• Published 5th Jun 2022
  • 1,657 Views, 36 Comments

The Human and His Lopunny - Burningbloom78

During a crisis involving the Pokémon of Time and Pokémon of Space, a human and his partner for life is caught in the crossfire of two destructive strikes that warped their reality, opening a portal that casts them to a place of mystery.

  • ...

Destiny Split: One Goes, One stay

Of the past is a solemn interaction between a neophyte and his senior; a potential presentiment of the distant future.

It was a cold night in winter; crisp winds blew erratically, assaulting the ginger coat of a young stallion donned in bronze armor; a symbol of his newness and inexperience, as he struggles in vain to keep his limbs from shaking and his teeth chattering.

He looks toward the winter gray; the sky churning menacingly in an enormous, spine-chilling spiral; he felt puny and daunted as his eyes stretched from here to there at the seemingly encroaching sky blotting out everything he could see with a worldwide shadow; though his fears were for naught, as he was skittish and prone to delusions exacerbated from the spitting mouths of his much older brothers and sisters-in-arms.


A voice called from behind, strong and husky, temporarily jolting the anxious stallion from his terrors.

The young male turns to see another stallion far older than him donning the prestigious golden armor he often dreamed of wearing; a symbol of unwavering loyalty and devout conviction to serve a much higher power. His black eyes gleamed with years of experience, and his scars, from victorious battles, lay marked across his face, down his dark brown body hidden by armor.

The young stallion saluted. "Sir Rockfall," he muttered in awe and apprehension, "it's... i-it's more than a pleasure to meet you, sir."

Rockfall held a powerful stride until he was almost nose-to-nose with the young stallion. "What are you doing out here, Sunspot?"

"G-guarding, s-s-sir!"

Rockfall raised a brow, incredulous. "Alone?" he assumed, veering his gaze around. "There are normally two ponies guarding the entrance into the castle. Where's the other?"

"He had to turn in, complaining of a horrible ache in his head and back," Sunspot answered quickly. "I told him I could handle guard duty."

Rockfall huffed and studied Sunspot's shivering stance. "You seem embroiled in some kind of fear. Straighten up, boy!"

Frightened by Rockfall's sudden outburst, Sunspot immediately straightened, his posture mirroring the proud and dignified image all guards on watch duty are known for.

"That's better," Rockfall grumbled. "Now, what's gotten you spooked?"

Sunspot gulped and pointed toward the sky. "It churns unending into this spiral of encroaching darkness that cloaks everything in its shadow; though I know it isn't moving toward us, it just makes me feel so puny. And then I looked around and saw more of it; the shadowy sky was all around me, threatening to overtake me."

"Good thing I came when I did or you would be cowering in your armor," Rockfall said. "That is what you fear? The fury of the elements?"

Sunspot was puzzled. "Uh, no sir. I fear being swallowed in the darkness, with no hope of escaping. When I gaze up to the sky it reminds me of my fear, and I shudder horribly."

"It's quite scary, isn't it?" he asked, but he went on. "This fear that you harbor...it is shared by many others. Though I have to ask: what compelled you to seek the life of a guard of Her Majesty?"

Sunspot looked taken aback by Rockfall's sudden question. "Well, I wanted to conquer my fear of the darkness, and I thought that joining the guard would help that desire. I thought I could become tougher, be stronger."

Rockfall narrowed his eyes. "Is that all?"

Sunspot rapidly shook his head, trying to not flinch under the black gaze of his superior. "No. Although my initial desire for joining was getting over a fear, over time I found that there was something more important and profound: that my fears were nothing but a distraction. I felt a sense of responsibility and duty over the few weeks I've been here; the importance of being a guard to Her Majesty, and that having this apprehensiveness would get in the way of that responsibility; I am on guard duty here specifically to be rid of it. What if something happens on a day like this? I would be too petrified to be of any use."

"Well, though you were shaking in your armor, you didn't run or get another guard to cover for you," Rockfall said. "That's good. If you like, I will stay here. Facing something alone is all well and good, but you have allies, so I hope you won't refuse my company."

"Of course, I wouldn't, Sir Rockfall! Please stay."

The older stallion nodded. "Alright."

As Rockfall took his position beside the castle entrance, Sunspot had a niggling question in his mind. He looked to Rockfall to gain his attention.

"What is it?"

"I would like to ask, if I may be so bold, is what do you fear, sir?" Sunspot asked.

Rockfall stared at him for a moment before letting out a muted sigh. "There aren't many things that scare me, none that are related to my job at least. Do you know my wife? Silver Mantle?"

Sunspot nodded; his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "She gave me a stern lecture in front of the other rookies. She can be quite scary." He shuddered. "Oh! No offense, Sir Rockfall!"

The older stallion merely chuckled. "None was taken, boy. Milly's tongue was always sharper than her spear, and twice as painful; she even snaps at Princess Celestia on occasion, but she tells you things because she cares. We grew up together in Ponyville with dreams of becoming royal guards.

"She was always the better fighter, but I knew how to talk with some clarity and diplomacy which often landed me in the position of emissary by Her Majesty. You know, Milly is barred from attending any meetings with other royal kingdoms; her silver tongue wasn't just sharp, it was also quite foul; courtesy of the dead ringer of her sea-faring mother."

Sunspot was trying to contain a snort of amusement. "She got anything from her father?"

Rockfall nodded. "His eyes and his temperament."

"She seems like a wonderful wife."

"When she isn't chewing your ear off," Rockfall muttered, but his face displayed a fond smile.

"So...she is what you fear?" Sunspot asked.

"Ah, yes! You did ask that. Not exactly. I fear dying."

Sunspot was silent for a few moments. "But you are Rockfall, a strong and deeply respected pony. How could you fear anything?"

"A pony's a pony," Rockfall answered. "I don't fear myself dying."

"Then who?"

"Milly," he whispered. "We were always together if our duties didn't separate us; when Shining Armor and his old friend Spearhead were still in the royal guard, they'd often say that Milly and I were joined at the hip, that one of us wasn't without the other, and they were right.

"Despite being together every opportunity we had, Milly was always more independent than I was, more eager to learn, and quite extroverted. I couldn't do much of anything without her when we were younger; her father had a thing for mechanics and her mother always knew how to fix just about anything; those were their talents, and they were heavily ingrained within Milly's life.

"It's humorous that Milly's cutie mark symbolizes a pedagogy in training the future generations of guards, royal or not, but I guess it just goes to show you: she loves teaching. She taught me how to fight and defend myself; we would spar and she always beat me, but she never boasted. She was just happy to spend any amount of time with me.

"I fear her death because I wouldn't be able to cope with it. I always depended on her, asking Milly for her opinion on things when I go on diplomatic missions, though her advice remained crude and... very amateurish, I still valued her words; they did prove useful when venturing to the Griffon Kingdom but were impractical anywhere else."

"She seems quite the treasure," Sunspot regarded.

"One of a kind. If I were to pass away, I'd know Milly will take it in stride and recover; that mare's a strong one. But if she died, that would be the end of me. If there is anything I could do to prevent Milly's death, if it was in my absolute power, I'd do it without hesitation.

"Milly was always more important than I was and the skills passed down by her parents, coupled with her own, make her much more valuable. If you were torn between who you should look up to, look toward my wife rather than me, however, try and retain some sense and a sanitary vocabulary."

Sunspot struggled to find a way to speak. He didn't like how Rockfall demeaned himself, yet there was this sense of acceptance wafting from the older stallion and Sunspot knew that whatever he would say, whatever he could mean, nothing would derail Rockfall's outlook on himself and the pedestal he puts his wife on. Rockfall was right. Milly often took in more work than he did and most of her time is with training soldiers, and any time left was together with Rockfall.

It was sad, at least to Sunspot. Rockfall didn't seem to be bothered as if he had already resigned himself to this way of thinking, and in a way, Sunspot respected that.

"Your loyalty and honesty are inspiring, sir," Sunspot said at last. "I would like to learn from both her and you. It sort of reminds me of this colt I used to know during my education at the School of Magic. A good friend."

"I do?" Rockfall asked, sounding intrigued.

Sunspot nodded. "He was very passionate about the study of magic, and he was quite the bookworm. He knew everything there was to know about magic. There was nothing he couldn't understand and no pony who knew more. We got along quite well, and although he could understand magic, he was untalented at casting it, and eventually, he dropped out."

"I'm sorry to hear that, he seemed like a promising youth akin to Twilight Sparkle."

"He was."

"Where did he go? Did you keep in touch?"

"We kept in touch," Sunspot said, "and I recently learned he currently lives in the Crystal Empire."

"What's his name?"

"Sunburst," Sunspot answered. "At first, I thought he was my cousin since our names are so similar, but it was just a coincidence. However, his diligent studying inspired me to complete my education."

"Glad to hear it," the older stallion said. "After guard duty, how about you, me, and Milly get together? We can teach you a few things that can help forward your career."

Sunspot was beaming. "Truly?"

Rockfall chuckled. "Of course, boy. Besides, I'm not getting any younger. It's better to pass on some skills to the youth in the hopes of building a better future for Equestria."

A sharp prickle of anxiety shot through Sunspot's heart as he gazed at Rockfall. "Sir, you sound as if you're going to die soon."

Rockfall turned his black gaze toward the wintry gloam. "I'm getting old, Sunspot," he said, his voice losing its calm timbre. "Underneath all this armor and muscle are feeble bones; I was thinking about retiring soon and moving back to Ponyville. There's a home waiting for me."

"But what about Mil- I mean Silver Mantle? Both of you have always been together. You can't separate now."

"I know," Rockfall muttered, "and I'm not saying I'll leave now. I got a few more good years before I lay down my armor."

"And about Silver Mantle?"

"She'll be staying after I retired," he answered. "She's a few years younger than me and sprier; the only way she'll retire is if she's forced to. That mare's a hot-blooded one; Princess Celestia will have a tough time trying to make her see sense."

Rockfall glanced at Sunspot who had a dejected look across his face. "Oh come now, boy," he said. "Don't look at me like that. I'll still be here for a while."

Sunspot sighed. "I promise to be the best royal guard I can be. I'll make you proud, sir!"

Rockfall chuckled. "Good deal, but you have to become a royal guard first. I'll be waiting for that ceremony."

Rockfall blitzed with Joey by his side as they entered through the arched entrance to come out the other side to view a mound surrounded with rocks and layered with deep imprints on the ground. The prints of a dragon; a proud creature of immense strength, to whom is reduced to something far less but more fitting: an imprisoned fool.

Rockfall glared scornfully at the imprints, parting his lips and baring his teeth in rage. He then turned his fierce gaze forward and stared defiantly at a large gaping hole brimming with foreboding darkness surrounded by a thick legion of charred trees.

There it was. Lunaris' home.

A rustle in some foliage alerted Rockfall, but he relaxed slightly as Nian and Narros appeared. The brown rabbit held a serious expression Rockfall could look to admire, while Narros' expression portrayed wariness, which Rockfall respected. They were going to confront a dangerous enemy, but they were ready.

Joey stood beside his Pokémon, facing the grim entrance of Lunaris' cave.

"As a refresher, we are expected to settle this peacefully," Joey said, "but if things go south, we take Orah back by force. Rockfall, are you prepared?"

The dark brown stallion nodded his eyes burning with determination.

"Alright, let's announce ourselves."

It didn't take long for Rockfall and his friends to wait for a response from within the cave. The stallion stood his ground as a large black shadow appeared within the cave's entrance. He saw the slitted blue eyes bare menacingly upon them. Putrid black smoke bellowed from the darkness and Rockfall had to stifle a cough.

"Who are you?" the voice said, deep and chilling. "Wait... just a moment. One of you is familiar."

A black head came out of the shadows of the cave. There was a crooked sneer splayed across his face, revealing rows of stained and broken teeth.

"Are you Lunaris?" Joey asked.

Rockfall was amazed at Joey's courage; his voice was commanding but also friendly, and Rockfall saw that Lunaris' appearance had not stirred a single scrap of fear. Rockfall, though he is determined to rescue Orah, had his legs tremble slightly and he could feel his heart beating faster than before.

"I am," the dragon answered. He glances at Rockfall and felt his eyes widen. "Yes... you do look familiar. That scar snaking down your throat... I know the wounds I inflict quite well. You and that other pony failed to protect Orah. Yes, it's quite clear!"

Joey glanced sideways at Rockfall and watched the stallion stiffen.

"Well, well, ain't this a surprise!" Lunaris exclaimed, chortling but immediately giving rise to a coughing fit. "Look at what we have here; I do remember you! How could I forget? It's the failure who ate dirt after a swipe from my claw! How're those scars I've given you holding up? Does it hurt to see them every time you look in a mirror? Does it remind you of how weak and helpless you were?!"

Rockfall did nothing.

"How's the mare, eh? Is she still kickin' or is she six feet under for the maggots to gnaw on her rotting flesh? She was banged up pretty good after I was done with her. I should've done more, you know? Played with her a while longer; give you a front-row seat to her screams and cries."

Rockfall felt his dark brown coat ripple with frustration and shame; to be mocked and humiliated like some pathetic excuse of a royal guard. When he and Silver Mantle were ambushed, Rockfall almost immediately fell against the dragon's sneak attack; his throat was slashed and he took a massive beating until Silver Mantle had to go and rescue him.

A prickle of sadness and guilt wormed into his heart yet again. If only he had been more alert Silver Mantle might not have been in a coma and would be standing next to him right now.

He has to make this right. He can't feel sorry for himself right now. He tried to imagine Orah under the ruthless rule of Lunaris and felt his sadness be replaced with righteous anger.

He glared challengingly at Lunaris to which the dragon held his gaze with his own.

"Hey... why are you looking at me like you're going to do something? I hate that, it's ugly. And where was the fire? Aren't you going to spout curses as that mare did?" Lunaris studied Rockfall's wound more closely. "Wait... the neck wound I gave you. It should've taken your life but it seems did take something away. You can't speak! What a riot!"

"If you're quite finished," Joey said, interrupting Lunaris' taunts, "we have come for Orah. We want her back."

Lunaris snorted and rasped, "Is, uh... is this it? This is the rescue party coming to whisk that sniveling pony from my talons? No... no, no, no... this can't be it. A loser, a freak, and his furry pets?! I'm a dragon! You insult me!"

Lunaris glared at Rockfall. "Where is she? Huh! Where's the mare that tried to slice my belly open?! Where is the challenge? Is it you, the one who went down without me even so much as batting an eye towards? An afterthought my talons managed to swipe? A pebble my tail bowled over?! Where is she?!

"What? Is she dead? She doesn't have the right to die until I sink my talons into her flesh and rip her apart! You, the worthless loser, dare to come back without her?! Huh?!"

Although Rockfall didn't take his fierce gaze off of the dragon, he flinched and recoiled at the sheer passion coming from his mouth.

Nian huffed angrily and attempted to take a step forward to pummel Lunaris with her fists; she was itching for a fight and she was getting tired of the dragon's insults. Unfortunately, for her at least, Joey held her back.

"We can solve this without fighting," he told her. He turns his white gaze to Lunaris. "All we want is Orah back. She doesn't belong here, no pony does."

Lunaris had barely shifted his eyes to Joey since their confrontation, and when the dragon got a good look at Joey's face, a glint of wonder found its way to his own.

"Your eyes," Lunaris said solemnly, "are so exquisite. So rare; so beautiful... They glisten with mystery and wonder; they mesmerize me like gems; white diamonds. I never had the pleasure of having one or more." Lunaris shook his head trying to focus. "I'm not giving her up. She's mine; my little gem maker. I will not give her up!"

Joey sighed. "We don't want a fight, but we won't leave until you give her back."

"Then so be it!" Lunaris spat crossly. "I may be stuck here forever in this forsaken place, but I won't let you have her. She does everything I demand. I will not give in to defeat!"

Lunaris sprang forward with a decrepit lunge as if he had hardly moved, roaring. Everyone scattered, narrowly avoiding his lunge.

"Nian, Narros! Do your thing!" Joey commanded.

Nian smirked, dashing up to Lunaris, and used Mega Kick. Sparkles eclipsed her right leg as she sends the attack straight to Lunaris' chest, creating a wind-shattering impact that forced the dragon to reel back in pain. Recovering quickly, Lunaris retaliates, swinging his enormous tail onto Nian. She blocks it but the sheer force of the attack sent the rabbit crashing into a slew of trees.

Lunaris shifted his ire into Joey and was about open his mouth in an attempt to incinerate him, but the large dragon was interrupted by something that threatened to slice his back open. Squealing in rage, Lunaris whips around to see Narros using the move Night Slash. The dragon's eyes widened as the Absol reared his head back, the scythe-like protrusion glowed an eerie purple. Narros jerks his head in a wide-sweeping motion, shooting the attack from his horn.

Lunaris dodges, slithering his massive body to slip from Narros' onslaught. When the attacks let up, Lunaris charges at Narros, stretching out his flesh-rending claws and taking swipe after swipe at the Absol. A glint had appeared in Narros' eyes: Detect, a move that allows the user to protect itself by foreseeing the near future. Narros uses the move to effortlessly dodge backward and sideways Lunaris' dirt-ridden claws, but the dragon was persistent and ruthless and Narros found it harder and harder to evade his foe.

Just before Lunaris could finally hit him, a brown blur shot from the trees and smashed into Lunaris. The blue-eyed black dragon screeched and fell to the jungle floor in a crash. Narros squinted his eyes to see Nian punching the daylights out of Lunaris' snout with the latter snarling and trying to swat the brown rabbit to the ground.

Meanwhile, Joey and Rockfall raced toward the entrance of the dank cave and peered inside. There was nothing but the acrid stench of must and blood. Joey could barely breathe in the odor without recoiling in disgust. Rockfall mirrored Joey's abrasive reaction.

"I'll head inside and see if I can find Orah," Joey said, giving the cave a rueful look. "You stay out here and help Nian and Narros, but be careful to not get hit with any of their moves: they do not discern friend from foe."

Although Rockfall wanted to protest and head inside the cave alongside Joey, he was not the leader of this rescue team and Rockfall had explicit orders to aid him. With that in mind, Rockfall begrudgingly complies with Joey's command, turning his back away from the cave and charging to join to fight against Lunaris.

Joey heads inside the damp odorous cave, his shoes sinking into the moist ground and making squelching sounds as he treks. The sounds of battle gradually died down as darkness surrounds the human. Though he could not see, Joey used his sense of smell, to his dismay, to help guide him through the long stretch of darkness. Minutes go by and Joey finds a dim light source up ahead.

Quickening his steps, Joey reaches a small hollow space lit by a few large branches on both sides of the hollow's entrance. Joey steps in and lays his eyes on a feeble mare huddled around a vast collection of rocks that varied in size. To his right, he sees a pile of gems and jewels. To his left were more rocks.

Focusing his attention on the mare in the middle, Joey witnesses a pale white light glowing from her and inched himself a tad closer, careful to not interrupt her concentration.

What happens next shocked the human. The bundle of rocks began to shift and rattle before mystical light enveloped the stack in its pleasant glow. Joey had to look away as the light began to hurt his eye, and when he turned back to see the rocks, they were replaced, and rubies were in their place. Joey watched on as the mare weakly shoves the rubies into the pile of treasure before getting another bundle of rocks.

He heard her coughing and hacking up something fierce, her body giving way to horrible shivers. The mare wheezed tiredly, struggling to keep herself from collapsing, but the strain was too much, and she fell to the moist ground with a resounding splat.

Rushing over to the mare, Joey was horrified by the black scars sliding from her chest down to her belly, most notably one that looked very, very recent. The mare was malnourished and her ribs showed underneath her crimson dirt-encrusted coat, her silver mane and tail were a shaggy mess, and the sides of her mouth were shriveled from lack of water. Her tongue lolled out to the side as if the effort of keeping it in her mouth was too much.

It was a pitiful sight.

Joey was staring at the defeated body of Orah, the pony he and the rest of his team were tasked with rescuing. She looked so small, and she looked sick.


Before Joey could say another word, the mare shot from the ground and forced her body against a wall, her eyes wide and scared.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to sleep," she cried, her fears of Lunaris clouding her perception of Joey. "Lunaris, please, don't give me the claw! Anything but the claw!"

Joey was shocked at Orah's delusional outbursts and nearly recoiled at the fear strewn across her scarred visage. He saw her keel forward, clutching the fresh scar that ran down her belly. She wailed in distress, begging for the pain to stop.

"Orah, I'm not Lunaris," Joey said, daring to take a step forward.

Orah lifted her head, her eyes widening again. It's as if she had forgotten she wasn't the only one in the small cavern.

"Stop!" she wailed. "Get away from me; don't touch me! Lunaris, I'm sorry!"

"Orah!" Joey shouted, silencing the mare to mere whimpers. "I'm sorry I had to shout, but I need you to listen to me. I'm not Lunaris." He took another step closer. "Look at me: no claws, no sharp teeth, no tail, no dragon. I won't hurt you, I promise."

At this point, Orah was trying to heave in as much air as she possibly could. Then, as Joey approached her, Orah eyed him with suspicion.

"Am I dreaming again?" she muttered, her shuddering breaths coming in rapid gasps. "Is this another cruel fantasy? How do I know you're real?! How do I know I'm not making up this delusion?!"

By now, Joey stood in front of her. He reaches out a hand and strokes her cheek gently. Orah immediately started to scream in terror but with every stroke, her terrified wailing lessons until it became a faint whimper.

She looked at him, tears streaking down her face. "You... you are real," she rasped. "My prayers have... not gone u-unheard. I thought I was abandoned, left to this fate at the claws of my oppressor, but...but here you stand before me. I had resigned myself to death, but knowing you are here now... I may still have a chance at freedom. Who are you?"

Joey gave the mare a smile that melted her heart. "My name is Joeshur Riverside, but you can call me Joey for short," he said, introducing himself.

"Joeshur." She whispered his name a couple of times, staring at the ground. She looks up with fondness in her gaze. "You are my savior. I am forever in your debt. And your eyes mystify me. I've never seen something so beautiful; so pure and white."

Joey chuckled. "Thanks for the compliment. Are you able to move on your own?"

Orah grunted, trying her best to rise to her full height, but the action was too taxing and she fell on Joey's chest.

"I can't," she murmured miserably. "It's too much of a strain. I'm sorry, Joeshur."

"It's okay," he said. "I can carry you. But first..."

Joey reached into his backpack and grabbed a spray bottle of Potion.

"Alright, I'll need you to lay on your back so I'll be able to use this potion properly," Joey instructed. "It'll sting, but only for a moment."

Orah was reluctant to expose her belly again and for good reason, but Joey's quiet assurances and smile won her over and she did as he asked. At once, Joey sprayed the bottle of Potion over her wounds, and although she felt a jolt of pain, she felt much better after. The pain was still there but it was lessened and Orah felt she didn't feel as if she was dying every second.

With the medicine applied, Joey gently lifted Orah's weakened body and held her close to his chest before turning away and heading toward the exit of the cave.

The battle outside was raging. The area was scorched and small craters were littered about. Narros lay on his sides panting. Nian stood over him, protecting him from Lunaris. The rabbit knew if something happened to Narros Joey would be distraught, and if she can prevent such tragedy, then she will. While Joey was busy finding Orah, Nian, Narros, and Rockfall sustained a few injuries but not without inflicting their own on their dragon adversary. Lunaris was covered in bruises and lacerations, and he looked fatigued and breathless.

It should come as no surprise: Lunaris has been confined to the Forbidden Jungle as punishment for not only attempted murder but also attempted regicide. Lunaris has been bound by the Dragon Lord to never escape the clutches of the Forbidden Jungle until he shows a genuine change of character and a desire to seek penance and forgiveness, however, the dragon has refused to change.

Being in the Forbidden Jungle is perilous for any predator as something can come along and kill them just like they kill prey to survive. To protect himself since he was a more sapient being, Lunaris created a home for himself to stave off the ruthless wilderness lurking in the shadows, but over the years he's gone weaker; a poor version of his past prime as a strong dragon, though dregs of his old life clung with him being a ferocious fighter.

Now he was tired and unsteady on his claws as if he'd keel over at any second. He glared warily at Rockfall who mirrored his exhaustion. They were both old; mighty creatures now past their prime who retain fleeting elements of their younger days.

"You've proved to be able to defend yourself properly this time," Lunaris gasped, sneering at the old stallion with a look of contempt. "And you have gotten me to take you a little more seriously, but it won't be enough. Those gauntlets clasped around your forelegs are sharper than they look; hidden blades that not even I can see. Seems you've come here to kill me first and save Orah second. Aren't you being a little selfish?"

Rockfall snorted, scraping the ground with his hooves. He coughed hoarsely, blood sputtering from his mouth and onto the earth. He staggered back but he forced himself to remain standing.

Lunaris bared his teeth, chortling at his joke. "It seems we both have death looming over our heads; this is too much of an exercise for you. It's nothing short of a miracle that the gash snaking down your throat hasn't claimed you as it should have. You ponies are truly something else; it's quite unexpected that I, a dragon, could struggle against something as puny as you. Congratulations."

Limping forward, both opponents flew into battle. Lunaris attempted to rip Rockfall apart by tearing his flesh with his claws, but the old stallion was able to narrowly dodge and retaliated with his gauntlets. A few quick blows tore at Lunaris' legs and the dragon screeched in pain. He manages to smack the stallion with a clenched fist, sending Rockfall barreling to the earth before skidding to a halt.

They kept going, attack after attack, almost blow for blow connecting, but none of them let the other gain a foothold over the other as they fought viciously. Lunaris tried to breathe a torrent of flame from his throat, but it came out pitiful embers raining down upon Rockfall as the stallion attempted to weave around the burning specks, but he staggered, and a large ember hit him directly on his right hind leg. A noiseless wail escaped Rockfall as he tumbles to the ground and writhed as the ember burned through the hairs on his leg and to the skin until a foul odor of burning flesh pervaded the air around him.

Desperate to quell the burn, Rockfall sweeps his right hind leg across the earth, smoldering the burn, but his leg still stung and he could barely move it.

Taking the opportunity, Lunaris flaps his ruined wings and hovers toward Rockfall, who strained his eyes through the pain to see Lunaris looming over him. He was going to crush him in a bloody pulp!

Before Lunaris could get into position, a voice came from the cave. It was Joey, and he was carrying a barely conscious mare in his arms: it was Orah! The human threw a red capsule and spoke the words, "Lena, use Gravity!" and Rockfall witnessed the large pink creature that helped put the dying Manticore to rest manifest from the mystical light. She dropped to the ground and waves her little pink nubs in a swaying motion before shouting.

Rockfall watched on in awe as a sphere of darkness manifested over Lunaris' head and collapses onto him. In an instant, confused, Lunaris found it harder and harder to stay in the air no matter how hard he flapped his wings. Then, almost without warning, Lunaris plummeted to the battle-scarred earth, crashing and letting out an agonizing screech that pierced the eardrums of Joey and his allies forcing them to cover their ears for fear if they didn't, they'd bleed.

Once the screech died down, Joey thanks Lena and returns the Chansey to her respective Poké Ball. Before Joey could issue any other orders to his Pokémon on the field, Lunaris whips around and opened his mouth to bring forth a cascade of embers.

With quick thinking, Joey swaps Lena's Poké Ball with Jenny's and summons the Jynx to block the incoming embers about to spout from Lunaris' mouth. Heeding her orders without hesitation, Jenny takes a huge intake of the Nevermeltice's chilling vapors and blew a torrent of mist on the ground in front of her and ice began to form an immense barrier.

Just after Jenny finished, Lunaris' ember attack came out fiercer than she or Joey had thought; a surprising beam of orange fire burst forth from the dragon's mouth and collided with the barrier of ice. Jenny was taken aback by the force of Lunaris' attack, but with Joey behind her, she dared not move a single muscle. She attempted to withstand the flames by blowing more mist into the barrier to prevent it from melting but the longer she tried to stave off the torrent of flame, the weaker she became; this wasn't the same flare that enraptures her whenever she was with Joey, this was something far more deadly.

Thinking fast, Joey barks an order to Nian and the rabbit obeys. She leaped away from Narros' side and rushed to Lunaris and socked the dragon right in the jaw with Power-Up Punch, forcing the dragon to cease his roaring flames. Jenny thanks Nian with a dip of her head before Joey returns the Jynx in her respective Poké Ball.

Rockfall, with Lunaris stunned, takes the opportunity to end the fight. Ignoring the lingering burn on his right hind leg, Rockfall scrambles on his hooves and darts to Lunaris' neck, reaching out with one of his forelegs to slice the dragon's throat. Unable to react quickly enough to get away, Lunaris' throat was slashed cleanly, but not before swinging a claw toward Rockfall in desperation. The claw narrowly tears open Rockfall's neck wound and both adversaries fall to the ground in silence.

Joey, Nian, and Narros looked on in horror as Lunaris gave a whimpering twitch of his body before going limp. Joey rushed over, ignoring Lunaris' corpse, and kneeled over Rockfall while Nian and Narros watched on in silence.

Joey saw Rockfall's bruised and battered body and sent Lena out to check over his wounds. Examining Rockfall's body quickly, Lena shook her head miserably, telling Joey there isn't anything she can do. He was going to die in a matter of seconds. Thanking her, Joey returned Lena to her Poké Ball.

A heavy sigh escaped from Joey's lips. He had never known Rockfall, and he wished there was an opportunity to know him before all of this, but the time he did spend with the stallion would be cherished. As he stared at Rockfall with Orah barely able to keep her eyes open, Joey saw that the old stallion's glazed eyes glimmered faintly with a pink shine before fading. Suddenly, a smile appeared on Rockfall's face, then he heard a slow breath exhaling from his lips, and then he lay limp.

"What was that glimmer I saw?" Joey wondered. "It looked almost... mystical." Then he sighs again, closing Rockfall's eyes. "Nian."

The brown rabbit bounded up to Joey. "Yes, Joey?"

"I want you to carry Rockfall's body," he ordered, standing up and getting a better grip on Orah. "He will not be buried here. We saved Orah as well, but Lunaris..." He looked at the dragon's body. "He should be laid to rest and his home's entrance blocked. The treasure inside is made up of blood, fear, and tears, and no creature should be allowed inside that cave. Get Narros to help you. Understand?"

"Why should we?" she asked crossly. "Lunaris doesn't deserve to be buried. He should rot."

Joey narrowed his eyes. "It's the right thing to do," he said calmly, his tone icy cold. "Please do as I said. I'll help after I get Orah comfortable."

Although she wanted to protest further, Nian dipped her head and said, "Okay, Joey. I'll do it."

Joey smiled. "Thanks," he whispered.

By the time they were finished, Lunaris was buried in front of his cave, the cave's entrance was demolished by Nian and Narros, and the team began their cautious trek through the Forbidden Jungle to reach its entrance. With the map's directions firmly planted in Joey's mind, the team exited the Forbidden Jungle in two hours.

The guards awaiting their return saw Rockfall's dead body and dipped their heads in respect and grief. While they were gone, a legate gave the two guards a message from Her Majesty. After being asked what the message was, the two guards say that Princess Celestia is awaiting their return at Canterlot, or more specifically the Canterlot Infirmary.

Joey grunted and wasted no time getting into the golden chariot with Nian and Narros. He cradles Orah closely as Nian carefully hauled Rockfall's body into the chariot with Narros giving his back as support for the deceased royal guard. With everything carefully in place, the guards take off to the skies and head to Canterlot with news both good and bad.

Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Infirmary...

Just outside a patient's room, a doctor is speaking to Princess Celestia in a hushed whisper as if he were afraid of anypony overhearing their conversation.

"Princess Celestia, I believe that Silver Mantle," he glances to the door with a countenance of sorrow, "won't make it. We've tried everything, but nothing has made a difference. I fear...I fear she will have a few hours left."

"But how?" Her Radiance muttered solemnly; her face scrunched to an agitated scowl. "All the medicine, all the healing magic, all of the professional aid, and she still has not shown any signs of recovery? How?!"

The doctor was taken aback by the ferocity of Princess Celestia's tone. It wasn't often any pony would witness Her Majesty's ire; it was an emotion best left behind closed doors, but now Princess Celestia could not stymie the rage boiling underneath her skin.

"I-I do not know, Your Majesty," the doctor stammered, taking a few cautious steps away for fear of his safety. "The wounds she sustained during the fight were grievous; she should have shown signs of life by now. Princess Celestia, I know how frustrated you feel, I feel it too, but it's out of our hooves now."

"No... no, this can't be. Silver had so much to give," Princess Celestia muttered sadly. She tried her best to stop the onset of coming tears. "I've known her ever since she came to Canterlot with Rockfall, and I watched them grow into such fine pairs of ponies; I even went to their wedding and gave them the blessing of good fortune and a long happy life together. What would I say to him now? He felt so guilty. How could I look at him and tell him his wife died under my watch?"

Princess Celestia felt her legs buckle underneath her grief and, without warning, fell to the floor in despair. From her shuddering mouth came a despairing exhale of sorrow.

"Your Majesty!" the doctor shouted, kneeling toward her. "Are you okay?!"

"She was my friend," she croaked hoarsely. "I've lost so many over the years, but this? Oh Rockfall, I'm so sorry."

Wallowing in the pit of her grief, Princess Celestia heard the sudden stamping of hooves and a door opening that led into Silver Mantle's room. She lifts her head and sees the fear-stricken yet relieved expression of a nurse.

"Princess Celestia, Dr. Ail, there is something you both need to see now," she said.

Dr. Ail stood up with the Princess by his side. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

Unable to contain herself any longer, the nurse exclaimed, "She's awake! Silver Mantle is awake!"

"But how?!" Dr. Ail said in shock. "There were no signs of her getting better. She only had a few more hours to live. How is she even awake?! She's supposed to be in a coma!"

"I... I don't know how, but she's awake right now and the wounds are nearly gone!"

Heart lifting, Princess Celestia lightly barged her way past the two awestruck ponies and entered the room. A wave of relief washes over Princess Celestia's coat as she sees a white-coated, golden-maned mare wrapped in bandages staring out a window. When she turned, her emerald eyes glistened and shined.

Ecstatic, Princess Celestia hurries over to the mare to embrace her but she halts abruptly. The glistening she saw seconds prior was tears welling up in her eyes. Princess Celestia's heart plummeted as sorrow and horror were plastered all over Silver Mantle's face.

"Gone..." Her whisper was so inaudible that Princess Celestia had to strain her ears. "He's gone forever."

Princess Celestia stiffened. This wasn't what she expected. She expected Silver Mantle to spout curses, fling the covers off of her body, and storm out of the room with the determination to find her husband. But that was further from the truth. She looked defeated and tired; there was naught a single spark, not a fleeting morsel of an ember. There was just a cold sadness in her gaze. Princess Celestia was so taken aback by this sudden change she didn't know how to address her old friend the way she normally would.

"Silver, what do... what do you mean?"

"I felt it," she croaked. "In my heart, I felt him vanish. Then, I felt something flow into me, and I awoke. How close was I to death?"

Princess Celestia stood silent over Silver Mantle's heart-wrenching words. Eventually, the nurse and Dr. Ail entered with their ears and heads drooping slightly, a sign they had overheard.

"You weren't getting better no matter what we did," Dr. Ail began. "You were in a very deep coma. You only had a few hours to live."

"You should have not been able to wake up or live," the nurse added. "Despite everything we did to help, you were going to be lost to us. Whatever happened to have you not only stay with us but to be awake is nothing short of a miracle. A blessing."

"But he's gone," she repeated. "I felt him go away."

Princess Celestia stared blankly at Silver Mantle. "The magic of love is mysterious; I've seen it performed before. It's a rare sight, but I think I know what Rockfall did. The love between you two is as strong as Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, or even more so. The love you two shared manifested into a wish granted in the form of love magic. His wish was that you survived."

"The power of our love did that?" Silver Mantle rasped. Then a fire lit in her eyes. "Well, I don't want it! Not if it means I have to live without him. Tell me how to reverse it. Tell me how I can save him. I'll do anything that's needed!"

Princess Celestia shook her head despite wanting to do what Silver Mantle demanded. "I can't do that." It broke Princess Celestia's heart to see the flame in Silver Mantle's eyes peter out. "If Rockfall wished for you to live then that means the worst has come to pass. It's a marvel to know that kind of power that has been performed in the Forbidden Jungle could overwrite its rules; he brought you back in the name of love. I'm so sorry, Silver. Rockfall is dead."