• Published 15th Jun 2022
  • 1,087 Views, 5 Comments

Welcome to Our Family - Godslittleprincess

Flash, Twilight, and their family prepare for a new arrival. Written for FlashLight Week 2022 Day 7

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Welcome to Our Family

“Mom! Are you ready?” Flare Burst called as she waited at the bottom of the staircase with a duffle bag in one hand and a tablet in the other.

“Hold your horses,” her mother Free Bird called down the stairs as she slowly hobbled down, carrying her own travel bag. “I’m not as young as I used to be, you know.”

Flare rolled her eyes and met Birdie halfway up the steps, helping her the rest of the way down. The two of them walked out the front door, locked up the house, and waited by the sidewalk. After a few minutes, sky blue van pulled up next to them, driven by a woman in her thirties with purple eyes and tricolor hair. In the passenger seat sat a woman about Flare’s age wearing brightly colored party shades and a cap that read, “Fun Grandma!” in a loud font.

The older woman rolled her window and called, “Come on, ladies! My baby is having a baby! Woo! Let’s GOOOOOO!”

“Nice to see you too, Velvet,” Flare greeted with an amused eyeroll. She opened the back door, helped her mother in the car, and climbed in herself.

“Washington, D.C., here we come!” Velvet cheered as the car drove back into the street. “I got matching hats for everyone. Cadance is refusing to where hers for some reason.”

“Velvet, I’ll put it on when we get there,” the driver pointed out. “Besides, my visibility is bad enough with us driving so late in the day.”

Velvet rolled her eyes, or at least, she seemed like she did. It was hard to tell with the glasses. She passed Flare and Birdie each a hat that was like hers. Flare’s read “Fun Aunt!,” and Birdie’s said, “Great-Grandma!” Flare and Birdie laughed at Velvet’s exuberance, feeling excited themselves. Although, Flare couldn’t help but feel a touch of regret along with that excitement.

“Lighty should be the one going on this trip, not me,” Flare thought to herself. Thankfully, her tablet started to chime before she had time to feel sadder. Her video calling app indicated that she was on the receiving end of two calls, and she answered them both.

College-age boy with royal blue hair and eyes and orange skin appeared on the left side of the screen while a slightly younger girl with blonde, black-striped hair showed up on the right.

“Is she here yet?” they both cried out simultaneously.

“We barely left the house. How are we supposed to know?” Flare replied snippily.

“Sorry, Aunt Flare,” the boy First Base apologized. “I guess I got a little too excited. I can’t believe Flash is having a baby.”

“What did Flash and Twilight say they were naming her again?” the girl Honey Bee asked.

“They said they were going to tell us after she’s born, so we’ll know after we get there,” Flare answered. “So, how have you been adjusting to New York, Honey?”

“Fine, I guess. My dance teachers still ride on me and the other students like mules, but I’ve gotten used to it,” Honey Bee replied with a shrug.

“Well, feel free to call me if you get too stressed out and need to talk, okay?”

“Is that what you used to say to tell your trainees in the army?” Bee teased.

“Aww, heck, no. I used to tell my trainees, ‘Suck it up and deal with it on your own time; I’m not your mother,’” Flare recounted with a chuckle. “Yeah, I had to train that out of me once I started helping raise your cousins.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, Mom, you’ve done a great job, and the three of us are really lucky to have you,” Honey reassured. “Call us when you get to D.C., okay?”

“Yeah, and keep us updated on Twilight and the baby,” Base added.

“Sure thing,” Flare affirmed.

“Bye, Mom,” Honey closed before ending the call.

“Bye, Aunt Flare.” Base ended his call shortly after.

Flare let out a long sigh after the call ended. Free Bird noticed the change in her daughter’s mood right away.

“Everything okay, sweetheart?” Birdie asked.

“Oh, I’ve just been thinking,” Flare replied. “How long has it been? Five years? Six years? Somewhere between those two numbers? I never planned on having children. I was fine with never having children. If you asked any of my trainees, nurturing would be the last word they’d use to describe me. Next thing I know, I’m raising three teenagers. I mean, I don’t regret stepping up to take care of the boys or adopting Honey, but sometimes, I wonder if I was the best person for the job.”

“I think I understand how you feel,” Velvet butt in. “When Night and I got married, we didn’t want to have kids right away. I mean, we wanted kids eventually, but we wanted to establish our careers first. Well, Shining Armor threw a wrench in those plans. Night and I were terrified, but we wanted to make sure we did a good job as parents, so we spent my whole pregnancy learning everything we could about how to raise a kid. You’d think after all that work, we’d feel ready, but we didn’t. Now, our first baby’s a father, and our second baby’s having her first, and I have no idea how those two managed to survive being raised by us.”

“Maybe you’re better parents than you give yourselves credit for,” Cadance pointed out. “Twilight and Flash wouldn’t be the people they are today without you.”

A comfortable silence settled over the van for about three seconds before a chime rang through the air, causing Cadance to roll her eyes.

“Great. Velvet, can you get that for me? It’s in my purse,” Cadance requested.

Velvet found Cadance’s cell phone and looked through her text messages.

“It’s Shining Armor,” Velvet informed. “He says Flurry lost her Whammy again. Now, how on earth are you supposed to know where it is?”

“Did he check her crib?” Cadance asked with Velvet relaying the question to Shining Armor.

“He says yes,” Velvet replied.

“The play pen?”


“The laundry hamper?”

“Also yes.”

“How about the baby bag?’

“Okay, it was a no that time. Oh, okay, he says he’s found it. He also says thanks and that you’re the best.”

Meanwhile in Washington, D.C.…

A young man in his twenties rushed into the front lobby of a hospital. The receptionist looked up at him and scanned him up and down in confusion.

“May I help you, officer?” she asked.

“Yes, my name is Flash Sentry,” he answered. “I’m looking for my wife Twilight Sparkle. She should have checked in about 10-15 minutes ago.”

The receptionist pursed her lips as she typed Twilight’s name into the patient directory.

“Ah, here she is,” she noted. “I’ll have an orderly take you to her room.”

“Thank you,” Flash replied.

Flash was escorted to a room where an uncomfortable-looking young woman dressed in a hospital gown reclined in the hospital bed. She smiled when she saw Flash.

“I’m here. I’m here,” Flash announced taking his wife by the hand. “I hope I didn’t miss anything.”

“Not at all,” Twilight replied before observing, “You’re still in uniform.”

“Aww, my shift had just ended when I got your call. I didn’t have time to change. How are you feeling?”

Twilight opened her mouth to answer, but instead of answering, she let out a pained squeal before taking several deep breaths.

“They, they gave me pain medicine a few minutes ago,” Twilight managed to say, “but I don’t think it’s kicked in yet. Ow!”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. Deep breaths, remember?” Flash reassured.

“You know, I’ve been researching this whole labor and delivery thing. Do you know what the average duration of a first-time labor is? Well, do you?” Twilight retorted through her clenched teeth. “8-12 hours, HOURS! I’m just going to be sitting here for anywhere from a third of a day to half a day just waiting for this baby to come out!”

“Okay, I’m not an expert at math, but if I remember right, average means there’s a chance this might take shorter than 8 hours, right?” Flash attempted to mollify.

“There’s also a chance this might take longer than 12,” Twilight deadpanned before grunting with discomfort. “How did our moms do this?”

“Speaking of which, our folks are on their way from Canterlot,” Flash informed. “If you’re right about the average amount of time this is going to take, they’ll get here before the baby does, and we’ll have a whole welcome party ready for her.”

As soon as Flash finished that last sentence, Twilight’s phone started ringing.

“Could you get that for me, sweetie?” Twilight requested, pointing at her bag on one of the hospital chairs.

Flash got up and fetched Twilight’s phone, checking the caller ID.

“It’s Pinkie Pie,” Flash noted.

“Oh, go ahead and put her on speakerphone,” Twilight asked.

Flash put the call on speakerphone, and the woman on the other side greeted exuberantly, “Did somebody say party?”

“Hi, Pinkie, what’s this about? I’m kinda in the middle of something,” Twilight answered.

“Oh, just letting you know that Applejack and I are in yours and Flash’s apartment,” Pinkie replied.

“How did you get into our apartment, and why?!” Twilight cried in alarm.

“First question, I picked the lock. Second question, so I can throw your baby a welcome party, duh.”

“Hold on!” Flash cried. “How did you know Twilight was in labor? She just started 15-20 minutes ago, and how did you get here so fast? Not even our family members are here yet!”

“First question, just a hunch. Second question, trade secret.”

“I don’t know how she got us here so fast either,” Applejack added from the other side of the phone, “and I came with her.”

“Are any of the other girls coming?” Twilight asked.

“Only over video chat,” Pinkie sighed dejectedly. “I guess the baby decided to come at a bad time. Also, Dashie won’t be able to make it at all, so she’s sending a pre-recorded video message.”

“Well, that’s sweet of her,” Twilight assured. “About the welcome party, we’re probably not going to be able to come home until tomorrow, so don’t wait up for us.”

“See, Pinkie, I told you that you started setting up too early,” AJ scolded.

“Aww, nuts, you’re never too early or too late to party,” Pinkie refuted. “Anyways, we’ll see you, Twi. Love ya. Bye.”

Twilight shook her head in amusement once the call ended.

“Classic Pinkie,” she muttered with a smile.

Four hours later…

The four women traveling from Canterlot arrived at the hospital in D.C. and ran into the lobby.

“We’re looking for a Twilight Sparkle,” Velvet said to receptionist. “She’s having a baby, and we’re her family.”

The receptionist looked at Velvet dead in the eye and replied, “Ma’am, our hospital has a visitor limit. Only two of you are going to be able to come in.”

“Okay, so how are we doing this?” Flare asked, sharing a look with her travel companions.

“Well, it’s like the saying goes, ‘Age before beauty,’” Birdie quipped, taking Velvet by the arm and walking away. “Let’s go.”

Flare and Cadance shared a bewildered look with each other before shrugging and taking seats in the waiting room. Then, Flare took out her tablet to call Base and Honey Bee while Cadance called Shining Armor on her phone.

“Hi, Mom,” Bee answered first. “You guys in D.C. yet?”

“Yeah, but they have a visitor limit, so Cadance and I are in the waiting room,” Flare replied.

“I’m here,” Base announced as he answered the call. “What’s up?”

“We just got to the hospital,” Flare stated. “Velvet and Grandma went in to see Twilight. They’re only letting two people in at a time, so Cadance and I are in the waiting room.”

“So, is the baby born yet? Did you guys miss it?” Base questioned.

“No, I don’t think so. Besides, labor tends to go pretty long especially for a first baby, so we’re probably going to be here for a while. Maybe you two should turn in for the night. It’s already late enough as it is.”

“Aww, come on, Aunt Flare,” Base whined. “It’s not every day a guy turns into an uncle. I don’t mind losing sleep over this.”

“I’d agree with you, but I have classes in the morning, and I know I’m going to get my flank handed to me if I fall asleep in class,” Honey Bee pointed out. “Call or text when the baby gets here, oh, and send pics.”

With that, Bee ended the call, leaving Flare talking with First Base.

“Don’t you dare tell me you don’t have class tomorrow morning,” Flare retorted.

“What? The school has a 75% attendance policy,” Base pointed out defensively. “Missing a few classes tomorrow isn’t going to get me kicked out.”

“Base,” Flare declared warningly.

“Oh, come on. I swear I won’t make a habit of it.”

“Good night, Base.” Flare ended the call before First Base had a chance to further protest.

Meanwhile in Twilight’s room…

“Pinkie Pie, my answer is the same as it was fifteen minutes ago. No, the baby hasn’t arrived yet,” Flash said irritably over the phone. “She’s probably not going to be here for a while, so why don’t you take a nap or something? If you want to stay up, find a way to entertain yourself that doesn’t involve calling me. Twilight and I will call you when she comes.”

Flash hung up the phone, leaned back on his chair, and sighed.

“Hey, what are you feeling tired for?” Twilight quipped between pants. “I’m the one doing all the work.”

“Are your pain meds wearing off, babe?”

“It’s either that or my contractions are getting strong enough that I’m starting to feel them again,” Twilight replied with a grunt.

Twilight and Flash’s exhausted faces brightened when Velvet and Birdie entered the room.

“Twilight!” Velvet greeted, rushing to hug her daughter.

“Mom!” Twilight exclaimed, smiling.

“Grandma!” Flash cried, hugging Birdie.

“Hi, Flashy,” Free Bird greeted back.

“Well, aren’t you two a sight for sore eyes?” Velvet noted.

“Ugh! How did the two of you do it back in the day?” Twilight groaned. “I’m not sure I can take another five to nine hours of this.”

“On top of that, Pinkie Pie won’t stop calling us, and her calls have gotten more frequent the longer this has been going,” Flash added.

“You need us to get you two anything?” Birdie offered. “Maybe a coffee for Flash and some ice for Twilight.”

“I could go for a drink of water right now, thanks,” Twilight agreed.

“I’ll take you up on that coffee,” affirmed Flash.

Five hours later…

Cadance was fast asleep in her chair in the waiting room while Flare was slowly beginning to nod off.

Suddenly, Velvet ran in, screaming, “She’s coming! My grandbaby is coming!”

Cadance shrieked as she suddenly jolted awake while Flare straightened and began blinking rapidly.

With a quick shake of her head, Flare exclaimed, “What? What just happened?”

“Twilight just started pushing. It is happening, people! IT IS HAPPENING!” Velvet continued before running back to the hospital room.

“My gosh! I’ve got to call Shining,” Cadance cried, pulling out her cell phone.

The phone rang a few times before Cadance heard Shining Armor’s voice answer, “Hey, Cady, what is it? Is my sister okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine. She just started pushing, so the baby will be here any minute now,” Cadance replied.

“Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!” Shining Armor shouted, gasping between exclamations. His outburst was followed by a piercing, yet distant-sounding cry. “Aww, crud, I woke Flurry. Hang on.”

Through the phone, Cadance could hear her daughter’s crying get closer followed by Shining Armor giving comforting reassurances in baby talk.

“Aww, it’s okay, sweetie pie,” Shining Armor cooed. “Daddy’s sorry. Please, don’t cry. You’re going to be a big cousin today. Yes, you are.”

“Hey, Shining, is your dad still over at our place?” Cadance inquired.

“Yeah, he’s asleep on the couch. I’m surprised my yelling and Flurry’s crying didn’t wake him. Hey, Dad! Dad, get up. Twilight’s baby is coming. Whoa! Dad!”

“Is everything okay over there?” Cadance asked in alarm.

“Yeah, Dad’s legs just gave out under him. His butt might be a little sore, but other than that, he seems fine,” Shining replied. Cadance heard a muffled, indignant question in the background. “Well, I was going to catch you, but in case you haven’t noticed, my hands are full at the moment.”

“I SEE HER HEAD! I CAN SEE HER HEAD!” Cadance and Flare heard Velvet screaming all the way in the lobby. They shared a knowing look with each other before Flare began making her way towards the sound of Velvet’s voice.

“I’m going to check if she’s gotten herself kicked out,” Flare uttered. “I’ll be back soon.”

Cadance nodded before returning to her conversation with her husband.

“The baby just started crowning, and your mom’s making a scene,” she informed.

“Yeah, well, Flurry’s sucking on a juice pop, and Dad’s breathing into a paper bag,” Shining deadpanned.

Much later that day in Flash and Twilight’s apartment…

“Oh, she’s so adorable,” Fluttershy cooed from the video chat on Pinkie Pie’s tablet. The other participants of the video call, Rarity and Sunset Shimmer, agreed. The object of their admiration lay sleeping peacefully inside of a car seat. She was about the size of a loaf of bread and had pinkish lavender skin and tufts of navy blue and red hair.

“She’s so tiny,” Honey Bee observed from Flare Burst’s tablet, “and squishy-looking.”

“So, does the little lady have a name?” Applejack asked before taking a bite out of the cake Pinkie had provided.

Twilight smiled and announced proudly, “Everybody, meet our newest family member, Stardust Lantern.”

“You named her after Mom,” First Base exclaimed, tearing slightly.

“Yeah, we did,” Flash affirmed, smiling wistfully. “I wish she was here. She would have loved meeting her granddaughter.”

“Well, I’m sure your mom would be happy knowing that little Stardust is going to grow up well-loved and cared for,” Birdie declared.

“And why wouldn’t she?” Cadance agreed. “She’s got us for a family.”

Author's Note:

As you know, I headcanon Canterlot being in New Jersey, and doing my research for this series has made me realize how utterly HUGE my home state is. For example, it takes approximately three hours to drive from Jersey to D.C. and from Jersey to NYC, and getting to both those places require crossing state lines. Driving from South Texas to Houston takes TWICE that long. :twilightoops:

So, here are a few notes about what's going on with everybody. First Base is in college now. He's a student-athlete in Everton majoring in physical education. Meanwhile, Honey Bee has gotten a scholarship to study dance in New York. Fluttershy is working as a vet assistant in a different city. Rarity and Sunset are paid interns in New York. Rarity's working in fashion, and Sunset is working in programming. Rainbow Dash is still in the Air Force, trying to get enough experience to be a Thunderbird pilot. Pinkie and AJ are still living in Canterlot where Pinkie is working with the Cakes and AJ is running her family's farm.

One last note about this series, a combination of moving onto other passions and real-life commitments and responsibilities has made the continuation of this series outside of FlashLight Week participation extremely unlikely. There's a chance I might write more for this series, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Unfortunately, this also means that my hopes for writing a Young Six spin-off also likely won't come into fruition. I hope this doesn't stop you from enjoying this story and those that came before it.

Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by Guzman Crista deleted Jun 15th, 2022

“First question, just a hunch. Second question, trade secret.”

Me (grinning and holding my Digivice): sorry flash 😂

This is adorable. Flash and Twilight finally have their baby together, and we get to see everyone's reactions to it. I understand if you can't continue the series outside of Flashlight Week events, but that's okay. This was a fun story.

Didn't expect this to be largely from the perspective of their families, but it made it quite dynamic and fun to read! The name you picked for their daughter is so sweet, I love that they payed tribute to Flash's mom. :fluttercry::heart: And don't worry Flare, you're indeed doing a much better job than you give yourself credit for.

A fitting place to stop, at least for now. Wish you the best.

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