• Published 9th Jun 2022
  • 234 Views, 3 Comments

Meet Me In Ponyville - BrushyBill1881

A Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Romance: Inspired by the song "Meet Me In Montana" by Dan Seals and Marie Osmond, released 1985

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I've Had All Of This Life I Can Handle

It was the morning after Octavia's conversation with Amaranth. She sat in her hotel room, staring at her 5th blank piece of paper. Next to her was a broken pencil and 4 balled up papers. Octavia sighed "Where do I start? I haven't even got past how to address her. Dear Vinyl? Hello friend? Dearest Vinyl? I'm sorry? I love you?" She looked out her window at the wide sky. "I miss the sky over Ponyville." Octavia got up and walked to look out. Looking at the sky she thought about her hometown. "These big building block the view, back home there's nothing to diminish the beauty." she then looked down at the ponies walking the streets. "Nopony seems to listen to the music of the world, not like Vinyl does, and no one ever smiles." Something sparked in her. Octavia turned and looked at the paper. "I think I know what to say."

Las Pegasus

Vinyl was still staring at the same pen and paper the from the night before. She hadn't even touched them yet, wanting to make sure she had all the words in her head first. "I don't even know where to begin." she groaned. "How do I put into words all that happened and what I want to tell her." There was then a knock on her door. "Now what?" she rolled her eyes and opened the door, revealing a pegaus with a letter in hoof.

"Letter for Vinyl Scratch." they handed it over and took off. Vinyl closed the door and looked down at the letter. The envelope read, 'From Octavia Melody,' in a flowing penmanship. Her hooves began to shake. "Calm down Vinyl, it's probably just a postcard from her first stop with the Braylee Orchestra." Her hooves steadied and prepared she opened the envelope. To her surprise there was no post card, but a written letter, and it was definitely Octavia's writing. Shocked, but excited Vinyl sat on her bed and began reading the letter.

"Hello Vinyl,
I hope this letter finds you well and all your dreams have come true. I know it's only been a week or so, but I know how fast and hard you work. Even though you may have found all you ever wanted, I haven't. I didn't get into Braylee, but it's ok. It made me realize it wasn't my true dream. You know I have composed several pieces my self, and honestly so many were inspired by you. Whenever we were together I heard music. I came here hoping that I could share that music with others and hear there own interpretations of it. But it seems that nobody hears it or takes the time to listen. Not like you, you took time and listened, always with a smile. No one smiles here the way you do. So I guess you'll never see me in the Orchestra. But like I said, I don't think it was ever truly my dream. I'd give it all just to see you once more. It is all so hard to put into words, but I do have a question for you." Vinyl's heart was beating rapidly, the words she had just read echoed in her head. She flipped to the back of the page. "Will you meet me in Ponyville? I want to see the green hills in your eyes. I think I have had quite enough of this life, and I want to see you under that beautiful Ponyville sky. There is so much more I want to say, but I want, no I need to say in person. I am leaving for Ponyville on tonights train. I hope to see you at our home.
Yours forever,
Octavia Melody." Vinyl read it ten more times before finally looking up. Tears were streaming down her face, but this time it wasn't from sadness.

"She wrote me. She...she wants to see me..." Vinyl smiled her biggest smile since coming to Las Pegasus. She looked over at her pen and paper. "Inspiring as always Tavi. I know what to say now."


Octavia had stayed in her room all day. She continuously thought over the letter she had sent off.

"Did I properly convey my feelings? I know I didn't say I love you, but that's something I need to say in person. I hope she gets it in time." Just then there was a knock on her door. Jumping off the bed she scrambled to the door opened it quickly. There stood a pegasus.

"Letter for Octavia Melody," they handed over a letter and walked away. Octavia closed the door slowly and walked to her bed staring at the envelope. The back of it read DJ P0N-3 in Vinyl's typical way of signing her autographs. Octavia sighed.

"I guess she made it." She opened the envelope and read.

"I am sorry..." Octavia's heart sunk at those first words.

"She'll probably say she found her dream and won't be coming." she looked back at the letter and continued.

"Let me start over... Dear Tavi." Octavia's heart soared.

"She wrote Tavi. There's hope yet."

"...Dear, dear Tavi,
Where do I begin? Your letter found me, but I don't know how well. We may have last seen each other only a week or so ago, but it has felt like years since then. When I came here I thought I was following my dream, that all I ever wanted was to live it up as a famous DJ. But I don't think that's true anymore. It's been hard. When I left home for Las Pegasus maybe I was looking for a new part to play, since another didn't end like I wanted." At part to play, that sounds familiar to Octavia. She smiled thinking of her older friend.

"She may have a point."

"You always said I didn't think enough, I guess that's true but no one here thinks the way you do. I am sorry you didn't get into Braylee, but you'll always be a musical star to me. Now I guess it's time I let go of my crazy dreams here. I don't know what else to say. The words won't come to me, but I want to meet you Ponyville. I want to see the music in your eyes. I've had all of this life I can handle. I want to walk with you underneath that Ponyville sky. I don't want to be stuck her in this city that they call home. Tavi back home with you is where I want to be.
Always Yours,
Vinyl Scratch." Octavia read the final words and hugged the letter.

"Goodness I need to pack." she scrambled gathering all her belongings and raced to the train station. "When I see her. I am going to tell her."

Las Pegasus

Vinyl didn't have much to pack. As soon as she had sent her letter off, she packed and was waiting for the night train to Ponyville. "When I see her. I am going to tell her."

Author's Note:

Hello y'all,
Well our story is coming to a close. The next chapter should be the last one.
Thank you all to have read and are still reading. A big thanks to the person who gave me my first dislike. I hope to improve as I write more.
-Brushy Bill