• Published 30th May 2022
  • 427 Views, 3 Comments

Crystaline Twilight - Dragon Angel Knight

Twilight Sparkle raised by the Bray family

  • ...

The Hope (Arrival)

Author's Note:

What? More Destiny pony-words? Yay!!

This will be a companion story to Iron Sunset, but reading that first won't be necessary unless the chapter specifically states it in the Author's Notes. That said... here's the prologue!!

Music that inspired this chapter title:
(22) 08 The Hope (Arrival) - Music of the Spheres - YouTube

The Hope (Arrival)

Deep within the Vex network, a brilliant flash of Light and magic occurred. The Vex were planning this, of course. They couldn’t properly simulate the Light, but they could use the dregs of the paracausal energy they had/will steal from Saint-14 and Kabr’s fireteam from the Infinite Forest and Vault of Glass respectively. After all, what was time to a race of time-bending sentient machines?

However, the Vex could NOT have properly predicted that the rip in space-time they had forced open in another universe would open into a reality without Light or Dark, without Hive or Fallen or even the Vex themselves. They could not have predicted that one of the two beings they forced into their network wasn’t even human or the might of the magic still lingering on her form.

The human they DID predict capturing for their needs, however, was far more easy to capture, if a bit overwhelming in the dark, obsession tinted magic escaping her own, far more familiar form. The Shape the second being had was changing rather rapidly, however, flowing to match the first being in size, shape, and scope of power. Chalking this simulation and experiment up as a failure, which happened rarely in the entire history of the Vex (an incredibly speculative thing, depending on the Guardian you asked), the network attempted to force non-existence on the two beings, a lesson they had learned with Quira’s attempt to simulate Aurash.

Unknowns were far too dangerous to let exist, in any reality.

Unfortunately for the Vex, both beings, and the power they held within their very souls called out to Light and Dark, reaching out to powers that felt familiar and alien to them both and forcing the Vex to enact countermeasures that were based on purely theoretical calculations. The beings, at first having been antagonistic to each other, looked to the other and began reaching out for their opposite, an aura of Light as bright as the hope it inspired trying to grasp a Darkness as deep as the void between the stars.

The Vex would have none of this. And so, they ripped apart the beings, forcing space to warp around them and shunting the Light into the far future where she would be raised in a war torn world, barely kept together by the scraps of power the Gardener had gifted to humanity. The Dark, however, was shoved into a past that aligned with both the Vex’s plans for the universe… and those of The Witness.

“I’ll find you again ----! I swear it!” The Light cried out as a Vex made portal opened out on to a frozen mountaintop, “I promise I’ll find you!!”

And then she was gone.

“----! Help! I-I can’t stop this!!! I don’t want to be alone!!!” The Dark cried out, shadowy crystals beginning to form on her fingertips, “Help me!!!”

And she was forced into a form that mirrored her counterpart’s, a dark amethyst furred body reminiscent of a pony, black furred wings and a long, crooked horn on her head. Tears began falling from her eyes as she screamed in terror…

And then Twilight Sparkle-Bray woke up.