• Published 17th Jun 2022
  • 388 Views, 2 Comments

Of Diamonds and Pipsqueaks - themetavoorhes

After constant harassment from Lee Kanker, and rejection from Nazz, Eddy has finally found someone he's fallen in love with. Too bad Rarity Who came to town cause her parents thought Canterlot was too dangerous doesn't seem so receptive.

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The first day starts

In another time Eddy would have tried something convoluted and elaborate to avoid the first day of school. He may have painted every leaf green and stole every calendar to fend off another year of academics and forced contact with those he'd rather avoid. But he after spending a week licking his wounds and healing from the Kevin incident he didn't have the time or energy to do so. So to that end the fully healed boy trotted along with his friends, Double Dee about to wet himself in excitement and Ed smiling not caring either way.Eddy despised school but understandably being around the animals that assaulted him with even the least competent adult supervision has lost appeal. So he trudged along. So eager to avoid his neighbors he and the other two Ed's believe they left before them.

" A bright full year academic advancement and potential alteration of social standings! Can't ya just feel it in the air?!" Double Dee said Happily. Though his excited smile melted off his face upon seeing Eddys sullen expression " Are you alright Eddy?" Double Dee asked. Eddy glared at him.

" Just Fine sockhead." Eddy grumbled

Double Dee Noticed his friends genuine aggravation and quickly deduced the reason " Eddy you cannot just avoid what happened forever." He said sagely. Eddy simply glared at his friends

" Yeah by law I'm stuck dealing with the asshole brigade that attacked me and will be forced to watch the girl I've crushed on since I was six be with the prick who led the assault. All cause I gotta learn crap I don't frigging care about from teachers who don't care about me." Eddy said in anger he turned away from Double Dee and his expression only darkened upon seeing a certain group of people up ahead. Double Dee followed his gaze and his face became a matching glare.

Up ahead from them was the group of delinquents that assaulted the Ed's numerous times throughout their lives. Apparently having already arrived They walked with the usual arrogance that the apparent in crowds usually held, The general air of those who believed they were untouchable and superior towards everyone especially the Ed's.

At the end of the group was Johnny. A tanned skin boy with an overly large head lacking any hair beyond stubble and with an overbite and expression of sycophantic awe upon his face. He was a scrawny young man with no muscle on him and was wearing a white sweater blue pants and sandals.

Next to him where the two youngest children in the group.the boy was Jimmy a young man who looked even frailer than Johnny, his skin was shockingly pale and his hair was done in a bizarre rooster like style He wore a long sleeved blue shirt and white pants with black shoes. But the most noticeable thing about him was the rather large retainer he wore. Next to him was a girl with Shoulder length red hair and a rather large mouth with an average build, she was clad in a pink shirt currently covered by her light blue jacket and wore blue pants and black shoes. This was Sarah Ed's little sister and unofficial brute of the group.

And In front of them was him. The architect of their torment and leader of the group. Standing by his precious bike and leaning against the school bike rail was Kevin, He was more athletic looking in build but still didn't have much muscle on him. He wore his usual lime green sweater with an orange hooded jacket over it and wearing a red hat over his red hair. He had a smug look upon his face as he looked at his minions. He caught sight eddy and sent a menacing smirk towards him filling the diminutive boy with rage

" Eddy just ignore them they aren't worth it." Double Dee said with a calming hand on his shoulder. Unfortunately For them Kevin heard them.

" Oh we aren't huh?!" The jock said as the mob turned towards the trio Johnny and jimmy looked fairly neutral to the boys but Sarah smiled like a shark sensing blood. Double Dee Looked at them distastefully.

" No not one of you are. And you never have been." He responded

" Oh really!? Ya think your better than us!?" Sarah said

" Hard to be worse brat." Eddy added.

" We aren't afraid to teach ya another lesson dork, Maybe a permanent one." Kevin said cracking his knuckles. Ed stood before his friends protectively with a threatening look of his own Sarah sneered at him But Kevin didn't want to challenge the Ed who could probably crush them all.

A tense silence was in the air before eddy sighed tiredly and walked past the quartet without saying anything. Ed and Double Dee shot a glare at them before following their friend.

" Good god I don't think Eddy's ever been so defeated before." Jimmy said with a twinge of guilt towards what they did.

" Well now he knows Kevin runs the neighborhood!" Johnny said in an attempt to get points with his idol. Kevin for his part simply rolled his eyes at Johnny's suck up attempt. For all the usefulness his whole borderline religious worship of him did Kevin it could try his patience at times.

" Whatever Eddy should know his place now and if his buddies need to learn theirs will teach it. Especially if they tell Nazz what happened." Kevin said knowing despite his self justification that Nazz wouldn't be pleased with the whole " Eddy Debacle" but as long as she doesn't know it won't hurt her.

" Those three Idiots are planning something. Let's just teach em now before it's done." Sarah said savagely.

" Calm down Sarah. We aren't doing anything till we have to. For now the dorks aren't an issue. So be quiet here comes Nazz." Kevin said upon seeing Nazzs moms car. Instantly switiching from tormentor of his enemies to loving boyfriend. Sarah and jimmy watch with neutral expressions as Nazzs ride parked at the curb but Johnny was hiding a somewhat jealous expression.Nazz Stepped out her usual outfit covered by a blue sweater jacket and ran towards her boyfriend and they embraced Sarah and jimmy looked disinterested in this but Johnny's face seemed more envious. They didn't notice the somewhat more sullen Rarity following her out of the car. She looked at peach creek high and was unimpressed by it. She let out a sigh and watched her cousin and her boyfriends romantic moment

" Hey babe. Almost missed the bell." He said with a teasing grin. Nazz shoved him playfully before responding

" Sorry I had to wait for some one to get ready." Nazz said in mock annoyance as she looked at her cousin who smirked at her

" Well some of Us have a little more maintenance to prepare for their first day. Hello everyone." Rarity greeted. The group returned her greeting with various types of sincere politness. A bell then rang from within the school and the group went inside the building. Rarity let out a sigh wondering what this day could hold.