• Published 17th Sep 2012
  • 13,173 Views, 500 Comments

Pinkie Pie Goes on a Diet - Jam Rocker

What happens when a happy pink mare has to go on a diet? Anything but good.

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Pinkie Pie Goes on a Diet

Pinkie Pie awoke from her slumber on a sunny Saturday morning. The sky was cloud-less and blue, the birds were chirping, and a grey mailmare had already dropped off the morning papers without needing to fly into a bush. Pinkie Pie knew it would be a wonderful day.

"Goooooood morning Ponyville!" Pinkie Pie said while sitting up in her bed, talking to no one in particular. "It's a beeeeaaahhhh-utiful day! And you know what that calls for? A celebration! With sweets!" Pinkie Pie took out 3 pieces of small candy from under her pillow and ate them all at once, forgetting to take off the wrapper.

"Do you want some Gummy?" Pinkie Pie said toward the little green alligator, taking out 5 more pieces of candy. "No? Okay, I'll just eat these for you."

Pinkie Pie trotted towards the bathroom while eating sweets and found her bathroom cup filled with more candy. "Oh yeah, I forgot I put these here... Well, better not put them to waste!" Pinkie Pie put the cup towards her mouth and and swallowed the candy like it was a soft drink. "Wow, those candies got me full... Better wash them out with a couple cupcakes."

The pink mare took out a tray of cupcakes from a small refrigerator and began to eat the cupcakes in giant bites. "Hmm... Maybe I should have more candy too. And some more cupcakes. And a cup of sugar. A cup of sugar sure does hit the spot!"

After thirty minutes of getting ready and eating enough candy and sugary items to fill three foal Nightmare Night baskets, Pinkie Pie finally went downstairs to start her day. As she walked down the stairs and began to see the front of the bakery, she saw that the Cakes, a group of other ponies, and a covered sign waiting in the middle of the room.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs. Cake, it's Saturday so I'm going to head-" Pinkie now saw that the ponies were her six best friends. "Oh, hey girls and Spike! Why are you guys all here?"

All of them of them looked at her with straight faces and worried eyes. "Pinkie Pie," Twilight said, sighing after saying the name. "We need to talk."

"Ooh, what for? Wait, is this a party? A surprise party? For me? Yay! I'll get some candy and food!"

"No!" Twilight stated before Pinkie Pie ran out of the room. "We need to talk... Like, a serious talk."

"Ohh.... A serious talk? But I don't like serious talks... They're so... Serious. What do you guys want to talk about?"

The seven ponies and the dragon all looked at each other and sighed. Rainbow Dash then pulled the sheet off a covered chair, and a sign was revealed, saying "INTERVENTION".

"Interven-teeon? What the heck is that?" Pinkie said, confused.

"Pinkie Pie dearie," Ms.Cake said, looking at Pinkie with a worried expression. "We think you have an eating problem."

"An eating problem? But I eat just fine!"

Mr.Cake face-hoofed. "Pinkie... We know you eat just fine, but it's what you are eating that's wrong."

"What do you mean?" Pinkie Pie put on her puppy-dog face.

"What have you been eating for the last couple weeks? Just tell us the five things that come to your mind."

"Let's see... Candy... cakes... cupcakes.... cheesecakes.... candy..."

"Exactly! Pinkie Pie, you can have a good sweet time by time, but that isn't exactly a healthy diet! And you've been eating giant hordes of sweets in small amounts of time!"

"Well I don't think that's bad! What's wrong with eating sweets all the time, huh?"

"It's not healthy, Pinkie dear." Ms.Cake got back into the conversation, letting Mr.Cake have a break.

"Well I don't notice any difference! I'm just fine, see?" Pinkie got on her hind legs and her big tummy popped out. She fell onto the floor with her hooves straight out.

"...I can live with that. What has my eating habits done other than that? It's not hurting anyone!"

"Pinkie, we got fifty boxes of cupcake mix two days ago. By the next morning, it was all gone. We didn't even take it out of the boxes yet. All we saw was a messy kitchen and you sleeping on the floor!"

"Oh, so that dream was real... Well, that's not that bad! Other than that, there's nothing wrong with how or what I eat."

Twilight and Spike began to join in on the conversation. "Pinkie Pie," Twilight started. "Last week, you barged into our kitchen and ate every single sugar-based food we had! Then, an hour later, after we got back with groceries, you just did it again!"

"And you got into my cookie stash!" Spike looked like he was on the edge of tears. "I was saving those cookies for a special moment!"

"That's not that bad either.... Right? And I can always get you more cookies, Spike." Pinkie Pie tried to lighten to moment.

"You tried doing that three days ago! But right when we got out of the market, you ate them all again, and just left me with the extra bits!"

"Oh... Sorry."

Rarity began to speak. "Pinkie, dear, you don't even fit into the Gala outfit I created for you now! And you even ate the decorations on it!"

"They really looked like candy, okay?" Pinkie Pie was beginning to frown.

"Pinkie," Rainbow Dash joined in. "I can't even carry you while flying!"

"Yes you can! You did it last Tuesday!"

"Yeah! For like, five seconds! Then we crashed into a local park bench! Totally uncool."

"Well, maybe it was because you didn't stretch before flying..." Pinkie's bottom lip was quivering now.

"I'm sorry to say this Pinkie... But I think you have a problem also. If that's okay..." It was now Fluttershy's turn. "Two weeks ago, you came into my cottage and accidentally sat on one of my squirrels. You didn't notice that you were sitting on it for two whole minutes. You broke it's shoulder and it's leg, and it's still in my intensive care unit at my home... The squirrel you sat on was a breed that can usually take the weight equivalent to two full aged ponies... The fact that you broke it's shoulder by just sitting on it makes me really worried about you. I'm sorry."

"Maybe I just caught it off guard..." Pinkie's eyes started to water.

"Sugarcube, we will support you with anything you honestly want tah do, but not this." Applejack looked straight into Pinkie's eyes. "Last Thursday, yah bought ev'ry single caramel apple we were selling on the acres. There were a hundred thirty six caramel apples on sale that day. The night in which you bought them, we found yah in our cellar, dipping apples into our giant buckets of caramel, and eating them in single bites. Then after you ran out of apples in the cellar, you started to drink the caramel itself. Yah shure gave Macintosh a mighty scare, but what yah did is still not right. This isn't healthy for you, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie Pie couldn't hold it in anymore, and began to cry. "Okay, I do have a problem!" Everyone gathered around Pinkie Pie and gave her pats on the back.

"It's okay, dearie." Ms.Cake gave her a reassuring smile. "We can fix this."

"But how?"

"You'll just have to start on a diet."

"....What's a diet?"

"A diet," Twilight said scientifically, "Is restricting oneself from a certain type and amount of food in order to lose weight. In this case, for you, it's going to be sugar and sweets."

"Restrict... You mean... I can't eat sweets?" Pinkie's eyes began to water again.

"You can still eat sweets, but not as much as you usually do. I'm thinking, restricting yourself to three pieces of candy a week... Maybe a slice of cake just once every two months... Switch to a sweetener." Twilight smiled at Pinkie Pie, but the pink mare was not amused.

"I ... I ... Can't do that! I can't live without my candy!"

"Yes you can, Pinkie," Fluttershy said. "You just have to believe in yourself."

"But I don't!"

Mr.Cake joined in. "Any other way, sweetie, you have to go on a diet. We're even going to half your work schedule here just so you can focus on it. Now I know it's going to be hard, since you live in a bakery, but we believe in you."

"Sweetie... Sweetie.... Sweets.... I miss my sweets." Pinkie Pie began to cry a fountain again.

"We're starting today, and we're all going to help you get through this Pinkie."

"...Can I start tomorrow?"

"No, we're starting today."

"But... But... I want to start tomorrow."

"Pinkie Pie, we know if we try to start tomorrow you're going to hide or run somewhere and eat all the sweets before we get to you."

"Fine... I'm just going to go to the kitchen to think about this."

"Okay, Pinkie. Good job."

Pinkie sniffled her nose and walked to the kitchen.

"Wow," Ms.Cake began to say. "In retrospect, she took that better than I thought."

Twilight started to think. "Wait, do you think it was a good idea to let her go to the kitchen?"

They all peeked into the kitchen to find Pinkie Pie on the floor, devouring every single bowl of candy within seconds. They all gasped.


"Let me be! I need my candy!" They began to take the candy away from her, and she started to fight to get it back. "NO! NOOOOO! Givemebackmycandyicantlivewithoutmycandyidontwanttogoonadiet NOOOOOOO!" She grabbed back the candy jar and tried to run out the back door.