• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 2,080 Views, 9 Comments

Mare-Do-Well: The Last Laugh - BringBackSonicSatAM

A Mare-Do-Well retelling of the Batman: the Animated Series episode "The Last Laugh"

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The Last Laugh

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Lauren Faust, The Hub, and Hasbro, while Batman: The Animated Series is copyright of Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, Warner Bros. Entertainment, and DC Comics. Nothing here is owned by me.

Well, folks, it’s time to begin the newest Mare-Do-Well re-write of a B:TAS episode, based on one of my favorite Joker episodes, so sit back and hope you enjoy the laughter and chaos that’s inevitably to come from this.

The Last Laugh

It was a beautiful, if hectic, morning at the Manehattan waterfront district as newspaper delivery trucks were busy dumping their cargo at nearby newsstands and grocery stores, the top headline of the day wishing a happy April Foal’s Day to the city. In the river itself, a garbage barge silently made its way across the water, being piloted by a draconequus with an orange horse’s head, the wings of a green dragon, the right leg and torso of a minotaur, the left leg of a chicken, the right arm of a diamond dog, the left arm of a timberwolf, and a lion’s tail wearing a sailor’s cap on his head. Gaseous fumes rose from the garbage barge as it made its way underneath the Manehattan Bridge.

On the bridge, an armored truck was making its way across the bridge when its brown pegasus driver suddenly wrinkled his nose at the horrible smell he was sensing. “PU,” the pegasus said in disgust, looking out his window to see the garbage barge passing below him. “Of all the disgusting-!” Just then, the pegasus started laughing uncontrollably as he suddenly began driving erratically, barely avoiding colliding with the rest of the traffic on the bridge.

The armored truck soon zoomed past a pair of earth ponies busy painting the bridge, barely avoiding swiping them. “Look out, you crazy maniac!” one of the earth ponies shouted angrily, shaking his hoof at the pegasus driver of the armored truck. Just then, the two of them caught a whiff of the fumes from the garbage barge as well, causing them to begin laughing uncontrollably as well. The armored truck driver, meanwhile, continued laughing madly as he leaned out the car door of the vehicle, crashing through a toll booth barrier that was currently down to block traffic as the bridge was opening to let the garbage barge pass. The pegasus, laughing his head off, soon managed to land on the edge of the bridge just in time as the armored truck crashed down into the waters below, the garbage barge floating past with barely any notice at all.

At Sparkle Mansion, Twilight Sparkle gazed into her bathroom mirror as she began levitating a comb into the air to do her mane. “Ouch,” the purple unicorn said as the comb soon became caught in a tangle in her hair.

“Rough night of crime-fighting, Mistress Twilight?” asked Rarity, appearing in the bathroom doorway with a bathrobe ready for the other unicorn.

“Very,” confirmed Twilight as she finally managed to undo the tangle in her mane.

“Well, then, I guess you’ll be happy to know that I’ve drawn you a bath,” replied Rarity smiling. Twilight soon made her way over to the bathtub, only to find it completely empty with barely a drop coming from the faucet.

“Rarity?” asked Twilight confused.

“It’s just what I said, Mistress Twilight,” the other unicorn answered, holding up a piece of paper with a drawing of a bathtub on it. “I’ve drawn you a bath.” Twilight gazed at Rarity disbelievingly. “Sorry, Mistress Twilight,” continued Rarity apologetically, “but it is April Foal’s Day, and I couldn’t resist pulling off one small prank.”

“Very funny, Rarity,” said Twilight unamused as she made her way to the shower. “I guess I’ll just have to take a shower.”

“Not a funny bone in her entire body,” observed Rarity sadly.

The bathroom soon began filling up with the sound of hot water being blasted out of the shower head as Twilight began her shower. “Hey, Rarity, turn on the radio, please?” requested Twilight, leaning her head from behind the curtain.

“Right away,” the snow-white unicorn answered, turning on a nearby radio as it began reporting the news.

…Traffic on the Manehattan Expressway has been reduced to a standstill after a trailer full of eggs turned over thirty minutes ago,” the voice on the radio reported as Twilight continued taking her shower. “This just in: The Manehattan Police Dept. is investigating a series of near-fatal accidents along the waterfront area. Initial reports indicate that hundreds of Manehattanites have been acting like total laughing foals. More details as they become available.” Twilight’s eyes widened upon hearing this as she turned off the shower.

“Sounds like a rather dirty April Foal’s prank,” said Rarity disgustingly as she handed over the bathrobe to Twilight.

“Worse than that, Rarity,” replied Twilight darkly. “Sounds like…Discord!”

Back at the waterfront, a submarine secretly attached below the garbage barge watched as the armored truck sunk to the water floor. The bottom of the hull soon opened up as a familiar-looking unicorn and earth pony pair emerged from the opening, swimming over to the armored truck and emptying its contents into burlap sacks.

Inside the submarine, a certain draconequus was listening to same radio report about the “laughing foals” that Twilight was. “At this hour, Manehattan is in the grip of insanity,” the radio announced as the figure began spraying himself with perfume in the mirror. “Everywhere, ponies are turning into lunatics. The latest reports say that the wave of foolish hysteria is moving down 7th Avenue towards-” at this point, the announcer on the radio tried and failed to repress an audible snort of amusement, “towards the financial district. HAHAHAHAHA!” The radio announcer soon burst out into a full-on mad laughter as Discord finally finished spraying himself with perfume.

“That’s my cue!” the draconequus announced joyfully as he turned away from the mirror.

Soon, the garbage barge was floating past the financial district. A periscope soon poked out through the garbage as Discord began looking for a place to dock. “Heh-Heh, perfect!” the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony chuckled darkly as the barge finally docked at a nearby pier.

The top of the garbage barge soon opened up, revealing Discord, his unicorn and earth henchponies, and the draconequus wearing the sailor’s cap. Discord was wearing a glass bowl around his head, while his henchponies were wearing clown masks with air filterers to avoid breathing in the gas that had been spread throughout Manehattan by the garbage barge. All three were pushing shopping carts as they made their way up to the surface.

“Shame Pinkie couldn’t be here due to having to stay for ‘treatment’ in Dysart,” said Discord disappointed as he looked around. “Oh, well, I can always give her some jewelry to make up for it. Now, everypony remember where we parked!” Discord instructed as the unicorn and earth pony made their way up the gangplank to the pier. He soon turned to the other draconequus: “Keep an eye on the vehicle, will you, Captain Draconequus?” The other draconequus saluted in response as Discord made his up the gangplank to join his henchponies. “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!”

In the Manehattan financial district, the ponies were busy going about their daily lives when the gas being spread by Discord’s garbage barge made its way into the city. The ponies soon began laughing madly, smashing nearby store windows and performing other outrageous acts as Discord and his henchponies entered the scene. “Would you look at that,” the draconequus grinned happily. “All this chaos around us, and I didn’t even have to lift a finger.” The criminals soon made their way through the laughing crowd, smashing windows and taking the goods within them and robbing ponies of their wallets and jewelry in plain sight of them, their victims too busy laughing in pain to do anything to prevent it. “Talk about a sidewalk sale!” laughed Discord, smashing a nearby jewelry store window and emptying its contents into his shopping cart. “Who says crime doesn’t pay?”

Inside Mare-Do-Well’s underground lair, the unicorn had launched a weather balloon with an air quality detector in hopes of discovering the components of Discord’s laughing gas. Mare-Do-Well had just begun using a blowtorch to make an improved version of her gas mask when her crime computer suddenly began blinking, indicating that its analysis of the gas was complete.

Air borne gas emanating from waterfront district,” the crime computer announced. “Analysis: Lengthy exposure to the gas will result in permanent insanity.” Mare-Do-Well soon made her way over to the crime computer and pressed the communications button, allowing her to speak with Rarity upstairs.

“Rarity: I left the hex key in the den upstairs,” the unicorn announced. “Could you bring it down?”

“Oh, go get it yourself,” Rarity’s voice replied over the communicator mockingly before giving Mare-Do-Well a raspberry.

“Very funny, Rarity,” said Mare-Do-Well unamused, “but we don’t have any time to play.” Just then, however, Mare-Do-Well was suddenly distracted by the sound of china breaking over communicator. “RARITY!” exclaimed Mare-Do-Well, taking her new gas mask and teleporting up the lair’s steps towards Sparkle Mansion.

The unicorn heroine soon arrived to find Rarity swinging a broom around laughing madly as Discord’s gas was coming in through an open window. “Just a little spring cleaning, Mistress Twilight,” Rarity explained between laughs as she swung her broom at an empty vase on the shelf, causing it to fall to the floor with a crash.

“The gas!” Mare-Do-Well realized, putting on the gas mask before she could be affected by it. The heroine then ran over to Rarity and tore the broom out of the other unicorn’s hooves before she could use it to destroy any more antiques. Nonplussed, Rarity soon ran over to a nearby antique vase and, telekinetically lifting it up into the air, smashed it against the floor before collapsing and continuing to laugh insanely.

Mare-Do-Well soon made her way over to her oldest friend. “I’m sorry, Mistress Twilight- Hahaha- I seem to have come down- Haha- with a bad case of the- Hahaha- giggles!” Rarity exclaimed as she continued laughing.

Mare-Do-Well could only stare at Rarity sadly as the final words of the crime computer came back to her: “Warning: Lengthy exposure to the gas will result in permanent insanity.” The unicorn glared underneath her mask as she silently vowed then and there to stop Discord before he made any more ponies as insane and chaotic as himself.

Minutes later, Mare-Do-Well was speeding through the waters of the Manehattan River in the Mare-boat, the unicorn heroine’s chief source of aquatic transportation. The vigilante soon glared beneath her mask as she saw Discord’s garbage barge come into view in front of her.

Meanwhile, chaos was still reigning in the streets of Manehattan as ponies were laughing madly and acting insanely as Discord’s gas continued wafting through the city. In front of the Manehattan Stock Exchange, Lyra Heartstrings and a camerapony for Channel 5 News were wearing gas masks as they covered the situation unfolding around them.

“Okay, let’s get this over with quickly, this is giving me the creeps,” the sea-green unicorn said to her companion as the camerapony began rolling the film. With that, Lyra began reporting into the camera: “This is Lyra Heartstrings, reporting live in downtown Manehattan, where corporate CEOs have gone stark-raving mad.” The camerapony soon turned his camera up to the electronic ticker tape above the stock exchange entrance, which rather than showing the rise and decline of stocks, was displaying various gibberish as Lyra continued: “It would appear that the collapse of the stock market is now imminent. The question is: Will April Foal’s Day mark the end of Manehattan as we know it?”

Watching Lyra’s report on a small television in his submarine, Discord chuckled as he turned the television off. “The only things gaining in the stock market now are the laughingstocks!” grinned the draconequus, laughing at his own joke as his unicorn and earth henchponies simply rolled their eyes in response.

However, at that moment, Mare-Do-Well pressed a button on the Mare-boat’s control panel, causing a harpoon and tow cable to launch from the boat and attach itself to Discord’s garbage barge, causing it and the submarine below to jerk back, throwing off Discord and his henchponies. Getting up, Discord scowled as he made his way over to the periscope and began looking into it. Gazing around the surface, the draconequus wasn’t able to find anything at first until he turned the periscope around to find Mare-Do-Well standing right in front of it wearing her gas mask, the unicorn vigilante soon slamming her hoof into the periscope, the force of her blow causing it to knock Discord over onto his back. “Get her!” the draconequus yelled at his henchponies as the two of them put on their clown breathing masks and began heading up to the barge to deal with Mare-Do-Well.

Up on the garbage barge, Mare-Do-Well had just set the Mare-boat on autopilot to take the garbage barge away from Manehattan when she heard a familiar voice behind her. “Well, look who’s come to trash the place,” sneered Discord as his unicorn and earth henchponies and the draconequus wearing the sailor’s cap came up from behind him.

“A fitting setting for someone like you, Discord,” replied Mare-Do-Well, glaring at her archnemesis.

“Oh, you know me,” replied Discord nonchalantly. “I just love to get down and dirty!” He soon turned to his two henchponies: “Oh, boys: It’s playtime!”

“It’s about time!” replied the earth pony, pounding his hooves together.

“What’re we waiting for?” sneered the unicorn, telekinetically grabbing a nearby crowbar and taking a few practice swings with it.

Immediately the earth pony began charging towards Mare-Do-Well, who merely teleported out of the way, causing the earth pony to slam his head against the periscope. The unicorn henchpony soon began telekinetically swinging his crowbar at Mare-Do-Well, but the vigilante merely dodged the stallion’s erratic swings, then telekinetically grabbed the crowbar herself and took control of it, flinging the henchpony onto his earth pony companion.

Discord just tsked disappointedly as he watched all this. “You’re a real party pooper, you know that, Mare-Do-Well?” the draconequus called out. “Why don’t you take that silly gas mask off and have a few laughs? Hahahaha!” the draconequus cackled, amused at his own joke.

“Cut the clowning, Discord,” replied Mare-Do-Well, making her way over to Discord.

Meanwhile, the draconequus wearing the sailor’s cap had made his way over to the tow cable and with very little effort, soon managed to snap the cable in two, causing the Mare-boat to zoom away from the garbage barge. The draconequus soon turned back towards Discord and Mare-Do-Well.

“Get her,” Discord instructed to the other draconequus, pointing towards Mare-Do-Well. Immediately, the draconequus approached Mare-Do-Well, raising its arms menacingly. The unicorn attempted to slam her hoof into her opponent’s chest, only to shake it in pain as it banged against the draconequus’ metallic chest. “A robot?” Mare-Do-Well asked confused.

Discord tsked again as the robotic draconequus grabbed Mare-Do-Well and lifted the unicorn vigilante into the air. “You shouldn’t have made Captain Draconequus mad, Mare-Do-Well,” the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony scolded as Captain Draconequus began spinning Mare-Do-Well into the air, leaving the unicorn feeling quite dizzy. “Time to take out the garbage!” grinned Discord, placing a trashcan with a Ziploc-sealed cover similar to one of Hoofdini’s most famous escapes near Captain Draconequus, who immediately slammed Mare-Do-Well into the trashcan as Discord placed on the cover and set the seals in place.

The unicorn and earth henchponies soon got up and made their way over to Discord and Captain Draconequus as the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony snapped his eagle talon, causing a knife to appear out of nowhere in it. “We wouldn’t want our little caged vigilante to suffocate now, would we?” Discord asked his henchponies who shook their heads in agreement. “I didn’t think so, so we’ll just ‘punch’ some air holes in!” Discord began laughing uproariously as he began stabbing the knife into various areas of the garbage can, Mare-Do-Well barely able to avoid the knife strikes in her cramped position.

Once Discord was done stabbing at the garbage can, he soon turned to Captain Draconequus as he snapped his eagle talon, causing an admiral’s outfit to magically appear on him: “Okay, Captain, give it the ol’ heave-ho!” Discord instructed to the draconequus robot, who saluted in reply as he grabbed the garbage can and tossed it into the Manehattan River. Water soon began seeping into the garbage can from the holes Discord had stabbed into the garbage can, causing water to begin pouring onto Mare-Do-Well as the garbage can sunk below the surface.

From the garbage barge, Discord, still in his admiral’s outfit, watched all this via a spyglass. “Oh dear,” the draconequus realized in mock sorrow. “Looks like our air holes are water holes too: what a shame!” Discord soon began laughing madly as the garbage can containing Mare-Do-Well continued sinking towards the bottom of the Manehattan River.

The garbage barge soon passed where the can had landed as Discord saw the air bubbles that marked the only trace of Mare-Do-Well left as Captain Draconequus stood by his side. “I never knew Mare-Do-Well could sink so low,” the draconequus muttered disappointed towards his mechanical counterpart as he placed his eagle talon on Captain Draconequus’ diamond dog shoulder. “You know, Captain Draconequus, I think this could mark the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Maybe I should just dump Pinkie Pie and have you be my chief henchman instead.” Discord began chuckling in amusement at the thought of this as the garbage barge made its way past the quickly fading air bubbles.

As the garbage can holding Mare-Do-Well continued sinking, the unicorn vigilante attempted to telekinetically lift up the cover, only to realize that the Ziploc-seal was magically-enforced to prevent such an escape. Getting an idea, the unicorn soon took a deep breath as the rapidly rising water reached her gas mask before getting out the autopilot remote for the Mare-boat. The Mare-boat soon dove beneath the sea as it made its way towards where the garbage can had just landed on the river floor. Mare-Do-Well soon pressed another button on the remote as the Mare-boat began firing laser beams at the garbage can, the second one searing off the top corner of the can and allowing Mare-Do-Well to swim up the surface to safety.

Once Mare-Do-Well broke the surface, she soon removed her gas mask and the bottom half of her stocking-mask and took in a breath of fresh air as she watched Discord’s garbage barge fade into the distance. “You want to play dirty, Discord?” said the unicorn. “Fine, then we’ll play dirty.”

At the Grunge Waste Disposal Plant, Discord, out of his admiral’s outfit, approached a giant pair of tanks with hoses attached to them being held by the unicorn and earth henchponies. “Get ready, boys,” the draconequus instructed towards his henchponies as he flipped a nearby switch. “Here it comes!” Immediately, a green chemical began bursting out from the hoses as the henchponies began spraying it onto the trash on board the garbage barge. “This’ll give those April Foals a lot more smiles per gallon,” chuckled Discord as he watched the chemicals being sprayed onto the garbage. “Who’d have thought that the same chemicals that made me the happy draconequus I am today could be used to show Manehattan the joy of chaos?”

Nearby, Mare-Do-Well, back in her gas mask, silently levitated a sharp stone and sent it ripping through the two hoses, causing them to spray the unicorn and earth henchponies and knock them to the ground. “What’re you foals doing?” Discord asked annoyed, turning around, only to have his eyes widen in shock as he saw Mare-Do-Well standing over the two henchponies. “Mare-Do-Well!” shouted Discord in irritation. “Why won’t you stay dead?!”

The unicorn henchpony soon got up and leapt towards Mare-Do-Well, who merely stepped aside as she telekinetically removed the unicorn’s clown mask. No longer protected from Discord’s laughing gas, the unicorn began laughing madly as soon as he landed on the ground. Seeing this, the earth pony ran up to Mare-Do-Well, swinging his hooves at her. The unicorn heroine simply sidestepped his blows, then telekinetically removed the earth pony’s clown mask as well, just as he grabbed Mare-Do-Well by neck with his hooves. The earth henchpony attempted to choke Mare-Do-Well for a few seconds before releasing her as he began snorting and chortling in laughter himself.

Suddenly, Mare-Do-Well heard a familiar clanking noise behind her as she turned to see Captain Draconequus approaching her menacingly. Picking up a nearby steel pipe, the unicorn attempted to telekinetically swing it at the draconequus robot, only to find her blows seemingly had no effect on it. Avoiding an attempt by Captain Draconequus to grab her with its arms, Mare-Do-Well soon swung the pipe up underneath Captain Draconequus, causing the robot to fall over on its side as Mare-Do-Well began running towards a conveyer belt and trash compacter, having come up with an idea to finish off the mechanical terror.

Just as Mare-Do-Well teleported onto the conveyer belt, Captain Draconequus suddenly reached out and grabbed the unicorn heroine by the cape, choking her. The vigilante attempted to swing her pipe at the robot’s head, but all that succeeded in doing was knocking Captain Draconequus’ sailor’s hat off. “Hey, Mare-Do-Well!” shouted Discord. “I think Captain Draconequus is really getting attached to you!”

With great effort, Mare-Do-Well eventually managed to shake herself free of her cape, and teleported herself onto the top of the trash compacter as Captain Draconequus followed after her. With as much force as she could muster, the capeless unicorn telekinetically swung her steel pipe at the artificial draconequus’ head, shattering its orange horse head and revealing the actual robot head underneath. As Captain Draconequus continued to approach her, Mare-Do-Well, soon swung the pipe at the robot’s feet, upsetting its balance and causing it to fall into the compacter. Mare-Do-Well sighed in relief, only to have her eyes widen in shock as she saw Captain Draconequus begin to make his way out of the compacter. Acting quickly, the unicorn soon teleported over to the lever that controlled the trash compacter and telekinetically pulled it, activating the compacter. A few seconds later, all that remained of Captain Draconequus was a giant trash cube.

Discord watched all this with a mixture of shock and disappointment. “You killed Captain Draconequus…YOU KILLED CAPTAIN DRACONEQUUS!” Discord shouted angrily. “Just for that, Mare-Do-Well…” Discord soon snapped his eagle talon, causing a ton of garbage to suddenly appear above Mare-Do-Well, burying the unicorn heroine. She soon poked her head out of the garbage in time to see Discord riding Captain Draconequus’ remains on the conveyer belt into the waste disposal building itself. “Hey, Mare-Do-Well!” shouted Discord. “You stink! I can smell you all the way from here! PU! Pew, pew, pew!” Discord laughed madly as the conveyer belt took him into the garbage plant.

Making her way out of the garbage, Mare-Do-Well soon teleported herself onto the conveyer belt as she began galloping after the draconequus at top speed, removing her gas mask as she entered the garbage plant.

She soon caught up with Discord as they reached the end of the conveyer belt. Mare-Do-Well attempted to leap at the draconequus, but Discord merely grabbed a nearby cable to pull himself up to safety, causing Mare-Do-Well to land on the trash cube that was formerly Captain Draconequus. Eyes widening in shock as the cube began sliding towards the toxic garbage juices below, the unicorn soon leapt up, catching a nearby tub and making her way up into it as she watched Captain Draconequus’ remains fall into the trash juices below.

Suddenly, Mare-Do-Well’s eyes widened in shock as from the rafters, Discord began swinging giant steel crane hooks at the tub, causing the masked unicorn to shake from the vibrations caused with the collisions with the tub. Thinking quickly, Mare-Do-Well soon telekinetically grabbed one of the hooks as it approached the tub and leapt onto it, using it to swing over to Discord. Nonplussed, the draconequus simply snapped his eagle talon, causing the pulley to which the hook was attached to release the cable, sending Mare-Do-Well plummeting down towards the trash juices. Equally nonplussed, the unicorn heroine simply leapt on a nearby giant gear as the hook fell past it, using it to leap onto the same rafter Discord was.

Glaring at how Mare-Do-Well had managed to escape his trap, Discord soon began running over to the garbage chute leading to the furnace. Mock-holding his nose with his lion paw like a diver, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony soon leapt into the chute, sliding down it on his stomach. Mare-Do-Well soon leapt into the chute after him.

Once Discord had reached the end of the chute, he soon grabbed a nearby cable and used it to swing over the flames to the furnace controls. “YEE-HAW!” the draconequus yelled like a cowpony, the appropriate hat appearing on his head as he did so.

Seeing the fiery furnace below her, Mare-Do-Well’s eyes widened in shock as the unicorn attempted to slow her descent by pushing her hooves against the chute. As she slid out, the masked heroine was barely able to grab onto the edge of the garbage chute as the flames burned below her.

Suddenly, Mare-Do-Well looked up to see Discord at the furnace controls sneering down at her. “If vengeance is a dish best served cold, than justice must be best served piping hot, wouldn’t you agree, Mare-Do-Well?” Discord called down at the unicorn. “You’re going to melt like a grilled cheese sandwich!” Discord soon pressed the button to release the garbage in the plant down the chute, knocking itself into Mare-Do-Well and causing her to join them in their descent towards the flames.

Thinking quickly, Mare-Do-Well soon telekinetically grabbed the steel hook below where Discord was controlling the furnace, releasing the pulley and causing the hook to come plummeting down towards the fire. The unicorn soon teleported herself onto the hook, using it to swing across the flames and onto the rafters to safety, much to Discord’s shock. “You’re right about one thing, Discord,” said Mare-Do-Well, glaring at the draconequus. “Justice will be served.”

“Service with a smile!” grinned Discord, snapping his eagle talon and causing a set of chattering teeth to fling themselves towards Mare-Do-Well.

The unicorn heroine simply sidestepped the attack as she continued making her way over to the draconequus. “Clean up your act,” Mare-Do-Well advised.

“That’s supposed to be a joke, right?” chuckled Discord sarcastically. “Mare-Do-Well finally told a joke! Priceless!” Discord soon began laughing as he surreptitiously snapped his eagle talon, causing a banana peel to appear in front of Mare-Do-Well. “Blast it!” groaned Discord annoyed. “That’s not the chaos I wanted!”

“That was just pathetic, Discord,” agreed Mare-Do-Well, stepping over the banana peel as she made her way towards Discord.

Realizing that all was lost, Discord soon turned and began fleeing from Mare-Do-Well. As he did so, however, his deer hoof suddenly got caught in the cable he had used to swing over to the furnace controls, sending the draconequus falling down towards the furnace. Mare-Do-Well soon looked over the edge of the rafter to find Discord hanging upside-down over the flames.

“Mare-Do-Well!” Discord shouted up at the unicorn heroine. “You wouldn’t leave me here to fry, would you?” Mare-Do-Well simply put her head on her front hoof as if she were tempted by it. “MARE-DO-WELL!” shouted an upset Discord, causing Mare-Do-Well to finally begin lifting Discord back up to safety and re-incarceration in Dysart Asylum.

That evening at Sparkle Mansion, Rarity was busy sweeping up the damage she’d caused to the mansion foyer while under the effects of Discord’s laughing gas when Twilight Sparkle entered the foyer dressed in her bathrobe.

“I’ve taken eight straight showers, Rarity, and I still can’t get rid of the smell,” the purple unicorn groaned annoyed. “I’ve never seen so much garbage.” Rarity had no reply to this, only frowning as she continued sweeping up the damages. “What’s wrong, Rarity?” asked Twilight concerned. “Aren’t you feeling any better?”

“What’s wrong, Mistress Twilight?” Rarity repeated. “I destroy a priceless vase and you ask me what’s wrong?”

“Don’t worry about it, Rarity,” grinned Twilight, patting the other unicorn’s back. “I’ll just take it out of your salary for the next couple of years.”

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock upon hearing this, but she immediately bowed her head in defeat, not finding any reason to contest this. “Whatever you say, Mistress Twilight,” the snow-white unicorn replied submissively.

“Rarity.” Rarity soon turned her head to find the other unicorn grinning at her from ear to ear. “April Foal’s Day, Rarity, remember?” said Twilight, allowing herself a small chuckle.

Comments ( 9 )

I was only intending to give this a quick read to see if it should go on my Read Later list but I ended up finishing it. You caught and maintained my attention from the very beginning all the way through. I have not seen the Batman episode so the story was a surprise to me and I really enjoyed your version of it.
Even though this is an alternate universe with noticeable differences from FiM, you kept it consistent so it was believable and blended the Batman crossover seamlessly. You showed Discord as a great Joker, not holding back on the amount of villainous puns. It was a fun story but one serious enough for me to keep reading with interest.
The structure is concise, with no unnecessary scenes. I liked how you bookended the action with Rarity's and Twilight's April Foal's jokes in the mansion.
Good work!

"aquatic transformation" :rainbowlaugh:
In all seriousness though, very nice. Not my favorite Joker episode, but still good.
Still can't wait for Nightmare/ Two-Face and Dr. Whooves/ Clock King episodes.:twilightangry2:
Also, these episodes are all on the first disc of the BtAS V. 1 that I have, so are you going to do the Underdwellers (the Sewer King)?:duck:

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:EEEEEEEE!!!!!! OH THIS SO MADE MY DAY!!!! And I don't think I've seen this episode before... Seeing as how I as going "WHO'S THIS ASSHOLE?!?!!" once you mentioned the new Draconiquis... Not in a bad way just a confused way. And I actually love how you make it so that Discord treat's his relationship with Pinkie Pie the same way that the Joker does with Harley...
:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: So Does that mean he HITS her?!!?!?

Sorry for the late reply, folks. My Internet shorted out on Tuesday afternoon thanks to the rainstorms on the East Coast, and I just got it back. Thank you for your patience and I'm glad to know you all enjoyed this story.

1298186 Thanks for pointing that error out. Corrected. I'm doing the early in the episodes in their production order because it shows the development of Bruce's/Twilight's rogues gallery. At the beginning, they only fought crime bosses, with the occasional encounter with Joker/Discord and the Penguin/(SPOILER!), only to meet new supervillains with crazy gimmicks. However, I'm not really a fan of Underdwellers, so I'm skipping that episode and going straight to P.O.V., followed by The Forgotten, I've Got Mare-Do-Well in My Basement, Be a Clown, and the two-parter where Luna finally "snaps"...


Does this answer your question?

Shame. The Sewer King is probably one of Batman"s sickest foes.:pinkiecrazy:
But at least I know what to expect now.:raritywink:

1311195Ahhhh... The "But I Love Him" syndrome.... gets the girls every time.... Damn. Oh well true to character I suppose.

Don't worry, she bounces.

Question WHEN WILL ON LEATHER WINGS BE RELEASED. you know the one with mare bat in it.

Hey there. I have to say I missed reading your stuff over on the site I first got to know you. :-D Anyway, you did an excellent job on your MDW-style versions of classic episodes of one of my favorite shows. The action, exchanges, emotional content, humor and wrap-ups were all well done in all the right places.

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