• Published 1st Jun 2022
  • 391 Views, 3 Comments

Hypno-sessions - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

Starlight hypnotizes her marefriend, Cheerilee.

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This date was perfect than any other. Two mares entered a single bedroom that particularly belonged to the pink unicorn, Starlight Glimmer. She took her marefriend, Cheerilee, Ponyville's number one teacher, to lunch at one of the most popular restaurants in town. Their meals were perfect, in fact, they were quite healthy. Just two salads before ordering a low-calorie dessert for them to share. After that, they decided that they would spend the rest of the day in the former evil mastermind's room at Twilight's castle.

Starlight had a favorite activity to do in her room while she and Cheerilee were together - hypnotizing her marefriend. The first time she did it, Cheerilee needed stress relief from a busy week at her school, but she enjoyed every minute of it. So, every time when they're together, she would come up with an excuse to lure her marefriend into her room just to turn her mind into mush. Although, from all the excuses, Cheerilee didn't mind it at all.

The two lovers got comfortable on the bed. "How are you feeling?", Starlight asked. "Feeling like some relaxation?"

The purple earth pony chuckled, then gave a sly grin. "Alright, Ms. Smart Mare, what are you going to do?", Cheerilee asked. "Gonna hypnotize me?"

There was a gleam in Starlight's eye. "How did you know?", she asked.

"It's my job to know.", Cheerilee answered. "And by what you asked just now, you guessed right."

Starlight giddily squealed and clapped her hooves. "So, how do you want to start this time?", she asked.

Cheerilee scratched her chin in thought. "I think I would like to start off slow.", she said. "Like with a slow induction."

Starlight shrugged. "Fair enough.", she said. "You ready?"

Cheerilee nodded.

Starlight made a crystal star necklace appear in her magic and began swing it back and forth in front of Cheerilee's eyes. "Just relax and watch the star swing from side to side.", she said softly.

Cheerilee's eyes started to follow the star as she did what Starlight told her.

"Your mind is all mine for now.", Starlight continued in that soft low tone. "Let the star take over your brain. You'll find it really hard to look away from it, as you continue to watch it swing. You still focus your attention on this beautiful star as the light shines off of it. Just stay focused on this star and the sound of my voice."

Cheerilee let out a content sigh as she relaxed more and more.

Starlight continued on. "And, as you continue to relax, you'll notice that you're starting to become sleepy. Really sleepy. Your eyelids are starting to become heavy. So heavy, that they want to shut down."

Cheerilee's eyes started to droop as Starlight's soft voice proceeded to lure her to sleep.

"That's it.", Starlight cooed. "You're getting very sleepy. Very, very sleepy. The whole world is nothing you can care about this moment."

Cheerilee's eyes were getting to real close to shutting.

"Now, just close your eyes and let the power of sleep overtake you.", Starlight said, finishing off her induction.

At that very moment, Cheerilee's eyes stopped watching the star and blinked a few times before remaining shut.

"Good.", Starlight said with approval, putting the star down. "You've done well, Cheerilee. Now just relax, even deeper. You are now under my control. All that is left of you is you obeying my commands. You will obey every command I give. Nod your head if you understand."

Cheerilee sleepily nods her head.

"Good.", Starlight said. "Now, open your eyes, but remain hypnotized."

Cheerilee opens her eyes, but her beautiful green globes were replaced by a pattern of black and white spirals.

"That's it, Cheerilee.", Starlight said, scooting closer to her hypnotized lover, and gently cupped her cheeks with her hooves. "That's nice of you to obey. Who's a good Cheerilee." She then began to speak in a deep motherly tone gently pat the top of Cheerilee's mane. "Who's a good Cheerilee."

Even throughout the whole time Cheerilee was hypnotized, it was about time she finally spoke. "Me.", she said in an entirely different tone. This tone was low and monotone.

"Aww, you even sound adorable.", Starlight said, scratching underneath Cheerilee's chin. "Ok, when I move my hoof right and left, you will lean in those directions." She moved her hoof to the left.

Cheerilee leaned in that direction.

Starlight moved her hoof to the right.

Cheerilee leaned in that other direction.

Starlight moved her hoof to the left again. Right, then left. Right, then left. She then put her hoof down, causing Cheerilee to straighten her posture.

"You're doing good, Cheerilee.", Starlight said. "You look so silly, I wish you could see it." She used a hoof to boop the purple pony on the nose. "You just look so cute when you're hypnotized. But, things don't last forever now, do they? Now, when I tap your forehead, you will fall on your back and transition to a peaceful sleep." She used the same hoof to tap Cheerilee on the nose to gently tap her on the forehead and she was out like a light. She took a moment to have a gander at how serene her lover looked in her sleep. She slowly moved to the sleeping pony's side and lovingly patted her on the chest. She then slowly leaned forward and tenderly kissed her on the lips.

Cheerilee's slowly opened as she felt her lips being locked with Starlight's.

Starlight's eyes start to open a little, then completely popped open, realizing that Cheerilee was awake. Their lips broke apart. "Oh, I didn't see that you were awake.", she said. "Sorry."

"No, need to apologize.", Cheerilee said. "That was really fun, but it was pretty short. How come?"

Starlight rubbed a foreleg against the other. "Well, bringing you over here to hypnotize you wasn't the only excuse.", she confessed. "I had another."

"Oh? What is it?", Cheerilee asked.

Starlight opened a draw on her nightstand, where a small box was brought out with her magic. She then held it in her hooves. "Cheerilee, all the times we've hung out, let me hypnotize you, and everything. This is a little something I want to repay you with." She opened it, revealing a diamond necklace. "Will you marry me?"

Cheerilee's were filled with tears. She leapt forward and tackled her lover against the comforter of the bed. "Of course I will!", she said happily. Then, at that moment, she and her marefriend- er, fiancé were locking lips once again. This day has become the best day of her life.

Comments ( 3 )

Where to begin with this one? I like hypno stuff as much as the next guy, but this story has some serious problems. The most glaring of these problems is probably the pacing, which is way, way too fast for what you were trying to accomplish. Hypnosis is a theme that really requires the story to take its time and provide lots of detail to be done well, something that this story does not. Even with this story rushing through the exposition to get to the main event, it still didn't take enough time to really savor the moment. Barring those structural problems, there was also some awkward word choice, lavender unicorn syndrome, and basic grammar/punctuation errors throughout, which wouldn't have been a big deal had they been fewer and further between.


Not to mention that nothing happens. No hypno antics, just the trance, and then she awakens from it? I couldn't tell at all. And the marrying section at the end comes out of nowhere.

Really cute idea. Never thought about consensual hypnotism as an actual thing. I think I might just borrow that idea, its a really cute relationship and I could see a lot of fun stories about these two.
All in all a great story to brighten up my day. XD

in there was anything though, I'd like to see more details on how Starlight felt or was thinking during this process. We get a few glimpses but I bet there's a lot of cuteness, or perhaps dirtiness going on in that big ol' unicorn brain of hers.

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