• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 1,291 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria: Singular Point - lazejovanov

Through unusual circumstances, the Mane Six and the Mane Five meet each other and band together to face down a hopeless future.

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Trouble in Maretime Bay

Equestria; 4,000 Years in the future

To say that this day was unusual for the ponies of Maretime Bay would be a massive understatement. A creature that could only be described as a flying reptilian bird appeared out of nowhere and descended on the small town. After accidentally collapsing a billboard on which it decided to perch and landing on the ground, Zipp Storm moved in to save a vulnerable unicorn filly that was dangerously close to the large pterosaur. The two ponies were now staring directly at the Rodan with widened eyes; they were frozen with fear and barely able to move a muscle. The terrified filly wanted to scream but Zipp gently shushed her by covering her mouth with her hoof, concerned that the young unicorn's cries might startle or enrage the creature. The elder princess of Zephyr Heights gulped in fear when the beast approached them to inspect them further. The tip of its long beak was an inch from Zipp's muzzle as the pterosaur continued to study and observe the two terrified equines. Rodan opened its huge beak to let out a deep growl, revealing the inside of its mouth to be completely covered in sharp teeth.


Suddenly, a strange buzzing noise prompted the kaiju to lift its head and look over Zipp, where it spotted Pipp Petals in the distance, holding and texting on her buzzing mobile phone. Upon seeing the device and sensing the electromagnetic waves that were being emitted by it, in an instant, something clicked in Rodan's mind. Switching from curiosity to hunting mode, the beast lifted its head and let out a loud ear-splitting roar as its only warning before it suddenly turned and started charging at the younger pegasus princess on all fours like a hungry lion. Zipp quickly jumped out of the way with the filly tightly in her hooves to avoid being trampled by the kaiju.

Pipp, meanwhile, was busy texting on her phone to notice the imminent danger coming her way. It was only after hearing the loud thumps did she lower her phone... and saw the raging Rodan charging at her, jaws wide open. Her ears instantly flattened against her head and her pupils shrunk in sheer terror.


The young princess gave a loud cry of fright before she turned tail and galloped away. Sunny, Izzy, and Hitch barely had time to leap out of the way as the roaring pterosaur thundered past them. Sunny and her friends looked in the direction Rodan had ran; it was hot on Pipp's tail, and both were heading deeper into town.

"We gotta go save Pipp!" Sunny exclaimed, turning to her friends.

"Right!" Izzy nodded.

"On it!" Hitch nodded in determination.

With that, the three ponies turned to where the pterosaur ran and immediately went after it. Zipp took a moment to place the filly on the back of a nearby light-green unicorn stallion with a goatee.

"Your daughter is safe now, sir." Giving the stallion a friendly smile, Zipp flapped her wings and took to the air.

"This isn't my kid!" The stallion yelled out, but his yell fell on deaf ears.

"You're welcome!"


Pipp Petals was galloping as fast as she could. She hasn't galloped like this since shortly after she was discovered to be unable to fly back when she met Sunny and Izzy for the first time, in order to escape the authorities. A loud shriek from behind prompted the princess to look over her shoulder as she ran. Rodan was close behind her, and, much to her dread, was dangerously close to catching her by the tail with its long beak.

Rodan was knocking over lampposts, crushing public trash cans and plant pots underfoot, and destroying whatever other obstacles were in its way. Due to the narrow streets through which it had to pursue its prey, the beast was causing a lot of property damage along the way. Ponies of all kinds screamed and fled to safety the moment they saw the rampaging pterosaur.

Spotting an alleyway nearby, Pipp quickly made a sharp turn to the left and jumped in the narrow lane, just in time to avoid the monster's beak nearly snapping on her. Sensing she was safe for the time being, Pipp turned around to see Rodan clawing and smashing its large head against the alleyway in a futile effort to break through and reach her. Realizing that the alleyway was too narrow for the beast to enter, the pegasus moved deeper while facing the raging reptile with a terrified look on her face. After a minute of futile attempts to break through, Rodan suddenly ceased its attack and leaped atop the roofs of the two small houses that comprised the alleyway. Once it was up there, the kaiju slipped its long beak into the narrow lane and started probing like a stork would probe for fish in murky water. Pipp yelped and jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding being fished out by the pterosaur.

As the monster was busy probing for its prey, several small stones came flying out of nowhere and struck the side of its head, prompting the beast to remove its beak from the narrow gap and turn its attention to the ground, where it spotted four ponies; two Earth ponies, a lilac unicorn, and a white pegasus.

"Leave my sister alone! You giant bird...uh.. lizard-thing." Zipp growled after managing to find the right insult words.

"Yeah, what she said!" Izzy, who was levitating several rocks around herself with her magic, backed her up.

Rodan took a deep breath and unleashed a loud roar at the four ponies, enough to blow their manes and tails back. Their bravado quickly disappeared and gave way to panic as the monster prepared to pounce.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Hitch gulped.

"Scatter!" Sunny yelled, prompting everypony to split up and flee in different directions as the pterosaur jumped down, landing on the ground with another fierce roar. Immediately after landing, Rodan turned towards Izzy and began pursuing her, likely because it acknowledges her as the pony who hit it with the rocks.

"Pipp, are you okay?" Zipp asked worriedly as she quickly flew down to meet her sister when she emerged from the alleyway.

"No! I am not okay!" Pipp, understandably traumatized from the sudden attack, cried out. "I nearly got eaten by that thing! Why did it even attack me in the first place?"

That was a good question. Why indeed did the pterosaur suddenly attack Pipp out of the blue? That was when Sunny recalled something.

"Pipp, didn't your phone ring just before that creature attacked you?" She asked, turning to face her friend.

"Yeah, why? You're not saying my phone caused that thing to attack me, are you?" Pipp asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Pipp, we don't have the slightest idea what that thing is, where it came from, or what it wants." Zipp inquired. "For all we know, that creature might be hostile to technology."

It was certainly a plausible and frightening possibility. With Equestria being devoid of magic for thousands of years, ponies have had to adapt and looked towards technology to aid them in their everyday lives. But if this creature truly is hostile around technology, and worse, if there are more like it out there, then they will have a whole new problem on their hooves.

"Let's worry about that later. Right now, we have to help Izzy before that thing hurts her!" Sunny exclaimed before galloping in the direction where the beast went, followed by her friends close behind.

"How do we stop that thing, by the way?" Hitch asked, galloping next to Sunny while Zipp was flying over them.

"Well, if Zipp's theory is right, and that thing really is hostile to advanced technology..." Sunny trailed off as she turned to Pipp, who was flying by her other side. A sly smile appeared on Sunny's face, as did one on Zipp and Hitch.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Pipp asked nervously. It didn't take long for her to put two and two together. "Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no! You are not using my mobile phone as bait! It costs, like, a billion bits!"


Izzy is not a pony who usually takes dangerous situations seriously — except for that time when Sprout tried to stop them from uniting the three crystals and bringing back magic. But right now, as she was being chased by the raging pterosaur through the streets of Maretime Bay, Sprout's war machine might be preferable over this. Just like with Pipp before, Rodan was ruthless in its pursuit of prey; crushing and smashing every obstacle that happened to be in its way.

Eventually, Izzy led the pterosaur to the town square, a much clearer area for both her and her pursuer to move. Once she was there, she spotted Sunny's trailer-like cart where her friend sells smoothies not too far away. Wasting no time, Izzy started racing for the Smoothie cart as fast as she could, with the roaring Rodan close behind. She jumped into the side opening of the cart where Sunny offers the smoothies, and as soon as she was inside, Izzy quickly closed the side door behind her. Although this did little to help, for as soon as she closed it, Rodan's long beak effortlessly pierced through the metal door, missing her head by a few inches. Pressing its forelimbs against the side of the cart, Rodan overturns the food cart over on its side with little effort. Inside, Izzy felt her entire world turn over as she found herself laying on the inner wall of the cart.

Standing atop the overturned cart, the pterosaur tears off the side door with its beak with surprising precision before tossing it aside. Now, with her last remaining defense gone, Izzy could only stare up in fear as Rodan's stork-like beak slips into the cart via the opening. After probing around for a bit, the beast lifts its head up, holding the dangling unicorn by her tail in its beak like a stork holding a frog after catching it.

"I don't suppose you wanna talk this out?" Izzy asked with a sheepish grin.

Before Rodan could swallow her whole, a digital trumpet fanfare prompted it to turn its head to the side, inadvertently spinning Izzy around and dazing her. The kaiju spotted Sunny, Hitch, Pipp, and Zipp, the latter of whom was holding out her sister's mobile phone as it was playing the digital trumpet sound. Once again, when its eyes landed on the phone, the pterosaur dropped Izzy and jumped down from the cart. Its long tail began wagging back and forth like a cat preparing to pounce.

"You hate that sound, huh?" Zipp asked, half-taunting and half-intrigued. "Try to keep up!" With that, the princess of Zephyr Heights flapped her wings and took to the air. Unleashing another loud shriek, the pterosaur unfolded its leathery wings and took to the sky after her.

"If I lose my phone, your buying me a new one! Got it!?" Pipp angrily yelled out.

"You okay, Izzy?" Sunny asked worriedly as she helped her friend up.

"Aside from knowing how frogs feel when they're about to be eaten by a stork or a heron, I'm fine! Thanks for asking!" Izzy replied cheerfully.

Once both were high in the air, Zipp flapped her wings faster and harder, and eventually emerged over the clouds. In no time, Rodan bursted through the clouds as well, screeching loudly as it got close to its target. "Huh. I guess you can keep up." Zipp muttered in surprise. With that, she turned farther south and started flying even faster, not needing to look back to know that the pterosaur was close behind, eager to snap its beak on her body. When the beast got closer and was within biting distance, Zipp quickly veered to the left, narrowly avoiding a snap from its tooth-filled beak. After that close call, she folded her wings and began falling into a nose dive into the sea of clouds, followed by Rodan doing the same. Like a peregrine falcon, both Zipp and Rodan gained speed as they plummeted downwards, with the latter slowly opening its jaws as it gained on its prey. When Zipp and Rodan emerged from the clouds, both surrounded by a growing cone of air, it's revealed that they were plummeting straight into the ocean at alarming speed, and neither was showing any signs of slowing down.

"I hope this works." Zipp said to herself as she continued to plummet.

As soon as she was no more than ten meters or so from the surface of the water, the white pegasus opened her wings, and, with the strongest flap she could muster, shot upwards into the air, creating a sonic-boom in the process. Rodan, seeing this, opens its own wings to do the same, but the sudden shockwave from Zipp's sonic-boom blows the pterosaur away and sends it falling into the ocean, where it made a large splash upon impact.

Zipp, now breathing heavily in exhaustion, hovered over the water and looked down to see if the monster will emerge for another round. After two minutes or more, there was no sign of the creature anywhere. Despite not being completely certain of the creature's fate, the white pegasus turned and flew towards Maretime Bay.


When the elder princess of Zephyr Heights returned and landed on the sidewalk, she was greeted with applauds and cheers from the surrounding ponies.

"Way to go, Zipp!"

"You're were awesome, princess!"

"That was so cool."

Instead of boasting or bragging about her feat, Zipp merely smiled shyly at the crowd. "No need to cheer, guys. I only did what any other pony would have done in the situation." She said humbly.

At this point, Pipp, Sunny, Hitch, and Izzy arrived on the scene to greet their friend with enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

"Wow! That was amazing! When you did that awesome move, your sparkle shined brighter than I've ever seen it shine!" Izzy complemented her excitedly.

"Honestly, if you didn't do what you did, I would have thought that monster was the strangest thing we've seen this day." Hitch gave her a warm smile.

"Thank you, Zipp. Thank you for saving us." Sunny said calmly, but no less sincerely.

"Is my phone alright?" Pipp asked anxiously. "Did that monster eat it?!"

"Oh..." Zipp's face turned to that of guilt. "Yeah~... See, when I preformed that last move, your phone kinda, sorta... fell into the water."

"WHAT!?" Pipp screamed out loud in horror.

"But it's okay, we can always buy you a new one if you like." Zipp assured her, giving her sister an uneasy smile.

"A new one!? That phone was one of a kind, Zipp! What part of 'one of a kind' don't you understand!?" Pipp growled in frustration and turned around. After taking a deep breath to compose herself, Pipp spoke again, this time much more calmly. "But, in all fairness, you did use it to save our friend's lives, which are far more important than a phone." The pink pegasus turned around to face her sister, giving a her an approving smile. "Thank you for that."

"Then I guess you won't be needing this." With a mischievous smile, Zipp suddenly pulled out her sister's mobile phone from under her wing.

"My phone!" Pipp greedily snatched it back, and gave her sister a good-natured sly smile. "Well played, Zipp. Well played."

With that, the five friends grouped together and embraced each other in a group hug as they shared a playful laugh. However, this peaceful moment did not last long as the sound of water splashing was followed by the very familiar roar that rang in everypony's ears. Turning to look out to the sea, the horrified ponies saw Rodan hovering over the blue water and glaring directly at them with sheer hatred in its eyes.

"You've 'gotta be kidding me!" Hitch cried out as the friends broke up.

"Think you can do that move again, Zipp?" A fearful Sunny asked, turning to her friend.

"I don't think I can." The white pegasus responded remorsefully. "That last move took everything I got."

"Well, we better think of a new plan 'cause that thing's heading right for us!" Hitch cried out, pointing a hoof at the fast-approaching pterosaur.

Rodan was flying towards Maretime Bay with murderous determination, its primal rage focused primarily on the five ponies that were responsible for its initial defeat. Most of the ponies started screaming and ran away at the sight of the approaching kaiju, while Sunny and her friends stood their ground, determined to somehow fight off this monster. However, none of them were prepared for what happened next: Rodan suddenly ceased its incoming approach and hovered in mid-air as it begins letting out screeches and roars. The initial looks of terror turned to those of confusion as the five ponies watched the creature that, just a second ago was ready to attack them, was now roaring with agony and screeching loudly, as if it was in pain. Their confusion turned to shock when the pterosaur ceased moving altogether and plummeted into the sea below, creating another huge splash.

After waiting for two more minutes, the creature didn't resurface.

"Do you think it's dead?" Pipp asked, slowly approaching the edge and looking over.

"I don't know. It resurfaced the first time, so maybe it'll do it again." Zipp said, watching the water in anticipation.

"I don't think it's gonna resurface again." Sunny suddenly said. "Didn't you see the way it acted before it fell into the water? It looked like it was in pain."

"Huh. I guess I must have hit it harder than I thought." Zipp mused, smirking to herself a bit.

"I don't think it was you who did that." Izzy suddenly inquired. "It looked like... it suffocated."

"Suffocated? How? It was literally out of the water." Pipp pointed out.

"Well, whatever the reason, we better head back and assess the damage that thing caused." Hitch said. "I'm gonna have a lot of paperwork on my hooves."

With that, the five friends turned and began heading toward the town. As they left, Sunny couldn't help but stop and look back at the now silent sea, as if expecting the beast to jump out of the water one more time. Her mind was still racing with questions and possibilities at what had just happened. Well, regardless, this incident will no doubt spark a series of questions, news outlets, and more. And who's to say that this is only a once in a lifetime phenomenon? What's stopping another creature like that from appearing somewhere else? With those uncomfortable thoughts, Sunny continued walking onward with her friends.

Equestria; Present time

"Are you sure this is safe?" Rarity asked.

"For crying out loud, Rarity! Of course it's safe." Applejack grumbled.

Cheerilee had decided to take her class of foals, including the Cutie Mark Crusaders, on a nature hike through the Everfree Forest. Applejack and Rarity were the chaperoning, making sure to supervise and look after the foals in case a dangerous creatures suddenly attacks them. While Applejack had no problem with the field trip, Rarity was not quite as enthusiastic as her friend or her sister. When the farm pony signed up on the field trip so she can look after Apple Bloom, Rarity felt guilty to leave her sister, so she signed up as well — a decision she was now beginning to regret.

"It's been so long since we went on a field trip!" Sweetie Belle happily said.

"Yeah! I wish mom and dad were here. They would have explained to us every plant and animal in the Everfree Forest up to the most minute detail!" Scootaloo exclaimed before looking down in sadness, knowing how much Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood would have enjoyed this trip.

"I'm sorry about your mom and dad. But we all know they have their own dangerous jobs." Apple Bloom said, gently placing her hoof on her friend's shoulder, which earned the Earth pony a smile from her pegasus friend. "Why, I bet they're wrestling with some mountain-sized dragon on the other side of the world!"

"Yeah, that's mom and dad for you." Scootaloo laughed.

"Hold on, class!" Cheerilee suddenly said and abruptly halted, making everypony behind her freeze in place.

"What is it, Ms. Cheerilee?" Apple Bloom asked curiously as she and her friends walked up to their teacher, Applejack, and Rarity.

"Is it Timberwolves? A Hydra?" Scootaloo asked, cautiously glancing around her surroundings.

Instead of answering with words, Cheerilee pointed up ahead with her hoof. Looking in the direction she pointed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the other foals saw a large tree uprooted and blocking their forest pathway. Judging by its state, this tree appeared to be uprooted and knocked over rather recently, perhaps even an hour ago. Normally, a sight like this would have made the ponies shrug and continue walking, dismissing this to be the work of a powerful wind. But that did not appear to be the case here. The ponies, including the three adult mares, were looking at the fallen tree with shock and even anxiety — and with good reason. Large claw marks, no doubt belonging to a large creature of some kind, were present all over the trunk of the fallen tree.

"What could have done this?" Rarity asked, glancing around her surroundings.

"Timberwolves, maybe?" Applejack asked with equal-uneasiness. "Than again, I ain't seen claw marks that big before. Nor seen a timberwolf that can bring down a whole tree."

"M-Maybe it was a manticore or a chimera?" Scootaloo suggested, feeling nervousness at the sight.

"Maybe," Apple Bloom said uneasily, silently recalling her near-death experience with a hungry chimera that wanted to eat her along with her apple pies. "But those claw marks look a bit too big, even fore a chimera. Having seen one and lived to tell the tale, I would know."

"Are you saying that whatever did this is even bigger than a chimera?" Scootaloo asked, getting more unnerved by the second.

The atmosphere began to grow uncomfortably quiet and foreboding as the frightening possibility sank in.

"W-Well, class. This forest is a fragile ecosystem. Perhaps it's best if we don't disturb the native wildlife too much." Cheerilee finally spoke after taking a deep breath and exhaling. Her class and the chaperoning could not agree more.

"Y-Yes. That's wonderful idea, Miss Cheerilee!" Rairty quickly agreed. The colts behind the mares quickly nodded in agreement.

As the ponies turned around and started leaving the Everfree Forest via the forest path they arrived, out of the corner of her eye, a slight movement caught Sweetie Belle's attention, prompting her to turn her head to the right. Looking through the thick foliage, the first thing the filly saw were a pair of amber-colored eyes looking back at her, which sent a shiver down her spine. Her fear only grew as she slowly made out the massive shape of a quadrupedal creature concealed within the thick foliage and dappled light. Large spikes covered the majority of an armored body, a single horn was located on the tip of an elongated snout, and several inwardly curved horns protruded from the top of a crocodile-like head. The mere sight of the concealed creature, which was probably no more than 7 meters from her, was so terrifying that Sweetie Belle couldn't even make a sound or move from the spot; she was frozen with fear. It's only when one of the foals accidentally pumps into her did she snap out of her trance.

"Watch it, will ya'?" The colt, a male earth pony with light brown fur and mane, scolded.

Had Sweetie Belle been in her right mind, she would have defended herself and shot back at him. Instead, the awareness of the creature made the unicorn point in the direction she saw it and give a loud cry. "Look over there!"

"What?" He turned to where she was pointing, but saw nothing.

"Huh?" Sweetie turned to where she saw the creature standing, only to find nothing but an empty space of forest. "But it was right there!"

"What was there, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked as she and Scootaloo approached their friend, having overheard her exclaim.

"A monster! I saw a huge monster with spikes all over its body looking at me!" The unicorn frantically yelled.

Her friends looked at one another for a moment before turning to the area where Sweetie Belle said she saw the supposed monster. Sure enough, they didn't see anything there. "If you saw a monster, it's nor there anymore." Apple Bloom stated.

"I did see it! It was big, and spiky, and really scary!" Sweetie angrily said before gasping. "You think the creature I saw just now might be responsible for uprooting that tree back there?"

"Hmm. It's definitely possible." Scootaloo mused, placing a hoof on her lips.

"Sweetie Belle, hurry up or you'll get lost in the forest!" Rarity, who was already 10 meters from the fillies, angrily called out to them.

"Coming, Rarity!" Sweetie apologized and quickly trotted after her elder sister, alongside Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

With a sigh, the seamstress turned and continued walking forward, joined by Applejack. "Ah think yer' sister said she saw somethin'." the farm pony noted, having overheard the Cutie Mark Crusader's conversation. "Said it might be whatever took down that tree."

"Well, so long as 'whatever' that is doesn't come after us, I believe we'll be quite safe." Rarity said confidently.

On a nearby tree, a blue jay was perched on the edge of a branch, looking around its surroundings for anything that might catch its interest. When it spotted the group of foals lead by the mares, the bird noticed a particularly shiny object that immediately caught its eye. A toned violet colored tiara resting on the head of a pony with light pink fur, a mane and tail that were a moderate violet with white streaks, and sky blue eyes. Mesmerized by the the light reflected by the tiara, the bird spread its wings and swooped down to claim its prize. The pony that was wearing said tiara was none other than Diamond Tiara, the former bully and enemy of the CMC.

Although reformed, Diamond still treasured her prized tiara, for it was also the symbol of her cutie mark. And so one could imagine her distress when the blue jay suddenly snatched her tiara with its talons and flew off.

"What the? Hey!" She cried out when she saw the blue bird fly off deeper into the Everfree Forest with her precious tiara. "Get back here with my tiara, you feathered fiend!" Without a second thought, the filly angrily sprinted after the thieving bird.

In her pursuit to catch the blue jay, she ran past the Cutie Mark Crusaders, startling them. "Diamond Tiara, where are you going?" Apple Bloom called out.

"That stupid bird stole my tiara!" Diamond responded without so much as glancing back as she continued galloping deeper into the Everfree Forest.

"No! Don't go there! There's a monster in the forest!" Sweetie Belle cried out before galloping after Diamond Tiara.

"Sweetie Belle, wait!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she and Scootaloo ran after them.

"Apple Bloom, where do ya' think your goin'?" Applejack called out sternly after having caught sight of her sister galloping into the thick foliage of the Everfree Forest. But her shout fell on deaf ears as the three fillies ran after Diamond Tiara without responding or looking back. "Apple Bloom! Ugh!" The farm pony rubbed her forehead with her hoof before turning to her friend. "Rarity, we have a problem. Our sisters just ran into the Everfree Forest."

"They what?!" Rarity cried out and looked back, and, sure enough, saw that her sister and her friends were gone. "Oh, for the love of Celest- I mean, Twilight!" Taking a deep breath to calm herself, the fashionista turned to Cheerilee. "Ms. Cheerilee, dear, would you be so kind as to lead your students back to Ponyville? Applejack and I need to take care of something."

"No problem, Rarity! Go right ahead!" Cheerilee said with a warm smile.

"Thank you very much." With a respectful bow, Rarity and Applejack turned and started galloping into the Everfree Forest, hoping to catch up to their sisters as soon as possible, while Cheerilee and her students continued on their path back to Ponyville.

"When I find Sweetie Belle, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!" Rarity growled.

"Ah hear ya', partner." Applejack nodded, galloping next to her friend. "Apple Bloom is in so much trouble when we get home!"



In Canterlot's throne room, Twilight was sitting comfortably on her throne and has just finished fulfilling some royal documents. After finishing the last of the documents, she teleported them to their destination. Shortly after she was finished with her work, a gentle knock was heard on one of the entrance doors.

"Come in."

Hearing the princess' permission, the door on the right opened and Moon Dancer entered the throne room, carrying with her a brown-colored saddlebag.

"Moon Dancer!" The alicorn happily exclaimed as she spread her wings and flew down to share a hug with her childhood friend. "So how's your research been going?" Twilight asked rather eagerly.

At this point, Moon Dancer's face turned to a mix of uncertainty and a bit of concern. "Well, about that," Igniting her horn, the unicorn opened her bag and took out several papers. "I spent all night researching and studying the sample you gave me. I managed to confirm that it's not poison or pollution. It's... something else." She said somewhat cryptically before she handed the papers over to Twilight.

The princess levitated the papers in front of her face and began reading. After a minute of reading, the Ruler of Equestria's face was filled with astonishment and awe once she finished reading the last of the papers. "Is this true?" She asked, looking back at her friend, who nodded.

"Yes." Moon Dancer confirmed. "The red substance that's in the water is a completely new material that's composed of multi-structured molecules, and possesses active and inactive states. This is unlike anything I've ever seen."

Twilight grinned almost ear to ear with excitement at this discovery. "This is amazing, Moon Dancer! We've discovered a new molecule! Imagine the scientific breakthrough of this discovery! I better publish this at once!"

The princess was about to do just that when Moon Dancer suddenly stopped her by gently placing a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "Hold on, Twilight. There's something else you need to know about this material."

"What is it?" Twilight asked curiously, eager to hear more.

"Well, I decided to do some tests on it, and see what kind of results I would get." Moon Dancer's face grew grim as she continued. "I've discovered that this material can actually absorb outside magic, similar to the ancient dark stone from which Chrysalis' throne was carved from."

"Wait, what?!" Just like that, all the euphoria and excitement drained from Twilight's body, replaced by shock and even dread. "How is that possible?"

"Think of each molecule as a microscopic sponge that soaks up magic. One or a few of these molecules naturally wouldn't pose a threat, but imagine if this stuff were to spread all over Equestria in unimaginable quantities." Moon Dancer said with emphasis on the last few words of her sentence.

The princess of Friendship was at a loss for words upon hearing this. A material that can absorb magic just like Chrysalis' throne? And worse yet, it has the potential to spread like a plague all over Equestria? She imagined a scenario similar to the loss of magic crisis caused by Cozy Glow. She imagined ponies and other magical creatures suddenly losing their magic after drinking the contaminated water. The mere possibility of such a scenario occurring again was nerve-wracking and absolutely terrifying. As ruler of Equstria, she mustn't allow that to happen again.

"I have to quarantine the area! I have to find out where this stuff is coming from and where it's going!" Igniting her horn, Twilight summoned a paper and a quill, and began writing profusely. "We need to know everything about this, Moon Dancer. And hopefully develop a cure if the worst case scenario were to happen!"

"There's still a lot more we can learn from this material, Twilight. I think what we know so far is only the beginning." Moon Dancer inquired. "By the way, I've decided to call this new material Archetype."

"Archetype?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow before shrugging. "Well, you figured out it's properties and what it can do, so you have the right to name it."