• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 505 Views, 1 Comments

From Day To Night - Wayofthepen

Some things happen, and your happy day becomes a sorrowful night.

  • ...

"If only it would last forever..."

The bell sounded, signaling the end of homeroom, which happened to be Art. Most of the students had a fun time here, under the direction of Ms. Crimson, an odd looking alicorn mare who taught the class. She never yelled, let them do what they wanted, and always had strange projects going on. Always wore a smile, her yellow and red hair long and kept flowing. Friendliness could be visibly seen in her green eyes, and she blended in with the room with her black coat.

“Okay class, you’re dismissed. And don’t forget your homework! I want a full picture of you and your family ready for tomorrow!” She called cheerily as her students scampered out, most being eager for their next class.
Night, however, didn’t want to leave. She loved this class. She got to express herself, which can both be good and bad. She has friends, but they aren’t around when she needs them. The bullies make fun of her looks, how she lives, her skinny figure because she eats so little.

She knew they’d be there waiting for her, and she resented the fact that she had to leave Art. But she couldn’t hate. She could dislike, but that opinion never lasted. ‘Too nice for her own good’ is what they always told her. She knew this, but she just couldn’t change. Not that she wanted to.

“Night, is everything okay?” Ms. Crimson’s voice broke her from her own thoughts, reminding her that she was still in school, and more importantly, her classroom.

“Oh. Uh... Yeah. Everything is fine.” She replied, hiding behind her black and blue hair, which normally was kept to her left side, covering only that deep red eye instead of her entire face as it did now.

Ms. Crimson didn’t buy it, mostly because of how Night responded. She sighed heavily. “Is it that group of children again?”

Night nodded slowly, “But everything is fine! They don’t get to me.”

The teacher slowly shook her head, disappointed in her. “They shouldn’t be doing it in the first place, little one... But if you’re so certain...”

“I am! They don’t bother me too much. Really, it’s fine!” She blurted out, almost believing it herself.

“Okay, Night. Okay... Now, run along before you miss history.” Ms. Crimson said, still sad that Night refused to take matters into her own hooves and officially ask for help.

“Thanks, bye!” The little filly said before she bolted out of the room, attempting to avoid the bullies and other students, hoping to get straight to class. History wasn’t so bad for her, but she still found it a bit boring when they went over what they already knew. Like when the teacher taught about how jealousness caused Luna to become Nightmare Moon and attempt to-

“Hey! We’re talking to you!” A familiar voice shouted, one that she feared to hear each day. The bullies had caught up to her, and she was so close to the door...

She turned to them with a fake and fearful smile, “Oh... Um, hey... I was just-”

“Just about to let us have a ‘chat’ with you...” The leading colt said, his friends already surrounding her. She was backed into the corner by the leader and his two other friends, and she was scared out of her mind.

“P-Please, I just want to get to class...” She pleaded with them, only to be laughed at.

“She ACTUALLY thought that would work! Can you believe her?” One of the other two colts said before breaking into more laughter.

“Yes, I can believe it.” Said a new, more adult voice. Everyone looked up to find Principal Shadow looking down on them, not amused at all. Shadow was a taller stallion, very heavily built, alicorn as well, short black hair, and blue eyes.

“Oh, Principal Shadow, we were just walking her to class. Right guys?” The leader said, turning to face his accomplices. They both nodded in response.

Shadow looked from the leader to his two friends, then back to him several times over, finally resting on Night. “...Colts, run along before I decide to send a letter home to your parents. Treating a filly this way is wrong, and you should know better.” At the mention of their parents, the colts locked up. They got the message, and made no attempts to hide it. Afterwards, they bolted faster than when it’s cider season at the Acres.

Night sighed in relief and looked up to him, “Thank you...”

He just shook his head. “Night... Why haven’t you come to me about this? It’s against the rules for them to do this.”

She stared at the ground, “...I didn’t want to get anyone in trouble, and they don’t bother me too much...”

“You were shaking, almost to a full on stutter, and had a look of worry. I’d say they were bothering you.” He sighed heavily before continuing, “Listen... I could tell your parents of what’s been going on, but I don’t think they’d like to find out that you’ve been bullied. And with your sister missing...”

Night’s ear’s dropped at this. Her sister, Bell, had been missing for more than two weeks. First it was the changelings having a new leader force himself into a position of power, and turn several mares into breeders. A few days after coming home and getting better, she dropped off the map once again. They could only assume it was the changelings again, but no one would believe them or attempt to look.

Shadow noticed how she reacted to this, “...I’m terribly sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up...”

“No, it’s okay... I’m... Sure she’ll come home soon...” The tone of her voice made it obvious she doubted this immensely, but even so, she had a small amount of hope. After all, as long as you have hope, things will improve... Right?
Shadow looked around, making sure all the students, including the bullies, had left. After seeing it all clear, he checked the clock posted on the wall. Night had less than a minute to get to her next class before she was counted late, so he decided to make her aware of this. “You know, I think there’s a classroom missing an adorable little filly...”

She immediately remembered, and bolted, but not before thanking him yet again.
He sighed heavily for the second time. “Such a sweet girl... A shame the worst happens to the best of us...” And with that, he walked back to his office, only to confront more papers and aggravated parents. He hated his job, but hey, it paid the bills.

The final bell sounded, signaling that school was finally over. To be honest, she was happy to be leaving her last class. She couldn’t pay attention to the lesson, mostly because the previously mentioned bullies were constantly joking around and messing with her. At least at home, she had a sense of security.

She had just left the school and began her walk home as she heard her name being called from behind. She already knew who it was before she even turned around with an actual smile. Xer, her one and only friend was rushing towards her. He was a small unicorn, much like herself. Light tan coat, scraggly brown mane, and bright blue eyes. A thin figure, but thinner than Night. Neither ate much, and not by choice.

After catching up, he began looking her over. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?” He began asking almost immediately.

She sighed, “Not yet, anyway… Why do they always pick on others? It’s not very nice…”

He gave her the ‘you already know the answer’ look. “They are jerks. Always making fun of someone or beating up someone for kicks… It really isn’t right, but the teachers won’t do anything about it.”

They began walking and talking, mostly about the bullies at first, but progressed into their subjects in school. They always walked to Xer’s home, if you could call it that. They both lived in the poorer section of Canterlot, seeing how money was just a major issue with both of them.

Xer lost his parents when he was really young. No one took him in, and he ran away from the orphanage. The kids there always treated him differently. Sometimes there was a nicer new kid, but soon after finding out that he was the most hated pony there, they quickly changed their minds without hesitation.

“…And that’s why I hate math. Were you even paying attention to me, Night?” He asked her as they approached the alley.

“Oh… No, sorry. I had other things on my mind…” She said shamefully. She hated when she would do this, especially to good friends.

“It’s fine. Besides, we’re here.” He finished, stopping in front of a small cardboard box, which looked like it’d seen better days. True statement, considering it’d been raining for the past few days.

“…You sure you don’t want to stay with me and my family? The pegasi said it was supposed to rain for the next two weeks…” She always tried to talk him into it, but like all the other times, she failed.

“No, I’m fine. I’ve been fine for all of my life. You go home, and relax. I’m sure your sister will come home soon.”

Her ears drooped once more as she adopted a pained expression. “…I really hope so… I miss her…”

“Then you should hurry on home. Something has to go right for you for a change, right?” He gave her a reassuring smile.

“…Yeah, I guess…” And with that, she turned away and began trotting home. She completely forgot about the bullies, classes (except for Ms. Crimson’s Art), homework, and even Xer. The only thing she could focus on was her sister’s return. And she wanted that more than anything in the world…

She approached her home in the farthest part of the poor section. A decent sized wooden shanty, cloths spread around to keep the water out, heat in, and act as doors. When she was little, she and her sister would paint pictures on the boards. They typically consisted of portraits of each other, makeshift drawings of what they say Luna and Celestia looked like, and a couple of the royals that live in the castle.

Thinking of the paintings she saw, Night had a flashback to when she was just a small filly…

The sun was setting in the distance, disappearing behind the stone castle that housed the leader of the nation. The golden sky was leaving an outline of the same around the building, and it just enhanced the beauty that was already there.

Night was sitting next to her sister in her bedroom, gazing out at the sky, and more importantly to Night, the castle.

“Someday, I want to live there.” Night said with a smile as large as she could manage. Things of beauty always made her smile.

Bell laughed, “Maybe you will. Maybe we all will. Can you imagine it? You, me, mom and dad, maybe that little friend of yours, all in the castle…”

Night raised her head back, looking Bell in the eyes with an expression of want and joy. “That’d be the best! Can we, sister? Can we, can we, can we?”

Bell ran a hoof through her little sister’s mane with a light hearted smile. “Maybe someday, little one, but for now, we’ve got to live here, and make the best of it.”

A playful frown was given, “Aww… I wanted to live in the castle…”

The eldest sister embraced the youngest with a hug, “Someday, Night… Someday…”

She missed her sister more than anything in the world. Bell could always make her laugh, or smile. More importantly, she was always there when Night needed her. When the bullies would take it too far, she would be there. If she got banged up too bad, she would be there. But she’s been missing, and Night wants to know why.

But that was for a later time. For now, she just wanted to get inside the shanty she called home, go to her room (which was added on), and sit in there. Homework would come first, being upset about the bullies second, and she’d finish with watching the sun go down by the castle, and then sleep. But when she did sleep, another memory played back…

Night and her sister sat out in an open field, watching the stars above. There was a gentle breeze flowing, and all animals had picked a perfect time to be quiet. This was quality time, and she wanted to enjoy every moment of it, in case something happens and Bell’s not around.

She shifted her head to the left so she could look at Bell, “Sister, why does the moon move?”

Bell turned her head to her sister to answer her question, “Because if it didn’t, the sun couldn’t come up.”

Night cocked her head as best as she could, “And why does the sun move?”

Her sister smiled at the curiosity of her little sister, “If it didn’t, the moon couldn’t come up.”

“Huh… And what are stars?” She asked, trying to pick out only the best questions for her favorite, and only, sibling.

Bell shifted her head so she could gaze into the vastness that is space, which housed the very subject that the question was on. “Some say that they’re hot gas just floating there. Others say they’re just some magic backdrop.”

“And what do you think, sister?”

“What do I think?” Bell started, “I think that they’re ponies from before, watching over us.”

“…Really? That sounds cool!” She practically shouted with enthusiasm.

Bell laughed at her little sister, “It really is, Night. I’m glad you agree with me.” She wrapped a hoof around her sister, pulling her in close, and laying there like that. There wasn’t a thing in the world that could make her want to leave her sister. All the bad in the world left when they were together, and she hoped to never have to leave her. Not just for her own sake, but the sake of her sweet, innocent sister.

“Am I interrupting?” Called a voice from behind.

Night immediately bounced up, turned around, and ran towards the source of the voice. She leaped into the air, and wrapped her forehooves around the one to speak. “Entropy!”

He gave a laugh at the little filly as he waited for Bell to arise. “I’ve only been gone a little while. And if Bell sees this, she might think I’m cheating on her…”

Speaking of Bell, she made her way over to the two, and gave a playful look of disappointment. “En, how could you? I thought you loved me…” And proceeded to cry fakely.

“No, sister! That’s not it!” Night announced loudly as she let go, and then did the same as before to Bell. “Not at all!”

Entropy and Bell just laughed at the small child. She so easily fell for everything, and made it all so cheery by doing so. If only it would last forever…