• Published 11th Aug 2022
  • 402 Views, 22 Comments

The Neon Bat Pony - DeffBwade

A bat pony wakes up in a place completely unknown to him, devoid of any memories of who he used to be. Will he find out who he was? Or is this the start of a new life for Neon?

  • ...

Chapter 4: A New Identity

After being rescued by a mare named Cherry Blossom, the nameless pony tells her about his amnesia.

The nameless pony remained sitting on the sidewalk as the police arrested the three stallions that tried to mug him, Willow perched on top of his head.

Metal’s wings were tied down to prevent him from spreading them, while some sort of ring was placed on Skull’s horn. And of course, all three of the stallions had their hooves chained together as they were loaded into a carriage with a cage attached to it.

“Hey, uh…where are these ponies taking us?” Skull asked.

“Well Skull, they’re taking us to the beach to make sand castles and swim with the dolphins—to prison you idiot! Where else do you think the police would take us?!” Metal yelled.

“Aww. I really wanted to pet some dolphins,” Skull whined.

“We won’t be in jail very long! You hear me?! Do you hear me?! We have our rights! We have our ri—OW! Hey, no need to shove! I’m going!” Chains proclaimed as he was shoved into the cage. As it was locked up, the stallion peered through the bars and glared at the nameless pony, “Mark our words, bat pony! This won’t the last time you see us! As soon as our mommy bails us out of jail, we’ll find you! We'll track you down and rob you of everything you’ve got!”

“Okay, cool. Thanks for yelling that out in front of me and the cops. I appreciate it,” the pony said with a smug grin as the carriage was carried away. Despite being almost beaten to a pulp and robbed, he felt a sense of satisfaction due to one simple fact.

The three stallions were clearly idiots.

So seeing them getting sent to prison just made him feel good.

“Also…do they not remember that I told them I have nothing?” he muttered.

“Eh. I wouldn’t worry about them,” the crimson mare said as she sat down next to the nameless pony, “Baltimare is a pretty big city. You’d have to be some kind of…I don’t know…a master assassin in order to track down some random pony, and those three are clearly idiots.”

“Oh yeah. I can tell,” the pony laughed, “I mean…the leader of the group said that their mommy was gonna bail them out of jail. His words, not mine.”

“…Then again…” the mare said as she looked the pony up and down, “…Maybe you wouldn’t be that hard to track down, seeing as you’re pretty unique.”

“Unique? What do you mean by that?”

“You’re one of those bat ponies I've heard about. In fact, you’re probably the first bat pony to make an appearance here in Baltimare. Congrats,” the mare smiled, “Well…the first bat pony that I’ve seen since Princess Luna returned a couple of years ago. The only other ones that I'm aware of are part of her Lunar Guard.”

The pony was about to question who this Princess Luna was, but managed to stop himself. If this Luna pony was a princess, then she was obviously widely known, meaning that he would look like an idiot if he did ask who she was.

“Again, questions for another time. So a bat pony is what my species is. And here I thought those muggers were just being racist. But would that mean that ‘vampony’ is an insult?” he thought as he picked up the pizza that was found in the trash.

“Ew. What are you—…You’re still gonna eat that garbage?” the mare asked in a disgusted tone.

“Well yeah. I’m hungry. What else would I eat?” the pony answered as he took a bite, slightly grimacing at the funky taste.

“Oh I don’t know…something that isn’t from the trash? There’s a convenience store that’s open 24/7 down the street where I get my groceries if you’d like to check that out.”

“I don’t have any money on me to buy anything and this trash was the only food I could find. Besides, it doesn’t taste that ba—”

Before he could take another bite, a crimson hoof suddenly slapped the pizza out of his grasp and onto the ground.

The pony slowly turned his head to the pizza that was now a mess on the sidewalk before slowly turning his head to the mare.

“Um…ow!” he said, irritation displayed on his face, Willow chirping angrily, “What’d you that for?! That was my dinner!”

“Not anymore it’s not,” the mare said as she started to walk down the street, “Come on kid.”

“…What?” the pony asked, now confused.

“We're going to the store.”


“Uh, so I can get you some food that wasn’t from the trash. Duh.”

“…Really?” the nameless pony said before shaking his head, “L-look…that’s sweet of you to offer, but I’m afraid I can’t accept. You already—“

“Yeah yeah. I saved your life from a bunch of idiots. Blah blah blah. And now I’m giving you a chance to eat something that hasn’t laid in the trash for several hours with a bunch of bugs and other nasty stuff that I don’t wanna know about. So you can cut the humble attitude with me,” she said before pointing at Willow who has quickly perched onto her head and was now chirping happily, “See? You’re bird friend agrees with me.”

The pony really wanted to say “no.” Deep down, he knew it would be a good idea to accept this mare’s offer. But at the same time he didn’t want to be some kind of burden to—

“Look kid. It’s almost one in the morning and nopony else is here to offer what's basically free food,” the mare said, starting to get impatient.

Welp, can’t argue with that logic.

“I just…have one thing to ask,” the nameless pony said as his eyes narrowed in slight suspicion, “What's the catch?”

“...Hmm? Catch? Now what in Equestria are you talking about?”

“You clearly don't want any money in exchange for helping me since you know I don't have any. So what is it? A hoof massage? Want me to clean wherever you live? A simple IOU?”

The nameless pony knew it was wrong to be suspicious that the mare wants something in return, but he just couldn't help himself. After all, this mare was still a stranger to him.

The mare herself, however, was stumped. Did this pony really expect to give something in return for her doing a good deed? Well...a part of her wouldn't mind getting something in return, but no. That not's how she was raised.

“Hmm…well, now that you mention it, there is something I you can give me in return. And that...is nothing,” the mare said before smiling warmly, “Did it ever occur to you that I'm doing this simply because it's the right thing to do?”

The nameless pony stared into her eyes to see even the slightest hint of deception...but there wasn't any. No bead of sweat, no shifting pupil, no twitching eye. Nothing. Either she was a very good liar...or she was truly honest with her words. Truly touched by her generosity, the pony let out a small smile.

“But I wouldn't mind a hoof massage if you're still offering.”

The nameless pony’s smile dropped a little, before he started to chuckle.

“N-no. Sorry,” he said with a shake of his head before he got up started to follow the mare, “Thanks. I owe you one Miss…?”

“Oh hehe. I guess I forgot to introduce myself,” she chuckled, “Blossom. Cherry Blossom.”

“Gosh, this city is really beautiful at night,” the pony once again admired the lights as he alongside the newly named Cherry Blossom, Willow flying by his side.

“Thanks again Miss Blossom,” the pony said as they finally entered the convenience store. When Cherry said that it was open 24/7, she wasn't kidding. In fact, the name of the store was literally "The 24/7 Store."

“Kid, while I appreciate, that’s like the third time that you thanked me. I told you, it’s fine," she reassured, “Also, please just call me Cherry. All that ‘miss’ talk makes me feel old.”

“O-okay…Cherry,” the pony said, albeit a bit hesitantly. For some reason or another, he felt like that he had to address the mare in a proper and respectful. But if she wanted to just be addressed by her name, then he had to respect that.

"I'm sorry, but pets aren't allowed in the store," the cashier said, noticing Willow, "I'm afraid the bird is gonna have to stay outside."

"O-okay," the nameless pony said. He could've sworn that the cashier felt...unease. What the reason was behind it, he had no idea. Regardless, he decided to let it go and turned to the aforementioned bird, "Willow, you mind waiting outside?"

Willow nodded with a chirp before he flew up to the roof of the building.

"So what are you craving for kid? Tater tots? Waffles? Something that I hope is either pre-made or super easy to prepare? Chocolate? Chips?" Cherry asked as they walked around the store.

"Um..." was the only thing the nameless pony could say. There were so many options to choose from, yet he didn't want to take too long to decide. Nor did he want to have Cherry spend too much money, or bits as Chains referred to, on him and Willow. He wasn't going to take advantage of her generosity after all.

"How about a carrot dog?" Cherry interrupted his train of thought, "You don't have to worry about cooking them or anything, just assemble it together and add whatever condiments you want. Plus, they're pretty cheap and...huh. Now I'm craving a carrot dog."

"Sure, that sounds fine," the pony answered.

"Might as well get some slushies while we're at it."

"Now you're speaking my language."

The trio were now sitting on the sidewalk right in front of the convenience store, eating their dinner, or midnight snack in Cherry's case.

Cherry, not being as hungry as the others, opted to just buy two carrot dogs, one for the nameless pony and one for her, and she split her carrot dog with Willow. Being such a tiny creature, she figured that the bird didn't have the stomach to eat a full carrot dog. By her side was a medium sized slushie that was, of course, cherry flavored. Meanwhile, the nameless pony also had a medium sized slushie that was strawberry flavored instead.

"This is pretty good," the nameless pony commented as he ate.

"Yeah. It acts for a quick and nice snack," Cherry said after taking a sip of her slushie, "So...um...what're you planning to do next?"

"Hmm? Oh that's right," the pony said as he finished his food, his hunger now satiated, "I need to go to the hospital and I was wondering if you tell me where the nearest one is."

"The hospital?" Cherry asked with confusion, "What do you need to go to the hospital for? You got somepony you know there?"

"No, it's...it's for myself," the pony admitted.

Now Cherry was even more confused. For himself? What did he mean by that? This pony didn't seem injured, ill, sick, or pretty much any known adjective in the Equestrian vocabulary that would constitute him to go to the hospital. Perhaps it was just some sort of checkup for...something?

"Well whatever it is, I'm sure you'll be fine kid," Cherry reassured.

"I'm 18 you know," the pony said, "You don't have to call me 'kid.'"

"Well I would call you by your real name, but you never told me what it is," Cherry shrugged, "Kind of rude if you ask me."

"O-oh," the nameless pony muttered, mentally facepalming himself. Of course she didn't know his name. He himself doesn't know it either, "W-well, you see...I'm kind of having some...memory problems."

"Memory problems?" Cherry asked, "What do you mean? It's not like your getting old or anything...unlike me."

"I mean...I don't...remember...anything...about myself," the pony admitted.

Now that caught the crimson mare's attention as she fully turned her head to the nameless pony.

"What? I don't understand. What do you—?" Cherry asked, at first not understanding what he meant, before it finally hit her, "...Oh. Amnesia, eh?"

"Yeah. The earliest thing I can remember is waking up in a forest about an hour or two ago," the nameless pony answered, "I was hoping that if I go to the hospital, then they could help me...you know...recover my memories and whatnot. Then I'll remember who I was and where I came, and while I'm at it, remember how I ended up in that forest in the first place, and eventually have a happy ending."

Oh, how Cherry wanted to refrain from telling this pony the truth, just to spare his feelings. Unfortunately, she had no choice. Otherwise, this pony would end up going to the hospital for nothing.

"...Kid, that's...that's not how amnesia works," Cherry admitted with hesitation. Upon noticing his confusion, she continued, "Amnesia isn't a disease that can be treated and cured by doctors and medicine. It's just something that has to be recovered from naturally."

"...What?" the nameless pony asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm...really sorry kid, but the hospital staff can't just light up a unicorn horn and perform a spell to help you remember who you were or...where you came from. It'll all come back to you overtime."

"And...how long will that take?" the pony hesitantly asked, almost afraid to know the answer.

"...W-well...it...depends on how severe the amnesia is," Cherry explained, "At best, you're amnesia will only last for a week."

"...And at worst?"

"...At worst...it'll last for..." Cherry bit her bottom lip, "...a few months."

"A few months?! You're telling me that I'm not gonna remember anything about myself for possibly a few months and there's nothing I can do about it?!"


The nameless pony's eyes widened as he felt the gravity of the situation immediately. The fact that he was gonna remain nameless for a few months hit him like a brick. He wasn't sure what to feel at the moment. Anger? Sadness? Maybe both actually. He really wanted to scream out his frustrations and cry right at that moment. He wanted to shout at Cherry. Demand for some kind of...alternate solution to his problem.

But...he didn't. He couldn't.

Instead, he sighed and covered his face with his hooves.

"What am I gonna do?" he asked out loud, his voice muffled by his hooves, before he felt a hoof on his shoulder. He lowered his hooves and saw the sympathetic faces of Cherry and Willow.

"Hey now. Everything's gonna be alright," Cherry said, Willow chirping in sympathy.

"...I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, Cherry...but I'm afraid it just isn't working," the pony said as felt tears start to form. He quickly wiped them and continued staring at the ground, "But I don't remember where I live, if I even live in Baltimare, I don't have any money, no job, nor can I remember any friends or relatives to ask if I could stay with them."

Cherry held nothing but sadness for the poor kid. After all, she would probably act the same way if she was in his position.

"Oh Celestia, what do I do?" she asked herself as he removed her hoof. Living in Baltimare, she had encountered a few homeless ponies here and there in the streets, but not once had she met one that was so young and so innocent. Not to mention one that was suffering from amnesia. Wondering what to do, she glanced at her cutie mark of a cherry blossom and reflected on its symbolism behind it, "He'll never forgive you if you just decide to abandoned this poor kid. Do the right thing. Do the right thing Cherry!"

"Anyway..." the nameless pony said as he stood back up, "Thanks for the food Cherry. I really appreciate it. Come on Willow, let's find somewhere to sle—"

"Hold on," the crimson mare interrupted, "If you'd like, you can...you can stay with me. My apartment doesn't have an extra room, but the couch is big enough for you to sleep on. You're little birdy friend can stay as well as long you promise to take care of him," she said before she pressed her hoof against the pony's mouth as she saw that he was about to speak, "And before you say anything, you're not gonna be burden by staying with me. Just clean up after yourself, help me with chores, and don't eat too much of my food and you'll be fine. Now you may speak."

Cherry lowered her hoof back down.

"...I...I don't know what to say...Thank you," the pony said with a smile, touched by how much this mare was willing to help him. Wanting to pay her back, he put on a face of determination, "I'll find a way to pay you back, Cherry! I promise!"

"Pay me back, huh?" Cherry muttered before she rubbed her chin in thought, "I think there's something you can do for me in exchange. And don't worry, it's not a hoof massage."

"Okay? What is it then?"

"I'll tell you in the morning. For now, there's one last one thing we need to establish."

"Which is?"

"A new name for you. Might as well give you one until you find out your real one. I may have been referring to you as 'kid,' but I don't think everypony else is gonna do the same."

"A new name?" the pony wondered. It only made sense that he makes one up. After all, he didn't want to be referred to as just 'bat pony' and definitely not 'vampony.' As cool as that name sounded, it also sounded a bit insulting now that he thought about it, "But what name should I call myself?"

He thought back to what he saw in his own reflection back in the forest. His light gray fur, his bat-like appearance, the two colorful streaks that ran across his black, spikey mane and tail, the colorful symbol on his flanks.

The nameless pony looked back at said symbol and just admired it. The way the blue and pink lines worked together to form a smile. Looking back now, it was oddly...nice just to stare at his reflection, specifically the bright colors against the neutral colors of his fur, mane, and tail.

He then started thinking back to earlier in the night, when he saw the flashing sign of that nightclub. The way the background was just black, and the flashing words bringing color and light to the sign. The nice contrast was truly pleasing to the eye.

And the name of the nightclub was still fresh in his mind.

The nameless pony let out a small smile, before he turned to Cherry and Willow and said one thing.

"My name is Neon."