• Published 17th May 2022
  • 394 Views, 4 Comments

The Power Ponies: Ken Tucky robs Maretropolis - Stalin with Da Spoon

What happens when the greatest gas station robbers of Los Santos wind up in Maretropolis? Crime and chaos ensues of course. Follow Ken Tucky, Jerry, Dan Dan, Fingle Dan, and Anne Droid, as they rob and plunder this new city. Or at least, try to.

  • ...

2: Ken Tucky in a New World

The Bitches had several things going through minds at once. Ken was currently dumb founded that some sort of pony woman with wings had somehow saved their lives, Jerry was currently wondering how the fuck this person was strong enough to both lift the Fingle Mobile with a single arm and fly high in the air, without even breaking a sweat, while Dan was currently not even focusing on the situation, just literally pissing himself from his near death experience, and Fingle was grateful to their unknown savior for saving his baby, by that I mean his car, and Robot, well, he was actually knocked out by the force of Zapp suddenly grabbing the vehicle and halting it's descent, causing him to slam into the back of the car seat due to not wearing his seat belt.

Meanwhile, Zapp had several questions, but she knew she had better set these guys down before she started asking, as she slowly lowered herself out of the air, carefully holding the vehicle until they reached the ground, slowly letting it down and releasing it, as it dropped with a small thud, as she touched down on the ground, as Ken Tucky and the gang dismounted from the vehicle, Robot still in the trunk, as Fingle was the first to speak.

"Oh thank you, thank you for saving my baby! After losing the first Fingle mobile I couldn't bear to watch the second be destroyed! So yes, thank you very much, dear, I shall never forget this." Zapp lightly chuckled, appreciating the man's thanks.

"Your welcome, mister..."

"You can call him Fingle, he's our driver." Ken spoke up, grabbing Zapp's attention, as he pointed to himself. "Names Ken Tucky, no relation to the state." Ken then pointed to the heavily armored Jerry Jones. "That's Jerry."


Ken then pointed to Dan. "That's Dan."


"And the guy in the trunk is Robot." Zapp slowly nodded, taking in this info, before asking an important question.

"So uhhhhh... What exactly are you guys?"

"Oh, were what you call humans."


"No, humans, no emphasis on the hu. And what in the hell are you?"

"Oh, I'm a pegasus, or more specifically, the coolest pegasi weather superhero of all time!" Zapp said striking a dramatic pose as lightning struck behind her dramatically, earning a couple claps accompanied by oohs and aahs from Dan, Fingle, and Jerry, as Ken stepped back in surprise.

"Oh shit, you got lightning powers!"

"Yep, I'm one of the power ponies, the protectors of Maretropolis!"

"Holy shit, it's like were in a fuckin comic book- Wait, Maretropolis, bruh, that's a stupid pun."

"Yeah, blame the city council, there a real bag of laughs." Zapp said with a groan, as she shrugged her arms. "Well, can you tell me where you came from?"

"Oh, we came from the city of Los Santos, big ol city. Dunno exactly how we got here, one second we were falling off a cliff, the next we were falling from the sky, real trippy shit." Dan proceeded to chime in.

"Yeah, more trippy than that time I ate some peyote and turned into a zebra." Zapp had a pretty surprised look on her face as Dan said this, confused how this 'Peyote' could transform someone into a zebra.

"I see... Well, I oughta talk to my friends about this, but if you want a place to stay, there's a hotel not too far, it's quite cheap, only costs a few bits for a room." Cue Ken slowly nodding, before hearing the word 'Bits'.

"The fuck are bits?"

"Oh, there our currency, what do you humans have?" Fingle happily answered.

"We got dollar bills and coins back home, speaking of which, how will we get home?" Jerry nodded, understanding Fingle's concern as he spoke up.

"We can figure that out later, Fingle. Anyways, thanks for the rescue." Zapp saluted, before her wings expanded and she burst into the air with crackling thunder before vanishing into the clouds. "Damn, thats cool."

"So what's next, Ken?" Dan asked as he turned to the leader of the gang, with everyone else turning as well, waiting for a response.

"Well, like Zapp said, we should probably get a hotel room, or... We can find a new hideout. And then we get back to doing what we do best."

"Heck yeah, baby."

"Yeah ha hah!"

"Man, I'm hard, dude. But wait, this cities got superheros, how the heck are we gonna deal with that?" Fingle asked Ken, concerned that their heists may be thwarted.

"We simply gotta be more sneaky, more covert, mission impossible style, catch my drift?" Fingle nodded, understanding Ken. "Alright everybody, let's load up!"

The gang quickly got into their seats of the Fingle mobile, climbing inside and buckiling up as the engine started up, and the vehicle quickly sped down the busy streets of Maretropolis, off to hunt for a brand new hideout.

Meanwhile, at the Power Ponies Secret Headquarters!

Zapp soared overhead of the secret headquarters, built into the side of mount Maremore, as she hovered over the concealed mountain top entrance, as the top of the mountain slowly split open, revealing the entrance hatch slowly creaked open, and she slowly hovered inside, it sealing behind her as she dusted herself off and folded her wings, before quickly walking into the central room of the base, seeing her fellow power ponies, waving to them with a smile on her face. "Hey gals and guy, how is everyone?"

Cue Fili-second, being the fastest one in the room, responding first, as the white suited pink maned speedster quickly leaped in front of Zapp and spoke rapidly, but luckily Zapp was so used to her fast talking that she could actually understand her.

"Oh, it was so fun, me and Radiance were fighting some crooks mugging a poor woman in an alleyway, then this HUGE explosion rang out and we entered a chase with this van full of big grunts, and Radiance created a big giant traffic cone and I slammed it in front of him, it was so cool, anyways we brought them to justice, so yeah, fun day!" Cue Zapp quickly processing the info, slowly nodding and chuckiling.

"Yeah, that does sound exciting." Cue Radiance, wearing her typical tight purple suit lightly chucking, as she lightly tossed her purple mane.

"Indeed, darling, I haven't had such excitement since our last duel with the Mane-iac, although those armed crooks did cause a bit more damage than I expected, luckily Matter-Horn and Mare-velous here was around to help clean the mess up." She said gesturing to her purple suited and horned comrade, slowly nodding.

"Yeah, took a lot of fixing, and some heavy duty lifting, but we did it."

"Ah, cmon now Matter-horn, wadn't that bad, ah reckon it was easier than last time we had damage control."

"Oh, don't remind me, that slime took HOURS to clean!" The yellow furred, pink maned Saddle rager grimaced at the memory of the slime incident.

"Yes, it took me several days to get the stink and slime out of my suit... I wish I hadn't charged head first into the monster's mouth like that..." Hum Drum, the draconic side kick of the team, decided to chime in.

"Yeah, but how else were we gonna get my bomb into it's stomach? We had to blow it sky high somehow!" Everyone nodded in agreement, understanding that battle was quite the close call, when Zapp decided to voice her experience.

"Well, not to brag, but I saved a van full of aliens from another world from being pancaked!" Cue everyone giving her a strange look, as Matter-horn entered her inquisitive mode.

"Aliens, you say? What were they like, were they bipedal, did they speak our language, what did they look like?"

"Well, one, they called themselves humans, and were on two legs, two, yes, they spoke our language, dunno how but they did, and three, one of them wore flip flops with socks, pants with tape on them for some reason, slicked back hair, and a plain white T shirt. Another guy wore this big armored suit, another a plain red hoodie and a long beard, and the final one wore this sun hat and some old geezer clothes." Cue Matter-horn teleporting in a paper and pen, rapidly jotting down notes, and making a sketch of said humans, as she presented it to Zapp.

"Is this them?" It was almost an exact replica, as she nodded.

"Yep, that's them."


"Well, ah reckon we oughta go and meet these space aliens later, cause what else we got to do?" Everyone nodded in agreement, as Hum Drum spoke dramatically.

"To the Power Plane!"

Back to the Bitches...

The Fingle mobile slowly drove down the roads of Maretropolis docks as the sun slowly set below the waves, seeking a brand new hideout, as everyone looked out their windows, scanning the many buildings as they drove by. "Okay, look out for any buildings that look abandoned and worn down, they least expect the abandoned places."

"Dude, the abandoned places are where they check the most." Fingle said as he voiced his conern, only to earn a quick smack to the jaw by Ken.

"Shut up, Fingle, ya dunno shit. Wait, look over there!" Ken said as he pointed out of his window, the gang turning to look at where he was pointing to see a large warehouse, it's windows broken and cracked, spider webs everywhere and the door wide open.

It was perfect.

"Bingo bango boys, take us inside!" And with that, the Fingle mobile entered the new hideout of the Bitches.