• Published 10th May 2022
  • 808 Views, 17 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal EQG - SunsetShimmer222

16 teen year old Sunset Shimmer, a young duelist who strives to become the duel monsters champion, despite being an amateur...

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S1 E1: Go with the flow! (Part 2)

After walking Twilight home and getting her number, Sunset finally makes it back home. She was going to duel Rainbow Dash, and win. After receiving that pep talk from Twilight who'll also be there for support, Sunset felt more confident. She walked through the front door with a big smile on her face. A tri-colored haired woman greets her. "Welcome home Sunset." She says and gives the girl a hug. "Hey Celestia." Sunset says. Celestia smiles noticing a difference in Sunsets mood then normal. Normally after school Sunset would go to her room and sleep for the rest of the night and not eat dinner, which Luna and Scarlet had both scolded her for.

"So, whose got you all happy?" Celestia asks Sunset.

"No one really, just made a new friend today. I walked her home before I came here." Sunset says.

"Well does this friend have a name?" Celestia asks. "Her name is Twilight. She doesn't live far from us." Sunset says and takes of her boots and sets them near the from door.

"Where's aunt Luna and Scarlet?" Sunset asks. "Luna's almost finished making while your sister is in her room working." Celestia explains. "How about you go take a shower while we're waiting, I'm sure you want to get out of those clothes." Celestia says and Sunset heads up stairs. "Oh, and Sunset." Celestia calls. Sunset stops to look at her. "Yes?"

"Make sure you win against that girl, okay." Celestia says and Sunset smiles. "Don't worry, I will." Sunset says and goes upstairs.

"Luna, you can come out now." Celestia says. A dark blue haired woman comes into the room untying an arpon from around her waist.

"Are you really going to let Sunset go on Sunday?" Luna asks her older sister. "Of course, besides even if I told her no, she's still going to go either way." Celestia says. "Can't wait for Scarlet to here about this..." Luna sighs and shakes her head. "Dinners ready, imma go play COD now." Luna says heading to the living room. "Of course," Celestia sighs.

Later on that night Sunset, in the attic laying down on her hammock holding her broken key in her hand as she remembers the dream she had earlier. "Whoever can open this door, will gain great new power. But know that with such a reward comes great risk. Have you the courage to unlock this power?" She remembers the mysterious voice saying. "I don't even know if I have the key to unlock it anymore." Sunset whispers and slowly closes her eyes. "I wonder... how Aj is doing."


It was now Saturday morning, Celestia had came into Sunsets room to check on her only to find the girl still asleep past noon. Sunsets phone rings waking her up. "You've got to be kidding me..." She groans. Sunset rubs the sleep out of her eyes and looks at the Id caller.

"Rarity?" She puts her phone on speaker and waits for Rarity's ear piercing scream. "SUNSET!!!" Sunset covers her ears and glares at her phone.

"Rarity I swear to God! It's too earlier for you to be yelling." Sunset says. "For your information darling, it's past twelve." Rarity says. Sunset rolls her eyes and lays back down. "Is there a reason for why you called me?" Sunset asks. "Applejack and I are heading over to your house, she said that she had to give you something. I'm not quite sure what it is thought." Rarity explains.
"How far away are you guy's?" Sunset asks but then hears a knock on the trap door of the attic. The trap door opens to reveal Scarlet. "Sunset, your two friends are down stairs waiting for." She says and closes the door.

"Suprise?" Rarity says and hangs up. Sunset gets up from the hammock and climbs down the ladder leading into her bedroom. She goes downstairs seeing Applejack and Rarity waiting for her. "Sunset, we need to talk." Applejack says. "What is it?" Sunset asks. "This duel with Rainbow Dash." Applejack says. "Are you really doing it?" She asks.

"Well..." Sunset thinks for a moment. "Don't go Sunset. You can't win." Applejack says. "Huh?" Sunset and Rarity look at Applejack shocked. "What do you mean by that?" Sunset asks. "Applejack explain." Rarity says with her hands on her hips. "I mean, Rainbow made it all the way to the duel nationals last year." Applejack says she lowers her head and frowns.

"Look surgarcube, Ah' appreciate you tryin' n' all. But I'm over this. Really I am." She says.

"But it's not just about you now." Sunset says getting a confused look from Applejack. "Huh?"

"It's... it's about doing what's right Aj. Rainbow Dash has to learn that she can't keep pushing people around like this." Sunset says.

"And I'm going to be the one to teach her that. So what if she made it to the nationals." Sunset says. "One day I'm going to make it there too!" Sunset smiles. "Ah'd knew you'd say that." Applejack says and takes something out of her pocket. "Here." She threw the small object at Sunset who catches it.

"Hey isn't this my—" Applejack nods. "Ah' went lookin' for it. It was the least I could do for you." Applejack says and hugs Sunset. "Thanks Aj," Sunset says. "You too Rarity, come here." Rarity then joins the group hug. "I thought you weren't a hugger Sunset." Rarity says and Sunset then moves away from them.

"Yup moments over." Sunset says. "Anyways, we better going." Rarity says. "I assume someone as smart as you has a plan right?" Sunset awkwardly smiles. "Uh, yeah, yeah! I have a uh, plan." Sunset says. "Well, more like 12% of one that is."


Sunset sits at her desk with all of her card laid out in front of her. She picks one up and sighs. "Maybe those litter BOTS were right. My cards are trash." She says and looks at a picture of a man similar looking to Sunset and woman with pale red hair with black streaks who looks similar to Sunset's older sister Scarlet. The woman was holding a red and golden key similar to the one Sunset wears while the man has his thumbs up with a big smile on his face. The two of them are standing in front of a old temple in the middle of a jungle somewhere.

"No," Sunset says to herself. "This is my mom's deck. And I know that she gave it to me for a reason."


"Bye Celestia!" Sunset yells running out the house. "Wait a minute Sunset." Celesria calls for the girl.

"Oh right." Sunset says and runs up to her guardian and hugs her surprising Celestia a bit. That's not what I meant but I won't complain. Celestia thinks to herself.

"I gotta go now!" Sunset says and waves Celestia goodbye before getting on her motorcycle and drives off leaving a cloud of dust.

"I can't believe it. You actually showed up." Rainbow says to Sunset. On one side was Rainbow Dash ad her two lackeys while on the other side was Sunset with Applejack and Rarity. "Hope you said your goodbyes, cut all of your cards about to be mine." Rainbow says with a smirk.

"We'll see about that." Sunset says and takes out her duel disk an duel gazer. "Duel interface set."

[Authentic reality vision link established.]

"Let's duel!"

Rainbow Dash: 4000 Lp

Sunset: 4000 Lp

"Get set to get decked!" Sunset exclaims. "I summon Zubaba Knight!" Sunset throws down her card and Zubaba Knight emerges.

"Zubaba Knight!"

Zubaba Knight: 1600 ATK

"Your move Rainbow." Sunset says. "I summon forth Big Jaws!" Rainbow through down her and a cyborg shark emerges from the card.

Big Jaws: 1800 ATK

"Crap, 1800 attack points." Sunset says.

"That's right, and since Zubaba Knight is just 1600 your in deep trouble. After all, the monster with the least attack points is destroyed and it's owner takes the difference as damage." Rainbow explains.

"You've got to be kidding me, so that means I'm is losing 200 life points." Sunset says.

"Hey Sunset," Rainbow says. "Next time play your weak monsters in defense mode. Although it really wouldn't matter cuz of this." Rainbow flips the card in her over. It had a picture of orange aqua jets. "The spell card; aquajet! Now until the end of this turn my Big Jaws gains 1,000 attack points."

Big Jaws: 2800

"Now Big Jaws attack!" Big Jaws uses it's Aquajets to fly up in the air and attack Zubaba Knight crushing the other monsters arm with it's jaw destroying Zubaba Knight.
"Oh no..." Sunset says as her life points went down by 200.

Sunset: 2800 Lp

"Next I'll place a face down card and end my turn." Rainbow says. Crap! We just started and I'malready down 200 life points. I gotta even the score. Sunset the draws a from her deck. "I summon out, Gagaga Magician." Sunset says.

"You summoned him in attack mode? With just 1500 life points?" Rainbow asks.

Gagaga magician: 1500 Lp

"You really are stubborn aren't ya." Rainbow laughs. "You just don't listen do you."

"Oh I sure do!" Sunset says and takes out another card. "That's why I'm equipping Gagaga with this. Wonder wand!" Sunset says. "Now my magician gains 500 attack points."

Gagaga magician: 2000 Lp

"You say play weak monsters in defense mode but he's no weak monster." Sunset says and Rarity starts cheering.

"Now Gagaga is stronger than Big Jaws!" Rarity exclaims. "Now go mighty magian!" Sunset yells as Gagaga heads for Big Jaws.

"How about you try and get real." Rainbow says. "I play my facedown!" Her facedown card flips over emits a bright white light.

"Wait what?" Sunset says confused.

"That's right, Zeus breath and I have a feeling this might stink for you because thanks to this trap I can put a stop to your monsters attack." The gusts of wind from Rainbows trap card stops Gagaga and pushes back Sunset. "And there more—"

Please kill me now... Sunset groans getting thrown around by the wind.

"If I have a water monster on my field you also take 800 points of damage. And there I a water monster on my field so, prepare to be soaked with a serious splash of damage."

Sunset: 2000 Lp

Rainbow Dash: 4000 Lp

Sunset gets thrown to the ground as she loses 800 more life points. "Okay... that actually hurts." She groans. Her eyes widen as she looks at her deck. "This'll work." She springs back up to her feet. "If you can play trap cards then so can I. So that's what I'll do!" Applejack facepalms and Rarity covers her face. "What's wrong with you guys?" Sunset asks.

"Sunset, you just said what type of card you placed facedown!" Applejack says.

"Ah crap, this is what I get for getting to excited..." Sunset groans. Rainbow Dash stands there with a confused look on her face.

"I can't believe she's the top of our class..." Rainbow mumbles. "Get it together Sunset!" Rarity yells.

"Trap card huh?" Rainbow says. "Big deal, it's my draw. And first I summon Skull Kraken!"

A mechanical octopus with a upside-down skull face comes from under ground.

Skull Kraken: 600 ATK

"Really? 600 attack points." Sunset says. "No problem, Gagaga Magician is still the strongest monster on the field." Sunset says.

"Not for long he's not, I activate Skull Krakens special ability." Skull Kraken face turns right-side up and it's red eyes glow. "With it I can destroy on face-up spell or trap card on your field. Like that wonder wand for example." The wonder wand from Gagaga is then destroyed lowering his attack point back to 1500.

Gagaga magician: 1500 ATK

"Oh no," Sunset says. "Oh yes! Now Gagaga magician is back at the bottom." Rainbow says.

"That's not good." Applejack whispers. "Why?" Rarity asks.

"Rainbow now has two monsters out. The same ones she had right before she beat me." Applejack explains. "She must be planning to Xyz summon and if she does then. There's no way for Sunset to win."

"Did you really think you could beat me? The best of the best? And win Applejacks deck back?" Rainbow says. Yeah, I kinda did. Guess I was wrong, I thought I was. Sunset says to herself. I'm just glad Twilight isn't here seeing me get my butt kicked.

"Sunset!" A familiar yells. "Wait a dam— Twilight!?" Said girl has her hand on her knees breathing heavily like se had just ran a marathon. "S-sorry I'm late." Twilight says.

"Ugh, so your little girlfriend shows up, big deal! I stomped your little key to pieces and new I'm gonna stomp you!" Rainbow yells. "And when I win your duel deck, I'm gonna teach it just like how I trashed your key."

"Then maybe you'll learn your lesson, don't pick fights you can't win."

"That's where your wrong Rainbow." Sunset says. "I'll never learn that lesson. You should know this by now, I'm to damn stubborn to give up!" Sunset says and a bright golden light shines in her hand. She opens her hand to see her key completely fixed. "It's fixed..." She looks around and sees the same giant door from her dream. "Oh, it's my dream." She says.

"This is no dream." A voice says. "Do you have the courage to unlock this power. It is time to decide, Sunset. What will it be?"

Sunset clenched her fists and starts running to the door. "Alright!" She puts in the key and bright white lights shine. The chains on the door snap as the door slowly opens. Sunset is then surrounded by hundreds of cards. "Ok, now that really hurts my eyes." She says and the cards start glowing before scattering away from her and she's back on the field with Rainbow.

"Woah, that was weird." She whispered. Rainbow starts screaming as a purple and red aura surround her. Yes Rainbow, let the number take hold. A voice says and Rainbows eyes fade to purple, her two monster Skull Kraken and Big Jaws glow dark blue and light blue respectively.

"I overlay level 3 Big Jaws and Kraken!" The colors fly to the sky and danced around eachother. "Now I can build the overlay network." A bright multicolor beam shoots out from the ground. "Now, number 17 Leviathan dragon!" A dragon with dark purple scale with wings roar at Sunset as the number 17 glowed on it's neck.

Leviathan dragon: 2000 ATK

"What the heck is that?" Sunset asks. "I've never seen this monster before in my entire life." Applejack says.

Wait is this what happens in a duel? Twilight asks herself. "Same here Applejack." Rarity says. "And what's with the whole number thing?"

"Now by removing one of my overlay units like my Skull Kraken, I can power up Leviathan dragon by 500 attack points." Rainbow says and plays the card into the slot of her duel disk. "Leviathan dragon attack with Shock stream blast!" Rainbow orders and Leviathan Dragon's attack points rise.

Leviathan dragon: 2500 ATK

Leviathan dragon unleashes it's attack at Gagaga magician destroying him and Sunset losing 1000 life points.

Rainbow Dash: 4000 Lp

Sunset: 1000 Lp

"That's some dragon..." Sunset says and struggles to get up.

"Rise," A woman's voice says. A woman with dark purple hair with red streaks and turquoise color eyes looks down at Sunset.