike saw his hand raise and in that brief moment he caught the Prince's arm in his hand and held on tight. "That's the one thing I can't and won't tolerate." He said with a bite in his voice. Even though he was a foot shorter than Prince Blueblood's six-foot height he stood his ground. Hight wasn't everything and it could be turned into a disadvantage.

"Release me you little shrimp." Blueblood narrowed his eyes at Spike. He winced at the grip Spike had on his arm.

Spike let out a breath and didn't comply with Blueblood’s demand. "There you go again. Maybe I should show you why I am called spike." He grinned at him. "I was trained by the Canterlot Royal Guards, it was a karate dojo connected to our old school, remember?"

"I don't care about that dojo. Prince Blueblood said becoming annoyed with the little runt. He knew about the dojo but had never stepped inside. It was beneath him. “Release me at once." He demanded again.

Spike saw the Prince's punch coming and easily dodged. Another series of punches came Spike’s way, and he easily deflected each one with his arms. His smile never wavered, nor did he take his eyes off of his opponent. “Blueblood, we can just talk about this,” Spike said blocking another punch that was aimed at his face.

“You little runt,” His annoyance was growing when he found that he couldn’t land a single blow. “Thinking you can beat me?” Blueblood shot back ignoring what Spike said and felt his properly combed blond hair was now in a mess. “You did this to me.” He said and swung his leg at Rarity in a wild kick.

Rarity let out a gasp as the kick came toward her.

Spike managed to get in between Rarity and Blueblood and deflected the attack using his arms to block the kick. “Leave my girlfriend out of this, it’s me you want.” He could see the wild look in Blueblood’s blue eyes and knew reasoning with him was gone. He had to stop Blueblood and talking wasn’t going to work. He leaped up and with a blinding flash move, he swung his knee and it connected with Blueblood’s stomach.

Prince Blueblood's eyes widened at the sudden shock of his very breath rushing out of his lungs that he double over in pain.

The crowd around the pair winced at the sound Blueblood let out and didn't feel sorry for him.

Spike had landed back on his feet and looked up at Rarity. "Forgive me, my lady,” Spike added with his usual bow. “I had to stop him.”

"I’ll forgive my boyfriend." Rarity said with a smile, she’d seen where Spike had actually got him. He could have easily used those shoes of his. Instead, he showed Blueblood mercy. "He's always picking on you and he was relentless in his pursuit of me." Rarity looked around the crowd. "I dare say everyone saw it coming."

"Yeah,” He glanced down at Blueblood. “I had Principal Twilight Sparkles at my old school, a real good friend of mine, do a bit of digging.”

“On…me?” Blueblood asked still on his knees. “Why?”

“She told me that you'd been kicked out of our old school for harassment and not for poor grades. Your targets at our old school had been Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I was at the same school remember. I figured I should transfer here along with you."

Prince Blueblood had hauled himself to his knees still feeling the pain in his stomach. He happened to glance up and noticed security cameras. "You...planned..."

Spike shook his head. "Now, I could have used my shoes and got a more sensitive area. I would apologize to Rarity and then head to the Princess Celestia and Vice Principal Luna's office." Spike glanced over at the doorway and spotted the pair.


"No, I was merely defending a lady's honor," Spike replied glancing up at Rarity. “You were done listening to reason. I wanted to see if you’d change, it was a hopeful thought on my part.”

"Spike is correct. Cameras don't lie, but people and actions do. Twilight’s a good friend of ours too, so we were more than happy to have Spike come here." Principal Celestia spoke up.

"Yes, so we suggest hauling yourself in here Prince Blueblood." Vice Principal Luna added.

Spike held a handout for him. It’s the honorable thing to do for an opponent.

Prince Blueblood looked at Spike’s hand for a second before he took his hand and let himself be helped up. He got to his feet; the crowd had parted when they saw the principals standing in the doorway of the office. They let him stagger by.

"Oh, and Blueblood, if you happen to graduate. I truly hope that you graduate with some dignity left." Spike said to him.

Prince Blueblood turned to Spike, looked at him, and didn't turn his nose up at him. "I'm sorry..." He said looking right at Rarity.

“I guess I can accept that.” Rarity replied, she didn’t think his words felt truly sincere.

Well that’s as good as a start as it gets. Spike thought standing beside Rarity. “Are you okay Rare?” He asked her.

“I am thanks to you Spikey.” Rarity replied to Spike and embraced him in a hug in front of everyone.

The crowd that had gathered started to applaud as Spike hugged her back. He knew things would never be the same around this school.

“Darling, I wager our mothers will be called down here to the school.”

Spike nodded. “Yes, I know fights aren’t allowed at school.”

“Right.” Rarity said with a smile. “You did what was right at the time, defending me.”

“Yes, well, our mothers did want to meet, I would have preferred it under different circumstances,” Spike admitted.

“I know Spikey, but that horrible downpour and lighting yesterday prevented that event from happening.” Rarity said recalling the storm.


Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna took Prince Blueblood into the nurse's office and after about ten minutes or so they lead him back to the principal's office for a nice long chat.

Spike had purposely held back the full force of his kick. He was more than aware of how much damage he could have done.

All other students had long since left for the day as did most of the teachers. Rarity and Spike waited in the seating area of the office for about a half-hour or so and sure enough, both of them noticed their mothers coming up the sidewalk of the school.

“I bet they’ll meet up along the way.”

“Most likely darling?” She could see the two of them were engaged in a conversation.

The main doors of school doors opened and both of them walked inside and headed to the main office.

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna came out of the office and greeted the mothers and explained in more detail what had gone on and who’d been at fault during the incident.

Spike’s mother smiled, knowing her son’s intentions had been protectively for his new girlfriend.

Rarity’s mother was proud that Spike had stood up for her daughter. She knew Rarity didn’t like being involved in physical altercations and she could tell that her daughter was getting tired of Prince Blueblood.

“I can assure both of you that this will be Prince Blueblood’s last day at this school. His actions have spoken louder than any of the words he’s spoken to either of us or from a call we made to his old school.” Principal Celestia explained.

“We can see that he has a definite pattern to his actions.” Vice Principal Luna added.

“Well, I hope, he does graduate at some point,” Spike said. I would have liked to see it happen.

“I’m sure he will darling. I think you’ve gotten through to him.” Rarity replied to Spike.

“Principial Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.” Prince Blueblood said after he’d heard what the four of them had said. He stood in the doorway. He’d spent those moments thinking and reflecting. “I do agree with your decision, I vow at my next school that things will be different. If not, you can send Spike after me.” He held up a finger. “And Spike, I will send you a personal invite to my graduation, same for you Rarity if you wish to attend.”

Spike got out of his seat and walked over to Blueblood and looked up at him with those emerald eyes. He held out a hand to him. “You have my word, as long as you keep yours.”

Prince Blueblood took hold of Spike's hand, shaking it, and sealing the agreement. For the first time, Blueblood showed a genuine smile. “Thank you, Spike. I’m sorry for how I treated you and to you as well Rarity. Guess I needed a hard lesson.”

“I did hold back on purpose Prince Blueblood,” Spike admitted.

“I’m glad you did.” Prince Blueblood said rubbing his stomach a bit. He knew it would be tender for a while.

Principial Celestia and Vice Principial Luna smiled at each other. “Blueblood, your parents should be out in the parking lot waiting on you.” Principial Celestia said to him.

“Then can I offer the four of you a ride?” Blueblood asked.

Spike and Rarity looked at one another. “Thank you, darling, but Spike and I have a date we missed at the park yesterday that the four of us can walk to.” Rarity replied. “Besides, I think your parents will want to talk to you alone.”

Blueblood winced at the thought. “Yes, you do have a point. Good day then.”

The four of them watched Blueblood get into what could only be described as a stretch limousine. They watched it drive off.

“A date at the park, Rare?” Spike asked remembering what Rarity had said in the office.

“Of course, my darling Spikey.”


Spike’s mother sat beside Rarity’s mother and chatted while Spike pulled Rarity up and took her up to the top of a hill at the park.

"I want to thank you, Spike."

"For what?"

Rarity smiled at Spike. "For being there for me, for being you and letting me be the real me."

"I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. I care about you too much Rare." Spike admitted and wasn't surprised that he didn't feel his cheeks turning red fox once.

Rarity smiled at him and felt her heart skip a beat. "I care about you too Spikey." She held out her arms for him

"Rare are you sure we're not going to be interrupted again?" He said taking a step closer to her.

"Not this time Spikey." Rarity replied wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

His arms came around her lower back.

Neither of them said another word as the two of them closed the gap between them in a first kiss that had been a long time coming.

From below them, they had an audience; Spike’s mother had noticed and gently elbowed Rarity’s mother. The two of them looked up at their kids.

“This will the start of a beautiful future.” Rarity’s mother said with a smile.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Spike’s mother just smiled at her son and his girlfriend.

Author's Note:

I thought I would include the original kick (Spike delivered to Blueblood) scene:

Spike leaped up with a blinding flash kick connecting his shoe with a very sensitive area below the belt.

Prince Blueblood's eyes widened at the sudden shock of body numbing pain that caused him to double over in pain.

The crowd around the pair winced at the sound and didn't feel sorry for Blueblood.

Comments ( 7 )
Comment posted by Richard79 deleted Mar 31st, 2022

:moustache: So I get a week off for fighting and Bluey goes to Juvy...
:trollestia: Actually Mr Blood was tried as an adult
:rainbowlaugh: Bloody was passed around the cell blocks . . .
:raritystarry: Oh dear.
:rainbowlaugh: In the showers with no soap to drop
:facehoof: TMI Dashy TMI
:moustache: How would you know?
:rainbowhuh: I'm the Warden

Maybe a little Jerry Sue meets Karati Kid?

Wow... Guess I never said what happened to Blueblood. Anyone can play what if. Bet Rainbow sees some questionable stuff being a Warden.

A down vote? We found the Blue Blood [Blueballs] Fan:rainbowlaugh:
:facehoof: It pains me so
:moustache: So you're a Royal?
:duck: Yes, in Prance they call it a Royal with cheese
:derpyderp1: Go ahead and say what again MFer I dare you!
:trollestia: Reading too much "Pony Fiction" again
:rainbowlaugh: And Bluey dies in the end save for the gimp

You can get comical Hahaha!
I was surprised I got 4 downvotes with NO views. I was like...what?

That was lovely.

Well, thank you so much 🙂 I had so much fun writing this.

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