• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 12,586 Views, 804 Comments

The Evolution of Stan - Flutters Glasses

A take on the HiE concept minus the H and with an added bit of lemon zest. Enjoy!

  • ...

Chapter Ten: A Brief Reunion

You know what’s really quite unnerving? Having two turquoise eyes, each a sizeable amount larger than you are, staring at you in silence. You can understand where I’m coming from here right?

Fluttershy stood before me frozen in shock, not a word passing in-between us.

It took the sound of a chair scooting followed by Rarity's voice calling out to pull her from her stupor as the unicorn’s hooves began trotting in our direction.

"Oh! I am so sorry Fluttershy, I didn't even consider that you might be holding the teapot in your mouth. Here, let me clean that up for you."

Fluttershy tore her eyes away from me and quickly flipped around to face Rarity.

Her voice resounded throughout the cottage as the chatter at the table ceased and Rarity froze in place, a look of surprise on her face.

"I mean umm... I've got it Rarity, don't worry."

Fluttershy let out a rather forced, awkward sounding chuckle.

"It's quite alright Fluttershy, I can handle it."

Fluttershy walked forward and intercepted Rarity, attempting to use her head to push the unicorn back to her seat.

"No Rarity, you're my guest, I'll take care of it."

She didn't budge.

"Please Fluttershy I insist."

Her horn began to glow as I simultaneously started to float into the air. Fluttershy gave her a harsh shove.

"I said, SIT DOWN!"

The aura around me dissipated and I dropped a couple of inches onto the floor as Rarity released her magic and reeled back at Fluttershy’s seemingly random outburst.

I quickly stood back up and looked at her friends at the table, all of which were staring wide-eyed at the pegasus as Rarity scampered to her seat.

Fluttershy turned her head to take a glance back at me before trotting over to where her broom and dustpan were resting against the counter. She walked back over to my position and began to clean up the shattered teapot, her mouth around the broom handle and her hoof using its mystical magnetic powers to hold onto the dustpan, being careful as to not accidentally sweep me up.

She paused for a moment and took a look back at her friends, who all immediately tore their eyes away and began to chatter amongst themselves.

"So how 'bout that Spitfire?"

"Oh yes, she is quite the athlete."

“Yeah! She’s totally awesome!”

Fluttershy turned back to look at me and bent her neck to gesture towards the dustpan with the broom.

'Not like I have much choice now do I...'

I quickly clambered into the dustpan just as Fluttershy began to lift it into the air and was given a rather rough ride to the counter where she set the dustpan down. She took another quick glance at her friends as she was putting the broom away before coming back over to the countertop and gesturing with her head for me to get out of the dustpan.

I was quick to oblige, allowing her to empty the dustpan and set it back next to the broom.

“Umm girls, I’m going to use the little filly’s room if that’s alright.”
Fluttershy said as she trotted back towards me.

“Now Fluttershy, just why wouldn’t tha’ be alright?”

Flutttershy pulled her head behind her mane while she deviously pulled the tip of her tail onto the countertop next to me, wiggling it slightly to clearly show her intention.

‘Crap, that thing drags on the floor lady!’

Standing there resenting the moment ahead was getting me nowhere, so despite my reservations, I grabbed onto it just as it was sliding off the counter and was gently lowered onto the floor.

Now, what happened next caught me completely off-guard. She could have trotted, she could cantered, heck she could have flew to the bathroom for all I cared; but nooooo, she simply had to sprint just as fast as physically possible with her little pony legs as I clung for dear life onto her cotton candy pink tail, whipped about by the insane amount of g-force as the pegasus quickly reached mach one.

I might be exaggerating a little bit, but d*** that chick can run, maybe she's part cheetah? I don't know.

With me in tow, Flashershy -actually that sounds wrong.
With me in tow, Fluttersprint sailed through the doorway to the bathroom, abruptly stopped, pulled the door closed and lifted her tail over her head with me dangling from the end, rather shaken from the trip.

I can only imagine the view a person would've gotten if they were behind her *cue inappropriate mental image* HEYO!

"Stan! What happened to you?!?"

'Geeze girl, watch the volume.'

"Please Fluttershy, I'd prefer to be on solid ground and WITH my eardrums still intact."

She blushed slightly in embarrassment as she placed my feet on her muzzle and put it level with the sink to allow me to climb off.

Her enormous teal eyes continued to stare at me as I looked myself over, watching for bruises and making sure that my undergarment was still secure around my waist.

I turned my head back towards her.

"You know, the whole staring thing you got going on is a bit unsettling."

"Oh, sorry."

She lifted her head back up and turned it away from me, awkwardly swinging her right hoof back and forth. My palm quickly became better acquainted with my face.

"*Sigh* I didn't mean that you can't look at me, I'd just prefer it if you didn't stare so intently."

Her head whipped back around abruptly and my vision was completely filled with two large, teal eyes.

"What happened? Why are you tiny? Are you alright? How did you get in the kitchen?"

She crinkled her nose at me.

"And why do you smell funny?"

"One at a time please, and didn’t I say something about volume?"

Her giant eyes blinked at me, but she didn't react in any other way beyond that.

"Okay fine. I don't know what happened, I'm not sure why I'm small, I'm perfectly alright and I rode Twilight into there."

'Probably could have phrased that last one a little bit better.'

"-On her head." I hastily corrected. "I'd rather not answer the last one..."

She tilted her head at me, a confused expression on her features.

“Why not?”

‘Because it’s all your fault! You giant piece of-’

“It’s quite embarrassing for the both of us, let’s just leave it at that.”

Her confused look only seemed to grow more pronounced, but she didn’t attempt dig any further, thank god.

“Soooo, what exactly is the plan? You’ve obviously taken me here to figure out what is going on, but that was a bust. So are you just going to finish your little tea party while I wait here? Cause that ain’t gonna fly.”

She smirked at me.
“Why of course not.”

‘I don’t like that look...’

“You’ll finish the tea party with me.”

‘Aaaand crap.’

“Now, where should I hide you...”

“Umm Fluttershy, I’m not so sure this is a good idea.”

My words fell on deaf ears as she continued to ponder possible hiding places.


Her expression suddenly brightened as she seemed to have a eureka moment. Without fair warning, she grabbed me with her hoof and extended her wings, holding me in place on the area where they rest at her sides as she folded them back into place.

I was stuck between a wall of feathers and a furry side.


Her voice was slightly muffled through her feathers, but she was still slightly louder than normal. I decided to try and wiggle myself around get myself comfortable as I simultaneously tried to scratch an itch on my back. That turned out to be a...bad idea.

“S-stan could you p-please stop moving arouuuu-OH.”



I dropped like a rock onto the mat below as her wings shot up, my support suddenly disappearing.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! Stan, are you alright?!?”

‘Dear lord, WATCH THE VOLUME!’

I turned my head to remove my face from being pressed against the fluff of the mat, but I didn’t attempt to stand up.

“Just peachy.” I growled through clenched teeth. “Surprisingly, that wasn’t the first time that has happened to me today.”

Her expression grew hard as she glared at me.


‘What’s with the sudden mood swing?’

“Yeah, Rainbow landed on top of me earlier before her wing-erm-pomf’d and shot me out into the air.” I told her. “What’s with the sudden anger?”

Her mean gaze dissipated and she again pulled her head behind her curtain of hair.

“Oh...Umm, nothing. Nothing at all.”
She chuckled nervously.

‘If that’s not suspicious, then I don’t know what is.’

“C’mon, out with it.”

“Umm, I’d rather not.”

She wasn’t getting off the hook that easily.

“Fluttershy, just tell me.”

She gave me a defiant look and turned her head away from me.


I stood up, thoroughly steamed.

“Just tell me d*** it!”

She flinched and retreated at my outburst, whimpering slightly.

The sheer irony of that moment was outstanding. A giant pony threatened by a one inch tall human? Really?

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“Look, I’m sorry Fluttershy; but I just don’t understand why you’re so adamant about not telling me.”

She looked at me from behind her mane and let out a sigh.

“Fine, if you really need to know...” She turned her head, refusing to make eye-contact with me. “Touching a pegasus’ wing is a really personal act; you see, it serves as a pleasure point and...”
She trailed off.

‘Pleasure point? Wait a minute...’

-Two days ago-

Fluttershy trotted into her cottage, just having finished feeding her animals, and began to peer around, looking for the cynical human.

“Yeah Fluttershy?”
A voice called out from the kitchen.

“Could you please come here for a moment, I mean, if you don’t mind that is...”

Stan let out an audible sigh from the kitchen, this mare's constant swinging form commanding to forgiving never ceasing to amaze him. He soon emerged from the kitchen and leaned on the doorway, a small amount of dishwater dripping from his hands.

“Whaddya need Flutters?”

The pegasus turned her head to the side to break eye-contact.

“Umm...I’m a little sore from working with the animals and was wondering if uhh...You’d-give-me-a-wing-rub!”
The last words flew out of her mouth so fast that they were almost imperceptible

Stan looked confusedly at the mare.

“Well uhh...Sure, I don’t see why not.”

Fluttershy turned back to face him, a beaming smile accompanying her slight blush.

“Oh thank you!”

She fluttered her wings a bit and landed on the couch to lie down.

Stan walked over to the pegasus on the couch, her wings ruffling slightly in anticipation. He shrugged and wiggled his fingers a bit before reaching down and grabbing hold.

‘Oh you sick piece of-’

“Stan? Stan are you alright?”

I had been standing there for at least a minute, my fists clenched and my eye twitching.

“I’m fan-flipping-tastic.”
I growled.

“I uhh, figured out where I can keep you...”

I slowly turned my head to face her.

“I’ll just hide you in my mane.”

“Why? Are pegasus ears another pleasure point?”
I spat.

Her slight blush before breaking eye contact with me again answered that question.

‘You have GOT to be kidding me right now.’

I ran a hand through my hair.

“Look, as long as you keep me in the...Dangly bit away from your ears, then I’m perfectly fine with it.”

She turned back to face me, pouting slightly, but picked my form up nonetheless. Holding her hoof as a platform of sorts next to her mane, she allowed me to grab on and hide within the strands.

“You alright in there?”

I shifted my weight up and down to tug her hair and affirm that I was secure. She seemed to accept this as my gravity shifted a bit and the hair around me bobbed up and down, signalling that she was on the move again back to the tea party.

“Fluttershy! Welcome back, you spent an awful long while in that restroom I’ll have you know.”
The voice clearly belonged to Rarity.

“My mane was still a bit...messy, so I went ahead and fixed it. Sorry if I kept you girls waiting...”

“Oh Fluttershy, you need to stop apologizing, it's no fun!”
Yup, that was obviously Pinkie.

Fluttershy’s hair swung around a little bit as she sat down.

“Rarity, you have a bit of something on your face.”
Rainbow Dash's raspy voice said.

“What? Where? Where!?!”

‘Rarity missed a spot on her face? This I gotta see.’

Curiosity got the better of me as I attempted to change positions in order to peek my head out of Fluttershy’s mane.

“Ha! Gotcha Rarity!”

‘What the -CRAP.’

I reached my arm out to grab another strand of hair just as Fluttershy turned her head, causing me to grab nothing but air as the movement made me lose my current handholds.

‘Crap! Crap! Crap!’

My nearness to the end of her hair gave me no time to grab another strand as I plummeted, the fall ahead far from being survivable at my meager size.

‘So this is it, I die falling out of pegasus’ mane onto a gigantic tile floor...That just isn’t right.’

My life began to flash before my eyes, starting with a rather infuriating memory of me getting knocked over by a kid named Randy in middle school. D*** did I hate Randy

‘Life. You must be a sick bastard to show me THAT of all things while I’m falling to my de-’

My thoughts were interrupted by me making contact with a...soft white object?


I attempted to stand up, only to be knocked off my perch and onto the floor as the white object shifted below me.


My blood ran cold at the sight before me as I opened my eyes. Staring down at my miniscule form was the herald of nightmares herself, eyes aglow in delight at the feast put before her. Opal licked her lips as her eyes bore down on me.

“Well uhh...Look a mouse!”
I pointed my arm in a random direction, actually managing to phase the cat as I sprinted away towards the back door, screeching like a little girl all the while.


I’m quite the manly man aren’t I...

Opal let her eyes stray from her delicious-looking prey only for a moment, the promise of a plump mouse fresh from the caretaker’s cottage simply too much to refuse. But she had been duped! The mini-monkey had lied! When her eyes returned to where the monkey lay, it was already gone, several feet ahead advancing quickly towards the door.

‘At long last, a challenge worthy of my talents...Prepare thyself mini-monkey, I WILL give chase.’

The cat almost seemed to smirk in anticipation before taking off after the small screaming man, uttering a warcry of her own as the hunt began.

Rarity called out as the cat ran by her chair.

“Opal where are you-”

The feline flew thru the backdoor of Fluttershy’s cottage, unphased by her owner’s cry.

“What is that cat up to?”
Rarity said to no one in particular.

“Probably just chasing a mouse or something, let the thing have some fun.”
Rainbow Dash replied.

Rarity turned towards her brash friend.

“I’ll have you know that she is not a ‘thing’ but a girl of refined tastes, she wouldn’t partake in such a vulgar activity as chasing mice.”
Rarity said.

“Oh I hope you’re right Rarity, I don’t want her to scare away any of my mice frie-”
A thought suddenly entered Fluttershy’s mind, causing her to freeze.

She absentmindedly reached a hoof to the dangling part of her mane only to find hair; hair and absolutely nothing else.

She felt her heart stop as the implications of Stan’s disappearance and Opal’s apparent chasing entered her mind.

“Oh no...”

I have never run so freaking fast in my entire life; I reached the doorway in Fluttershy’s kitchen in record time. Well, considering my leg size and small muscles it was record time. Fear, adrenaline and a slight bit of urine were all pouring out of me as I ran from the demonic creature. I felt free, I felt strong, I felt like I could...Fly?

‘The hell?’

My feet were no longer touching the ground yet my speed remained constant, only now with an added upward velocity. There was nothing at the time that I could blame this impossible occurrence on; my first thought was unicorn magic, but with no visible aura around me, it seemed highly unlikely. The only evidence I could observe was a slight distortion to the world around me, like heat rising off the hood of a car or an ignited grill.

When I stopped running yet continued to fly at relatively the same pace, the whole situation MAY have gotten to my head a little bit That was my first mistake; my second was to turn around while levitating and attempt to heckle my pursuer.

The cat was a teensy bit closer than I had originally thought...


Pouncing into the air, Opal smacked my tiny body with her paw, sending me spiraling straight towards a nearby tree, where I made crippling impact and dropped to the base of the trunk.

I was lost to the world, my eyes only catching a fuzzy blur of white as it advanced towards me.


My vision became all the blurrier as an ethereal voice, scarily similar to Fluttershy’s, whispered in my ear.

A silly smile found its way onto my face as the world began to spin.

I let out a small laugh.
"Hehe, No No No No No!"

The voice said with more force.

"Nopedy no."

The fuzzy blob had stopped about a foot in front of me.

My vision darkened significantly, but I clung to consciousness.

‘You think headed swine! Sleep or you’ll die!’

One thought and one thought alone kept me from giving into the temptation of sleep: There wasn’t a way in hell that I was going out being bossed around; for too many years I’ve been a mannequin. Even if it was with my dying breath, I was finally going to do my own thing.

Yeah, I'm a rebellious little bastard aren't I?


The white blob pounced just as I noticed my world starting to become...Smaller. My willpower all but spent and my strength fading fast, I finally lost consciousness.

Fluttershy jumped up from her seat and shot like a rocket out of the back door, leaving her friends ever confused in her wake.

“No! No! No! No! No!”

The pegasus flew about the perimeter of her home, searching for the telltale sign of white fur.

“Opal? Opal!”

Out of the corner of her vision she saw a patch of white slowly making its way towards the house. Quickly turning, she shot towards the patch, soon making out the lavender bow upon its head; a sure sign of the patch’s identity. Opal was walking back towards the house proudly with her head held high and something dangling from her mouth, almost invisible against her white fur.

Fluttershy landed abruptly in front of the cat, slightly startling the creature. Opal, seeing it was just her favorite caretaker, dropped something white at pegasus' hooves and beginning to rub affectionately up against her hoof.

Fluttershy didn’t react to the cat, not budging even an inch from her current position. Her eyes were locked in place on the ground, specifically at the torn and dirty pair of miniature, white briefs lying in front of her.

Her eyes filled with tears as she reached her right forehoof to pick up the undergarments.

“St-Stan? No. No. NO!”

Her hooves dropped out from under her body, her limp, collapsing form nearly landing on top of the cat still rubbing up against her. She just lay there, sobbing and occasionally muttering garbled sentences.

“St-stan...Why? W-why did you leave? N-no it's my fault I-I never should have...STAN!”

A slight rustling from the bush beside her followed by a hiss from Opal caused her to turn her head, eyes still red and puffy.

“Ugh. Fluttershy, what did I tell you about volume?"

She shot to her hooves and slowly approached the bush.

"*Sniff* Stan?"

The man's upper body shot out of the bush, his hand placed against his head.

"Yeah? Who were you expecting, Santa Claus?"

The pegasus in front of me rubbed her eyes with a hoof to clear her vision before staring at me in wonder, as if disbelieving my presence.

“What? Did you think Opal got me-”

She suddenly pounced forward, clearly trying to catch me unaware. But I was ready for her this time around.

I threw my arms out in front of me and caught the pegasus in mid-air, my hands under the point where her forehooves met her body. I held her just far enough to keep her hooves from wrapping around me.

‘Not today!’

She started to struggle about, her hooves reaching towards me desperately.

“St-Stan! B-but Opal had th-those small white p-pants that Rarity made f-for you.”
She stuttered out.

“Yeah, they didn’t grow with me. Why do you think that I’m hiding in thi-”

I suddenly started to tip backwards.

‘What the?’

It was then that I noticed Fluttershy’s wings buzzing like a hummingbird’s behind her back.

‘Oh you cheeky little-

Unable to correct my balance in time, I fell to the ground in a pile with the mare on top of me. She quickly took advantage and wrapped her hooves around me, burying her face into my chest.

"I-I was so worried that you w-were gone forever and it w-was m-my fault!”
She sobbed into my chest, the fur on her muzzle tickling me slightly.

My witty retort caught in my throat as I felt her tears against my bare skin. I let out a sigh before reserving myself to stroking her mane and rubbing her back gently; being extra careful to avoid her wings of course.

“Shhh...It’s alright Flutters, there’s nothing to worry about.”

I smiled slightly at her.

“Everything and everyone is just peachy.” I furrowed my brow. “Well, maybe not Spike, I sorta blew him off today.”

Her sobbing noticeably lessened, even to the point of letting a slight chuckle out. She pulled her head back from my chest and looked at me, her eyes still rimmed with red but also with a small smile on her face.

“I-it’s everypony, and I’m sure Spike will understand considering the circumstances.”

I rolled my eyes jokingly.

“Well, I’m not exactly a pony now am I? And as for the circumstances; please don’t remind me.”

She let out another soft chuckle and sniffled a bit before resting her head back against my chest, sighing contentedly as I stroked her mane.

It was then that something dawned on me: I was just flirting with and am now stroking the hair of...a pony. Not just any pony either, the very same one that had tackled me in a hormone filled rage and nearly...well, I don’t like to think of the implications of that day.

Of course, it was then life had to make things all the more complex for my already stretched-thin mind.

“Well well well, what do we have here?”

‘Is that? No. No!’

Fluttershy quickly turned our heads to face the source of the voice, finding none other than the local gossip-girl of Ponyville herself with a mischievous smirk on her face. Behind the white unicorn, the rest of the girls stood, faces all filled with shock. That is of course excluding Applejack, who was staring at me with her trademark glare.

Fluttershy broke the hug and pulled herself up into a sitting position on my lap, not exactly helping things I must say.

“Okay, this is NOT what it looks like.”
I told the group.

“So it isn’t two lovers-” She made a circular gesture with her hoof. “-in the forest?”

I pulled my body up from lying on the ground into a sitting position.

“No, it isn’t that at all!”

Rarity’s smirk grew.

“That is too bad, it would have been awfully romantic if it were. Well, I’m sure that you wouldn’t mind accompanying us back to the house then hmm?

I met her gaze and narrowed my eyes.

“No, I wouldn’t mind at a-”

It was then that realization struck; the whole reason as to why I was hiding behind the bush in the first place.

‘You piece of-’

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, I was naked behind the bush with Fluttershy sitting in my lap. That alone may come across as a bit suggestive; it wasn’t like I could get up and follow them back either, I was still naked after all.

I momentarily considered using Flutters as a sort of shield for my manhood as I stood up, but ultimately decided that it would probably end badly for the both of us.

“I-I can’t...”
I managed to mumble out, breaking eye contact with the victorious mare.

“And why is that?”
She said with a bit of sadistic glee.

“My towel is inside...”

“And where are those -oh what did you call them- undergarments I made for you?”

“Torn to bits I’m afraid.”
I smirked a bit at this, knowing how protective the mare is about her work.

To my slight satisfaction, her victorious smirk was accompanied by a slight twitching of her eye.

“No matter, I shall craft you a new pair. Until then, I’ll leave you two alone to ‘finish’ your...activities.”

She turned towards the shocked group of ponies.

“Come on girls!”

She began to trot towards the cottage, the other girls ever so slowly beginning to file after her.

I sat there and watched them enter the cottage before turning my head back towards the pegasus in my lap.

"So she thinks-"

"Umm... Yes."
She squeaked out.

"But we weren't-"

"I know..."

"Is she going to tell-"

"Uhh, probably."

My palm met my face.

"Great, just great...Can you get off my lap please?”

She blushed and scrambled off of me as I hid myself back in the bush.

“And can you please get me a towel?”

She quickly nodded and began to trot towards the house. She froze suddenly on the path and looked back at me, a strange glint in her eye.

‘Oh god, I don’t like that look at all.’

“Actually no, you can get it yourself.”

She turned around and sat there looking at me, a deceptively sweet smile on her face.

“You’re kidding me right?”

She shook her head slightly, still staring at me with a smile.

‘You perverted little-’

-That night-

Darkness, a cold darkness. All I could see, all I could feel.

It was a strange sensation; not exactly awake and not exactly asleep. I couldn’t move, my eyes weren’t open yet I remained completely aware. I was in small room, that much I could tell, and there were two familiar voices in front of me, one feminine and one masculine.

“I really don’t see what the problem is here, you made him small, I made him delicious. It was hilarious!”
The feminine voice said.

“The problem? The problem?!? The problem is that I almost lost him! I couldn’t levitate him fast enough and had to change him again. Do you know how much chaotic power it took to initiate the change while he was conscious? I won’t be able to use him again for over a month, maybe several!”
The masculine voice responded.

“All the more time for me to have him all to myself then!”
The feminine voice victoriously stated.

“Not if I have anything to say about it...”

“What’s the supposed to-GULK”
The feminine voice ceased and a snapping noise resounded throughout the room, forcing my eyes open beyond my control.

Ol’ Goathead stood in front of me, though lacking his regular smirk. This time around he had a body to accompany his head. It appeared to be made up of a mishmosh of creatures, ranging from the talon of a bird to the paw of a lion.

“Don’t think that me saving you means that we’re friends. You’re my only source of enjoyment nowadays and I have a millenia of boredom ahead of me.”

He pointed his lion paw backwards. I shifted my eyes to where he pointed, finding an electric blue mare with a flower in her mane, gagged and tied to the ceiling by her hooves. She was giving me a desperate look.

“Don’t make the same decision that she did and screw with me, it will only end badly.”
He snapped his fingers and the mare’s eyes went wide as she suddenly disappeared in a puff of blue smoke.

His smirk returned.

“And don’t think that I’m finished with you just yet, I’ve still got my eyes on you.”

He grabbed my chin with his paw and sneered at me.

“Stan. Please don’t disappoint.”

Then everything went black.

Author's Note:


Yup, set one is done. Time to make a new cover and come up with some new forms, but first I have a few things I need to say. Firstly, there's going to be a (possibly sizable) gap in which Stan is entirely human. This is mainly for the sake of developing better relationships with the ponies. They'll be funny, no worries.

Secondly, while I'm writing these chapters, I'll be simultaneously rewriting my first few chapter since they're...rough to say the least. It will remain relatively the same, but with newer ideas and (hopefully) better writing.

Lastly, I'd like to make a small apology to those bothered by the fact that I censor the curse words in this story. Ironically, cussing is against my morals and I can't bring myself to actually type the words out. Plus I feel like it would become too...serious if the words were to be in there. Maybe I'm just making an excuse, but whatever.

And...The bird has been moved to set two for those wondering.

That's all I got.
