• Published 22nd Jun 2022
  • 1,460 Views, 67 Comments

The Princess of Unicorns - Wingnut

A pegasus with a strange worldview has a talk with Celestia after becoming the winner of a magic tournament.

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Noblesse Oblige


The usually calm and collected Princesses' shout pierced the air, ringing through the stadium. The spectators went quiet as the alicorn teleported next to her battered student, twitching faintly on the ground. The pegasus tilted his head in confusion, creaking sounds coming from him as the ice he was covered in from hoof to ear formed cracks along his neck.

"That... That's enough. You won. She is defeated. You can stop now," The Princess declared, carefully examining Twilight while keeping one eye on her competitor.

The pegasus snorted in disdain, steam wafting through the sides of his icy helmet. "Really, princess, what is this statement even supposed to be? This was a contest, not a fight to the death. Are you implying that I forgot that in the heat of battle? Or that I am so undisciplined that I'm unable to control myself? This is just an insult, plain and simple."

Celestia opened her mouth, before closing it again and recomposing herself. After making sure that Twilight really was fine and her tournament amulet indeed protected her from any kind of permanent harm, she offered a small bow to the stallion.

"I apologize. That was the most intense magic duel I have witnessed in... Centuries, if not longer. You have fought with a ferocity I haven't seen in a long, long time, and I was worried that your last strike might have even broken the amulet. Twilight is very capable academically, but in applying her knowledge practically, she is still a novice, and I grew concerned she wouldn't manage to protect herself from getting harmed. I got... A little overexcited, I suppose. Congratulations on your victory."

The pegasus cracked a smile - literally, as a horizontal crack ran across his helmet along his mouth, several pieces of ice falling off and exposing a grinning mouth. He slowly began laughing, quietly at first, but the volume of his jubilation kept rising until the entire stadium was echoing with his laughter. Slightly wobbly, he rose on tattered wings, raising his hooves up and celebrating his victory.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! You hear that, everyone? Who's the baddest badflank in town? Well, not me, 'cause I'm the damn best! Ha! Whoooooooooo! Bet all those unicorns who were betting against me are quite sore now, eh? Haha! That's right, the best mage around is a pegasus! How'd you like them apples?!"

The stands erupted in cheers, the loudest coming from the gathered pegasi and earth ponies, though most of the unicorns cheered as well, acknowledging his impressive victory over the Princesses' personal student in a climactic magic duel. He circled the arena a couple times, hitting various points on his body with his hooves and shedding his frozen armor piece by piece. Chants of "Hurricane, hurricane" were soon started up by a few enthusiastic pegasi, the sound carried across the stands by their powerful lungs.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle groaned, opening her eyes. After a minute of waiting for her eyes to refocus, she saw the face of Princess Celestia, who managed to look both concerned and amused at the same time. Trying to raise her head, she hissed as various points across her body throbbed painfully.

"And here you were saying how you didn't want to participate because being my personal student gave you an unfair advantage and you'd wipe the floor with the competition," Celestia said in her amused/concerned voice.

Twilight flinched, lying back down and groaning again. "Yeah, there was some wiping of the floor with the competition done, alright... Not by me, though... Ow. I think I learned a lesson about humility somewhere in there, but I don't think I can properly formulate it right now. Oooh, that smarts. I'm going to feel that in the morning. And for the next week, probably."

Celestia chuckled, gently lifting the unicorn up with her magic and carrying her off. "Don't sell yourself so short. You fought him to a standstill several times, and almost took him out before the end with that beam attack."

Twilight cringed, remembering how the stallion twisted out of the way the last moment, taking the hit on his wing instead of his chest like she was aiming for. He was unharmed, but almost all the feathers on his left wing got disintegrated completely. Even though she knew that causing lethal damage was impossible due to the tournament amulets, she still had trouble using her full power to attack ponies like that, especially after she saw the effects on her opponent's wing. It was hard to overcome her instincts and go all out, despite the intellectual knowledge that it was safe to do so.

The stallion had no such issues. He flung hail, lightning, water, wind, clouds, and everything else he could think of at her with wild abandon. As her shields were worn down, she began to have serious doubts that she would win against him even if she did go all out on her attack.

"Yeah... Almost. He still won, though, and it wasn't a fluke. He beat me, Princess, fair and square. That... Princess, that was amazing! Who - what - how - where'd he even come from?!" She babbled, her academic curiosity instantly overtaking any concerns about losing the tournament, the entire matter already forgotten.

The Princess chuckled again, looking fondly at her ever so predictable student. "All good questions, Twilight. Ones which I would like to ask him myself, in fact. I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest about any of the answers, though. Naturally, I went to the ponies who admitted him into the tournament, but they couldn't tell me anything, either. "Stormsinger" seems to be an alias, a stage-name of sorts, not his real name. He passed the entry test effortlessly, but was rather tight-lipped about how, where, or from who he learned to do what he does. He was only interested in the competition, and didn't stay around to chat after his matches."

Twilight furrowed her brows, dredging up every tiny tidbit she could remember about the pegasus mage that she learned while observing his duels. There wasn't much. Plenty on his abilities, but practically nothing about the actual pony. She only came out of her deep contemplation after Celestia set her back down on the ground, standing up on shaky legs.

"Everything alright, Twilight?" The Princess asked.

"Hrrrg," Twilight grunted, stretching out her limbs like a cat. "I'm fine. Just sore all over. And tired, but I'm fine now," she reassured the Princess, looking around.

She was standing on a platform next to the judge's podium, where Celestia observed the competition and where the final trophies were going to be awarded to the winners. The pegasus - Stormsinger - touched down close by, landing a tad heavily, but with a huge smile on his face.

She took the opportunity to examine him more closely, now that he wasn't covered in ice any more. That ability of his still baffled her immensely - in unicorn duels, freezing your opponent was an incredibly effective tactic to shut down the fight almost instantly, while he somehow managed to flip the whole thing on it's head completely. Somehow, he'd pull moisture right from the air, and craft incredibly durable and strong armor that also managed to remain flexible.

It made perfect sense, in a way - pegasi were well known to be able to manipulate moisture, cold, heat, ice, and all sorts of weather effects, but to combine those skills into freezing yourself while simultaneously imbuing the armor with pegasus magic to make it near indestructable was an application of skill that was completely unheard of, along with many of his other tricks.

"Not tricks," She reminded herself. "Magic. All pegasus magic, yet applied with such skill and creativity, everyone was left stunned."

He could summon lightning from thin air, shooting absolutely massive bolts of electricity from any part of his body (she learned that when she teleported behind him in hopes of surprising him, and he blasted her with a bolt from his tail), instantly freeze everything around him, hold the very air in front of him like a shield, or even pull the air from your lungs.

Twilight shuddered. That one was terrifying.

Shaking her head, she came back to the present. Examining the stallion again, she didn't find anything out of the ordinary. In fact, he was almost aggressively average - his coat was a slate gray, with a white mane and tail, mimicking the cloudy coloration of many pegasi. The only outlier was that he was quite tall, matching her brother in stature, though not in physique - he still had the sleek pegasine build, making him look a bit lanky with his height. She grimaced a bit at seeing his torn up feathers.

Princess Celestia gave a polite "ahem" into the microphone near her stand and spoke, addressing the crowd.

"It is my great pleasure to announce the winner of this year's Canterlot Grand Mage tournament, master Stormsinger of Cloudsdale!" Waiting for a moment for the applause to die down, she continued. "And what a victory it was! It has been some time since a self-taught mage managed to become the champion of this ancient competition, and it is certainly the first time in the entire history of the tournament that a pegasus even applied, let alone defeated every challenger that stood before them. I don't think I need to tell you how truly impressive the last mage duel was - you all saw it with your own eyes. And so, I am proud to present the first place prize to this year's champion!"

She levitated a small box from below the podium, opening it and holding out the object inside. Stopping before the stallion, Celestia hesitated, evidently having forgotten one tiny, crucial detail - the trophy was a golden horn ring, engraved with the year's date and the tournament's symbol. And the pegasus didn't exactly have a horn.


Seeing her hesitate, Stormsinger put a hoof on his mouth, trying not to burst out laughing. After getting his mirth under control, he grabbed a stray piece of ice still stuck in his coat, licking it and forming it into a long icicle. With a *splop*, he stuck it on his forehead where a unicorn's horn would be, freezing it in place.

"There we go. Problem solved," he spoke, puffing up his chest and standing proudly like a peacock.

There were a few snickers from the spectators. With a smile, Celestia stuck the horn ring right on the icicle, stepping back a moment later. Retrieving another ring, this time a silver one, she stepped towards Twilight.

"And for the second place, the one who gave it her all, Twilight Sparkle!"

There was plenty of applause for Twilight as well, though slightly less than Stormsinger received. Closing the box, Celestia stepped away from the two tired, bedraggled, but proud contestants. There was no third place in these competitions - in the first years, there wasn't even a trophy for second place. When competing in olden times, unicorns really tended to only praise the very best of the best.

Having stowed the box, she approached the pair again, her eyes firmly on the pegasus. He was fixing up his wings, creating new feathers from fluffy hoarfrost and ice where he had gaps in his plumage. Marveling at yet another display of his fascinating magic, she cleared her throat, which had the effect of both getting his attention and snapping Twilight out of staring at the stallion in open-mouthed wonder.

"So, master Stormsinger, you certainly were the wildest wildcard I have ever seen in any of these tournaments. I have never seen nor heard of anything like your magic, ever. Before you leave us, would you kindly join my student and I for a cup of tea?"

The stallion grimaced a little, attaching another feather to his wing. Being covered in frost really didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. "Eh... No offense, Princess, but tea doesn't sound like the kind of drink you'd go for when you're celebrating a grand victory in battle. Now, a mug of cider or ale... Heh. Also, most teas don't really agree with my stomach."

Celestia chuckled, giving him a diplomatic smile. "Oh, believe me, I'm used to entertaining all kinds of guests, master Stormsinger. I certainly have some good cider, ale, and all kinds of drinks in my cellar. I think I can break out the "good stuff" in light of your amazing show of skill."

"Master... That's like the wizard thing, right? Haven't really studied the whole unicorn mage hierarchy."

"Yes, an accomplished wizard is often called a master, even if the exact qualifications for that title are a little foggy. The title tends to get awarded to ponies that are respected by their peers, but there have been instances of all kinds of hedge wizards no one ever heard of showing up from the wilderness to test their mettle against their "civilized" counterparts, and winning. Any unicorn - or any pony, I suppose - that won a tournament like this instantly earns the title."

The pegasus considered her offer for a moment, before giving a shrug and a nod. "Oh, I could stay to catch my breath before I fly off, I suppose."

This made Twilight squee in delight, trotting in place excitedly before her sore muscles made her stop. "Oh my goodness, this is so amazing! I thought that maybe this was some kind of lost ancient pegasus fighting art, but if even Princess Celestia never heard of it, you must have come up with it all by yourself! Oh, I can't wait to hear all about it!"

Stormsinger shrugged, making a "so-so" gesture with his foreleg. "Mostly on my own, though there were some old texts I read... And really, I'm not overly surprised that the princess of unicorns hasn't heard anything about it."

The casual remark had a sudden and immediate effect. Twilight stopped, looking at him in confusion. Celestia's expression changed as well, though she was wearing a slight frown. Pursing her lips, she addressed the stallion.

"Master Stormsinger, I assure you, I care about all of my little ponies equally, not just unicorns. I really don't know where you got such strange ideas."

That made him let out a massive, long-suffering groan, his whole frame sagging. Standing up again, he muttered through gritted teeth. "This is why I keep to myself..." Louder, he spoke. "And have I said you care about unicorns more than other tribes? No. No, I did not. I just stated the obvious fact, and it has nothing to do with tribalism. Obvious for me, at least - I've long since got used to the fact that my observations are never understood correctly by ponies and are considered either inappropriate, nonsensical or crazy. Such as my ideas for improving my magic," He explained, snorting bitterly. "Since my wild, outlandish thoughts clearly don't interest you any more, I'll be taking my leave. Good day, your Highness."

He gave her a short bow and was about to take off, before Twilight recovered her wits and jumped in front of him. "Wait! You can't just leave! Not after... After that! You can't just accuse the Princess like -"

"What Twilight means," Celestia interrupted, draping her wing across her student's back comfortingly. "I am sorry if I offended you with my misunderstanding. Judging from your reaction, this seems like a sore topic for you. However, I must insist that you see it from my perspective, as well. I don't really see how I could have misconstrued your statement. If I love all my ponies equally, then how can I be a "Princess of unicorns?"

Celestia's tone wasn't overly apologetic, and it was obvious that she was using her vast experience of diplomacy to remain polite, though she was quite curious, as well. After a pause, Stormsinger huffed, before sighing. "How in the world are you not?"

Trotting closer to the pair, he turned towards Twilight. Looking the unhappy mare in the eye, he asked her. "You are her student, yes? So, you would be rather well suited to answer this question, I think. Miss Twilight, what is a Princess?"

This stumped the unicorn, so she turned towards Celestia, examining her. "Well... Alicorn? Though not historically. Um, ruler of a nation? The highest rank of nobility?"

"All correct," he nodded. "Though, where does it come from? Where does the idea, the notion, the word, the concept, the context of a princess comes from? As you said - historically, alicorns weren't the first princesses. Those were the unicorns, and ONLY the unicorns. Did pegasi have princesses? Uh, no. We had senators, legates, and so on. The Earth ponies had mayors, chancellors, and other elected officials. The whole structure of the nobility was the exclusive domain of unicorns."

Twilight was frowning, and opening her mouth to protest, before Stormsinger wagged a hoof in front of her face.

"Ah ah ah! No interruptions. Let me finish, please, or I'm leaving." After a pause, he continued. "So, the very idea of a princess comes from unicorns. That includes, as I said, the context of what a princess is. Observe - she's wearing a crown," He said, pointing to said article on Celestia's brow. "Again, neither pegasi nor earth ponies ever did that. The way a princess is "supposed" to be - from what she wears to how she behaves - comes entirely from unicorn traditions. Having a throne, holding court, "proper", "ladylike" behavior, and so on. "

Celestia listened to him talk with rapt attention. She had to admit, she never actually analyzed her station like that, despite being a princess for so very long. She ascended the throne somewhat young, and over time, the habits of how a princess was supposed to carry herself just got ingrained into her behavior. Meanwhile, the stallion continued, walking around to her side, pointing at her flank.

"Secondly... Her talent. Raising the Sun? Think about it. What used to be the unicorn's ancient duty, before she took it over? Raising the Sun and Moon, shepherding the day and night cycles. Her special talent literally encapsulates the duty of the entire unicorn tribe. It is quite obvious that she is a master of unicorn magic, and unicorn magic only. She has a school for gifted unicorns, for goodness sake. Any schools for gifted pegasi, or earth ponies? No, not really. The simple facts speak for themselves."

Twilight was looking more thoughtful than angry now, examining Celestia's cutie mark with some interest, her mind obviously somewhere else. Meanwhile, Stormsinger pointed at her wings.

"And those... Princess, with all due respect, you wear those wings like you wear your crown - as a right to rule."

That made Celestia open her mouth, though she didn't know what to say. Slowly, she closed it, looking at the pegasus with an unsure expression, wondering how to even answer to such an unusual remark. It appeared that he still had more to say on the matter, though.

"Really, when was the last time you went flying? Let me guess, it's "inappropriate" for a princess to get sweaty and use her own limbs to move around instead of being dragged around in a carriage, like a proper noble of such high rank? Once more, unicorn traditions lead the way. Do you know how pegasi leaders lead, though? From the front. They lead the charge, cleaving through the wind and air, while the others form up in a wedge behind them, following the leader in their wake. For a healthy, flight-capable pegasus to get carried around in a carriage, like you do when you arrive in Cloudsdale - well, even in these modern times, any pegasus attempting to show off their "status" by having other ponies fly them around would get laughed out of town."

It took all her willpower for Celestia not to fold her ears in embarrassment as she heard quiet mutters of approval from some of the pegasi spectators.

"So, to summarize... I never said you're a bad pony. I never said you favor unicorns over the other tribes. You're a fair leader and you do the best you can for Equestria, and every pony in it. The way you do it, though? All unicorn. All your knowledge, your skills, your style of governing... Everything is built according to old unicornian traditions."

Everything was dead quiet. You could hear a pin drop.

The silence dragged on for a while.

Eventually, Twilight shuffled in place awkwardly, scuffing her hooves against the floor.

Celestia blinked, then coughed, turning her head towards Stormsinger, who was still standing by her side.

"That... That was a fascinating perspective you presented me with, master Stormsinger. Thank you. I think... I think I need to think on this for a while."

"Heh. Blew your mind a little, huh?"

Celestia let out a light, airy laugh, smiling at him. "You could say that. Thank you again, truly. After living for so long, it is very rare for someone to... Pull the rug from right under me like that, in a manner of speaking. Are you... Still up for drinks?"

"Well, isn't that something, I'm not getting yelled at or banished. Lead the way, I suppose. Fair warning, though, if you really want to keep talking to me, be prepared for more unusual observations and statements. My thoughts wander through strange paths."

"If that's the case, then I highly look forward to our future conversations."

Author's Note:

This entire "story" is basically a long observation/rant/worldbuilding/analysis/shitpost, with Stormsinger just being me, poking at the holes in reality. I had it knocking around in my head for goddamn years, and ended up just writing it out at 3 am to finally get rid of it.
I never did like that there was little variety to pegasus magic, with even the Wonderbolts - supposedly the best of the best - being one-trick speedster ponies. Even Rainbow Dash's ultimate skill was "go fast". We see some good magic when pegasi all pool their magic and cause hurricanes and stuff, and individuals can perform small weather magic, but where's a pegasus that can breathe blizzards, fart thunder and shoot lightning?