• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 10,960 Views, 348 Comments

Apple Family Engineer - tatony

The Mane 6 find a new friend, one who wants nothing more than to get back home.

  • ...

Chapter 1

“I got da creep! He can tell us where the hardhat went!” The Scout announced to his fellow mercenaries. He threw the man on the floor. His suit was torn and filthy. “I found him at the sawmill.” He said dragging his capture to the middle of the room. It was empty save for single chair.

The Heavy put his boot on the man’s chest. “We found you.” He laughed as grabbed him by his neck and threw him on the chair. “Tie him up.” The Scout and Sniper restrained him. The Heavy cracked his knuckles and pointed at him. “I will break you.”

“Mphmm! Mphmm!” The bound man yelled as he struggled to free himself.

“Stop your struggling mate or I’ll have t’ douse ya.” The Sniper said holding up a jar of yellow liquid. “And you don’t want that now, do ya?

“Mmmrhp!” He tried to scream. The Heavy and Soldier stood in front of him.

“Vere is he?!” The Heavy yelled, jabbing him in the face.

“Mrph! Mrph!”

“Not talking, eh sister? Well, let’s see if Madame Shovel here can loosen your lips.” The Soldier said as he smacked the man, a crackling noise emanated from the hit. The Scout pushed the Soldier away from him.

“Whoa! Whoa! Don’t kill ‘im. We need dis freak alive.” He turned the lights off. “Now, I know ya can’t see what I got in my hand. But it’s dat mace, you rememba? Basically useless, but dat don’t mean these spikes don’t hurt after a few whacks.” He lifted his mace and smacked the sitting man. “You like that scum? Talk!” He continued hitting him.


“One more kiss, then I’m taking off dat mask.” As the Scout raised his mace, he felt a gust of wind blow him against a wall. “What da? Oh it’s you, glad ya decided to join us.”

“Mmph” (I can hear from the other room that your interrogation isn’t going too well, I am here to help.) The Pyro said standing at the doorway. He lifted up his flamethrower and puffed a few flames around sitting man’s head. He face palmed. “Mmmmprh” (You gagged him. How is he supposed to talk?)

“Mmmrph mmrph mmmm ---” The Pyro removed the gag. “Good for nothing, slacked-jawed, imbeciles! The mute was able to see that I was gagged with the lights off!” The Spy began to spit out blood and obscenities.

“It vas tiny mistake.” The Heavy said stoically. The Scout turned the lights back on.

“It vas tiny mistake.” The Spy mimicked, “And your fist f@#king hurt, capitaine obvious.” He turned his attention to the Pyro. “And you, abomination, the Engineer went looking for you; he told me to sap his teleporter and then he vanished, that is all I know.” He tried to free himself. “You there, bushman, untie me.”

“Shut up, I’m still willing to douse ya.” The Sniper responded. “So boys, what do we do now?” He asked.

“We need Engineer or else job may become difficult.” The Heavy said.

“We should, uh, call the administrator.” The Scout added.

“Negatory,” The Soldier responded, “the last hat she sent us were unsatisfactory. I doubt she’d do any better this time.” His teammates stared at him in confusion.

“Right … Imma go call her anyway.” The Scout ran off, the Pyro following him.

“What do we do with Spy?” The Heavy asked.

“Leave him there; we’re not working till the Engineer gets back.” The Sniper responded. The three began to walk away.

“Can someone get the medic? I think I’m blacking out. Simpleton, fat man, will one of you untie me!” He yelled as his chair tipped over; the Sniper threw his jar at him, drenching the Spy in yellow, sticky liquid. “I hate you.” The Spy sneered.

“Cloak your way out of that.” The Sniper said as he turned the lights back off.


The six ponies watched as the shooting star flew across heading directly toward Ponyville. Before they could begin to worry it changed direction heading toward the outskirts of town. It's crash cause the ground to shake. “Fluttershy, do you think you can see where it landed?” Twilight asked. The pegasus flew up to get a better view.

“Um Applejack,” Fluttershy said as she floated back down, “it landed in your fields.”

“Ma Apples!” Applejack yelled as she ran to Sweet Apple Acres. “Gosh darn it Princess Luna, why ma fields?!” Her friends tried to follow, but quickly fell behind. Only Rainbow Dash was able to keep up with her. She stopped at her farm's entrance. “Rainbow, where did it land?”

“I don’t know, by the apples trees!” Dash responded quickly. Applejack gave her a look. Rainbow flew up and pointed to where the shooting star landed.

“The Red Delicious trees!” She ran into her field, leaving Rainbow Dash behind, she could smell smoke and saw that her family had already gathered around near the crater.

“Apple Bloom, Big McIntosh, y’all okay, where’s Granny?” Applejack asked thinking the worst.

“We’re fine Applejack, Granny’s sleeping. We came here as soon we heard the explosion, ain’t that right Big Mac?”

“Eeyup.” Big McIntosh answered looking at the rising smoke.

“What about the crop, are the Red Delicious trees all gone?” Applejack asked.

“Nope.” Big McIntosh said.

“Princess Luna guided the shooting star into the clearing.” Apple Bloom added. “Well?” She looked at her brother and began pushing him, “go on Big Mac, maybe it’s a new friend, like Pinkie Pie’s.”

“Apple Bloom, get yerself t’ bed, ya have school tomorrow.” Applejack said to her little sister.

“But, Applejack …” She said pointing at the giant hole in the ground.

“Apple Bloom, go.” Big McIntosh told her. She grumbled as she headed back to the house. “Do you think it’s another Mumphy?” He asked Applejack.

“I don’t know, but ah reckon one of us should check it out.” Big McIntosh and Applejack stared at each other. “Ah said,” Applejack cleared her throat “one of us should check it out.” They continued to stare at each other.

“What are you two doing just standing around?” Rainbow Dash. “So that’s where it landed, have you looked yet, is it another Mumphy?”

“Ah don’t know, but I guess the bravest member of the Apple clan should go check it out.” Applejack walked forward and looked back at her brother, his expression didn’t change. Applejack gulped and walked toward the crater. The rest of the mane 6 finally arrived.

“Rainbow, what’s going on?” Rarity asked.

“Applejack is checking out the shooting star.” Rainbow Dash answered. Applejack looked down into the crater. She jumped back when she heard a voice.

“Whew doggy, can’t believe I survived that.” The Engineer pulled himself out of the hole. He stood and saw he was surrounded by horses. “Sorry ‘bout your farm little ponies.” He said, collapsing back into the crater.

“Big Mac, get yer behind over here and carry him inta the house.” Applejack said. Big McIntosh walked over to his sister.

“He doesn’t look like Mumphy.” Big McIntosh said. Applejack put the Engineer on her brother’s back.

“Thanks mister.” The Engineer said, unable to lift his head.

“He doesn’t talk like him, neither. He’s speakin’ our language.” Applejack said as she looked him over. “Make sure he’s comfortable.”

“I’m looking fer my …” The Engineer passed out.

“Twilight, do you think he’s knows Mumphy.” Pinkie Pie asked hugging the book the Pyro had given her.

“It’s possible Pinkie.” Twilight responded.

“He is wearing the same shade of red, it’s quite the coincidence.” Rarity added.

“Applejack, maybe I should stay so I can help you take care of him.” Fluttershy said as Big Mac passed her. “I mean, if you think you could use some help, I can, um, help.”

“That’ll be great Fluttershy, thanks. Okay fillies, I think we should all follow the Princess’ advice and get some shut-eye.” The Engineer groan. “Y’all come back and check up on him in the morning. We’ll be here waiting fer you at breakfast.” Applejack said as she followed Big McIntosh and their new visitor into the house.