• Published 25th Jun 2022
  • 217 Views, 4 Comments

Chrysalis's gauntlet dark legacy - Crimson_EXE

Crossover between My Little pony and gauntlet dark legacy

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Chapter 1 New world new start

Several minutes after Queen Chrysalis was turned to stone.

Queen Chrysalis POV

I can't believe I was beat by the princesses and discord (sighs) maybe I should have joined my children at least then I wouldn't be stuck in this statue for all eternity (sighs again) oh well nothing for it now.

Hello there, I hear a deep voice stay from all around me

Who's there show yourself!?

Suddenly I see a bright flash and then floating right in front of me is what appears to be a magical projection of a bipedal creature with a wizards hat and robes

"I am sumner I was looking around the eight realms for creatures who can help me defeat scorn and somehow don't ask me how I came across this new realm and found your mindscape and heard about your predicament I can free you from your Stony prison but it will cost you several things." Sumner warned.

"What will it cost me?" I asked the wizard.

"For one it'll cost you your current form you will no longer be a quadruped you will be bipedal such as all the heroes I'm gathering, second I do not know where in the eight realms you will wind up so you better be ready to either fight or hide for the eight realms are dangerous at the current time, third your diet will probably change from whatever it is now to omnivorous and the last one you will have to work alongside the only other hero that I have found so far a blue knight by the name of 10000k." Replied sumner.

"That is a strange name even for pony standards." I noticed.

"Yes well it's just a nickname that his friends give him his real name is Sean but you will have to ask him why his friends call him that." Sumner replied.

"All right I will and I accept these so-called prices." I told him.

"Very well I will start the spell at once it might take a while to be finished so just be patient."told me.

He was about to leave when he turned around as if he remembered something and said ."oh almost forgot once I bring you here you might not be able to return to this realm at least not as your current form!"

"Now that, that has been mentioned do you still wish for me to free you and bring you to the eight realms?" He asked after the information dump.

"To get out of this Stone prison I'll do almost anything doesn't matter how high the price is." I told him.

"Very well then I will start right away on the spell." He replied.

And with those last words he disappeared.

I don't know how long it was after encounter with Sumner it could have been minutes, hours, days but after a while a bright light surrounded me next thing I know I hear what I can only guess is the voice of Sumner announcing. "Welcome green changeling!"

Then he announced. "You are now entering the poisoned fields!"

The next thing I know I'm in some sort of grassy field with a few barrels and what looks like a tombstone further up The path I also noticed that I don't appear to have any weapons I mean Sumner did say these areas were dangerous but then again I do know magic so I can probably blast some of the creatures that come my way with some magic blasts.

meanwhile Sumner's Tower 10000K's AKA Sean's POV

After agreeing to help Sumner there was a blight flash and I suddenly find myself in a tower.

Just then I hear Sumner say."welcome mighty heros!

The evil mage garm has broken into my tower use the runestones to summon the demon skorne.

Skorne broke Free from garm's control and destroyed him.

Skorne has unleashed his minions upon the land and has scattered the runestones across the eight realms. Now he has sealed himself in the desecrated Temple.

The entrance is protected by eight magical shards. Each is in the possession of one of skorne's mighty guardians.

You must travel to each of the eight realms, fight your way through Skorne's minions, and defeat his guardians.

Only after obtaining all eight shards can you enter the desecrated Temple and banish Skorne to the underworld.

Skorne has sealed the entrance to each realm with a magical shield. Throughout the land you will find crystals which will enable you to remove the shields.

I have summoned to my tower enough crystals to unlock one of the realms, The Forsaken province.

(If you don't know the Forsaken province is a realm infested with zombies and crawling with maggots and the buildings have a similar look to ponyville only on fire and holes in the walls the only difference is there's also a graveyard and a mausoleum.)

Go now, the fate of the realms is in your hands!

Also be on the lookout for a equine like creature with a turquoise main, tail and green snake like eyes she will be your Ally on this adventure."

Sumner then waves his hand to my left were several orange crystals appear.

I nod to Sumner and grab the crystals.
I then heard sumner say. "congratulations you now have enough crystals to enter The Forsaken province."
I then headed to the forsaken province magical shield to deactivate it. I then head through the gate to the first portal once I enter the portal I hear Sumner's voice say. "You are now entering the poisoned fields."

I find myself in a grassy area with what looks to be barrels I also spy the creature that sumner mentioned from where I stand not only does she have a turquoise mane and tail but instead of normal skin she seems to have extremely dark gray or black what looks to be chitin she also seems to have wings like a cicada but with lots of holes and rips. She also seems to be wearing a green dress that looks similar to a cocoon black holey arm sleeves and black holey leggings

I then noticed that she's using magical blasts to take care of the minions but not destroying the generator.

Realizing she probably doesn't know you have to destroy the generator to stop the the minions from spawning.
I ran up next to her and said."you need to destroy the generator to stop them from spawning!"
(which changes depending on what realm you're in such as a gravestone in The Forsaken province.)

I then Target the generator and destroy it stopping more minions from spawning.

She then turns me and asks. "You must be Sean am I correct?"

"Yes but my friends call me 10000K." I reply back.

"Why do they call you that it seems strange to call a friend by a number?" She asked me.

"Oh that would be because at the beginning of each area of a realm somehow enter with that much gold I'm not sure how it works but it does." I reply.

"Well that's an interesting ability." she replies to my answer.

"Yes it is."I answer. "Now enough about me what is your name?"

"Oh yes my name is Chrysalis." she answers.

"All right chrysalis shall we be on our way?" I asked.

"Yes let's." She answers.

And so our journey begins to save the world from the evil demon Skorne.

Author's Note:

If you're wondering where the name 10000K is from it's actually a cheat code for gauntlet dark legacy which gives you $10,000 gold per level