• Published 10th May 2022
  • 468 Views, 19 Comments

Rarity's Generosity - Incredible_E

Rarity performs the ultimate form of generosity. What will it cost?

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1 - Broken Peace

It is a cool and temperate day in Ponyville. Clouds are few and rain is not scheduled for another few days. Mane Street is as normal as always with ponies living their lives. Lyra and Bon Bon are sitting at the Ponyville Cafe, drinking their oat smoothies while they talk together, as usual. Market ponies are selling various products at their stands, as usual. Others are enjoying the day at Ponyville Park, walking about enjoying the scenic views, as usual. All are happy and all is in perfect order. The only unusual occurrence is the upcoming Helping Hooves Music Festival.

While Ponyville remains at peace, Rarity is at home designing, as she normally does on an uneventful day such as this. At first appearance, the room she is working in would be considered messy. To the fashion designer, it is organized chaos, a room filled with inspiration and plans for new dress lines.

Rarity sews the last piece of fabric onto an outstanding gown. “Ah! Magnificent! Exactly what this collection needs: some flare! she turns to read the time on a clock mounted above the door.

”Just in time to meet Applejack at the spa!” Rarity prances in place excitedly. She has been looking forward to today after a week of hard work.

Rarity leaves the boutique, making her way to the Ponyville Day Spa. She takes in the gorgeous day and waves to a few ponies as she trots by. In a short time, she arrives and waits for a staff pony.

Aloe Blossom welcomes Rarity, ”Ello Rarity! Here for your usual with Appleyack?” she said with her exotic accent.

”Yes, of course. I would never miss it!” Rarity is anxious to begin relaxing.

”You have never missed a day Rarity," Aloe smiles briefly before telling Rarity unfortunate news. ”I am afraid Appleyack is not here yet.”

Rarity sighs aloud. ”Wow, I’m shocked,” she sarcastically states, rolling her eyes.

Aloe offers Rarity an early start. ”Do you want to start now? Maybe Appleyack will be here soon.”

”No, no. I will wait. I simply won’t start without her. I worked hard to get her to join me.”

Aloe nods and walks to another client. Rarity finds a seat and patiently waits for Applejack.

Shortly after, the doors swing open. Rarity looks up with searching eyes, hoping it is Applejack. Not to her surprise, it was not Applejack. It would be a miracle if Applejack were to arrive so soon after being late.

Rarity greets the new pony while smiling as best she can, given the situation. ”Hello, Derpy.”

”Hiya Rarity,” Derpy happily smiles and waves.

More time passes until the doors finally reveal Applejack.

Rarity jumps up from her seat. ”There you are! What took you so long this time?”

Applejack, out of breath, ”I am mighty sorry Rarity. I had to patch some holes in the chicken wire, along with every other chore I have around the farm.”

”Well, you are here now! Let’s finally unwind together with our usual hooficure, massage, and steam.”

”I could use all of that right about now,” Applejack sighs calmly.

Rarity and Applejack get their hooves done, massaged, and are now sitting in the steam room. They remain in peace, talking about the past week while the steam settles them. It would have been a perfect session if it was not for the distracting noises outside. A deep, almost roar-like sound makes it into the steam room.

”Did you hear that, Applejack?” Rarity asks.

Applejack thinks of what could be making that noise. ”Maybe it was a pipe,” she guesses.

”If it is, I hope it does not break on us,” Rarity jokes.

They begin to feel a rumble, the room shakes with growing intensity. The door of the steam room is quickly slammed open. Immediately shattering the once peaceful moment.

”Appleyack! Rarity! You must get out of here!” Aloe frantically shouts.

”What’s goin’ on?” Applejack asks.

”No time! You will see.”

They group outside with other ponies whose afternoon was also just rudely interrupted. Scared ponies run away from something just out of view. Rarity and Applejack walk further into the street, dodging ponies going the opposite way. They became lightheaded as the problem comes to light, not believing current events.

In a surge of adrenaline, Applejack goes to assist others in escaping the chaos. Rarity turns and scans the group outside the spa for a pegasus. The first pegasus she sees will be her choice since there was no time to waste.

Rarity spots a pegasus and gives them a task. ”Derpy! I need you to fly to Twilight and tell her that an Ursa Major is attacking Ponyville!”

”On it,” says Derpy, as she salutes. She spreads her wings and flies to Twilight’s castle on the other side of town.

Twilight is in her library reading a book, as usual, as her day remains at peace. She sits in her red comfy chair for fictional reads which is next to her hard crystal chair of studying. A lamp illuminates the pages of the fiction story she is reading while she sits Lyra-style on her comfy chair. She is relaxing a few days after she and Fluttershy return from solving a friendship problem with the Hooffields and McColts. Hours of peace go by as she continues to sink more into the story of her book.

It’s so calm and peaceful, she thought to herself while pausing in between chapters.

This day couldn’t get any better, she continued to think subconsciously. Twilight was able to read a few more paragraphs before hearing a strange noise outside.


Twilight looks up from her book, contemplating what the noise could be. She looks around with a face of slight confusion while her book continues to levitate with her magical magenta aura. She dismisses the constant noise by assuming a bug is flying around her. The noise continues to pierce through the air, shattering the quiet peace she was once in. Attempts at returning to her reading were unsuccessful as a result of the ever-looming frequency.


The noise is getting louder and louder at an increasing pace. The noise went from a small buzz to a louder rumble. She puts down the book and gets up from her red comfy chair to finally look around. She looks upward and sees a shadowy figure through the center circular window of her library. The shadow cast onto the window from the sunlight is getting larger. The noise's volume reaches new amplitudes while the figure grows larger. Something is coming!


The shadowy figure that is cast upon the window, which depicts the Tree of Harmony, becomes life-sized. The noise is the loudest it has been, sounding like a plane falling from the sky.


The piercing noise becomes amplified, almost doubled, the instant the figure crashes through the Tree of Harmony window. The once shadowy figure reveals itself as it attempts to land on the floor with stability. Twilight is slightly shocked about this occurrence but finds it quite believable. The figure lands but blunders to the ground as the landing was a little too rough.

Twilight is surprised at the new visitor. “Derpy?” she exclaims in curiosity but now understands the window crashing.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asks while Derpy recollects herself after her rough landing.

Twilight offers a hoof to help Derpy up. Derpy accepts the help and stands back on her hooves.

“Is something the matter? We do have doors you know,” Twilight says, poking a joke into an otherwise agitated situation.

Derpy responds, “Heheh, well I don’t have time for doors right now,” she says in her usual soft and quirky voice.

Derpy shakes herself off to remove small glass shards still on her coat, but one shard remains. She curiously looks at it as it sits on her shoulder and takes it out. Derpy jumps all of the sudden, letting out a quick yelp.

“Ouch!” Derpy cries. A little blood comes out with the shard. She looks curiously at it as she puts her hoof over the cut. Twilight looks puzzled as well.

“Huh. I’ve gone through many windows. Never have I got cut like this,” she says wondering why this is the first time she has bled. Twilight is also witnessing blood outside of the body for the first time.

“Why have you come so urgently?” asks Twilight, still curious why Derpy had to make an entrance through her window. Allowing the external environment and the sun to enter the once serene library room.

Derpy stares emptily at Twilight as she fails to recall why she even came. This continues for a moment. Twilight looks around during the inelegant moment. Glancing mostly at the glass shards that riddle the room.

“Oh yeah! I almost forgot heheh,” Derpy finally stated, breaking the silence. “Ponyville is in trouble.”

As the last part of “trouble” left Derpy’s mouth, Twilight became much more paranoid.

Twilight responds with frantic haste, “What do you mean in trouble?” she gets closer to Derpy’s face waiting for an answer.

“A big purple bear,” Derpy says with the guilt of delivering bad news. She looks downward as it was said as if she were at fault. Twilight’s pupils become constricted with horror as she realizes Derpy had just mentioned an Ursa Major.

“I–It was purple? Big as well?” Twilight says, hoping Derpy messed something up when describing what was attacking Ponyville. Trying to get a conclusion other than an Ursa Major.

Derpy nods her head slowly, still looking downward, not favoring the delivery of such solemn news. Twilight moves next to Derpy and puts her front right leg over Derpy’s shoulders. POOF. They teleport out of the castle library and into the Ponyville hospital.

POOF. They teleport into the lobby of the hospital to be stunned by the activity. Although it was expected because of the sudden attack. In a hurry, Twilight teleports out without saying a word. Derpy looks at the nurse pony over the counter and smiles.

POOF. Twilight teleports to the commotion to find ponies sprinting away, some ponies aching, and hospital ponies hard at work. Some brave unicorns who can shoot their lasers at the bear remain at the scene to assist. Twilight sees that Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie are already there and slightly ahead of her. The sound of Twilight teleporting reaches the ears of her friends up ahead. They look back as Twilight approaches them.

“Girls!” Twilight shouts out.

The three trot towards Twilight to meet in the middle of their original positions.

Applejack is the first to talk, “Thank Celestia you’re here Twilight. This beast came outta nowhere.”

Rarity follows, “Oh, it’s just awful! Applejack and I were relaxing at the spa with a steam. Suddenly this--this beast attacked the building next to us. Now the spa is destroyed!” - she puts her hoof over her forehead - “This is the worst! Possible! Thing!”

“Do you know where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are?” Twilight asks, so they can be stronger against the Ursa Major together.

Pinkie Pie answers, “Rainbow came by and left to get Fluttershy right before you appeared.”

Twilight responds, “Good, Fluttershy may know what to do since this is a creature. Hopefully, she can deal with this Ursa Major as she did with the dragon. For now, we must keep it away from the rest of Ponyville,” she nods with assertiveness to the others. The others nod back in confirmation.

They turn to face the Ursa Major with a pose of strength. Their manes and tails flow in the moving breeze. Their faces take the appearance of determination and bravery. While on the inside, they are a bit nervous about how they will accomplish their goal. One step at a time, they thought. They are ready to take on the beast terrorizing Ponyville.