• Published 13th Apr 2022
  • 181 Views, 3 Comments

My little Santa - Count_Pony001

Santa had a heart attack, so Celestria asked rainbow dash to do his job this Hearts Warming Day.

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Chapter 1

It was a sunny, chilly winter morning. It is December 22, three more days until Santa Hooves comes to Ponyville and gives gifts to everypony. But, that might not happen this year.

Rainbow Dash was taking a nap, till she was woken up by her cutie mark glowing, she rushed to the table in Twilight’s library, and saw that she is the only pony who was called for this mission, then Princess Celetria appeared in her presence. She said, “Rainbow Dash, I have come here to discuss critical matters!”

Rainbow Dash asked, “What is it this time, is Discord causing trouble again?” Celetria shook her head, she was thinking about what she was about to say.

She stated, “Rainbow Dash..” Rainbow Dash glared at her and said, “What happened this time?”

Celetria had enough of Rainbow Dash interrupting her so she said, “RAINBOW DASH, LET ME TALK!”

Rainbow Dash nodded her head and said, “I’m sorry princess, so continue..”

Princess Celtria said, “Santa hooves is in distress because he is overworked, losing weight after eating a ton of cookies and Candycanes, reading filly’s letters, working elves overtime. He…”

She then broke down crying and said, “Oh! He had… a h..eart… attack, Christmas has to be canceled, but I know you could do.. since you're very loyal and since you can fly very fast, you can put presents in everypony’s house in less than a night!”

Rainbow Dash said, “Well, I finished my Christmas decorations, I have nothing to do, I finished my shopping and the Wonderbolts are going home for the holidays, I assume I can complete this job.”

Princess Celetria said, “Thank you, Rainbow Dash, don’t let me down.”

Rainbow Dash nodded her head and headed outside. She then flew to Santa's Workshop. Her path was blocked by a big mountain. She then went over the mountain, and eventually reached Santa’s workshop. She saw Daring do tied to a train track, she came in and untied Daring do, and the two sneaked inside the temple, but the temple started to flood with chocolate milk and alligators. Rainbow dash carried Daring on her back and flew to the stand were the priceless

She knocked on the door with her hooves,then an elfpony answered the door, she said, ”Oh.. Hello.. Came to mourn over Santa’s death?”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and said, “No, I came here to help, I came to still bring Christmas to everypony, Celestria sent me here.”

The elf pony asked, ”Wait really?”

Rainbow dashed and nodded her head. The elf pony said, “Okay, Ican cast a spell on you to make you be able to have Santa's abilities. But be warned this will only last till the end of the week... and don't use your powers for evil.”

Rainbow dash nodded in agreement, then the elf pony used her magic horn to give Rainbow Dash, Santa’s powers and abilities.

Santa was able to fly on Santa’s sleigh, she was able to get fat as she wanted without needing assistance from medics, etc. Rainbow dash is even dressed in Santa’s red and white outfit. The elf pony said, “You can rest, tomorrow is Christmas eve, we’ll take care of the toys we’re going to give to everypony.”

Santa Rainbow said, “I am the fastest pony alive, Christmas eve will be easy.”