• Published 10th Jun 2022
  • 301 Views, 1 Comments

Friendship is OP! - The Cowardly Christian

Major AU! What if it was not just Sabo, Luffy and Ace kicking it at the Dawn islands? What if a Twilight Sparkle was among them from the beginning? And what if a certain RAINBOOM happened the day of the Grey Terminal fire?

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chapter 1

Friendship is OP!





Screamed the infamous Pirate Yonko 'Red Haired Shanks' as he chased his little would-be-sucessor Monkey D. Luffy.

"But I wanna drink!" Shouted the little boy as he ran through the streets of Foosha Village.

"SHANKS! I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR DAMN BOOZE AWAY FROM LUFFY!" Shouted the local barmaid Makino as she in turn chased Shanks while waking him on the head with a broom!






Shouted Shanks between whacks as he kept running after Luffy.

(insert Benny Hill Chase Theme)

"Where the devil is that music coming from?" Asked Woop Slap out-loud confused, but he was distracted from that thought as the aforementioned trio knocked down his mailbox as they ran past-

"HOODLUMS!" He screamed after them!

But he wasn't the only one confused, everyone also was looking around baffled for the source of the mysterious- yet catchy -music.


(music abruptly stops with a record scratch)


Save for the three too busy with chasing each other, naturally.

But even they were stunned to find themselves crashing into something that actually knocked all THREE of them back!

Although briefly stunned they all looked up...

Shanks had seen many crazy things, both while under the leadership of the Pirate King and during his years of being a Yonko...but a tiny purple unicorn Filly...well, not the STRANGEST thing...but it was certainly out of place HERE...

He blinked, "What the-

"KAWAII!" Screamed Makino, having a much different reaction...

As for Luffy...




Twilight screamed in terror as Luffy brought his giant chompers on her flank. She ran in fear of her life as Luffy chased her hungrily.

(Benny Hill music starts up again...)

"LUFFY! NO!" Shouted the two adults as they once again chased after him through the town...

...Many months later...

"And that's how I got a new little sister!" Shouted Luffy triumphantly.

Sabo and Ace just looked at Luffy and the little purple unicorn skeptically.

According to her, she find herself whisked away from her own 'world' and find herself on their island with nothing but a satchel, a beginners guide to magic and a dragon egg...

She grunted with effort as she made her horn glow...and used her magic to make the book pages move...

Finally Ace just shrugged, "Eh, I guess we could use a pack mule...just make sure she doesn't screw up things for us and we'll let her come..."

"DEAL!" Shouts Luffy.

"Wait, what?!" Shouted Twilight. She only went around with this nutjob because he wouldn't leave her alone!...also that Garp man and Makino woman were nice to her...

But apparently the deal was done, her opinion didn't matter and she suddenly found herself nearly crushed by a ton of 'borrowed' items and made to march up the trail in the boiling heat...

"Oh...stranded on a strange world...no way to reach my family...and now I'm stuck with these nutjobs...we'll at least this can't get worse..."

...much later...

"Okay, I brought this on myself..." Mused Twilight as she was surrounded by fire...

"You should've allowed yourself to be my toy when you had the chance! Now burn you ungrateful freak!" Shouted Sterry from the top of the wall of Goa.

Twilight pointedly ignored his taunts as she tried to focus on the situation...

The Grey Terminal was on fire, the 'nobles' were laughing and jeering as the poor denizens of the junkyard died in agony, all around her people were trapped...sobbing and begging to not die...

"Oh, darling is there any chance we can salvage her fur after the blaze? It would make such a darling coat!" Asked Lady Didit...

Twilight hugged her egg, she didn't know if it was heatstroke but she could SWEAR she could feel fear emanate from the life inside it...

She pushed her magic to the limits...but it just wasn't enough! The fire was too strong!

Outlook the Third looked thoughtful, "Well, I'll have the servants give it a go...if nothing else I can mount her skeleton in my parlor- he chuckled -won't that make a nice conversation piece! Perhaps I can even give it to Saint Jalmack as a gift? HA! Now that would be something!"

Twilight bristled...people were DYING...and they were making jokes? Drinking wine? SOCIAL CLIMBING?!

Deep inside Twilight something began to stir...something that pony-kind had only ever seen 'glimpses' of during the time of the Three Tribes...but even then it only ever got to 'hissy fit' levels...

The pure purple magic of her horn got a twinge of dark to it...

As HATE began to rise from her heart...


So great was both the fires around and within her heart...she almost didn't see the strange rainbow-colored explosion that shattered the sky-


What she DID see was the rainbow's ambient energy OVERLOADING her already strained magic-


Went the fire as it was transferred from the Grey Terminal to the Goa Capital.


Said Sterry before he his parents and every other noble in that Sodom and Gomorrah forsaken town was turned into a potted plant...that fell right into the flames...


Went Twilight's egg-


Went the cuddly little baby drake as suddenly grew into a GIANT monster and was teleported many miles away-

Oh, shi-

Said Saint Jalmack right before the soon to be dubbed 'Spikezilla' devoured him AND his ship...

...much later...

"Dang kids! Can't leave you alone for a moment without kicking over a dang hornets nest!" Shouted an aggravated Monkey D. Garp(AKA 'The Hero of the Marines') as his personal ship fled from the Dawn Island as if the devil himself was on it.

"Wait! We need to go back for Sabo!" Shouted Ace! Luffy was equally frantic, Twilight...was surprisingly being very quietly in the corner, looking to be in deep thought as she nursed her newly adopted son 'Spike'. Garp didn't know WHY...but this concerned him the most...

But in any case, he puts that aside for now and focuses on the boys. "Don't worry about Sabo he's in good hands." For ONCE, he was actually glad to see his 'd- among other things -taken a still unconscious Sabo.

"But nevermind that now. Right now we need to discuss your situation."

"Forget that, why aren't you arresting those noble jerks!? THEY TRIED TO KILL EVERYONE!" Shouted Ace. "YEAH!" Shouted Luffy in agreement.

Garp groaned, he was going to have to approach this delicately or any chance of them becoming Marines and kept safe would vanish...

"Well for one thing...their all dead. I'm pretty sure Twilight killed them all." He spares Twilight a glance to take in her reaction...but there wasn't one...she just seemingly goes more deeply into thought...

Garp...didn't know what to think of that. The people- Well, the people he dealt with on a daily basis at least - of this world were by far a very REACTIVE people. It was all yell, yell, punch, SMASH...but this...this was NEW...Garp knew how to deal with the former...but THIS...he just didn't know...

...On the other hand; this might just be a GIRL thing. In which case you couldn't pay him to touch THAT minefield with a ten foot pole!

As he tried to quite the boys concerns and further dodge anymore awkward questions...his mind raced as he thought over their situation...

Well first card on the table; they couldn't be on Dawn island anymore...heck, he wouldn't be surprised if the Gorosei did a Buster call on the whole ding dang island to cover up this fiasco. He paused to silently thank his deadbeat son for evacuating everyone in time...

But he couldn't worry about that right now, the priority was making sure no one knew of Twilight or the boys involvement in this clusterf***.

Thankfully, the sheer insanity of what happened would make it easy to discredit and obscure any nuggets of truth that showed what REALLY happened there.

'I mean, a purple, magic UNICORN shutting of a blazing inferno, turning people into potted plants AND summoning a giant Kaiju? I mean, who'd in their right mind believe that?', thinks Garp to himself.




Garp looked over at his Den Den Mushi surprised, now who could be calling him at this hour?


His confusion turned to panic as strange energy starts to spark from the snail, it's eyes start to glow and-

"What the freak?!" Shouted Garp as he frantically thought: 'My snail isn't a visual variant!'

But such confusion was replaced by disbelieving horror as the snail began to project EVERYTHING that happened at the Grey Terminal fire!

Ace, Luffy and Twilight watched amazed while Garp just groaned...

Garp would be in an even worse stat when he learned that this was going out to EVERY snail in the WORLD...

But that wouldn't even be the BIGGEST shock that night...

"Hell world...I am 'Anonymous.' And I am here to show you the truth."

For that was the day...both the age of Roger AND the world government...would begin it's SwanSong...



Author's Note:



AN: Want me to continue this? I'm willing to take Bribes! Go to my P,a,t,r,e,o,n account!

Feel like I'm writing too slow? Feel free to adopt!

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