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Chapter 2

I landed on a rooftop in my vampire bat form, and looked around. I felt very thirsty for blood, and was becoming worried there wouldn't be any ponies to drink from...but then, I saw a little colt watering some flowers by his house. I recognized him as Li'l Cheese, Pinkie's son. I knew a colt would be dismissed easily as telling stories, and so if I was fast... My thoughts were disrupted by my belly again groaning, and I realized that I'd need to take such a heavy drink from him, he'd surely call for help before I was done. I barely knew this colt anyways, and what was he but prey... I shook my head to try to put away these weird thoughts, but I felt my vampiric thirst calling me... I would just have to kill this delicious-looking colt to survive, and I would have to make sure that nopony would hear his cries. A weak little colt like him would be easy to silence...

I flew over, turned into my vampony form midair, and tackled him, pinning him to the ground.

The foal tried to scream, but I grabbed him by his neck and began strangled him. His eyes were moving up and down. I slammed him down to the ground and bit his neck and began sucking out his blood.

He screamed, but his screams got softer...and softer... Finally, after two minutes, he stopped, and I continued to suck his blood, without strangling him.

Once I had my fill, I smiled and said "That blood was good...I must have more, now!"

I turned into a bat and flew away, leaving red liquid still oozing from the colt's neck...it would surely be a very scary sight for whoever would find it.

Soon, I saw a blacksmith working through the night, and I realized that if I had an axe, I could kill my victims easier then strangling them or biting their necks like I did to the foal. I turned to my pony form.

I said "Hello, I want you to make me an axe."

The blacksmith said "Well, okay, but it costs 125 bits and will take several hours to make, you'd have to pick it up tomorrow."

I asked "Okay, what about a knife or a gun?"

The blacksmith answered "I can't make guns and a knife will cost about 10 bits, depending on what kind. What's it for?"

I replied "Oh uh...just for uh, there's some wild animals on my property and..."

The blacksmith smiled and said "Uh-huh, say no more, I won't snitch on whatever you're up to."

I smiled back and said "Thanks. I'll take both." I handed all 135 bits to the blacksmith and he recorded the sale.

My stomach grumbled a bit, clearly needing more blood...but I sat patiently. I watched the blacksmith make the knife, and after about 30 minutes, it was done, so I thanked him and trotted out of the shop, then quickly blended in with the shadows.

I felt very thirsty as well as hungry, and I saw no restaurants open, but I knew a place where I can get plenty of food.

I flew, in my bat form, to Sweet Apple Acres. I saw plenty of apple trees, and my mouth watered. I turned back to my pony form and grabbed a step ladder. I climbed on the stepladder and started plucking apples and eating them, and they tasted so good!

I then saw a little green apple hanging from the tree. I leaned on the ladder in attempt to grab the lone apple, but then I fell off the ladder, and heard a mare yell "HEY! Who's out there?"

The barn door opened, and I saw an orange mare with three apples for a cutie mark, and a pink mare with a pink mane with three balloons for a cutie mark. I flew behind the barn and turned back into a pony and pulled out a knife.

Pinkie Pie said "Oh it's probably just the wind...and boy, that was the best day of my life!"

Applejack winked at her and said "Well shucks, Pinkie, and thanks again for helpin' me buck apples when most of my other friends were busy. Ya did a pretty good job...I suppose you really are my kin, heh!"

Pinkie Pie waved goodbye to her friend and said "Yep! Well, I got to go hit the hay! Maybe tomorrow I can walk Winona!"

Applejack smiled and yelled "Great! Good night, Pinkie!"

While the apples satisfied my hunger, they didn't satisfy my thirst like they did when I was a pony... I needed blood, and I needed it badly! And right over there, was that giggly, funny mare, Pinkie...Li'l Cheese's mom. If I could get rid of her, it would definitely make it harder for ponies to figure out what happened to him... I felt a bit sad, because Pinkie was usually pretty funny, and I liked her, but...my thirst...and she was just...prey...weak. My vampiric side felt much more in control now, pushing away my thoughts of how I'd miss a pony like Pinkie. She was annoying anyways!

As Pinkie Pie bounced out of the farm, I threw a rock that hit her in the leg. She tripped, yelped "Ow!" She turned around and yelled "Hey! Who did that? Show yourself! I'm a master of Pinkarate, and I have a friend named Dashie who can kick anypony's rump!"

I jumped and tackled Pinkie. She started screaming, but her screaming became muffled as I stuffed her mouth with a used rag. She then started struggling to flee. I took out my knife and made a deep cut in her throat. Her screaming turned to gurgling, and she became much weaker, so I relaxed my hold on her, and pulled away the rag so it wouldn't get too bloody.

Still, she could talk a little, and weakly said "P-please...I just wanted...to be...friends..." Her eyes then seemed to lose focus, and her bladder emptied into the grass. Pinkie was dead.

I felt kind of sorry for her a moment, but then I looked to the blood, and licked my fangs. I started lapping at the blood, but noticed it was getting thicker... I wondered a moment how mosquitoes and vampire bats could keep the blood flowing, but then realized that their bites might be the key, and so I bit into Pinkie's stomach and sucked a bit, and soon, her blood was flowing freely again from her neck, so I returned to drinking it from there where it had more flow, and filled up my belly.

After I was done, I looked to Pinkie's face, and weirdly, it seemed like she was giving me a look like I was a weirdo. I dismissed it as just death spasms having changed her face.

I then noticed I had a problem, my belly was swollen from all the blood I drank, and my bladder was full. I realized that with blood as my main food, it contained a lot of water and a lot of minerals, and I remembered from school that too much of those could be bad, so it made sense that I'd have to empty out after a blood meal. I quickly began relieving myself on the grass. When done, however, I took a look at Pinkie's face again...and she looked like she was embarrassed and trying to look away!

I was weirded out now, and rather embarrassed myself at the idea somehow her ghost watched me, but shrugged it off and went to gather up my rag and knife, only to fall face-first due to the slick, soaked mud around Pinkie! As I got up, I saw Pinkie's face again, and she looked like she was mid-laugh.

I growled in frustration and said "Hey, you're dead, you shouldn't be watching me and judging me with your weird Pinkie powers!" I then looked away for a moment and back, and sure enough, Pinkie's eyes were mid-roll!

I huffed "Well, I'm just gonna go prank your friend...it'll be so great to hear her screams when she sees your body." I trotted off, and gave a look back to see Pinkie's face looking rather mad, before sneaking up to the barn.

I knocked on the window.

Applejack yelled "Who's there?" After 20 seconds of silence, Applejack said "I'm the strongest pony around, ya better not mess with me or ma family!"

I could hear her from outside due to my bat-like sense of hearing, and chuckled softly.

I knocked again, and Applejack promptly hugged Winona, who was asleep on her bed. After a bit, she stopped and just covered herself with a purple blanket.

After 2 minutes, with some preparation moving Pinkie's body, I knocked again.

Appljack yelled "I am not afraid of you!"...which was clearly a lie. Applejack got out of the bed while mumbling to herself, "Don't worry Apple Jack, be a big pony, it's just Rainbow Dash pranking me again.." She walked over to one of the windows and looked outside, but clearly didn't see me...

I then turned into a bat and flew to the roof of the barn.

Applejack said with a confused look "That is really odd, I never saw a bat come here before..." She then blinked and replied "Maybe it's bat mating season!"

Then, I turned back into my vampony form right before her eyes! Her eyes dilated and she fell backwards while looking pale in the face!

Applejack got back up as I turned back into a bat and hid, leaving her to see my handiwork... She yelled "What the buck was that? Am I dreaming?" She took another look and saw a dead body of Pinkie Pie. Applejack screamed "Pinkie NO!" She ran outside and came up to the body, then stopped. "No no no no no...you were a good friend, and the element of laughter, and...what will we do without ya! WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING TO YA?"