• Published 8th Jul 2022
  • 1,093 Views, 12 Comments

Mistakes - ManeBrony

Pinkie Pie has an interesting conversation with Twilight, and she comes to a rather upsetting conclusion about one of their other friends

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It was a nice, normal, perfect morning, and Twilight Sparkle was having a nice day of reading. She had gotten up quite early that day and things had been going wonderfully. Things were quiet and calm. Peaceful. That is until she was loudly interrupted by the voice of a certain pink pony.

"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie practically shouted directly into Twilight's ear.

Twilight dropped her book and yelped, nearly screaming in surprise. After taking a few moments calm herself she turning around and glared at Pinkie, "Pinkie Pie! Where did you come from?! What have I told you about sneaking up on me?!"

Pinkie giggled, "Oh yeah. Sorry! Anyway, whatcha doing?" she asked excitedly, as she always did.

Twilight sighed, "Well before you broke into my house, I was reading. Wait... How did you get in anyway?"

Pinkie giggled once again, "The door silly!"

Twilight tilted her head, "Wasn't the door locked?"

Pinkie just smiled at the question, "It sure was! So what're you reading about?"

Twilight sat there in confusion for a moment, before deciding that any further questioning would likely not be worth the trouble, "Well, I was reading about alchemy magic, at least until you came up and screamed into my ear and made me lose my place,"

Pinkie lowered her head and her ears flattened against her head a little as she was beginning to pick up on Twilight's annoyance, "Oh... Sorry. I'll just go visit somepony else," she said as she started walking to the door.

Twilight sighed, feeling a tad guilty after seeing Pinkie's mood change, "No no, you can stay, I was just about to take a break to get something to eat anyway,"

Spike's voice chimed in from the kitchen, "Ha. Yeah maybe after I yanked the book out of your hooves and made you," This got a giggle out of Pinkie, and a huff out of Twilight.

Pinkie perked right back up, "Yay! Thanks for letting me stay Twi!, We can eat lunch together!"

Twilight smiled, "Sure thing," she said as she lead Pinkie to the kitchen.

Pinkie followed, bouncing along happily, "So how's your morning been Twi?"

Twilight began preparing something for the two of them, "Oh it's been good. Uneventful, but good,"

Pinkie giggled, "Oh I know what you mean! I was super bored this morning! Gummy wanted to sleep in so I couldn't play with him, Sugar Cube Corner barely had any customers so the Cakes didn't need any help, Dashie was busy with the weather, Applejack was working on her farm, and Rarity was busy designing!" Pinkie was shouting by the end of her rant.

Twilight nodded, "So that's why you came to see me huh?"

Pinkie smiled, "Yeah! I was so so happy you weren't busy! If you were I would've had to go see Fluttershy, and of course she'd probably be busy too with all her little animal friends. Then again maybe I could help her with the animals! That would be so much fun! Maybe I'll do that after eating with you. Thanks again for letting me eat with you by the way!"

Twilight giggled, amused by Pinkie's rambling, "Sure thing. And it's probably good to wait on seeing Fluttershy anyway,"

Pinkie tilted her head, "Whaddya mean? I thought today would be perfect since I haven't seen her since the Flutterguy incident. Is she sick or something?"

Twilight paused, slightly confused, "Uhh no... I just meant after what happened the other day y'know?"

Pinkie scratched her head, "Something happened? Was it something bad?! Is Fluttershy hurt?!" Pinkie shouted starting to get worried.

Twilight held up her hoof to stop Pinkie, "What- no! She's not hurt Pinkie, I just meant after... After what happened with you two, remember?"

Pinkie sat there silently, she blinded seemingly completely oblivious, "Something happened with me and her? Twilight are you sure it wasn't a dream? Those can be awfully convincing you know! This one time I thought Rainbow Dash was a griffon when I woke up!" Pinkie gigged at that thought.

Twilight shook her head, "No Pinkie it wasn't a dream, trust me. Do you really not know what I'm talking about?

Pinkie shrugged, "sorry Twilight I really don't. Could ya remind me?"

Twilight looked off to the side, thinking carefully about how she should explain this, "Ok well... Pinkie do you remember the other day when Fluttershy used the poison joke potion to sing for the Pony Tones?"

Pinkie nodded, paying very close to attention.

Twilight continued, "Well, it's just that- I mean I'm sure you didn't do it on purpose- but you kinda- well you-" Twilight was having a difficult time explaining this in a way that wouldn't upset Pinkie to much. Shouldn't this be obvious? What do I even say? Twilight thought to herself 'you made Fluttershy's anxiety far worse with your rambling,' 'you were extremely rude and mean,' 'you made Fluttershy cry because you're incapable of reading the room or paying attention to what you're saying and how it's affecting others!'...well it's not exactly untrue. Twilight sighed, "Pinkie you really upset Fluttershy that day,"

Pinkie was taken aback, with a mix of disbelief, and worry, "What?! How!? What did I do!?"

Twilight went and sat next to Pinkie, being sure to speak carefully, "Do you remember the things you said to her when we were talking to her about her stage fright? Or when we went to see her after the curtain fell and everypony saw her singing?"

Pinkie frowned, "Well yeah I remember I said... I just said that she would have a lot of ponies looking at her, and that she was really really, super good at singing"

Twilight shook her head, "There was more Pinkie,"

Pinkie looked down at the floor and tried to remember. 'you'd be there on stage, basking in the hoof lights! The center of attention!' what was so bad about that? she thought to herself 'with everypony STARING at you! JUDGING you!' oh... Yeah maybe I was a little - 'jealously noting how they could be way better than you!' ok yeah that wasn't very nice I guess. 'Why wasn't it them? Why wasn't it them? And then when you choke, they'll turn on you! Becoming a seething angry mob! And you'll be horribly humiliated! Never able to show your face in ponyville again!'... oh. Pinkie sniffled and looked up at Twilight, "I guess I was a big meany... You're right, she wouldn't wanna see me,"

Twilight patted Pinkie's shoulder, "Hey it's alright, What's important is that you know you did something wrong, that's the first step to making up for it,"

Pinkie nodded, "You're right Twilight! I do need to make it up to Fluttershy!"

Twilight smiled and nodded, "Good idea Pinkie, I'm sure she'd forgive you quickly,"

Pinkie, "Now I just need to figure out how!"

Twilight paused, "What do you mean? Just go and apologize?"

Pinkie shook her head, "That won't do! A simple apology won't make up for a mistake like this! I need something big!"

Twilight stood up, "Pinkie I really don't think you should-" Twilight was interrupted by Pinkie hugging her tightly.

Pinkie released her after a few seconds, "Thank you so much for helping me realize what I did! Well anyway I gotta go! See ya!" Pinkie then bolted out the door.

Twilight sat there, a bit stunned, she then sighed, "This can't end well,"

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

The first chapter of my first multi chapter story! Pinkie's scenes in Filli Vanilli have always bothered me greatly so I wanted to write this story here to give Pinkie the redemption she deserves. As always any and all comments, or feedback in general extremely appreciated, especially if anyone has an idea for a better story name.