• Published 28th Jun 2022
  • 768 Views, 103 Comments

Legends of Magic - EchoWing

Twilight leads research into the origins of the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Epilogue - Shadow Gambit

Primrose Thorn scowled within the holding cell that she’d been stuffed into. Weeks had passed since the initial hearing where she’d been denied bail before her trial, and still she was here, stuck with horrible prison food and equally horrible accommodations. How dare they do this to her? And how dare her father take so long in getting her out? She’d missed her reunion, and the accolades she was due there! She was going to have a word with him once she got back home.

She’d stared at the door to her cell for so long, however, anticipating her release, that she’d gotten bored with it, and her gaze shifted towards the narrow window. It wasn’t much, but it did give her a slight glimpse at her reflection. She felt at her neck, and recalled the strong grip of magic that she’d been caught in. That damn princess had overstretched herself, and would pay for what she did to her. She’d get access to her magic restored soon enough, and afterwards, that pretty little pony with her pet dragon would suffer. And so would Blunder Bill. The only question was how.

The door to her cell creaked as a guard called out. “Primrose Thorn! Step out of your cell and come with us!”

Primrose did as told, and followed a pair of police officers into a small courtroom. The local attorney sat at his customary place and a different lawyer from the public defender who had represented her at her earlier hearing stood at his. The former attorney looked to be at ease, while the latter bore a toothy grin as she took her place beside him. The judge entered, and the customary song and dance took place before the elderly pony told them all to be seated.

The judge’s gaze went between the attorney and the defendant, then drifted over towards a nondescript unicorn stallion in a black suit. The unicorn nodded, and the judge made their decision. “I’ve reviewed the evidence presented, and I find no reason to hold the defendant any further. Case is dismissed.”

Primrose grinned, then turned and made her way towards the door with her lawyer in tow. She only paused as a voice called to her. “Primrose Thorn.” She turned to find the nondescript unicorn as he added, “Your father and great-grandmother send their regards, and will see you in Indianapoloosa soon.”

That only made her grin even wider as she continued on her way. She didn’t question it, and certainly didn’t need to. She didn’t take notice of the fact that she was the only pony from her group to have their charges in Ponyville dismissed once the papers released the news, and nor did she care. That she still had federal charges to worry about didn’t bother her either. Odds are that they would be dismissed as well.

What mattered to her was that she had won, just as she always did.


The return trip back to Indianapoloosa was short and uneventful, but Primrose was glad to be back in her family’s city. It was leagues ahead of Ponyville, and unlike the upstarts in Canterlot, ponies of authority here knew their place – beneath her hooves. As she stepped off the train carriage, she smirked eagerly and anticipated her return home to a proper shower, a genuine meal, and maybe the chance to get a little well-placed revenge against those who had wronged her.

She found the familiar sight of her father’s personal carriage awaiting her outside the station, and climbed aboard without a word. She then settled into her seat and relaxed as the driver set off, heading deeper into the city…

“Blue Ribbon!” She leaned forward and shouted at the pony pulling the carriage. “Blue Ribbon, explain yourself! You’re supposed to be going to the mayoral residence!”

The stallion’s answer was quick, his tone forced and neutral. “I have orders to take you to City Hall, ma’am. From your father.”

Primrose frowned, but accepted that and continued her ride in silence. She made a small note to add Blue Ribbon to the list of those who had wronged her, however, and make the stallion miserable the next chance that she received.

After a half-hour of travel through congested city streets, the carriage reached Indianapoloosa City Hall and its passenger disembarked. The foul expression on her face was gone, however, as she put on the image of the helpless victim. She would soon see her father in his office, and at the very sight of his little girl in tears, he’d do whatever she asked of him. Starting with firing Blue Ribbon.

The door to her father’s office opened with her magic, and she strode in, the crocodile tears already beginning to roll down her face. “Oh Daddy, thank…” She then noticed that her father wasn’t behind his desk, but standing off to one side and looking decidedly cowed. “Daddy?”

She then noticed two things in quick succession. The first was that the doors leading into her father’s office soon closed behind her, seemingly of their own accord but likely due to another pony’s magic. The second was that her father’s desk was occupied, the chair turned away from the door. “You have nothing to thank him for.”

Primrose’s expression shifted in an instant. “Nana?” The chair turned to reveal her great-grandmother, who climbed down from her perch and approached her. “Oh, of course! Thank you for…!”

A sound slap to the muzzle interrupted her.

“Be silent.” Amaranth Thorn looked upon her descendant with an expression mixing disgust, disappointment, and barely-restrained fury, but her voice was even and subdued. “What in Tartarus were you thinking?”

“Now Nana, I’m sure…”

“Your daughter will speak for herself, Crimson.” Her grandson instantly cowed, she turned her attention back to Primrose. “I expect an explanation, Primrose. You had best give me one.”

Primrose was not so easily cowed as her father, for better or worse. “An explanation for what?”

“You know damn well what. That incident in Ponyville a few weeks ago, the one that landed you and a gaggle of other idiots and morons in jail.” Her eyes narrowed as she amended herself. “Including that brute you use as a display piece.”

“They had it coming!”

“For what? For some shopkeeper barring you from her business? Some random stallion who refused to come when you called so that you could humiliate him? For choosing to defend themselves?” Her tone remained calm, but her icy eyes were glaring daggers at her great-granddaughter as she explained, “You have no idea how absolutely stupid you’ve been.”

“Oh like anypony would’ve cared about all of them getting…!”

“MOST PONIES DON’T REACT WELL TO NATIONAL HEROES BEING MAIMED!” This finally caused Primrose to step back, and her father to cower further, before Amaranth regained her composure. “Nor do they respond well to foals being maimed.” She paused to collect herself and continued, “In any case, six of the ponies whom you antagonized, including that very shopkeeper, have saved this nation and its population multiple times within the last year and a half. One actually studied under Princess Celestia personally, whereas you failed to even gain entry into her school despite my efforts on your behalf. That stallion whom you’ve decided to treat as your personal plaything has somehow managed to endear himself to them, and in the process, blacken your image in their eyes. It’s only thanks to certain connections of mine that your actions haven’t received greater attention, and that you aren’t still rotting in a jail cell.” She scowled. “And don’t pretend for one minute that your freedom came cheap. There will be a steep price paid in the end, but yours will be coming far sooner than mine.”

“Price? What do you…?”

“You’re grounded, Primrose.” Crimson sounded like a wounded puppy as he clarified for his daughter. “No access to the family funds, save those essential to your needs or anything philanthropic. No use of the family resources. No carriage rides, no train rides, no travel outside of Indianapoloosa unless accompanied by me or by…”

“What?!” Her gaze went between her father and her great-grandmother, and she protested, “But this isn’t fair!”

Life isn’t fair.” Amaranth’s expression remained icy as she declared, “Now get out of my sight.”

“But how am I supposed to…?”

“Take the street car. You have petty cash. Use it.”

Primrose looked as though she wished to protest, but opted to do as she was told. Her magic was still denied her, and thus she opened the door with her hoof and quietly closed it behind her.

“Was that really necessary, Nana?” Crimson looked to his grandmother with pleading eyes. “After all, Primrose…”

“It wouldn’t be necessary if you or that shallow excuse for a mare you married had bothered to raise her properly.” That instantly silenced her grandson as Amaranth approached the doors herself. “Besides, I am trying to protect her. I couldn’t leave her inside of that jail cell, after all. But the fact that she was let out in the first place, despite what she’s done…” She sighed. “I built this family into a dynasty, a legacy of power that would go untouched. And then she attacked a princess in a fit of childish rage.” She affixed a steely glare upon her grandson. “Keep her out of trouble, Crimson. For all our sakes.”

Amaranth let herself out of the office, and quietly kept her own council as she made her way out of the building. Her aides stepped into place beside her, but kept their silence. As she made her way to the same carriage that had brought her great-granddaughter to City Hall, only one thought was on her mind – that she was damned.

Amaranth had no faith in her grandson’s ability to keep his daughter on a leash. The stallion had no spine when it came to delivering discipline. And her connections had an agenda of their own, one that didn’t involve freeing her great-granddaughter for selfless reasons. Primrose was a pawn to them, a means to an end and nothing more. Exactly what they wanted her for, she had no clue, but assuming the mare survived, she doubted that it would mean anything good. Her legacy was teetering on the edge, and time would tell whether it fell.

She only hoped that, if it did fall, then it would do so well after she was no longer around to see it.


Primrose fumed as she rode the streetcar home. How dare her grandmother do this to her. How dare her father not stand up for her and defend her. How dare they subject her to this humiliation.

This was Putrid Swill’s fault. And he would regret it, as soon as she could figure out a way how…

“Pardon me, dear.”

Primrose groaned as she inched to one side, and an old mare settled into the seat beside her and busied herself with a photo album. The last thing she needed was to be stuck sitting beside some half-senile old nag who absolutely had to show off pictures of her cats or her grandchildren.

“Oh Regal. Such a blessing…”

That tore it. Primrose turned and was more than happy to give the old nag a piece of her mind, until she caught a glimpse of some of those photos and recognized one of the colts in them. It couldn’t be!

“Excuse me.” Primrose inched closer to the old mare with an eager expression on her face. “I hope that I’m not bothering you, ma’am, but…”

“Oh no!” The old mare moved her album so that it was more clearly visible. “I’m just glad that somepony wants to hear about my grandson. Regal’s such a blessing.”

“Oh, I’ve no doubt about that, ma’am.” Primrose looked upon the photos with a smile, and gestured to the foal that she didn’t recognize. “Is this him?”

“Oh yes, that’s Regal.”

“And who is this other colt?”

“Oh that’s my other grandson, Quiver Quill.”

Primrose gasped. “Oh my gosh! I thought he looked familiar!” At the old mare’s surprised expression, she explained, “He and I went to school together!”

“Really? Did he ever tell you about Regal? He’s such a blessing!”

“All the time!” The beginnings of a scheme started to form in her mind as Primrose beckoned, “But it’s been so long, and I’d love to hear more, Miss…?”

“Oh, where are my manners? My name is Surely Sweet!”

“Primrose Thorn.” The smile turned wicked. “Delighted.”

Author's Note:

And here we are, all done and finished. Check out this blog post for further details.

Comments ( 11 )

I find myself struggling to give a detailed review here between how much I'd seen in draft form and a fear of potentially giving spoilers, so I'll just say that this story was a good mix of worldbuilding and setting up future events, and was more than enough to earn an upvote from me.

Thanks, and thank you for not spoiling anything.

Well, as pissed as I am that Little Miss Prim got out of jail, I'm glad her grandmother gave her an earful...not that she took it to heart, because why would a stuck-up-

“Oh Regal. Such a blessing…”

....oooooh no. Oh no no no no no no no. She wouldn't.
....dammit, yes she would, wouldn't she? :facehoof:

You've hooked me good. I'm glued to this 'verse now. I'm eager to read the next piece! Well done, my friend :)

It's a sad fact of life that the wealthy and powerful often get away with murder, both metaphorically and literally. In Primrose's case, she's got a conspiracy that's more than happy to use her as a pawn to further their own ends, and they really don't care how those ends are furthered.

And yes, she would.

Glad that you're enjoying my stuff. I hope you'll be there for the next installment, whenever it may come.

That was a good story goodluck with whatever you write next.

Thank you. Sadly, it'll be a while before I come back to the Quiververse. Real life demands are taking priority.

Take your time better a great story over time than a rush job ruining everything.

Good grief...

I already absolutely hated Primrose, but if there was a need for any more evidence that she's nothing but a rotten waste of space and oxygen, she just gave it all this chapter! And in spades at that! Between her complete inability to recognize what she did wrong, her clear intentions to give Quiver more grief, and her suicidally stupid pettiness, she just became a strong candidate to most detestable OC I've ever seen in an MLP fanfic, if not in a fanfic, period. Regarding MLP at least, she rivals a few of the "particularly bad Bluebloods" I've seen, and that's saying something. In fact, she probably surpasses them, considering no Blueblood I've seen would be petty or stupid enough to get revenge on a chauffeur for taking him where he was supposed to under his father's orders. Like... how petty and stupid does one have to be to go there?

But as much as I'm hating Primrose, I have to confess Surely Sweet isn't falling too far behind, especially with how she gave Primrose a chance to give Quiver more grief, and no small amount of it too. Granted, it's fair to say she had no idea who Primrose was, but even putting that aside, why would she have to go talk about her other grandson to random strangers? If one wants to be nice, at least she loved her grandson when he was alive, and one can say the way she's hung up on him merits some pity, but...

Well, I'm not very sure what should follow the 'but', but I have to admit that I am frustrated at her for what she ended up allowing, and very much worried about Quiver and about just what Primrose can do to him in the future, especially if she ends up getting her magic back. If there's a silver lining to this whole mess, it's that at least it will be only her, considering the rest of her posse may spend anywhere from a few decades to the rest of their lives in jail. And without access to vast sums of money, it will likely be difficult for Primrose to get replacements.

Though funnily enough, on that front, I confess I can't help but feel a teeny tiny bit kinda-sorta sorry for Primrose's posse. They were jerks, true, and stupid as well, but at least the loyalty they felt towards Primrose appeared to be genuine, if with shallow origins. And yet she didn't show a shred of it towards a single one of them in return, not even her fiancé. (Who true, isn't a nice pony to say the least, but still, it wasn't nice of Primrose either to do what she did). The best that can be said here is that there is a glimmer of a possibility that they (or at least some of them) will learn their lesson in jail.

Whatever turns out to happen next, though, I am definitely interested in seeing it.

That said, I do also acknowledge that it will likely take a fairly long time to come, and rest assured, I can wait for it as well.

All in all, it was a pleasure and a joy to accompany and read this latest story in the Quiververse. All of it was greatly done, both the present parts with Twilight and her friends going about their discoveries about the Tree of Harmony (and the reveals that came from them) and the past parts with your altered take on the titular legends of magic. Past or present, I loved this story, and send you kudos for it. :)

Wishing you the best of lucks in all your future writings, and in your life in general also. :)

Primrose deserves every bit of hate that comes her way, and was very much designed to be a hate sink. Given her major inspirations were Chloe Bourgeois of Miraculous Ladybug and Joffrey Baratheon of A Song of Fire and Ice/Game of Thrones, she has a deep wellspring of petty and Stupid Evil to draw from. As many bad Bluebloods as there might be in fanon, many of them would pale in comparison to Primrose...and the Quiververse's own Blueblood is easily a saint by comparison.

Surely Sweet, sadly, is meant to be pitied more than she is hated. The reasons for that will become clearer with time, and I won't spoil them here. Still, I fear that she'll get hate all the same. Most people don't view parental favoritism (or grandparental favoritism) very highly, and Surely Sweet very much favored one of her children over the other two, and then one of her grandchildren over the other two.

As for Primrose's associates...time will tell what happens with them. I doubt very much that Primrose is eager to continue treating Brick Wall with anything even remotely resembling romantics, but she certainly thinks of him as having some uses. If he ever shows up again with her, he'd be little more than a useful thug. No better than the rest of the Wolf Pack, to be honest.

Glad that you enjoyed the story. With any luck, I'll have something new before too long.

Thank you for the further input. :)

I admit I'm not very familiar with Joffrey, and only somewhat familiar with Chloé, but I know enough about the latter from episodes of Miraculous Ladybug I watched and think I picked up enough about the former from Pop-Cultural Osmosis that I fully get why a character inspired on them would be terrible.

And I do agree - compared to Primrose, the Quiververse's Blueblood is a borderline saint. And even compared to the other Bluebloods, as I said, he's not the worst, although I don't think I'd call him a particularly good pony considering his past showings (and not-showings, considering the whole changeling episode in Tales from a Double Date).

I get you on family favoritism, and well... on what you've hinted at, I can only say I'm curious to know the full story when the time comes. But as I said, I can wait for it.

And regarding Primrose's associates, for what it's worth, despite everything, I wouldn't want to see them again. What happened to them is tough on some level, but seeing them back would be worse for everyone. That said, rest assured that I respect your right to bring them back if you choose to do so.

Again, wishing you the best of lucks in writing and life in general alike. :)

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