• Published 3rd Jul 2022
  • 467 Views, 43 Comments

My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony: Camp Little Hooves - Captain_Cosmos

The Medley kids are off to summer Camp! Time to gather around the Campfire and sing some Campfire songs!

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Episode 4: Watery Surprises

Aqua Blossom dropped the last water gun into the final boat and smiled to herself as she gazed upon the sight along the bank of the lake directly connected to Camp Little Hooves. On the bank, a line of forty, four creature rowboats, each loaded with four water guns. “I have to say this might be my favorite every year.” She commented.

“The best lake day of the summer. That’s for certain.” Night Mare responded.

At the other end of the line, Sunburst walked up to Shining. “Hey Shining? Aren’t you a little concerned about doing this?” He asked.

“What do you mean Sunburst?” Shining asked as he went over his checklist.

“Well, of course the goal here is for all the campers to have fun…but there’s an uncertainty on fairness. Mainly surrounding the resident six princesses and five princes.” Sunburst explained, referring to the Medleys.

“You mean my nieces and nephews.” Shining responded, to which Sunburst nodded.

“I’m not saying they shouldn’t be barred from participating, but it’s undeniable the advantages that they have in this event.” Sunburst responded.

Shining nodded. “Precisely why I modified the event to balance things out. Why do you think I told you guys to only load four of the boats with both water guns and water balloons while the rest just get the water guns?” He asked.

Sunburst, being as smart as he was, took a look at the boats and it clicked with him what was going on. “Four against 36?” He asked. “Are you trying to make them hate you by having the whole camp gang up on them?”

“Trust me Sunburst.” Shining responded. “I talked to them last night, they understand the advantages they have, and we layed out what’s going to happen in regards to what is and isn’t allowed for them.” He assured Sunburst.

“And you trust that they didn’t try to make it unfair to the other campers on their own accord?” Sunburst asked.

“My sister and her fiance are not raising sneaky little liars. And besides, I’ve gotten pretty good at detecting deceptions. Thanks to a certain enemy Changeling.” Shining responded.

“If you say so Shining.” Sunburst responded.

Meanwhile, at the camp mess hall, most of the talk was about that day’s major event, the Camp Little Hooves Lake Water War. Most of the campers of the Rabbit Hole cabin and the Snake Pit cabin, the Rabbit Hole’s colt counterpart, sat at the same table. “Are you guys pumped for the Little Hooves Lake Water War today?” Thunder Arrow asked.

“Are you kidding? Do you know how fun playing in the water is?” Pearl asked. “I will admit though that I’m surprised Mr. Armor had it so it walkie be Rabbit and Snake Cabins Vs everypony else.” She commented.

“He told us why remember?” Midnight Knight said. “It’s because we got six Alicorns on our team.”

“Yeah.” Lightning said. “We had a whole meeting going over what we would be allowed to do in terms of attacks and defenses so that we wouldn’t need to waste time this morning.” He said.

“And everypony here has a little pamphlet outlining how the event is going to go.” Lucky added.

It was true, on their way into the mess hall, there was a stack of pamphlets that every camper was to pick up. The pamphlet outlined how the event was going to go down, just so everypony was clear on what was happening, in no uncertain terms.

Sky was getting giddy. “I can’t wait to air strike the competition. I’m so fast they’ll never see me coming!” She said excitedly.

“Sky, the speed limit for flyers is 10 miles an hour. To give the No flyers a real chance to hit you.” Crystal told Sky. “And altitude no higher than 5 meters. For similar reasons.” She added.

Sky rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah.” She said.

At that moment, Pedal and Dark Wing joined them after getting breakfast. Pedal had a perplexed look on her face. “Hey guys?” She asked. “Does the guy in the kitchen look familiar to any of you?” She asked.

“What?” Mystic asked.

“The guy in the kitchen, the one hoofing out the meals, I don’t know why but I have the feeling I’ve seen him before.” Pedal explained.

“Maybe you saw him in passing?“ Refract asked.

“Maybe, but my gut is telling me he’s not what he seems.” Pedal responded.

Refract, knowing full well of Pedal’s mental link with her mother, knew better than to write off Pedal’s gut, because he knew that it was just as likely Pedal was getting a memory from her MOTHER. So he glanced up at the kitchen and studied the pony at the window, making note of his facial features. If one of the clones gets a feeling, take it seriously. His father grilled into him when he told him about the clones.

I’ll keep an eye on that guy. Refract thought.

Later on, the campers all gathered by the lake bank in front of the counselors and Director Shining. Shining got out a megaphone and addressed the crowd. “Alright everypony! Who’s ready to get wet?” He asked.

The crowd cheered and Shining chuckled. “Figured. Now, if you recall I visited each cabin last night to talk about today’s water war. A couple of reminders. 1, it will be every Cabin Vs Rabbit and Snake Cabin, reason being those two cabins have Alicorns, and have other advantages to the other cabins. 2, due to the Rabbit and Snake cabins being outnumbered 9 to 1, they will be able to use special moves with timers and cooldowns, as well as water balloons while everypony else gets just water guns. 3, flyers are permitted to use their wings to fly but the max altitude is 5 meters above water, and the max speed is no more than ten miles per hour. And finally, a boat is considered out when all 4 targets fall off the boat.” He said. “Now, for this first scenario, Rabbits and Snakes are going to defend the dock from an invading force. All naval vessels, board your ships and sail to the far end of the lake, Rabbits and Snakes strategize in the meantime.” He said.

As the kids ran past Shining and all boarded their boats, the Rabbit and Snake cabins huddled together to strategize. “Alright, it’s 36 vs 4, and we got special moves. What’s the plan?” Light Wing asked.

“Pearl and I spent all night coming up with a plan.” Crystal responded. “We have three unicorns, a changeling, two Earth Ponies, a pegasus, three thestrals, and six Alicorns. We can mix and match since we’re all one team. Midknight, you can do magic correct?” She asked.

“Yes, I can.” Midknight responded.

“Right.” Pearl responded as she summoned a paper with a diagram on it. “We can mix and match since we’re one team so here are the boat layouts. Mystic, myself, Thunder Arrow and MidKnight will take up the rear of each boat. Acting as the boats’ maneuverability and providing water fire when needed.” She explained.

“The next seats towards the bow of the boats will be filled by Alicorns. Two of us in two boats, one for another two boats.” Crystal explained. “We’ll fly when needed and will be the main weapons against the enemy.” She said. “We’ll also do the special abilities, shield, shockwave, and heal.” She explained.

“And finally, the other seats will be filled by the thestrals and Sprinkle.” Pearl said. “We’ll be, well, the main flyers on offense.” She explained.

Their teammates listened intently and were smiling as their friends described the plan. “That sounds like an awesome plan.” Thunder Arrow said.

“Well of course it is.” Crystal said.

“We came up with it together after all.” Pearl said as she and Crystal hugged.

Everypony nodded and all hoof piled. Eventually Shining gave them the go ahead to board their vessels. And once they got into position, Shining blasted the airhorn to signal the start of the battle. Within minutes water was flying everywhere and the gun commenced.

Later that night, after everypony had gone to bed, Refract and Aqua wandered the woods surrounding the camp, Refract having told Aqua she needed to come with him. “Refract where are we going?” She asked. Her horn and wings in full view.

“My father sent me a code red message, meaning something’s happening and he’s coming HERE.” Refract responded.

“But I thought Clear-Cut was assigned to watch over Sparkler?” Aqua asked.

“He is.” Refract responded.

At that moment, a cloaked figure dropped down from a tree and stood. Refract smiled. “And speak of the devil. Hey dad.” He said.

The cloaked figure smiled as he removed his hood to reveal Clear-Cut. “Greetings Refract. Aqua Blossom, it’s been too long.” He said.

“Nice to see you again Clear Cut, now that I actually remember you.” Aqua responded.

Clear Cut nodded. “Yes. Sorry to hear about your Selective Memory Disorder.” He said.

“Eh, at least I won’t be forgetting this any time soon.” Aqua said with a shrug. “Thanks to Refract here etching all this into my brain permanently.” She added.

Refract nodded. “So, what did you want us out here for dad? You’re supposed to be in Ponyville.” He said.

“I came here because I need your advanced optics.” Clear-Cut responded.

Refract and Aqua then saw something shocking, an unfamiliar, grey Alicorn filly flew down and landed next to Clear-Cut. “What the…” Refract and Aqua both said in synchronized shock.

“Who are you?” Refract asked.

“I am Melody Frost.” The Alicorn Filly responded. “Distant cousin to Sparkling Medley and her sisters.” She stated.

Aqua’s eyes widened. This little Filly was her cousin?! “But…but…I thought everypony in my family except for my sisters was gone!” She exclaimed.

Frost chuckled. “You thought wrong.” She said.

Refract spied the pendant Frost was wearing. “Dad, she has the pendant.” He said.

“I know. But just to make sure…” Clear Cut responded.

Refract blinked, it clicking with him what his father wanted. He nodded. “Frost, Aqua, hold your hooves out to me.” He instructed.

Frost and Aqua presented their hooves to Refract. Refract then blinked once and his eyes glowed, each eye shooting a beam onto the outstretched hooves. Through these beams, Refracted searched their genetic makeup and blood, trying to find anything that could prove Frost’s claims around her bloodline. After a moment, he found it and the beams retracted, his eyes were blinked back to normal and he turned his attention to his dad. “She’s genuine dad. It’s a DNA match between Frost and Aqua.” He said.

Aqua stared at Frost as she retracted her hoof. “W-what did you say you were to me and my sisters again?” She asked.

“Distant cousin.” Frost responded.

“Alright then. Start talking.” Refract responded. “How do you know about us? You must have known about us if dad brought you here.”

Frost chuckled. “Most of the world may have forgotten about you, but the legends lived on in my branch for the Medley family. For generations, the legends were passed down along with the mission we have been given.” She explained.

“And that mission is?” Aqua asked.

“To watch for the darkness that has plagued this world since its dawn. A darkness that is fast approaching. In the last three weeks, there have been two ultramonster encounters. One during Sparkler’s reign as acting princess, and another just the other day. Though the latter claims it just wants a peaceful life living with the Element of Kindness.” Frost explained.

Aqua blinked. “Peaceful?” She asked.

“I know. I have a hard time believing it too.” Frost responded. “But so far the ultramonster has yet to attack Sparkler so…yeah.”

“All the same, you two should probably get back to Ponyville. While Sparkler is capable, her reign proves she will need help should anymore ultramonsters attack.” Refract said.

“Right.” Clear-Cut responded. “Let’s go Frost.” He told the filly.

“Before we go, Aqua, I assume you have a similar pendant to mine?” Frost asked.

“I do.” Aqua responded. He lit her horn and a pendant that was similar in design to Frost’s poofed around her neck. “It was the only thing that I had on me when my adopted parents took me in.” She explained.

“Fleur De Lis has one too. As do your sisters that are currently MIA.” Frost responded. She took her own pendant in her magic and touched it to Aqua’s, the two glowed brightly and the lights blinked in sync for two blinks before they dimmed. Frost nodded as she put her pendant back on. “There, now, we’ll be able to talk to each other anytime we need to. Without using our magic.” She said.

“Whoa. These things are communication tools?” Aqua asked.

“Yep. Give me enough time to connect Fleur’s pendant to the web and you’ll be able to talk to her too.” Frost responded.

Aqua, after processing what Frost had done, smiled as she got misty eyed. She reached out and hugged Frost. “Thank you.” She said.

Frost smiled as she hugged Aqua back. After a moment, they parted and Clear Cut and Frost took off into the air. When they were out of sight, Refract nodded. “Right, you go on ahead back to camp Aqua, I’ll be along after I add Frost to my record of the Medley family tree.” Refract said.

“Right…” Aqua responded, still reeling. “I can’t believe we have a cousin…”

Refract chuckled. “Oh believe me Aqua, I was CERTAIN the only family that was MIA were your older sisters.” He said.

Aqua nodded as she trotted back to camp, giddy at the thought that she now had a direct link to others in her family.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

I’ll let you guys decide which team won. Mainly because I didn’t know how to make the Rabbit and Snake cabins not appear overpowered.

Thanks to Fluttercry for 12 for allowing me the use of Melody Frost in this series. I promise no more Sparkler family reveals until the next installment when she FINALLY learns everything.

THX FOR READING! Now I’m gonna go work on the two year anniversary blog post.

Comments ( 7 )

great chapter wonder what is going to happen next time on melody ball z

Something tells me as the season goes on, we'll be seeing the family grow more and more, its so awesome and mystifying, love it to bits:heart:

I'll ell you right now, There will be no more family members introduced this season, now, for the NEXT installment, anything is possible.

Aaahhh, i see, still though, cant wait for more awesomeness XD

Nice work, as always!

“My sister and her fiance are not raising sneaky little liars. And besides, I’ve gotten pretty good at detecting deceptions. Thanks to a certain enemy Changeling.” Shining responded.

Still burns, eh?

I’ll keep an eye on that guy. Refract thought.

either a noble enemy, or another Sparkler's relative, I bet.
Almost 90% of the characters are one of the two atm

Later that night, after everypony had gone to bed, Refract and Aqua wandered the woods surrounding the camp, Refract having told Aqua she needed to come with him

Wow, put a separator or something when you skip ahead

“Fleur De Lis has one too. As do your sisters that are currently MIA.”

Other sisters, uh?
What did you say about Frost being the last addiction to the family?

To be fair, in episode 3 of this story Aqua DID ask about the others.

Also, I don't think 90% of them are one of the two. Lol.

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