• Published 4th May 2022
  • 738 Views, 28 Comments

Star Wars: The Darkest Light - MechaTomX

Sometimes one is not chosen to be part of something big, but a young boy will do his best so that it does not stop him in the Jedi training with the purpose of defeating the Shadow Empire.

  • ...


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….

Star Wars

Episode II


It's been 6 months since Spike's disappearance, the girls are still sad since his departure, but they have a duty to the galaxy, so they didn't neglect their Jedi training.

And as expected, the peace did not last long, because Darth Sombra has launched another attack, this time, invading the Crystal Kingdom, the capital of the planet Amore, the same kingdom that Princess Cadence rules with her husband Prince Shining Armor who is a Jedi with more skill than the girls, as well as being Twilight Sparkle's older brother.

If the Crystal Kingdom falls to the evil Shadow Empire, darkness may spread throughout the galaxy, causing a disturbance in the peace, so Celestia and her team headed to the Crystal Kingdom to stop Darth Sombra in one fell swoop once for all.

But, it will be that easy, or fate will play a cruel joke on them that they are not prepared for and leave them shocked.

In space just before reaching the surface of the planet Amore, was Celestia and her group of Jedi Knights, each one was piloting ships known as X-Wings, each ship had a different color, Celestia's was white, Twilight was purple, Fluttershy's was yellow, Rainbow's was blue, AJ's was orange, Pinkie's was pink, Rarity's was purple, and Storm's was red.

“We are approaching the planet Amore,” Master Celestia spoke to them through a transmitter, “Stay alert.”

“Understood,” they all nodded through their transmitters.

“Once we arrive there will be a whole fleet of Shadow Empire ships waiting for us, we must pass through to reach the planet,” Master Celestia told them.

"That fleet will be nothing to us," Rainbow Dash replied.

"The Shadow Empire pilots won't know what hit them," Applejack added.

"Darling, more gracefully," Rarity said.

"We'll save the Kingdom, yay," Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"Yay," Fluttershy said nervously.

"It's time to blow things up," Star Storm responded with more encouragement than Pinkie Pie.

But Twilight felt sad, she thought of her little brother, she had a picture of him inside the ship and she also had his wooden sword, the weapon with which he trained for a long time, "Today marks 6 months since you left, I hope you're okay Spike."

After that, she prepared to enter the planet Amore, "Alright, it's time, everyone get ready."

The team nodded and together they activated their engines.

"AND……. ATTACK,” Twilight ordered as the X-Wings headed for the planet to fight the Shadow Empire fleet, but upon arrival…

"Hey, what happened here?" said Star Storm upon witnessing the stage.

"It can't be," Twilight Sparkle added.

Instead of meeting the fleet of ships of the evil Shadow Empire, they found a graveyard of ships, which were destroyed, some were still on fire, and there were several pieces of debris surrounding the planet.

The only active ship was a purple and green X-Ceptor which went straight to the planet at hyper speed.

"Well, it looks like someone saved us the trouble," Rarity said in surprise.

“But this is the largest fleet in the Shadow Empire, who could have done this?” Fluttershy asked scared.

"This is so weird," was all Applejack could say.

Master Celestia was also nervous, but she remained calm, "Don't let your guard down, it may be a trap, let's proceed discreetly."

The 8 X-Wings advanced through what was once the fleet and descended on the planet Amore.

Upon arrival, they proceeded cautiously through the Crystal Kingdom, expecting to be shot at any moment.

But nothing happened, the streets were empty and only the remains of the armor of the Umbrum Troopers could be seen.

"Okay, if this is a joke, it's not funny," Pinkie Pie said as the team toured the city.

"Twily?" they heard a voice.

The team turned around and saw a boy and a girl in their 20s, the boy had long blue hair and the girl had pink, purple and yellow hair styled like a princess.

“Shining Armor, Cadence,” Twilight Sparkle shouted happily and quickly went to hug them.

“Twily, it's good to see you again,” Shining Armor hugged her.

“Same here,” Cadence hugged her.

“Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, it is a pleasure to see you, even if these are not the best of circumstances,” Master Celestia greeted them.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Cadence greeted her back.

"Shiny, what happened here, I thought the Empire was under attack," Twilight told him.

"We were under attack, but something happened that no one expected, 10 minutes ago 2 Jedi Knights in black robes arrived, they alone managed to finish off all the Umbrum Troopers," Shining replied.

Everyone had been surprised, 2 Jedi managed to defeat an entire army.

“Not surprisingly, surely if I had arrived sooner, I would have defeated an army of Umbrum Troopers as well,” Star Storm said.

"And where are they now?" Rarity asked.

“They entered the castle, but have not returned,” Cadence replied.

"Then let's not waste any more time," Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes, they may need our help,” Applejack said.

"Good idea, we have to go to the castle," Master Celestia ordered, to which everyone present unsheathed their lightsabers, except for Cadence, who took out a blaster.

As they headed to the castle, Shining approached Twilight to ask her something, "Have you heard from Spike?"

Twilight sadly shook her head.

“Oh, sorry, it must have been difficult for everyone, I was devastated to find out,” Shining Armor replied.

"I'm worried Shiny, I don't even know if he's still alive," Twilight cried to which Sniny comforted her.

"Hey, remember our little brother is strong, I'm sure he's fine, and I hope he can accomplish whatever he's doing out there, all we can do is send him our encouragement."

Twilight smiled upon hearing that, she still had tears in her eyes, but her older brother had given her a little hope.

But Star Storm heard them, "Are you talking about that idiot again?"

Twilight and Shining glared at him, but he kept talking.

"He was just a loser, a brat with no talent, that's why he ran away, because he couldn't accept the reality that he would never be a Jedi and decided to run away like a coward."

Annoyed, Shining approached Star Storm, "Show Spike a little more respect."

"Hehe, respect, yes you are funny," Star Storm sneered, "I only pay my respects to Jedi Knights, and Spike is not a Jedi."

Shiny and Twilight couldn't take Star Storm anymore.

"And you should stop giving Twilight false hope, she better accept the truth, Spike must be dead," Star Storm told them.

“IM SICK OF YOU,” Shining Armor shouted and moved closer to Star Storm to strike him, but was stopped by Cadence and Celestia.

“Shining Armor, don't do it,” Cadence told him.

“Shining, although I agree with you, we are on a mission, we cannot harm him at this time,” Master Celestia said.

“Thank you,” Star Storm thanked Celestia.

"But nothing will stop you when we finish the mission, there you can vent as much as you want with him," Celestia told Shining Armor with a smile.

Shining smiled while Storm frowned.

Upon entering the castle, they expected the Troopers to greet them with gunfire, but no, the castle was empty.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Fluttershy said.

At that moment, they saw a huge door, Cadence explained.

"That's the throne room, be careful, Darth Sombra may still be in there."

"He doesn't scare me," Rainbow Dash replied, then opened the door, "Sombra, we've come for you."

Upon entering the throne room, they saw Darth Sombra, a figure in black robes and a metallic mask with a red horn on his forehead, he was sitting as he stared at them.

“Surrender,” Star Storm yelled as he made her way to attack him, but upon reaching him…

Darth Sombra's head fell from his body and fell to the ground.

"What the...?" exclaimed Star Storm.

“AHHHHH,” Fluttershy yelled.

Rarity covered her eyes with her hands.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were speechless.

Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle asked at the same time, "What happened to him?"

Shining Armor walked over to Darth Sombra's body, "He's dead, he was killed."

“I suppose that is one less problem to worry about,” Master Celestia said, “But we must find out who did it.”

"I just hope it's someone with good intentions," Cadence added, "Darth Sombra was someone really powerful and it would be terrifying if another evil being wanted to take his place."

“I can assure you that my intentions were good,” the team heard a voice from behind the throne.

"I didn't want it to end like this, but Darth Sombra, he didn't want to be captured, he preferred to die," behind Sombra's throne, a figure dressed in black clothes emerged, but what caught their attention the most was that he had his lightsaber activated, and it wasn't like his lightsabers, this one was different.

"Who are you?" asked Star Storm, "I demand that you reveal your face."

"I sure do," he obeyed and decided to reveal his face, "It's been a long time guys."

Everyone was surprised to see who it was.


The team's reactions were different.

Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and AJ had been happy.

Master Celestia smiled.

Star Storm frowned at Spike.

Twilight, Shining, and Cadence ran right up to him to hug him, ignoring the fact that he had a lightsaber.

"Spike, we've missed you," Twilight Sparkle told him with tears in her eyes.

“We're glad you're okay,” Cadence told him.

“It's good to see you again little bro,” Shining Armor told him.

"I missed you too," Spike replied happily, "These 6 months, it felt like forever, but I knew I'd see you again one day."

Master Celestia approached Spike and gently spoke to him, "Nice to see you too Spike, but I'd like to ask you a few questions."

Spike nodded with a smile, "Of course, Master Celestia."

"Well Spike, I'd like to know the most important thing, are you a Force user?"

Spike nodded, "Yeah, when I found out I couldn't be chosen, I was really sad, but I managed to find a way to use it."

A little flustered, Master Celestia asked him the following, "If the Force doesn't choose you, there's only one other way, Spike, are you following the dark side of the Force?"

That question made everyone a little worried.

Spike nodded without meeting her eyes, and making a show of using the Force, he moved Darth Sombra's throne, "That's right, I can use the Force thanks to the dark side."

The team freaked out upon hearing that, Spike as a dark side user, was something that was not easy to assimilate.


"But I'm not doing anything wrong," Spike said, "I learned to use it without letting the darkness corrupt me."

Applejack walked up to him and examined him, after 15 seconds she announced to her team, "He's telling the truth."

“ARE YOU SERIOUS,” Star Storm told her.

"I'm serious," Applejack answered.

“I agree with AJ, I don't feel any evil in Spike's heart, he's still the same,” Master Celestia added.


"But if you managed to master the power, who trained you Spike?" Celestia asked.

Spike was about to reply, but was interrupted by a voice.

"That was me."

They all turned and saw Master Luna.

“Lulu,” Celestia cried out in delight and went straight to hug her.

“I'm back Tia,” Luna replied as she was hugged tightly by her older sister.

“It all makes sense now, the weak attract each other,” Star Storm said but was ignored.

"Master Luna, did you train my little brother?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

“That's right, Twilight,” Master Luna replied.

“Could you tell us everything?” asked Master Celestia to which Master Luna nodded.

"I managed to intercept Spike at the moment he had fled his house, when he explained to me what happened...." Luna paused and glared at Star Storm.

"I decided he should go with me on my trip, so I could train him, I wasn't chosen by the Force either, but I managed to get to the dark side without corrupting myself, I knew Spike could do it too, that's why I didn't tell them anything, because I didn't know how you were going to react if you found out about my training, I knew this was what Spike wanted and I wasn't going to risk it being taken away from him."

"Sorry, we didn't mean to hide it from you, but we thought it was for the best, this is who I am now, a Dark Jedi, I hope you can forgive us" Spike apologized.

The girls looked at each other, and after thinking it over, smiled, "Apology accepted, Spike."

“Yes, I admit this will be a bit hard to process, but at least you fulfilled your dream, and if you're happy, I'm happy,” Twilight Sparkle told him.

"Thank you sister," Spike hugged Twilight Sparkle, moving everyone.

Except someone.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" Star Storm asked.

They all paid attention to whatever he had to say.


"Hey, sorry I didn't meet your expectations," Spike told him.

"Shut up, just shut up, I can't stand listening to you, even talking to you disgusts me, you think that by being good and using it for good, you can use the dark side, no, that's not how things work with me."

The whole group had been angry with Star Storm but he continued.

"All you had to do was accept your weakness, accept the fact that you couldn't be a Jedi, but no, you acted like a baby and immaturely embraced the dark side, you think I'll let you keep breathing because of that, the girls convinced me to keep my mouth shut in presence of the Master Luna,” Storm said and at that moment he activated his lightsaber, “But with you, I will not hold back even though you are minor, I will prevent the dark side from spreading. ”

Luna had gotten angry so she decided to intervene, "You had something to tell me."

Pointing his saber at her he said, "Of course, I never trusted you, for using the dark side, I knew it would be a bad idea not to act, but your sister spoke well of you so i don't attack you."

"Star Storm stop, although they have murdered, they have saved the galaxy from Darth Sombra, that frees them from any crime against the Jedi code."

"I'm sorry Master Celestia, I've made my decision, I'll finish him off right now," Star Storm replied as he pointed his saber at Spike.

Scared, Spike asked him, "Hey, cut it out, what's your problem?"

"My problem is you, I can't stand the fact that you used a different method than the one a Jedi should follow, and you managed to master it in 6 months, that is, I can't stand the fact that you exist, you only disturb the ancient Jedi teachings, Star Storm answered.

"Storm, stop it," Twilight Sparkle ordered but he ignored her.

Spike, furious, decided to activate his saber, "You know, you annoy me too, you are a clear stereotype of a Jedi obsessed with the light side of the Force, you always think you're right, and you always preach to the others of what is right and what is wrong.”

Star Storm got angry, but Spike continued.

"And just because I'm from the dark side doesn't mean I should use that power for evil, hasn't it crossed your mind to do good using the dark side of the Force?"

“No, it hasn't occurred to me, because it's a disgusting thought,” Star Storm replied.

"So I guess we don't have anything to talk about," Spike was about to walk away but felt something choking him, "What, ahrhrhg."

The team turned to Storm and saw that he was using the Force to strangle Spike.

“Star Storm, stop, that is an order,” Master Luna ordered.

"I don't have to listen to you," Storm replied, at which point she hurled Spike out of the castle by smashing through a window, "GET OUT OF HERE."

“Gyahhh,” Spike yelled as he was thrown out of the castle.

“SPIKE,” they all yelled but Star Storm didn't let them get close.

“One day you will understand that I did this for the good of the galaxy,” Star Storm said and using the Force, he brought down the ceiling to block their path as the debris fell.

"Star Storm NOOOOO, don't hurt Spike, don't hurt my little brother," Twilight cried but to no avail, Star Storm headed out of the castle to end Spike's life.

Twilight cried, she was comforted by the entire team, including Master Luna.

Meanwhile outside the castle.

Spike had recovered from the blow, he got up and saw that behind him, there was a huge precipice.

There, he saw Star Storm approaching him with his saber still active.

"Storm wait, this doesn't have to end like this, you shouldn't do this," Spike told him scared.

“There's nothing I can change now brat, just the fact that you will be destroyed, and when I'm done with you, MasterLuna will be next,” Star Storm replied.

That response turned Spike's fear into hatred, threatening his Master, that was something he couldn't allow, so he grabbed his saber, "WON'T LET YOU DO IT."

“YOU ARE GOING TO DIE,” shouted Star Storm and the battle began.

Lightsabers clashed.

Spike was just one step away from falling so he couldn't let his guard down.

“Take this,” Star Storm lunged at him from below, but Spike jumped.

“It was close,” Spike said as he used his saber to slash back at him.

Star Storm didn't have time to block it so he had to dodge back.

With the road clear, Spike moved forward.

“This isn't over,” Star Storm hurled debris at Spike to deflect him.

While dodging the rubble, Spike decided to flee the fight, climbing to another part of the castle.

“You won't escape brat,” Star Storm yelled.

Reaching a higher surface, Spike expected Storm to follow him but there was no sign of him, but at that moment...

“GYAHHHHH,” Star Storm attacked Spike from behind and he barely managed to dodge, falling off the spot, and slightly hurting his arm due to the minimal thrust of Star Storm's saber.

"Hehe, I think you got it, you can't win," Star Storm descended on Spike's spot.

"This is terrible," Rarity said.

"I know, Star Storm is out there trying to kill our friend," Applejack added.

“I knew there was something wrong with him from the day he arrived,” Master Luna told Master Celestia.

“Me too Luna, I thought that by making him a Jedi, perhaps I could correct his attitude,” Master Celestia replied.

"It's not your fault, Master Celestia, and it's not anyone's fault that fool has gone further astray," Rainbow Dash told her.

"Yeah, he's more self-centered than you Rainbow, um, no offense," Pinkie Pie told her.

"None taken," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Can we trust Spike to get out of this?" Fluttershy asked.

With tears in her eyes, but with a determined look, Twilight Sparkle replied, "He'll make it through this, i trust Spike, i trust my little brother."

Spike dodged another attack from Star Storm.

“DIE ALREADY,” Star Storm yelled as he used the Force to choke Spike.

“GYAYHRGHHHHHHH,” Spike yelled as he broke free, shooting lightning bolts at him.

“AHHHH,” Storm yelled as he was shocked.

The impact caused Spike to fall onto a very unstable surface, "Wow, I can shoot beams, that's new."

“You asshole, take this more seriously,” Star Storm told him.

"I always take things seriously, now that you've got your steam off, stop waving your saber like a crazy trooper in power," Spike replied.

“Never,” replied Star Storm, “But it's over for you brat, i have the high ground.”

“You underestimate my power, and that's not good for me, it's not good for the team, and most of all, it's not good for you,” Spike replied.

“You wouldn't dare,” Storm told him.

But Spike jumped at that moment doing a special maneuver in the air.

"WHAT A FOOL," Star Storm yelled, ready to launch the blow that would finish off Spike.



But he did not count that Spike would be faster and with that movement in the air, he managed to cut his back, causing Star Storm to fall to the same place where Spike was previously.

"Now if it's over, victory is mine," Spike said as he used the Force to remove the debris that separated them from the other members of the team.

“Look there,” Princess Cadence said.

"It's Spike," Shining Armor said with a smile.

"He…he won, Spike won," Twilight said with pride.

The team headed to the location.

The girls hugged Spike.

Master Luna approached him, "I am proud of you, as your Master and as your friend."

"I couldn't be more grateful to you, Master Luna," Spike told her making Luna blush.

"It seems you do have the ability to train Padawans Luna," Master Celestia told her, then turned to Spike, "And by the way, where is Star Storm."

"It's over there," Spike pointed to the spot.

The team approached and saw Star Storm with a wound on his back but he kept his glare.

The team glared at him and Master Celestia turned to him, "When we get back to Canterlot, we'll have a stern talk with you."

Star Storm was so angry and then looked directly at Master Luna, "This is all her fault."

“I WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO DISTURB THE FORCE,” Star Storm yelled as she hurled his saber at Master Luna.

The team tried to do something but were shocked to see what Storm was planning, but Spike already knew about it.

“NOOOOO,” Spike yelled as he used his saber to deflect the direction of Star Storm's saber.

But the change of direction caused the saber to cut through a column that was one of many that kept the castle standing.

And the castle began to collapse.

“The castle,” Fluttershy yelled.

"It's going to collapse," Rarity said.

Amidst the commotion, Cadence remembered that she had a large enough ship parked.

"My ship is here, I'll go for it, just hang on a bit," Cadence addressed her ship.

As the castle collapsed, Star Storm tried to climb up even with the wound on his back.

“Help,” Star Storm yelled.

Twilight Sparkle despite everything he said, went to help him, "Take my hand."

Star Storm took Twilight's hand and managed to get up to where everyone was, "Thank you Twi."

“I hope you've learned your lesson,” Twilight told him.

Storm just frowned.

A few seconds passed and Cadence came back in a pink ship, it was Crystal's royal ship, the Millennium Alicorn.

“Come on up,” shouted Shining Armor.

They all ran to the ship, but when Spike was going to board, he was stopped by Star Storm.

"You will not come, this place will be your grave."

"You freaked out, if we don't go up we'll both die," Spike told him.

"It's just you the only one that will die," Star Storm said and charged at Spike with his lightsaber, "AHHHH."

"Gyahhh," Spike reacted defensively, although Storm was hurt, he still attacked Spike like there was no tomorrow.

"Star Storm, what are you doing?" Twilight yelled.

"I think you know what I'm doing," Star Storm answered and then saw Spike lose his energy, "NOW DIE."

But at that moment, the ground began to collapse, causing Star Storm and Spike to fall into the void.

“SPIKE,” Twilight yelled, “Cadence, get down quickly.”

Cadence obeyed Twi.

"AHHHHH," Spike yelled as he fell, but at that moment the Millennium Alicorn closed in on him.

In that quick moment, Spike felt a hand holding him, it was his sister's hand, "Don't let go Spike."

Spike clung to Twilight with all his might.

“GRRRRR, ahhhh,” Twilight yelled as using all her strength, she managed to get Spike onto the ship.

Spike, still in shock, looked at Twilight and hugged her, with tears in his eyes, he said, "Thank you Twi, for not abandoning me, thank you for saving me."

Twi hugged him back, "Thanks for coming back Spike."

But the tender moment was interrupted by a scream.


The 2 looked out and saw Star Storm falling into the void, then they saw that the castle had collapsed and some of the debris fell in the same direction that Storm fell.

“It's over,” Spike said tearfully, hugging Twi again.

A few moments passed, Twi and Spike headed to the passenger room, where the entire team was present, with the exception of Cadence and Shining Armor, who were in the pilots' seats.

Spike saw that Master Celestia still had Star Storm's lightsaber.

“I, I'm sorry about what happened, I wish it hadn't ended like this,” Spike said.

Master Celestia sighed, "Star Storm, he had his way of doing things, but what happened to him was something he could have prevented, but he didn't."

"Storm could have been nasty," Pinkie Pie said.

"But still." Fluttershy added.

"He was a skilled Jedi," Rarity said.

“Although I hate to admit it,” Rainbow Dash said.

"But he chose this, and its not your fault Spike," Applejack said.

"But remember, we've been taught when one door closes, another opens," Twilight Sparkle told the girls as she pointed to Spike.

The girls smiled and addressed Master Celestia.

Celestia looked at them curiously and hearing what they had to say, she smiled.

Several days later.


In the same hall where they celebrated their victory against Lord Tirek, Master Celestia was speaking.

In the audience, Spike was sitting next to his parents Twilight Velvet and Night Light who were happy to see their son again.

"We're glad you're back, Spike," Velvet said through tears of joy.

“There wasn't a day where we didn't think of you,” Night Light said.

"I'm sorry about what happened, but I never forgot you, I always thought of you too," Spike said, hearing that, they hugged him.

Master Celestia continued.

“And with pride, I am pleased to announce our new Jedi Knight, our new addition to the team, he along with my sister the Master Luna, defeated the evil Darth Sombra returning peace to the galaxy, without further ado, I present to you Spike , the Dark Jedi.”

Spike made his way to the stage to applause, though he could tell that there were people in the audience a little nervous about the term Dark Jedi.

Upon reaching center stage, he received a medal.

"So Spike, do you want to say a few words to us?" asked Master Celestia.

Spike nodded and addressed the audience.

"I know that some are doubtful, but I assure you, that I will use the dark side of the Force to ensure peace in the galaxy, many times I have heard that we should avoid the dark side because it is easier and more seductive, but I learned one thing, we must be strong of mind and heart and we can dominate the darkness within us to protect those we love, that's why I will fight with this power to prevent any other evil from rising."

The public applauded, they were moved by Spike's words, especially 3 girls, one had red hair, another had short purple hair and the other had pink and pink hair, the 3 began to move small stones using the Force.

Twilight approached him and hugged him, then she spoke to the audience, "And never let someone tell you that you can't be chosen, if we put all our efforts, we are masters of our destiny."

At that moment Luna approached Spike, and handed him a box, "I think you'll need this now, now that you're part of the team."

Spike opened the gift and was surprised, "Wow, thank you very much, Master Luna."

It was Star Storm's lightsaber, and Spike activated it and raised it into the air, further encouraging the spectators.

"I swear I will use this saber to keep the peace in the galaxy."

Spike had fulfilled his dream, to be a Jedi Knight.

Author's Note:

This was my Star Wars fanfic, I always thought that the dark side of the force can be used for good, surely in the expanded universe there may be a similar story, but I remind you that I have only seen the movies and few comics, besides I also wanted to let you know that not because you're on the light side, you'll always be right, and Storm learned that the hard way.

Thank you all for reading it.

Comments ( 16 )

Good story. And I agree about the concept of darkness being used as good. For so long it's always been a black and white scenario light is good and dark is bad, but in actuality and several examples light can be bad and dark can be good. It all depends on how you use them. I mean take a look at Riku in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. He opened his heart to darkness in the beginning and fell to it. But he found his way back and learned to harness his darkness without losing sight of himself and now he walks the Road to Dawn.

Wished FIM let Luna embrace Nightmare Moon in the show and use those dark powers for good.

I am surprised there is only two chapters.

Pretty nice story

Manr #4 · May 10th, 2022 · · 5 ·

Good story it was short but I just wish that spikes lightsaber was a different color other colors besides the classic blue, green, and red. Like like Samuel Jackson's lightsaber the purple one. But since he's the dark Jedi I think it would have been cool if he had it the grey lightsaber representing that he can do both light side and a dark side powers without the corruption.

SEQUEL!!!! This was awesome! Even though it was short, it was still great! Again, SEQUEL!!!!

Wow, you like Kingdom Hearts too, awesome, and thanks for reading.

Wow, that's a great idea, how did I not think of it?

I'm sorry, as I clarified, I don't know anything outside of the movies, so maybe I should have researched more about lightsabers, I only gave that saber to Spike because I really like Kylo Ren's saber.

Well, maybe I can do a sequel if I get the inspiration.

TM #10 · May 12th, 2022 · · 1 ·

Intriguing idea. Though there are two big continuity errors that just don't match up given the lore/cannon of Star Wars and its universe.

The first one being that in order to be a Jedi, the Force has to pick you. It's literally the defining factor that determines if an individual can be a Jedi. If it doesn't grant you Force-sensitive powers, then there's no way you can be a Jedi without them. Because being a Jedi means, you feel the Force flowing through you that allows you to do lightsaber combats, jumps, flips, and do everything else. So the fact that Spike becomes a Jedi without the Force granting him these abilities, doesn't make sense. If the Force didn't choose him from the start, then there's absolutely no chance he can be a Jedi.

The second one is Spike using the Dark side of the Force for good. In Star Wars, it's clear as the sky is blue that the Light side is good while the Dark side is evil. No two ways about it. Cause by a person using the Dark Side of the force, it means they are committed to being bad. Literally all who have used the Dark side of the Force are bad guys. While Spike saying he can use it for good is nothing more than a thought, cause the Dark side is so powerful that you have no choice but to let it take control of you in order to gain its power. So for Spike, he would have to let his feelings of anger and betrayal be embraced to be allowed to use the Dark side. So really, Spike is bad by using the Dark side in the first place.

Again, those are the two biggest errors that make this story a bit disconnected when it comes to Star Wars cannon and the lore that is already set in stone. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not great either. I would advise when you have a chance to look up some research into Star Wars to help you get a better feeling of how this universe works. In the chance that you plan a sequel.

You know, Star Storm sort of makes me think of these guys when it comes to representing what is wrong with the Jedi Order. Take your pick of who's worst:

Yes, I wrote to Star Storm thinking about Jedi like that.

I bet if they hadn't been so closed-minded, maybe everything could have been different, but no.

Order 66 was kind of tragic, but I definitely didn't feel sorry for some of them.

Comment posted by TM deleted May 18th, 2022
Comment posted by ROH deleted Nov 8th, 2022


I know that story, its great and good writed but is not for me.

Im sorry, i only try to write a concept of the Force i wanted to see, i only watched the movies and a few comic books.

But still i wanted to show another view of the Jedi, not all are heroes to everybody, i bet there another stories out there using the dark side for the good.

Well, I think this fic is great, I can understand that the Star Wars universe has rules, but come on, this is a fic, I think we can free ourselves a little.

Hey, don't apologize, your story is one of the best I've read and I think it's the best in Star Wars/MLP, I also like the concept of a dark side Jedi, I must admit you have talent.

I hope that in the future you can give us a sequel with Spike using the dark power to defeat other villains.

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