• Member Since 19th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Stalin with Da Spoon

Greetings, I am comrade Stalin, a man with swag and a giant spoon who smokes weed, here to make fan-fictions like dumb shitposts, random crossovers, and references. Enjoy the show, and stay swaggy.


Chapters of original or continuation will not be remade or posted within the story.

Covert Art Images Made By Orin331 On Devintart.

Around four years ago a couple of mugs tried to rob Sunset Shimmer, severely injuring her in the process. In the hospital, she remained in a coma, until four years later she finally awakens. However the world has changed drastically in those long four years, namely magic is now her thing and her friends rule the world.
As her friends help her recover and heal, trying to make her understand the reality of the situation, an unknown party is watching, preparing for something big...

(Note, the story may or may not go M rating, as I add more adult themes, but yeah, it will say T for now. If yall got suggestions or ideas, mail em to me, please, as I welcome the help. I may be slow with new chapters due to real life stuff, but I will try to get a schedule running.)

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 62 )

Is sunset that much of an idiot?

You would be suprised how strong an illusion spell is, but of course, its starting to show cracks.

Yeah, but even without the illusion there should be some things that are odd to her.

You know what, fair point, edits shall be made!

Mainly just showing how sunset is suspicious of her 'friends' and the interaction between the commander and roberts. Also, thank you for your input, highly appreciated!

You’re welcome. I love helping writers.

I’m a little confused. We already knew it was the elements in the shadows. So why make it a mystery showing them in the shadows, describing their eyes colors, and introducing their names like it’s the first time we’ve seen them?

I dunno, just trying to get an air of tension and mystery. Why? No Clue.

"Careful now, you're still quite weak, and we do not know if that splash of coffee had any perverse effects on your already weakened condition. I highly advise minimizing your movement."

Either that coffee was laced with some strange lust potion, or you meant "adverse".

I hope Sunset will knock some SENSE on her "friends"!

Oh don't worry, she boutta go B. J. blazkowiz on their whole regime.

What would happen if sunset would want to work with them? Would they kill her?

Well, most likely just make her one of them, into an empress I mean.

I’m not talking about twilight and the others. I’m talking about the other group.

So they would just let her work with the others?

Considering she would technically depose the empresses either way, its a win-win to them.

How? What makes them think that?

I... Am not exactly sure, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Thank you for bringing this up, as I shall think about this when continuing the story.

You’re welcome

"You of all people should have known not to under-estimate humans. After all, you used to be one." Twilight had a look of confusion on her face, wondering how humans could overcome magic infused armies.

It’s not impossible.

"It's that commander of theirs, his tactics are... Whats the word... Brutal. He seems to be utilizing the tactics of the soviet union during operation Barbarossa in world war 2, a clever move. He has even resulted to raiding old army depots of WW2 and cold war era equipment to fight us with." Luna let out a chuckle, finding it funny Midnight's 'unstoppable empire' was being beat by some old war technology, and Midnight proceeded to give her a stare more intense than even Fluttershy's, so Luna knew to quickly shut up. Celestia secretly respected the humans for their courage and willingness to fight. Not even her own soldiers were as brave as them, but then again, her soldiers were not necessarily born for war.

I honestly wouldn’t have shut up. It’s not like they can do much.

The commander let a small smile creek across his face, watching Sunset appear on the top deck of the castle. "Today marks the beginning of our victory... Wait, hang on, that sounded evil, lemme re-phrase... *Ahem* Today marks the day we rise from the ashes and fight off our oppressors. Yeah, that sounds much better."

I love how he/she had to correct themselves.

Thanks you for continuing this THANKS YOU SOO MUCH

Let Sunset stay and go see old friends like (EqG Celestia, EqG Luna, EqG Flash,... ) and how they doing
Then go diplomatic or full war is on you
(By the way if you go full war can you make it like Wh40k during the "reunification war" pls )

I shall see what I can do.
And trust me, it shall be quite grimdark, because cmon, it's the soviets.
Brutality is in their nature.

I can't wait for sunset to find out what exactly they've been doing and be absolutelyfreaking horrified

Wait a minute wooden sunset be horrified that her friends look this way because they look like versions of a former demon self

So I’m guess they have to kill sunset now?

Well, the Commander isn't that dumb, because he knows how she will react when the full extent of her friend's... Actions, are revealed.
Yeah, but considering how they've been acting the same, she would likely just think they got some sort of power boost. However, you do raise a good point.

And don't forget sunset was a unicorn prodigy like Twilight and she has experienced magical corruption before just for look at them right now like when she would be able to tell that something is not right for friends I don't mean to be too nosy but I'm just saying😅

I'm still very happy 😁 that you're continuing the story though so go on

Is the "commander". . . Discord ?

Well, not exactly, but who's to say he isn't working with him?

Thank you for the update🙏🥰

Are you going to continue the story?

Oh good God I can't wait for this story to get an update

I love the concept, can I use the story for a multiverse I'm thinking of creating?

Sunset would only stay to fight against her friends and to change them back especially when she finds what they have been doing

Just checking in on the story and patiently waiting for an update

Wait just something I want to point out sunset knows how to lie and manipulate people even though she is reformed now those skills don't go away so wouldn't she be able to tell that her friends are hiding something from her

I sadly regret to inform you that until further notice, this story is sadly on hiatus.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Here I am again just checking on an update man I hope this story doesn't die again

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