• Member Since 9th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago

Boopy Doopy

My writing slowly improves, I believe. I hope to be an even better writer tomorrow. Feel free to join my Discord.

Comments ( 47 )

I'm out.

Sorry, Boopy. I've read most of your stories and I've liked a good number of them. But this is looking like it's going to be a rehash of Beyond Me, just tens of thousands of words of your protagonist endlessly whining like an angtsy teenager, totally oblivious to the realities around him and just constantly whining about the same, single thing no matter how good or bad or nice or dangerous or deadly anything going on around him is. If you want to write stories about gender dysphoria, ok fine. I'm sure that can be an interesting topic. Lots of stories on this site are about transformation content. Becoming a pony, becoming a mare, becoming a stallion, becoming a goat or a dragon or alicorn or...I vaguely remember seeing a story about becoming a tree at one point. And drama is ok too. We've all read angtsy stories about newly immortal Twilight coming to terms with the mortality of her friends. To be fair those also get tired and stale after a while, but at least they generally have some thought put into them.

But when the response to absolutely every situation and character interaction is "WAHH!!!!! I have a penis! WAHHH!!!" that makes for a shallow character and a boring story. "Oh, wow! I've been transported to Equestria!" --> "WAHH I have a penis! WAHHH!" "Oh no, I may be about to die of frostbite or starvation or falling off a mountain!" --> "WAHH I have a penis! WAHHH!" Hello, human! I want to be your friend!" --> "WAHH I have a penis! WAHHH!" ...over and over ad nauseum and over again...it makes a terribly boring and often frustrating story.

(No matter what happens) --> whine about body parts. You've written this story before. Once was enough. If you want to write about gender dysphoria, ok fine...but please at least make it more interesting than just one-dimensional whining about it no matter what happens.

Absolutely understandable. The early part of the story is a lot of that, I will admit. But just like Beyond Me has, it's going to move past that. I understand if you don't want to read it though. Thank you for taking the time to comment, always appreciated it. I'm sorry that you don't think there's any thought put into it though.

Well, getting frostbite in right places may fix the penis problem once and for all :trollestia:
Also, seems you kinda described like, over a half of gender dysphoria fics on this site...

Well, either way, it is helpful for how to adjust future chapters and make her more sympathetic and interesting.

Beware.... one should be weary of rousing a wizards wrath! Lest ye be turned into a newt!

On a side note, why is that the go to? Newts are cool. Their cute little lizards with derpy faces and blue gloves.

Of course there could always be a dysphoria story where the protagonist is a masochist so they like that they hate it.

That would be the most interesting story of all time. One that deserves to be told by someone who is not me.

Hi new friend!

(Sorry, but it was just too perfect : ) Interesting story so far! )

It seems odd to me that their disphoria is focused solely around gender. I would expect being the wrong species would be equally traumatic.

All I can say on that is that I disagree, doubly so since Rally specifically asked to be a pony.

This is a really entertaining story. I put it on tracking.

Was that a Green Day reference I saw?

It's a possibility. Maybe even from the song Basket Case.

I'm kinda sad that they don't get to see cadence. Tell them it's an emergency whatever...sigh...poor little ponies.

I think there is a possibile plot point that you should address in some form... While getting a formal audience with Cadence will take a year, a less formal letter written to Twilight would likely get to her in just a few days or weeks.
Even if universe Twilight has a staff to read her correspondence rather than doing it herself...(hmmm naaa Twilight would speed read happily through bags and bags of mail) if the include info about the likely inadation of new strange ponies from Earth popping up near ponyville, her letter would like draw Twilight attention.
While this seems the likely outcome... You may want to just explain why it wouldn't work. Perhaps there been a long term mail strike from CE to Equestria because of too many accidents caused by a certain gray mail pony?

It might work and may or may not be written into the story already.

Yes, I have to admit, I came to this website to read novels for a few days, and I have seen the author's gender recognition problem more than once.

D'aww, that was a nice ending scene.

Moberly needs to fuck off in to the sun.

Why do I get the feeling that Rally saw his(her) future foal?

Hm, they were talking letters...

Hey, Discord, can you turn me into mare, pretty please?

Ex-human, Rally, at Chrystal Empire.

They're also highly sought for their eyes as magical components.

am i misreading this or are people in the groupchat misgendering rally...?

If you would like to borrow an OC, let me know via PM.

They're so cute!

Sheesh...... not even through the second chapter and I'm slamming my head on my desk......

They're stranded in a winter wasteland, with no shelter, food, or water, death by hypothermia very VERY high on a list of things that could happen....... and their first instinct is to bitch and moan about how they're the wrong gender? Bruh you've got waaaaay more important things to worry about right now than the fact you have a dick n' balls........

Dysphoria has people acting up

Why are there two versions of this story?
I mean, I get that this one has 'mature content,' but the difference is sometimes one or two lines in every other chapter. Some chapters are identical.

When authors do extended cuts of their stories, they're usually just uploading long sex scenes or other extreme content that was left out of the main version. It's like several thousand words added onto specific chapters, not the entire story, again, but with a few more references to biology.

Nothing in this is long enough to justify an entire separate version of the story. And some of the changes are really...tame? I'm not gaining a new understanding from this version, except for Rally occasionally mentioning how much she hates her genitals more and really vanilla sexual references.

If you're reading the teen version, you're not missing out on anything.

Well, so far, yes, but I did personally want to add in the extra 2067 words (so far) without making the entire original story mature. Just personal preference, I guess.

Why not just have the sex scenes?

Rally REALLY needs to focus on surviving right now.

Time to follow the traintracks, or go hobo riding

surprised that they use a 'magical accident' cover for Rally

They're going to get deported to the place they were attempting to save bits to go to?

Ohhh nooooo!

Rally really needs to get a grip on themselves

You forgot to change the word 'my' near the end of the chapter, and closer to the beginning the word 'a' is used in place of 'an'.

Fear was already welling up inside her, her limbs shaking from the prospect of her situation. Or maybe it was just the cold wind biting into her fur. She could see the green, but from her vantage point, it was just a dot in the distance, separated by a long, long field of white. There was no shelter around her, and certainly she had no food, with water only available through the snow. She was certain some of her friends could brave something like this, namely Shorey and Moberly, as well as a couple of others, but she was just an office worker. The closest she got to adventure was walking the trail near her park. She certainly didn’t have to contend with the weather and wind and whatever dangerous things may or may not have lay ahead of her.

I think you meant to write 'may or may not have layed ahead of her'. I must say, the rewrite is an improvement on an already well written story.

“You thought you could toy with a powerful spellcaster such as I?” he bellowed, his voice booming as the wind blew Rally’s mane wildly. It was snowing now, practically a blizzard around her, everything around her unclear and practically invisible in the middle of the storm of white. It blinded her eyes and forced her to squint as she tried to look up at him. The stlalions eyes, however, refused to move away from the mirror, locked in terror on them.

You misspelt 'Stallion's', and forgot the apostrophe.

You’re not gonna die, she told herself. “You promised yourself a long time ago that you wouldn’t die as a man, and being a stallion is the exact same thing as that. Now get moving so you can find Twilight Sparkle and get yourself out of an ugly, masculine body for a second time.”

Oh she... oh no. I didnt read the original, and I know you said this revision made her less whiny, but jeez if this situation doesnt call for the Full Rarity™, what does? I hate Lord Zulu. All my homies hate Lord Zulu.

I'm confused. Don't lie about what?

Putting effort into a story like this ,I did better than this in fuckin high school.

Took a entire 15 minutes to read and you say that you put effort into making this.

Interesting. I wasn't writing chapter stories in highschool. Although this story and it's problems have helped me to see what exactly I was doing wrong on my other stories (like dragging out the narrative and making the characters too depressing and whiney) which helped make my future stories better.

As for effort, I did put effort into this and every story I've written. Which is why many of the chapters have been revised to be from a third person POV rather than a first person POV, because the first person POV is where a lot of the problems came into being.

I'm sorry that you don't believe I did though. Although I do agree that this story was very poorly written in hindsight.

Ok mister 0 stories if you think you did so much better let’s see em

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