• Published 14th May 2022
  • 564 Views, 7 Comments

The Dragon Princess - Nineveh Orion

Twilight and Pearl get a huge surprise when they meet the Dragon Queen.

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An Unexpected Letter

Twilight sighed irritably as she shot a look at Azure. "Still nothing?"

The Pegasus nodded sadly. "Phylis was very thorough it seems. Even if they had won, she deleted everything in Canterlogic's files. And the only pony who might know more is still missing."

Twilight groaned. slamming her head on her desk. "Ponies do not do something like this for no reason! This was too well coordinated to be a coincidence. Is there anything from Zephyr Heights or Bridalwood? What about Zipp and Pipp?"

Azure shook her head. "They are even more in the dark than we are. We have them under constant protection. It is too dangerous otherwise."

Twilight's ears fell in despair. "Ponies still blame them for what Haven did?" Azure nodded. "I have never blamed them for what their mother did. Why can't more ponies see that they are innocent?"

Azure could only shake her head sadly. She had a daughter about Pipp's age herself, and it tore her up inside to see ponies so young be shunned and almost hated for something they did not do. "Your friends don't seem to care. Rainbow Dash has stood up for them more than once. As has Pearl. Vocally in her case of course."

Twilight giggled. "That is good to hear. Where are they now?"

Azure tapped her chin. "I believe Pearl, Sunset, and Pipp are all streaming at the moment. I can't say what though. Video games were never my thing. Sunset looked positively excited though."

Twilight smirked. "Well, Sunset was a rather famous streamer in her first life. I am glad to see that she has not lost the fire for it."

Azure rolled her eyes. She would have to take the princess's word for it. "And the others are helping in various ways across the city. Pinkie Pie looked positively giddy when Sunny offered to show her some of her own recipes."

The two giggled before Twilight sighed and looked back at the ever-growing stack of papers on her desk. So much for it ever going down. "I am almost hoping something happens right this second," she grumbled. "Any second now..."

For a moment, neither said anything, before Twilight sighed in annoyance. "Damn it. Stuff like that never happens when I want it to. This stack used to be so small. What happened to the good ol' days?"

Azure could only shrug. Before they could say more, however, the air before the princess shimmered in a haze of scarlet, before depositing a letter onto the desk in gout of flames. Twilight looked at it in shock, while Azure scratched her head. "Was that a Dragon Flame Mail spell?"

Twilight nodded. "It was. But only Spike knows how to reach me with it, and he is asleep. So then who..." Looking at the seal on the letter, she felt her breath hitch. The Tree of Life intertwined with Equus. Only two beings in all of existence used that symbol. "It can't be," she whispered as she carefully undid the seal, and began to read.

'Princess Twilight Sparkle.

I am sorry that we have never once been able to speak. Lord Ember has always spoken highly of you, and your dedication to preserving all life, even at the expense of yourself, speaks of how you truly deserve your crown. A mother will always put her children first.

Life is my Aspect, little one, and I, like all mothers, know both the pain and wonders that entails. My children, while not perfect, are a good example of this.

I know of what has come to pass in Equestria. The nightmare that certain fools threatened to unleash. I also know that you have met the Guardian of the Everfree and his connection to your student. I remember well the heartbreak and despair he felt when she first passed.

It is time I stopped my seclusion. I would dearly love to meet both you and Pearl Rose, for I know of her love and fascination with all of dragonkind. Find a wide-open space, and I will be able to find you. Canterlot is too small, and I do not wish to frighten nearby towns.'

But it was the name at the bottom of the letter, that only confirmed what Twilight had read. 'Alexsttrasza.'

Azure's mouth dropped in shock as she too read the name. "The Life-Binder? The Red Leviathan? I thought the Dragon Aspects were just a myth."

Twilight nodded numbly, still unable to believe it herself. "They are both very real, Azure. Ysera is seen only very rarely. Have you ever read reports of a colossal scarlet red dragon?"

Azure shrugged. "Only in passing. I always chalked them up to an over-eager imagination."

Twilight chuckled. "I used to say the same thing. But not long after I ascended the throne, I was walking through Everfree when I spied a massive red dragon in the distance. As I got closer, I could see that she was different from the dragons I know. I stayed out of sight, for I did not know how she might react to being intruded on. I think she knew I was there, though, for she looked right at me and smiled, before taking off and flying northwards."

Azure still wasn't convinced, judging by her looks, but she decided to defer to the princess on this matter. "Assuming Alexstrasza is real then. Why would she want to meet Pearl? She does not know her."

Twilight nodded, thinking on it a moment. "Perhaps it has something to do with Pearl and Summer being Twin Souls, and how far back her connection with her and Kohaku really goes. I do not know. But I doubt Pearl will care."

Azure nodded as the princess stood and made for the door. "You plan to tell her now?"

Twilight nodded. "I need to get away from all of this Celestia damned paperwork! If they do not mind that is."

Azure rolled her eyes as the princess left with a spring in her step. She somehow doubted it would be as easy as Twilight hoped it would be.

"Are you kidding?! When do we start?" Pearl all but squeed, bouncing in place excitedly as Twilight finished explaining what was going on.

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Slow down speedy. And here I thought the Aspects were nothing but a myth. Imagine how I felt the first time I played World of Warcraft, and those names popped up, and then meeting them in Dragonblight at Wyrmrest Temple and the Emerald Dragonshrine?"

Pipp gave her a confused look. "I have no idea of what any of those are."

Sunset nodded. "Old video game from when I was first alive. Probably not a thing anymore."

Twilight nodded, before looking at her student. "Pearl. Are you sure about this? Alexstrasza wants to meet you. But I will not force you into this. No matter who it might be."

Pearl nodded. "Are you kidding? I've wanted to meet her my whole life! I always knew her and her sister were real. No matter what other ponies thought. I knew in my heart they were." Her smile widened. "Hey. Do you think we can meet Ysera as well? That would make this even better!"

Twilight giggled. "I do not know about that, my Faithful Student. The Mother of Dreams is even more of a recluse than her big sister is." She winked, though. "But if things go well this first time? I don't see why you can't try and meet her."

Pearl's grin would have made Pinkie Pie proud as she pranced in place.

Author's Note:

Just to clear things up. This is not a true crossover with World of Warcraft. Only certain portions of it. Like two of the Dragon Aspects. And Alexstrasza and Ysera are the only two in this world. Always have been as well.