• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

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Prologue: Revelations

Atmosphere of Agamar, 2 BBY

"Roger, roger." The young voice of Ezra Bridger spoke before Kalani terminated the communications link. Although Kalani did not like to think about it, it would likely be the last time he ever saw the young padawan and his accomplices. Regardless, Kalani now had to focus on getting what remained of his troops as far away from Agamar as possible. Luckily, the Sheathipede-class shuttle was equipped with a Hyperdrive, so Kalani turned to the two B1 pilot droids piloting the ship and issued the order to jump to lightspeed.

"Engage hyperdrive systems."

"But where to sir?" Kalani took a short few moments to think about possible destinations. It had been over seventeen years since Kalani was assigned to the Agamar garrison, and he was completely unaware of the current state of the galaxy, and was afraid of accidentally jumping into Imperial space. Kalani, for the first time in his synthetic life, had no idea what to do. He was... Lost.

He began to think back to the events that transpired on Agamar, and more specifically, all the droid comrades he lost. He lost so many of his troops, including his good friend B1-268, a droid who died at the hands of imperial stormtroopers. Just thinking about it made him fill with a new emotion. Rage. Rage towards the empire, for destroying his fellow droids, for destroying his troops, for destroying his friends. He then thought back to his programming, about what the separatists were fighting for, freedom from the tyranny of the republic, and then he recalled the young padawan Ezra's words.

'Hmmm, fighting tyranny... Sounds like the empire has always been your enemy.'

Those words resonated deeply with the General, knowing that the Republic had become the Empire, his programming had technically not changed, and as such, he would do the thing he was built to do. Fighting tyranny for freedom. Kalani now had a goal, but how could he achieve it with only a small shuttle filled with only a dozen droids? He was effectively powerless. However, he began to rapidly run some calculations, attempting to determine where shut down confederate droids and ships would have been sent after the shut down sequence, as he scanned his databanks.

He eventually found a perfect match, the planet Bracca, a massive junkyard planet located in the mid rim, conveniently in range of the shuttle's hyperdrive. According to his data, the planet was an optimal site to establish a salvage operation and have the large separatist fleets and droid armies sent to be scrapped and dismantled, likely used and sold as materials for the empire. Then the next question was, how was he going to capture an entire fleet with such a small force?

Then he realized he would likely be dealing with either civilians, or a simple small imperial force. Just so long as he got enough time to activate one of the dormant droid ships on the planet and get it up and running, the plan could work out for him, and after what felt like hours of thinking and calculating, but was really a couple micro seconds to the droids in the cockpit, Kalani turned to the pilot droid.

"Set course for the planet Bracca, located on the mid rim."

"Roger, roger." And as the two pilot droids inputted the necessary coordinates and adjusted their heading, they both slammed the button at the same time, as the shuttle jumped to hyperspace, leaving Agamar, and the garrison he had spent years wasting away, behind.

On the Planet Bracca, in one of the many salvaging facilities on the planets surface, two Scrapper Guild workers walked through the worn down and rusty halls of the Venator starship they were salvaging, as they were busy carrying their bulky and heavy tools, their breathing heavy and muffled by their masks that protected them from the elements. The two workers were currently in the middle of a friendly chat about work.

"Hooo boy, got a whole twenty three percent salvaged today, Baz! That's gotta be a record."

"Nah, pretty sure the record is twenty four, Rook."

"Dang it, off by one percent! Ah well, least we get to get off work early."

"Yep, gonna go home, go to bed."

"Mhm, go home, go to bed." However, as the two walked, they felt like they were being stalked, as one of them turned to look over his shoulder, and saw nothing, letting a confused hum before turning back. However, both of them could swear they heard mechanical clanking, as they both turned around, once again seeing nothing. Now sufficiently creeped out, they both turned back, only to see the barrels of two E-5 blaster rifle pointed in their direction, in the hands of two very rusty looking B1 battle droids.

"Alright, hands up, no sudden moves!" Not hesitating a second, the two workers raised their hands behind their head. As they did so, they noticed a few more droids emerging from behind them, counting at least a dozen droids surrounding them now.

However, standing behind the arriving droids was something the workers did not expect, a Super Tactical Droid, thought to have all been shut down after the clone wars, as it wore dark green paint with golden colored accents, appearing somewhat regal as it stared at the two workers with its three orange sensors, towering over them as it spoke in a monotone and robotic, yet highly intimidating voice.

"Greetings organics. I recommend that you comply with my requests, or you will face termination. Now, do you know the location of any un-salvaged Confederate vessels within this scrapyard?" The two workers looked at each other, their confused expressions hidden under their masks before turning back to the General.

"Uhhh... We got a Providence-class Dreadnought just across from here... I swear we ain't touched it since it arrived, the foreman said that we had to wait until they got all the dormant droids out, and nobody ever came to do the job, so it's just... Sitting there..." After a few micro seconds of thinking, Kalani nodded to the two droids holding the workers hostage, who promptly lowered their blasters, as the workers lowered their hands with them.

"Take us to it, and no sudden movements." The two workers nodded, leading them through the hull of the Venator and to the outer deck, where the massive Provdence-class dreadnought loomed in the distance, completely intact, and only a bit rusty. The two workers led the General and his droids onto a hover barge, which conveniently was strong enough to hold all them, as they used it to float up and into one of the frigates many hangar bays. As the barge slowly hovered inside the hangar, the general looked to the roof of the hangar, to see several Vulture fighter droids hanging from the ceiling, de-activated.

As the barge landed, the droids and workers made their way off the platform, before the General turned to the workers, and gestured for them to follow him and his droids, as the General had been on this class of ship before, and knew it's layout well. As the group made their way out of the hangar and into the corridors of the ship, it was quite dark, as one of the B1 droids proceeded to bump into a wall.

"Ack, can't see a thing!" The general looked to one of the workers, who pulled out a flash light and turned it on, guiding the droids through the corridors.

As the group walked, the hull of the ship creaked and groaned, most likely from years of sitting idle and rusting away. The only other sound filling the air was the sound of their footsteps. Suddenly, an unknown shape ran out, or the correct term would be wheeled out, in front of them, as the droids raised their blasters, before the worker shined their light on it, revealing it to be a C1-series Astromech droid, wearing the purple and white colors of the separatist alliance, as it began to wave it's arms around and beeping frantically before Kalani stepped forward.

"Astromech, I am General Kalani, Super Tactical Droid and military droid commander of the now non-existent separatist alliance, you have no need to fear. Now please state your designation, your purpose, and the title of this ship." The droid made several beeps of acknowledgement, before speaking in Binary, also known as droid speak, a language in-comprehensible to the workers, but easily understandable to the droids.

[Apologies for my outburst, General, I am C1-52S, or as the ship's droid crew nicknamed me, Clakker, and I was originally a maintenance droid aboard this ship, named the Blade of Serenity. However, when this vessel was retired, I was supposed to be shut down, but I have remained functional for the whole duration of the vessel's tenure here at the scrapyard. I managed to evade my fate of deactivation by hiding from the scrapers, and at times, causing their stuff to blow up.]

Kalani nodded, impressed that the droid had remained functional for this long, but considering the resilience of C1-series Astromechs, he was not surprised.

"I see, now 'Clakker', can you please take us to the bridge?"

Clakker beeped in agreement as he turned and beamed a light forward, helping to illuminate the hull, as it led the group through the corridors to the bridge. As they entered the bridge, light could be seen beaming through the large window that made up the front of the bridge, revealing the dark and cloudy sky of Bracca. The various consoles and seats in the bridge were very old and dusty, having not been used for quite some time. Kalani then turned to Clakker.

"Is this ship still capable of functioning?"

[Dunno, reactor is still intact, and it never really saw action, so it's got plenty of fuel.]

Kalani nodded, turning to the two pilot droids that were with them, nodding to them as they nodded back, before making their way to two of the central bridge terminals, and powering them on, running through various updates and calibrating readings, while Kalani turned to the two human workers.

"Congratulations, you have earned your freedom. Now I advise you to get off this ship before we leave for take off, and never speak of this to anyone." The two workers looked at each other, before looking back, nodding and making a mad dash out of the bridge.

Kalani then noticed that the command chair was un-occupied, and after walking for an extended period of time, decided to rest his servos, now suffering from mechanical atrophy, as he sat down in the command chair, while the various terminals around the bridge began to blink on, and the lighting flickering before it finally fully activated, and one of the pilot droids spoke.

"Sir, systems are running at 100%. Engines are running, weapons and defenses are online, and all crewmen droids currently in stasis are activating."

"Excellent, once all crew droids have activated, initialize the take off procedure and prepare to leave atmosphere."

"Roger roger."

The activating process was slow, as in the holds of the ship, around 900 droids were now activating, from basic security and pilot B1 droids, to OOM captains. One of the droids to activate, was a T-series Tactical Droid numerically designated TF-3749, a Lieutenant Colonel aboard the ship, with a standard paint job of white, with red secondary and black tertiary coloring on it's body, and two red optical sensors, the symbol of the Confederacy on his chest in bright purple coloring. As the Lieutenant slowly activated, he looked around to see the confused exchanges of his fellow awakening droids.

"Ugh... My processor is killing me..."

"How long were we offline?"

"Feels like forever since I stretched my servo motors..." Suddenly, the monotone voice of a Super Tactical Droid chimed in over the ships' intercom.

"Attention all active crew, be advised, we are preparing for take off. All available commanding officers and pilot droids are to make their way to the bridge immediately, while all other personnel are to assume your assigned duties." Easily identifying the voice of a high class general of the Confederacy, TF-3749 did not waste a moment, as he turned to his fellow droids, speaking in a monotone and robotic voice, sounding a bit deeper than your average tactical droid.

"You heard the commander, get to work." The droids all collectively saluted.

"Roger roger." As the droids all made their way out of the droid bay, TF-3749 followed a group of pilot droids to the bridge, and as they entered, looked to see the sight of the legendary General Kalani, as the Lieutenant stopped in his tracks. "Greetings, General. I am TF-3749, Lieutenant Colonel of the Blade of Serenity."

Kalani nodded, glad to see a fellow tactical droid aboard the ship with him. "Greetings to you too, Lieutenant. It is good to see a fellow tactical droid aboard this ship, and that I will not be commanding alone. Pilot droids, get to your seats and prepare for take off."

"Roger roger." The pilot droids saluted before making their way to their assigned terminals and beginning preparations for takeoff, while Kalani took a seat, and the Lieutenant stood beside him.

"How long have we been de-activated, General?"

"For approximately 17 years, Lieutenant, and I regret to inform you, but the Separatist alliance has been destroyed, abandoned and betrayed by Count Dooku for his sith plot, it's remnants scattered by the republic, or as it is known now, the empire. We, as far as I am aware, are all that's left." The lieutenant took a step back, shocked by the news of how much time had passed, and how the Confederacy was no more. However, he quickly regained his composure and responded.

"I must admit I did not calculate such an outcome for the war, as all my simulations showed a confirmed sepratist victory. However, it is in my programming to adapt. What is our new objective, General?"

"To locate a planet far from imperial reach, consolidate power and resources, rebuild the Confederacy to help fight for freedom and work to tear down the tyranny of the empire." The Lieutenant nodded in confirmation, as the ship began to shake, before it began to rise rapidly into the sky, pieces of junk and scrap metal falling from it, as some of the pilot droids couldn't help but cheer, seeing the long dormant Frigate rise into the sky.

As the Frigate slowly rose into the planet's atmosphere, Kalani turned to the pilot droid, who turned back and asked a question.

"Where to, sir?"

"Any planet that is outside the reach of the Empire." The pilot droid nodded, before looking down at the map, and picking a specific set of coordinates, displaying them on the holo map in front of Kalani. "Perfect. Commence jump to hyperspace."

"Roger roger." And after a few seconds of charging up the hyperdrive, the ship vanished as it jumped to hyperspace.

"Baz, Rook."

"Y-yes, boss?"

"Where's the Providence class?"

"Uhhhh... Stolen."



