• Published 8th Jun 2022
  • 2,614 Views, 192 Comments

TCB: Thera - Joe Toon

What happens if the Conversion Bureau came to the wrong neighborhood and knocked on the wrong door?

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Super Weapons

To Princess Celestia,

In our efforts to offer our support in this war as your ally, I have sent several changeling agents to infiltrate the Theran High Command as you’ve requested. The information we’ve managed to obtain disturbs us to the highest degree and at the cost of many infiltrators. And while I still stand by to plead our case to pursue negotiations to sue for peace, I do agree with you and the rest of our alliance that if we are to survive this conflict it is imperative that we undermine the Theran military’s capabilities to wage war against us. Even more so now that we obtained crucial information that could determine the fate of the war.

Despite our allied expedition’s growing success on a planet wide scale, we have only an estimate of six months, if not a year if we’re lucky before our inevitable defeat. Mind you, this estimate does not take into account the 22 million returning forces of the IUVA but of something more sinister. Attached to this letter are a series of classified documents detailing only four projects of The Apocalypse Arsenal; Thera’s Superweapon research Division. These weapons can and will dictate the fate of the war should they be unleashed upon us. I recommend that we prioritise the destruction of The Apocalypse Arsenal along with whatever they’ve developed before we are all annihilated by the wrath of these weapons.

Your loyal ally and friend,
King Thorax

Project Leviathan

Gifted to us by the Holy Order of Sabak, Project Leviathan is the cultivation of a Crystalline Egg of the infamous Ether Drake. A Titanic Space Dragon roughly the size of a Class F Yellow Dwarf Star. The purpose of this project is to successfully hatch, tame and control this creature with the sole purpose to act as fleet deterrent against the Kalderin Swarm and the planetary bombardment of Swarm infested planets. The relentless fleets of the Swarm along with the near impossible task of recapturing and cleansing lost planets requires a more sustainable option that can save us the manpower and resources to continue our efforts against this living plague upon the galaxy. Its Solar breath and ion charged body are natural counters to the Kalderins’ fungal physiology, ideal for destroying their fleets with ease and cleansing their infesting spores on lost planets without creating permanent damage to the planet’s ecology in the long run.

The incubation of this creature has already started long before it was gifted to us and is expected to hatch within this decade. Imprinting methods to ensure our forces will not be targeted is listed in page 5.

Project Capella Ecaterina

After our victory against the Starcatcher Empire and the acquisition of three planets from the universe Claris 255, much of their technology was salvaged and currently in the process of being reverse-engineered. Project Infinity was initially planned to harness the technology of stellar harvesting but ultimately ended in catastrophe after our efforts resulted in the Ulm system collapsing into a black hole. Realising the potential destructive capability we have at our disposal, Project Sunflower was initiated to oversee system destroyers against foes such as the Mauradan Imperium but were ultimately shelved due to legal and moral ramifications.

However, with the conflict at our doorstep against the magical beings of Equestria, a new project of a similar vein and concept is reopened to counter this threat. Project Capella Ecaterina is to create a miniature singularity for planetary tactical/strategic bombing in hopes to bypass large scale magical shielding and eliminate intended targets such as concentrated armies or cities. Unlike the Nuclear option that most of our galactic allies tend to favour, Project Capella Ecaterina can ensure little to no long term residual radiation after deployment. Admittedly however, it is albeit a more dangerous solution with the risks ranging from gravitational distortions that could destroy our only defence against solar flares to large areas surrounding the detonation imploding as far as an entire star system. Proof of concept however yielded promising results from experimental hand grenades used in the field.

Project Pygmalion

During our interstellar archaeological quest in search for the precursors known as the Cybrex, we located their Home System of Cybrex Alpha; a gigantic ring world circling their star. In its remains was a fully intact Cybrex Warform, albeit removed from all programmed orders to eliminate all organic life.

Project Pygmalion was initiated to replicate this Warform to support ground forces in hopes to replace the outdated landships. However, under advisement of the Holy Order of Sabak and the Commonwealth of Caste, the Warforms are not to be automated like the automatons we possess. Instead, they are to be stripped from all artificial intelligence, which include the endless roots of wires within its inner workings and have its chasey, armour and weaponry maintained to be crewed by two hundred men as a mobile ground fortress. A basic cogitator is to be used for its targeting systems and diagnostic systems. For more details on armaments, logistics and tactical implementations, see attached file for Land Leviathan.

Project Excalibur

Salvaged from the war against the Zuldan Galactic Empire, Project Excalibur is our attempt to reverse-engineer the infamous Colossus; the superweapon designed to destroy planets with a single charge. The development team however agreed that such a weapon to be used to destroy planets is unethical except for the most dire circumstances. (See Unknown Galactic incursion incident.)

As a result, Project Excalibur is to be used as a tactical strike weapon and was considered as an alternative to Project Capella Ecaterina were it not for the cost of resources and power. It involves a concentrated blast of a massive electrical charge fired from an enlarged version of our Tesla Cannons built around a Colossus from orbit. The idea of the weapon is to minimise environmental damage whilst effectively eliminating all electricity conductive targets atop other functions such as a discharge of an Electro-Magnetic Field to shutdown all electrical devices beyond its targeted radius. The amount of power towards the use of this weapon can bypass every energy based shielding along with non-conductive armour, a perfect counter against the Equestrian Forces. The Project’s completion however is delayed by several months due to increasing hostilities in our border between the Rixian Corsairs, which is too close to our designated shipyard for the construction of Project Excalibur. Therefore while it does pose a risk being too close to the Equestrian Front, the Mars Colony was chosen to oversee the construction of the Project.

Celestia studied the files in front of her, frowning at what she read. She takes out a scroll and begins to write a letter.

To Twilight,

Prepare to have Project Blue on standby.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delays, ladies and gents. It has not been easy writing five chapters at once. Hope you enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you think.
Special thanks to Harmony Muse for the naming suggestion.

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