• Published 26th Jan 2023
  • 824 Views, 10 Comments

Running in the night - Eiby11

Discord takes Fluttershy to a dimension where it is always night, and although she is afraid, she decides to trust her best friend.

  • ...

The dimension of night

“But it will be a lot of fun, I promise” Discord said to the little yellow pegasus as she flew back and forth from her sanctuary, tending to the many creatures who came in search of the shelter and care that the element of kindness in person offered them.

“I don’t know Discord, you know I’m afraid of darkness, and the very idea of a place where it’s always night makes me afraid” Fluttershy said as he left a bird, whose wing had broken, in one of the many nests he had for them.

Fluttershy had initially been frightened by the sudden appearance of her best friend Discord, who had posed as a gray, brown snake with a red tail, only to suddenly burst into confetti and materialize in it when Fluttershy was about to feed him. But after her initial astonishment, she was followed by a genuine joy and a warm hug to see that it was her favorite draconequus. However, all her enthusiasm for seeing him long before their usual tea Tuesday was replaced by growing anguish when he told her that he had come to invite her to go with him to a dimension he had discovered in one of his many journeys between dimensions, one where it was always night and everything was jungle. And although certainly on any other occasion she would be more than willing to go with him anywhere, the simple idea of being in a place where darkness reigned eternally, and also without even knowing the possible dangers that could be there, was enough for the timid and naturally scary pegasus to refuse to go and spend time with her closest friend. And this was saying a lot, considering that she had long since begun to have deeper feelings than a friendship for the former lord of chaos.

Discord suddenly appeared right in front of her, floating so that they came face to face, surprising Fluttershy again by the sudden closeness and causing her to blush weakly in a nice pink color.

"Fluttershy, don't you trust me?" said Discord as he put on a sad face and bent his ears down.

“What? No, no, of course I trust you Discord, it’s just that… that…” she said as she tried to hide behind her mane. Partly because she was desperately trying to find the right words to tell him that the problem was her own fear and not the fact that she didn’t trust him, and partly because being so close to him always made her nervous.

However, Discord knew her better than anyone else and recognized fear and doubt when she saw them in her beautiful blue-green eyes. So he took her delicately by the chin with his eagle claw making her look at him, and giving her in turn a reassuring smile.

“Fluttershy, you know I would never try to do anything that hurt you. And although I know that in the past I did” he said with a slight tone of regret. “I want you to know that I will never let anything bad happen to you again. And when I tell you that I will be by your side at all times in that dimension and that you will have fun, it is because I promise you that it will be so” he said as he put his lion’s leg on his chest reaffirming his statement.

He had meant every word he said. He had long begun to have feelings for the kind butter-colored pegasus, and though he initially refused to believe that he could feel such things for anyone again (for his past experience with similar feelings with his ex Cosmos had not been exactly pleasant), he soon discovered that his growing affections toward her were real. But he just couldn’t help it. The genuinely kind way she treated him; the way she laughed at his jokes and antics; the freedom she gave him to be himself all around her, without being bothered by the chaos he caused (unless he came to scare her animals, or in any case, her hateful ball of hairs Angel); and not to mention her beautiful eyes or her laugh he loved hearing so much, because then the list of all the things he loved about her would just go on and on. No, she was different from all the ponies and creatures he had met, for while others would always see him as a potential threat, never coming to trust him completely and accusing him every time something bad happened around he, she would always give him for the benefit of doubt and trust him if he told her he had not done something. That's why he needed to let her know that he was serious by telling her that he would never let anything bad happen to her, because she and her friendship were the most precious things for him.

Fluttershy felt her blush intensified as she heard such words from the creature she was in love with. The sincerity in his eyes and voice in telling her that he would never let something bad happen to her was enough to make her heart begin to accelerate.

“Do… do you promise you won’t leave me alone?” she said weakly as she cursed herself mentally for asking such a question. She didn’t want him to think again that she didn’t trust him, but seeing those intense red and yellow eyes made her say things like that.

Discord then separated from her so she could see him well as he stood upright and put his lion's paw back over his heart and raised his eagle claw high.

"For my honor of draconequus, I Discord promise that I will be by my dear Fluttershy side all the time while we are in the dimension of the night"

This not only made Fluttershy clear any doubts about accompanying him, but managed to get her a little giggle as she watched a flag waving behind him with his face and a military anthem sounded as he said this.

"So... I guess I'll go... just because you'll be with me all the time" she declared with a tender smile, making him now the one blush at his statement.

"Excellent, then I will come to your cabin tomorrow afternoon" he said with a smile.

"Tomorrow afternoon? I thought we would go today" she said confused.

Discord laughed low. "If I take you today, how would you have enough energy to have fun after you've spent all day taking care of your furry creatures?"

"I didn't know we'd be there that long" she said, feeling a slight worry again.

"Don't worry, I assure you that time will fly once we are there"

"Okay, if you say so"

At that moment, Angel caught Fluttershy's attention by pulling her mane to show her that many of the animals that were injured were waiting for their food.

"Oh sure, I must feed the animals" she said, a little embarrassed to have forgotten.

"Don't worry my dear I should also leave to let you finish your work. But remember that you must rest to have enough energy for our adventure tomorrow" he reminded her.

"Okay, I'll remember"

And with that and a warm goodbye hug, Discord snapped his claws and disappeared, leaving Fluttershy in her sanctuary to tend to her animals for the rest of the day.

It was already afternoon when Fluttershy finally made her way to her cabin. And after taking a shower, eating a light dinner and wrapping Angel and the animals that lived in her house, she finally got into her bed letting fatigue take her without delay to the kingdom of dreams.

The next morning, Fluttershy followed Discord's advice and got up a little later than usual to be extra rested for the adventure that awaited her. So after having breakfast, preparing Angel's special salad and feeding the other animals in her cabin, she spent the rest of the day just watering her garden and cleaning her cabin a little, this was the day when she didn't have to teach at the friendship school and, in addition, Dr. Fauna and a couple of other volunteers took over the sanctuary, so it was easy for her to just relax.

Finally, the evening began to arrive, and as she ate a small lunch, she began to become more aware that the time for Discord to take her to the dimension of eternal darkness was approaching.

Not that she didn't fully trust him after what he had told her yesterday, but this adventure involved coming face to face with one of her oldest fears, the fear of darkness and the uncertainty of not knowing what is hidden in it. She was an adult mare, with years of working on her own insecurities and fears that had haunted her all her life. But this was one of those who had cost her the most to work, because more than for some childish history of monsters coming out in the dark, it was for her own safety that she had acquired such fear, because she lived on the very edge of the Everfree forest.

“Oh Angel, I don’t know if I will be able to hide my fear once we’re in that dimension” she said as she washed the dishes that had gotten dirty while eating. “It’s just that… I couldn’t resist when he looked at me that way and told me so firmly that he wouldn’t leave me alone… but I don’t want he to think that I don’t trust him if I can’t control my fear” she said with concern as Angel only rolled his eyes, as the little white rabbit was aware of his owner’s feelings for the annoying creature that visited her every Tuesday and stole her full attention every time he did.

“Maybe, if I carry some light source just in case, I will feel safer”. And with that, the little pegasus came up with an idea, so she flew into her bedroom to prepare it before the afternoon came.

Celestia’s sun was just beginning to go dark when an excited draconequus materialized at the door of Fluttershy’s cabin. Discord knocked on the door, and it only took a moment for the gentle pegasus to open.

"Discord!" she said as she flew to give him a warm hug.

“Hi my dear Fluttershy” he said as he returned the happy embrace. He always enjoyed each time they hugged, and he loved to feel her so close, even if only for a few seconds. “So, are you ready for our adventure?”

"Yes, and I also carry something that will serve us". Then Fluttershy flew back inside her cabin, only to return now with a saddlebag on.

"What are you there, my dear?" he ask somewhat intrigued.

"Just a couple of flashlights and shining wands that Pinkie uses for her parties" she said proudly. "To be able to see better and not get lost along the way"

Discord was surprised, not so much because of her choice of accessories, but because apparently, for a moment, his beautiful friend had forgotten who she was going to be accompanied by.

"Fluttershy, you know I can pop up flashlights in an instant if we need them, right?"

Discord didn't know if it was the understanding of such an obvious fact, or the pain of being discovered distrusting his ability to take care of one of her oldest fears, but Fluttershy instantly blushed deeply and tried to hide behind her mane.

"I... um... maybe I had forgotten... I'm sorry" she said in a quieter and lower voice.

Noticing her clear embarrassment and not wanting to make her feel that he thought she didn't take his word for it, he try to change the subject.

“Don’t feel it, I should have told you yesterday that you didn’t occupy taking anything for our little adventure” he said as he approached and helped her remove the bag. “In fact I think you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible once we get there”

"Really? Why?"

"You'll see, my dear, but for now it's time to go" he told her as he stretched out his claw toward her front door and leaned slightly signaling for them to get out.

"Okay, let's go" Fluttershy said as they both left her house.

Once they were outside, Discord snapped his claws and instantly a portal appeared in front of them. Fluttershy looked at him, and he gave her a smile that told her without words that everything will going to be fine. So, with that smile as a guarantee, and Discord taking her hoove to help her get through the portal, they both transported themselves to the dimension of the night.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Discord standing in front of her holding a lantern radiating a pink flame and around her she could only distinguish a couple of shadows from what looked like very tall trees and many scattered plants.

“I thought that, in order for you not to hurt your eyes, it was better than the first thing you saw was the light of a flashlight” he said with a warm smile that calmed her nerves and at the same time accelerated her heart.

"Thank you Dizzy" she said, smiling back.

Celestia that nickname.

It's the nickname she had for him. One that put him not long after they became close friends. She only used it on occasions when they were alone and the atmosphere seemed pleasant to her. And he was delighted that his consideration of the flashlight seemed so pleasant to her that she used that nickname with him. Moreover, it had an effect on him, like almost everything involving her.

"Tell me when you think you'll feel ready to turn off the flashlight"

Fluttershy looked around. She could see no further than big, uncertain shadows in the darkness. But once she turned to see Discord again, who had an intense look fixed on her, waiting for her approval so he could turn off the flashlight, reminded her that he was there. He would always be there for her all the time (so he had promised). So, why hesitate?

"I think... I think I'm ready" she said with all the courage that inspired his gaze fixed on her.

Discord just gave her another reassuring smile, before bringing the lamp to himself and blowing the pink flame, extinguishing it.

As soon as the light of the flashlight went out and opened her eyes (which at some point before closed), she was amazed by the view in front of her.

Everything resembled a jungle. But instead of being just green and moist (as it would be in Equestria), the entire background was dyed black and dotted everywhere with vibrant fluorescent colors like pink, purple and green. But, above all, blue predominated, a beautiful aquamarine blue that radiated its own light. It reminded her of those beaches she had read about, which emanated bioluminescence every time they broke their waves at night. But this couldn't be compared to anything she has seen before. It was an absolutely stunning show. With beautiful colors that mixed with each other to paint the deep black color that encompassed everything, in the way so spontaneous, and yet harmonious, of which only Mother Nature was capable. There was no doubt why Discord liked this dimension so much, because everything about it reminded her of the beauty of which was capable of creating chaos.

This last thought finally made her come out of her stun and remember that Discord was there too. And when she turned her head to see him, she saw on his face an expression of happiness mixed with a touch of pride in her reaction to the dimension that had assured she would love.

"And well my dear, do you like it?" he asked with the same touch of pride that reflected his gaze.

"I don't even know how to describe it... do I like it?... I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful place in my life!"

Even though her words should certainly have increased his pride, he seemed more moved by her approval than proud to be right.

"When I discovered this dimension, I immediately thought of you"

It's almost as beautiful as you.

"Really, I'd say it reminds me more of you. The colors are so spontaneous and beautiful, they remind me more of chaos" she said.

"So, am I beautiful too?" he asks amusedly.

“Of course you are”. It took her a second to realize her claim and what it implied (not that she didn’t believe it to be true). “I mean… of course I think your chaos is beautiful, and I don’t say you aren’t... I think you are… I just, um…” Fluttershy felt her cheeks were getting warmer.

Discord, noticing her friend's rambling and discomfort, decided that his joke should end. Although that "I think you are" stayed a little longer in his mind.

"Come on, dear, let's start with the tour" he said, extending his paw, inviting her to move forward.

"... okay" she said, thanking the change of subject.

Discord suddenly dressed like a tour guide, wearing a short-sleeved shirt, palm hat, badge, sunglasses and a map.

“All right friends, my name is Discord, lord of chaos, and this time I'll be your guide through the dimension of the night. So relax and enjoy the journey that your trusted draconequus offers you.”

All the time he had been talking through a megaphone, and this ended up giving the expected result and bringing out that smile that he loved so much to see in her.

They began to walk through the abundant and exotic vegetation, following what seemed to be a path that allowed them to pass without problem, because in it, the plants were not taller than would be a common grass without pruning.

The dimension was amazing, full of things and creatures she had never seen. Here and there she could see the roots of the largest trees she had ever seen, which were covered with opaque green moss that shone little, but had on their surface thousands of what appeared to be mushrooms, some shaped like purple starfish and others shaped like a normal mushroom, but from their edges fell a thin net that wrapped them like a mantle, and that shone in beautiful amber color.

"To your right, you can see a native and rather annoying species of small flying creatures" he said, still with the megaphone.

Fluttershy turned around and found a large group of what looked like butterflies of the size of a small bird, with four wings and a long tail, radiating a beautiful greenish blue color every time they fluttered. She immediately approached the group that seemed to be eating from hanging purple flowers, similar to the aretillo flowers. As soon as the creatures noticed her presence, a few approached her and fluttered around her. One in particular came close enough to rest for a while on her mane before flying again.

“Discord, they are so beautiful”

Discord admired how her eyes lit up in the light of the creatures before answering. “Maybe, but they are like a swarm around you when you try to calmly eat a pickle sandwich with jelly. I tell you by experience”

Fluttershy started flying a bit to get closer to them. "They seem to like your choice of snacks too, don't you my friends?" she said, addressing them.

He was always amazed at how she was capable of dealing with any creature, no matter if it was large or small, dangerous or not, and in this case, of one dimension or another. In any case, all the creatures seemed to love her, and in that, he was with them, for he knew that it was only a matter of time for him to fall before her kind personality and beautiful smile. But suddenly, he felt a little jealous that those little creatures stole all the attention of his beloved Fluttershy, so he decided it was time to continue.

"Come on my dear, there is still a lot to see"

She turned to see him, and immediately distinguished the jealous look she normally saw on him when Angel interrupted them at their tea parties. "Okay, enjoy your food buddies, goodbye"

They continued to enter the forest little by little, admiring the strange nature that surrounded them, while Discord showed her with great enthusiasm everything he knew of that dimension, while she enjoyed the company of her best friend.

"My dear, come, you have to see this" Discord said, drawing her attention a little more in front of where she was.

She approached him, and found a kind of small clearing that was covered with what looked like a tall boil that danced quietly with the wind, but was a dark blue color that almost radiated no light. They were on the very edge of the clearing.

"This is one of my favorite places in this dimension" he said enthusiastically.

"Really?". It seemed much simpler than anything they had seen so far. "Why?"


Suddenly he leapt into the grass on all fours, and saw how everything that had touched his body changed it to a bright pink and purple color for a few seconds before returning to its normal blue color. She then advanced into the field, and under her hooves saw everything change to those vibrant pink and purple colors as well.

"It's so beautiful"

“And it’s not the best thing, look at this here” he said, advancing still on all fours to what looked like a gray ball-sized sphere on the ground, almost hidden by the grass. “Look at this closely, you’ll love it”

Something in his way of saying it let her know that he was anxious about her reaction, so she approached to examine the sphere closely, and when she touched it lightly with her hoove, it burst in her nose with a kind of neon blue jelly that had the smell of gum. Now she had blue jelly over her nose, and she heard Discord start laughing.

"I'm sorry my dear, but you'd have to see how adorable you are now with a blue nose and confused face"

Fluttershy blushes, but not exactly out of embarrassment, but from the fact that he considered her adorable. And for some reason, she likes that.

Suddenly, she came up with a plan to take revenge. She took some of the jelly on her nose with her hoove and pretended to smell it.

"Although I must admit that it smells good, it smells like chocolate milk"

Discord stopped laughing and looked at her. "Really? It usually smells like chewing gum. Let me smell it"

Discord approached and she extended her hoove toward him, only to stain his own nose when he was close enough. Discord crossed his eyes to see the discomfort he now had in his nose. Then she let out a mischievous chuck that only made the heart of the draconequus quicken, for her little prank had taken him by surprise.

"You're right, it's funny"

"Oh really?, not when I'm done with you". Then Discord leaned over to grab some jelly left on the sphere, only to notice Fluttershy trotting away even with her mischievous laughter.

"You will have to catch up with me first". She paused for a moment. "And it is not allowed to use magic to teleport." Then the pegasus made to run towards the clearing.

There were rare times when Fluttershy behaved playfully with him, but no doubt, he fell a little more in love with her every time it passed. And this time was no exception.

Discord began chasing her on all fours through the grass, while she, who was still ahead, laughed. They both began to activate more gray spheres that stained them as they continued to advance, but they didn't care, as they were too immersed in their fun pursuit to bother about it.

Fluttershy was running like never before in her life, watching the grass she touched light up with her, and from time to time, she was stained by more blue jelly. She suddenly turned to the right, taking Discord by surprise, who followed a little long before turning over, to see that she had quickly hidden herself in the tall grass. When he started looking for her, she suddenly came out of hiding and caught him jumping at him and staining him brighter blue before running back in another direction.

"Ha! point for me"

Discord was once again surprised, but it didn't last long as a mischievous smile took hold of him.

"I've given you the dear edge, but now it's my turn to have fun too"

He started following her again, this time running faster to reach her. He spotted a gray sphere in front, took a little blue on his paw and jumped to stand in front of her, surprising her and causing her to hit his chest. When she turned up to see him in the eye, he slowly passed his paw all over her cheek until he held her chin, smearing all his way with bright blue in the process and getting her to start feeling butterflies in her stomach.

"Point to me, my dear" he said in an agitated but incredibly silky voice, before disappearing to the other side.

Fluttershy was momentarily shocked, so she felt like a flirtation from the creature she was in love with. But she soon recovered, knowing that Discord couldn't have done so with that intent, and she didn't want to miss a moment of his fun game. Also, if he had been able to score a point in that way, why not she?

Discord turned back to see Fluttershy follow him again with a determined look in her beautiful eyes, so he continued to advance, trying to dodge the gray spheres so she would burst them and stain instead of him. It seemed to work for a while, but when he turned to the left and turned back again, he didn’t see her again. He ran quickly back and tried to see where she was hiding, but only saw everything calmly, except for the wind. Suddenly, he heard a sound and saw the grass light up in one place, so, smiling at having discovered her, he swooped over and shouted “I found you” before encountering nothing but grass. However, he didn't have time to think before Fluttershy left where she was and quickly covered his eyes behind his back with her hooves. This caused the draconequus to lose his balance and fall aside even with the pegasus covering his eyes. At that moment, using one of her wings, Fluttershy smeared a part of his long neck blue and brought her head to his ear.

"I think... that again I take the advantage Dizzy" she said in an agitated but playful whisper, before slowly removing her hooves and stopping to catch her breath a little.

However, Discord was a totally different story. The poor draconequus had been taken totally by surprise with her clever back attack, but what followed afterwards was what really stunned him.

She had used her wing to stain he on the neck, and her soft feathers had caressed his sensitive area. And as if that were not enough, she had whispered in his ear with her tender voice waved in a way that drove him momentarily insane. So much so, that he was grateful to have been running as an excuse, so he could pant without being discovered. When he felt her soft hooves withdraw from his eyes, and the heat of her body against his back, he had almost trembled, despite being sweating from the exercise. He forced himself up and tried to calm his fast heart, and again thanked the excuse of having been running to justify his burning cheeks. He dared to see her, and saw that she fanned with one of his wings. Her cheeks were red, her disheveled mane waved in the gentle breeze, and she was covered with bright blue jelly everywhere (even on the cheek he had stained). She was beautifully chaotic, and his heart almost stopped at such a sight.

Fluttershy didn't know where she had taken the courage to do what she did, but she was far from regretting, for a mischievous part of her liked how he had stopped surprised at her attack. When she finally felt his breath catch, she turned to see him.

"I hope you didn't get upset because I knocked you down" she asked with an embarrassed smile.

It took Discord a moment to react. "Of course not my dear, nothing you did could ever bother me"

She smiled at that. But suddenly, he noticed that maybe his beautiful Fluttershy would prefer to remove all the jelly from her.

“Come on dear, I think you will want to clean yourself, there is a lake ahead that will serve us”

"Can we make one last race there?" she asked hopefully. And Discord, I could never deny her anything.

"Whatever you want, my sweet Fluttershy"

Both took positions to start running, and Discord gave him 7 seconds of advantage before starting to run. Fluttershy knew this would be their last race, so she started running with all her strength as she listened to the blood pumping in her ears and felt the pounding heartbeat in her chest. She could feel Discord getting closer and closer to her, but neither of them could help but laugh, as their hearts were overflowing with happiness at the time. She finally saw ahead the lake Discord had said, and when she was about to reach the shore she stopped abruptly to avoid diving. But Discord for his part, being distracted watching her, forgot to stop in time and ended up diving into the blue lake aqua. Fluttershy seeing this, she began to laugh as he came out of the water somewhat annoyed, but hearing her laugh he smiled.

“Oh no, come here too Flutters” he said as he pulled her from her front hooves and pushed her into the lake with him. When she stopped again, she only laughed again and started pouring water on Discord with her hooves, an attack he immediately returned.

They spent some time just playing water on the shore, until Fluttershy's stomach made a noise.

“It seems like it’s time to eat something, and since I think we’re already clean, it’s better that we find a place to have dinner”

Fluttershy smiled grateful to him, and they both came out of the water. Discord snapped his claws so they were both dry in a second and chose the roots of a large nearby tree to place the blanket and picnic basket Discord conjured with his magic. Fluttershy pulled out the cucumber sandwiches, carrot cake and iced tea inside, and they both started eating.

"You were right Discord, coming was a great idea, this dimension is wonderful"

"It would not have been so wonderful without your company, thank you for accepting my invitation my dear"

"Thank you for insisting, I'm sorry that I had so many doubts at the beginning, is just... I trusted you, but... but my silly fear... was stopping me" she said embarrassed at the end.

Discord made her look at him by gently lifting her chin with his claw. “My dear, your fears are not silly, everyone has fears, even me, even if you don’t believe it. But facing them as you did today, just show how brave you are, and I’m proud of you”

Fluttershy blushed and smiled at it. "I'm glad you were with me to help me get through it"

"I'll be there for you whenever you need me Fluttershy, always, no matter what"

He still had his claw holding her rosy face, and she couldn't stop her heart from beating louder when she heard such tender statement from the creature that she was in love. His red and yellow eyes looked at her with an intensity that made her feel butterflies, and although everyone thought she was crazy, everything in him was attractive for her.

Discord was starting to get lost in her eyes too, when suddenly a clock-like alarm started ringing.

“Oh, I had forgotten it” he said, releasing her cheek and making her miss his touch. “In this dimension, when midnight comes, a wonderful spectacle occurs in the sky, and this alarm says that it’s almost time for it to begin”

“In the sky?” Fluttershy turned upward to see the leaves of the tall trees covering the sky from her vision. “I hadn’t noticed that I couldn’t see the sky from here, I guess it’s because everything radiates light”

“Oh, but there’s a sky, and I think you’ll love to see it. Come on, darling, I don’t want you to miss the show”

Then took her hoove with his paw and together they started flying into the trees above them.

"Close your eyes my dear, I want this to be a surprise for you"
Fluttershy obeyed and closed her eyes, so Discord guided her through the leaves, before exiting and flying above the treetops.

"You can open your eyes now my dear"

When Fluttershy opened her eyes, she was amazed at what she saw. They were flying in the middle of the most beautiful night sky she had ever seen. You could see thousands and thousands of sparkling stars and huge blue, pink, purple and orange galaxies adorning the sky. She had seen starry skies before, but never anything like this; this was worthy of another dimension (and, in fact, it was). She took an entire turn in place to get a full view of the show before her eyes, and it was only when she completed her return that she remembered Discord was still by her side.

"Oh Discord, it's beautiful!"

"In fact, it is" he whisper. But he didn't look at the stars.

Discord had known that his beloved Fluttershy would love the night sky of this dimension, but he couldn't have foreseen his own reaction to her astonishment. When she opened her eyes, pure amazement had taken over her as she slightly parted her lips and opened her beautiful eyes. He couldn't help but ignore the sky and focus all his attention on how truly beautiful the starlight made her see. And when she looked back at him, far from wanting to apologize for being discovered admiring her, he let his wild heart draw him closer to her as he raised his paw so he could hold her cheek.

Fluttershy was still in awe, first by the wonderful view of the sky she had just seen, and now by the creature of his dreams looking at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Fluttershy let her heart draw her closer, as he took his cheek on her warm paw.

"Discord... what are you doing?" she barely whispered, for she felt that he was looking through her own soul.

"What my soul screams at me to do". Both had become so close to each other, that they were now only a breath away. "But only if you let me Fluttershy"

Fluttershy was enthralled in his gaze, and she felt how her own soul called him too. “I also want this Discord” she whispered as she began to close her eyes. Discord also closed his, and there, bathed in the light of thousands of stars, their lips found themselves in a tender kiss.

Fluttershy's heart exploded at contact, and Discord's completely surrendered. Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around his neck and Discord buried his free claw in her mane, while the two completely closed the distance separating them. Now they could feel each other's heartbeat. And as they deepened the kiss, they both knew that, from that moment on, they belonged to each other.

Discord's brain stopped working from the moment he made contact with her, and he was going crazy with the sweet taste of her soft lips pressed against his own demanding more. Fluttershy, on the other hand, felt that the whole dimension might have crumbled, but she wouldn't have noticed, as she was too much in love being kissed that way by the creature she loved, as to have noticed. They didn’t realize it, but almost at the moment of their kiss, the sky of that dimension began its spectacle, and the thousands of stars broke in the sky like beautiful red and blue fireworks falling down.

As much as none wanted to separate, Discord had to let them breathe. It was then that they both noticed the show, and turned up before seeing themselves again. Love radiated among them, and they knew that it was the fate that had sealed their lives with thousands of stellar explosions.

“My beautiful, sweet and adored Fluttershy… I have no words to describe how in love I'm with you, but I want to spend eternity telling you how much I love you. I know it’s still very soon, but I don’t want to spend another day without you, so I’ll start with the first thing”. Then Discord took her hooves between his leg and claw "Fluttershy... do you want to be my special some pony?"

Fluttershy's cheeks blushed further (if that was possible), and she was momentarily speechless. But that was quickly overcome by a new explosion of joy that made her respond at last.

“Yes… oh discord yes… I want to be your special pony, I’ve wanted it for so long, but I thought you could never feel the same for me”. Fluttershy then attacked him with a hug that he immediately returned.

"I love you Fluttershy, I've done it from the beginning, and I swear it will be like that forever"

"I love you too Discord, and I promise you it will be forever"

Both smiled, and the two lovers enjoyed the rest of the stellar fireworks, lying on a cloud conjured by Discord, in each other's arms, and in the dimension of the night.

Author's Note:

Hello! This is the first fanfic that I write in my life, but I really wanted to participate in this year's Fluttercord week, so I decided to write an idea that I had been imagining for a long time thanks to Aurora's song "Running with the Wolves".
I want to clarify that English isn’t my first language and I continue to learn it, so any grammar correction will be welcome:twilightblush:

Comments ( 10 )

Discord wants to take Fluttershy to a dimension where it is always night,

So basically a dimension where Nightmare Moon won?

Awww this was beautiful! The dimension sounds gorgeous and their confession was adorable :heart:

But I think you mean hooves, not helmets. A hoof is the end of a pony’s leg, and a helmet is something you wear on your head to protect yourself from injuries.

Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate that you took the time to point out my mistake:twilightblush: but I'm glad you liked it

Hola! Sé que hablas español porque me he topado con alguno de tus edits en Youtube. Me ha encantado tu historia, has expresado muy bien los sentimientos entre los dos y la dimensión es preciosa. No te preocupes por si cometes errores, yo también los cometo y eso que he subido historias aquí :twilightblush:. Simplemente a veces se escapan. Los que has cometido han sido despistes (por ejemplo refiriéndote a Fluttershy como he pero luego pusiste she, o pusiste he en vez de him cuando era pronombre objeto pero lo pusiste correctamente en otras ocasiones).

Lo único que indicaría es lo siguiente:

Discord also closed his, and there, bathed in the light of thousands of stars, their lips found themselves in a devastating kiss.

¿Qué es exactamente lo que querías decir con devastating? A no ser que esté equivocada (en cuyo caso perdóname :twilightblush:), esta palabra se suele usar con un sentido negativo. Sería el equivalente a devastador.

Pero a parte de eso, lo has hecho muy bien. Da gusto ver a más hispanohablantes en esta página. Sigue así! :twilightsmile:

Hablas español también? :pinkiegasp:Porque no esperaba encontrarme con alguien que si quiera me conociera. Pero de todos modos agradesco mucho el que te tomaras el tiempo de corregirme, aprecio mucho esta ayuda. En cuanto a la palabra devastating, si quize referirme a la palabra en español devastador, que puede ser usada para este tipo de cosas (de cualquier forma, ya cambié esa palabra por otra para que no haya confusión). Prometo mejorar para que ya no haya tantos errores:twilightblush: Tu comentario me ha animado mucho y me alegra que a pesar de todo hayas disfrutado la historia.

Nada tranquila! Cuantos más errores más aprendizajes :raritywink:.

Quizás lo de devastating sea porque yo lo uso en ese contexto. Pero si también se usa en ese contexto, pues entonces ningún problema.

Ay, me alegro que te haya animado :twilightsmile:. Es que es una historia muy bonita.

That was a good story.

Usted si que no deja de sorprender al Señor del Caos...

Great story and I love the night world. You did such a great job describing everything! Thank you for your creativity!

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