• Published 6th Aug 2022
  • 573 Views, 46 Comments

The Hobo: The 'Empathetic' Friend - Visharo

Sunset, the greatest friend anybody could ask for...or is she? The Finale to The Hobo series.

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Rarity's Generosity

Principal Celestia's eyes looked weary beyond belief. Vice-Principal Luna tried to comfort her sister, casting furtive glances at the restless audience who were murmuring angrily. Luna looked back at her downtrodden sister, then made a split decision. Walking up the microphone, she announced to the next student, "Rarity."

The two women looked with a frightened expression, unsure of what she was going to do, as she walked up closer. As the budding fashionista came closer, Luna could make out the greed in her blue eyes. Luna held out the certificate, which Rarity snatched with lightning reflexes. Before anybody on stage could do anything, Rarity also snagged the microphone and walked off stage.


The last time Sunset Shimmer saw Rarity was on fashion street. Before that, it was a sleepover at Pinkie's. It was her, Pinkie, and Rarity. Despite the poor party girl's efforts, the sleepover was awkward for both the girls and the Cakes. Before the clock struck 11pm. Rarity told us farewell and left. In the morning, Ms. Cake scratched her head over missing utensils.

During fashion week a couple years later, Sunset found herself in need of another leather jacket. Because of the occasion, prices were lowered, allowing simple minded folk, like Sunset, access to usually expensive products. While ruffling around, looking at various sizes, she thought of starting her own clothing company. It would help a lot, not spending all this money, trying to find a jacket that fit her needs. While she was deep in thought, a familiar voice rang out. Sunset poked her head over the jacket stand and saw a familiar white woman with luscious purple hair. Sunset didn't dare make contact for fear of something dramatic happening, and left the street altogether.


"Hello. Quite the coincidence to find you here." Sunset whirled around, her mouth still stuffed with scones, and stared at the muscular man before her. He looked completely the same, even after all these years; even the suit he was wearing looked the same.

"Uhh, yes. Coincidental." Sunset hacked as she tried to swallow the half-chewed scone. "Urgh, uh huh. I don't believe you. What do you want?"

"Am I really that obvious? I try to not wear my intentions on my sleeve, but it matters not with a woman as perceptive as you, it seems." The man took a sit across Sunset. "We haven't properly talked since Rainbow Dash."

"I don't think we've talked at all." Sunset took a tentative sip, her eyes locked on the man before her. "You still haven't said what you're doing here."

"My apologies, I was just trying to make small talk. If you must know, I came to help you reconnect with your friends."

Sunset stared at him, then burst out laughing. The fit lasted much longer than any patron wanted; even the man started to look uncomfortable. "Oh shit, I haven't laughed that long in a while! That felt good!" Sunset grinned, tears still streaming down her face, as she faced the man. "What makes you think that I want to become friends with them? We had a good run, but that's all over now. I'm living the good life."

"Is that so? Perhaps I was too hasty with my second appearance." The man stood up, smoothening his suit as he rose up. Once at full height, he reached into a pocket and pulled out another card, before placing it on a table. "This number goes to colleague of mine; Dirty Secret. He specializes in getting into places nobody wants him too. For the right price, he'll help anyone. Now, if you grant me the chance, I shall take my leave. Fare thee well, o' Shimmering Sunset."

"Hold on! Why should I trust you? I don't even know your name!" Sunset looked at him indignantly.

The man didn't answer, merely just smiled and left.


Pinkie Pie slurped on a milkshake of her own design. Sunset took one look at the sugary drink, then looked away, not daring to ask what was in it. "So, have you found Rarity yet?"

"Yepperinee!" The baker took a long gulp, multiple substances formed a mustache, then continued, "Rarity started a famous fashion company, popular among the stuffy ponies, called Rarity Divine Enterprises. Between you and me, that name gives me the creepy crawlies!" Pinkie whispered the last sentence, like she was afraid of getting caught.

"Famous? Makes me wonder why I've never heard of it." Sunset pondered this for a moment, then shook her head. "Right, where do I find her?"

"Outside her house, of course!" Pinkie looked at the rest of the milkshake and chugged the rest of it in one swift gulp. "It's important to wear something underneath your hobo clothes this time, maybe your own brand?" The baker giggled spontaneously, "I can already imagine what her face would look like when she sees you with clothes she doesn't have in her closet!"

"Umm, riiight. You still haven't told me where to find her." Sunset said, looking a little miffed.

"Oh, just ask Fluttershy." Pinkie grinned, then skipped away, no doubt preparing a batch of cookies. "The two still go on spa dates."

"Right." Sunset sighed. "Fluttershy."


"You created your own fashion company!?" Rarity asked, a slight tremor in her voice. "How have I never heard of this?"

"Oh, uhh. I don't know?" Sunset scratched her head awkwardly. A couple days after she left Canterlot back to Prance, she got called by the fashionista. The day after, Pinkie was awoken by a loud pounding on her front door. Rarity demanded answers, and that meant that Sunset also had to get out of bed. "I mean, I never heard of your company either till recently."

"WHAT!?" The shriek was so loud that some of the glass cups cracked. "But I've been on so many fashion magazines, billboards, podcasts, I've even been on TV! Rarity Divine Enterprises rules the fashion industry, other companies are even coming to me to ask for my advice!"

"Uh huh. I seem to be doing well though. Get a nice check every month, about 10 million bits." Sunset sleepily walked over to where an equally sleepy Pinkie Pie was holding on to a coffee jug.

"10...10 million? B...but how?" Rarity spluttered, her face contorting into a confused, angry hybrid.

"I don't know Rarity. Maybe come back later today? Go..." Sunset yawned viciously before continuing, "go see the sights, or something. The Hoofel Tower and baguettes...and wine..." The shop was suddenly filled with snores as Sunset and Pinkie both collapsed on the counter, coffee still in hand.


Sunset was humming a merry tune, walking around the city of Fillydelphia. It was one of the locations where Timatimaana is. Rarity accompanied her, ogling at the various designs, giving her expert critique. Sunset hung back, looking at the fashionista as she went from one aisle to the next, asking questions of seamstresses and designers alike, before finally coming back to Sunset.

Now, as the two took a stroll, Rarity was still asking questions, "I've looked all over and you don't seem to have a theme. I wonder why that is, maybe you could enlighten me."

Sunset chuckled, her hands in her pockets to prevent her hands from getting cold. "I originally wanted my own company because the clothes that I liked were too expensive or too gaudy or too itchy or, oh you get it. As for the different themes, it's because I promise my employees that they can pitch ideas to the designers." Sunset took a corner and Rarity followed without question. "My designers are obligated to choose at least one idea per employee, and thus, the variety. It helps them stay loyal to me, plus the fare wages."

"My goodness, that does seem like a good prospect. You've got quite the show. Though, if you don't mind me asking, could I borrow that idea for my company?" Rarity chuckled awkwardly. "It's just that I've taken a liking to charity again, and all my spare money has gone that way, so it would be simply splendid if I could find alternate ways for employee loyalty."

"Sure Rarity, what are friends for?"

"Darling, where are we going?" Rarity asked, looking around as if she just realized where they were. Which was a dark alleyway.

"Shortcut, we didn't take a turn earlier, so now we're going this way."


The two walked in silence, one looking ahead, while the other cast weary glances around themselves. It didn't take long, but it sure felt long; light was finally in the distance. Rarity all but ran once it came into view. Sunset followed quickly behind. The duo found themselves in a peaceful part of the city, street vendors, and shops open. Fresh bread was set up in the glass; small pieces of cheese were given out freely, and hats placed on stands. The orange girl froze, where her eyes found what she had been looking for all these years.

"Darling? You alright?"

"I'll be with you in a moment, just need to go buy something." Sunset then wandered into a store as Rarity watched. A peculiar triangular amulet was taken from the windowsill, and later, Sunset was seen walking out with a big grin.


The girls, friends in an age long past and friends once again, meet altogether for the first time. There were some squeals from Rarity as she hugged Applejack. Twilight Sparkle was chatting with Pinkie Pie while Fluttershy was hovering nearby. Sunset watched with a bittersweet smile, if only Rainbow Dash was here.

Pinkie set up this party to celebrate Twilight graduating from Hayvard, getting degrees in Computer Sciences, Engineering Sciences, and Earth and Planetary Sciences. A party like this hasn't been thrown since the graduation party, a party where Pinkie went all out. Balloons and streamers were all over the place. Hors d'oeuvres and desserts were scattered about on multiple tables, plus a large punch bowl in the middle.

How they were going to eat all this, Sunset had no idea. She just sat back, watching as Pinkie tried to get Fluttershy to sing, punch in hand. A small sip from the cup and a place to the side. Sunset got up. She strutted over to where Rarity and Applejack were discussing trees and weather, when the doors were broken down.

The girls, as a collective, have seen enough strange shit to not even flinch as three strangers strolled in like the own of the place. They were strangers to them, but Sunset knew them perfectly well.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here!" Shutterbug cackled, spittle flying from her mouth.

"Six little bugs who have fallen into our spider web!" Cozy Glow cooed, her eyes looking quite insane by the minute.

"And the strong spider has come to feast." The mysterious man stepped forward, an evil grin formed.

"Uhhh, I didn't invite you."
"That was quite rude, darlings. If you could just leave, that would be simply divine."
"Oh dear, they don't look very nice."
"Nasty folk, jealous cuz we got a fancy party an' they don't."
"Why do things always happen to us?"

"Horrible entrance, guys." Sunset took a step forward, a fire in her eyes.

"You know them, Sunset?" Twilight asked, confusion clouding her gaze as she looked at the trio, then at Sunset, then back again.

"I guess you could say that..."

"Enough talking!" Shutterbug hissed, her hands busy ruffling through a backpack, before pulling out a circular device. "It's time to lighten up the place!"

"Is that what ah think it is?" Applejack peered with caution at the metal object that fell from the photographer's fingers.

"That, is a grenade...HOLY SHIT, IT'S A FUCKING GRENADE! GET DOWN!" The moment Twilight spoke, the room erupted into white and the smell of gunpowder. The girls were reduced to hacking as their bodies convulsed, trying to reconfigure after the explosion. Then, just as soon as it began, the girls fell unconscious, one by one.


When Sunset came to, she found herself strapped to a chair. The mysterious man was leaning over her, smiling faintly. "Our third meeting, isn't that quaint. I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Lord Tirek. You may bow."

"Please forgive me if I don't, your liege." Sunset said sarcastically. "So, what is this? I thought we had a deal. We get a share of all the spoils, the four of us!"

"Well, we thought otherwise! You haven't acted like our friend in the past years, and that's not okay!" Cozy Glow chimed in, still looking just as innocent as she did all those years ago.

"You're just going to be consumed, just like the others!" Shutterbug sauntered over, trailing a finger over Sunset's jaw. Despite being older than the orange woman, Shutterbug still looked impeccably young.

"Well then, luckily for me, I thought of your betrayal." Sunset's eyes turned deep crimson, much to the trio's shock. Before they could do anything, Sunset's bonds snapped like crackers. Similar crimson wings and horn sprouted from their respective areas and Sunset's turquoise dress turned blood red. "BEHOLD THE POWER OF THR ALICORN AMULET!"


Vice-Principal Luna looked at Principal Celestia in worry. After a few moments, she sighed and walked up to the microphone and announced the last name, "Sunset Shimmer. Would you please come up." Luna could hear the strain in her sister's voice in that 'please'.

Frightened was no longer the word the two were feeling. Closer to horror sounded right as they watched their prized pupil walk up. Sunset grinned as she took her certificate and took her place in front of the microphone.

"I promise, with all my heart and power, to bring this world to its knees. To burn everything that mankind has made and force those who survives, into slavery. To build an empire worthy of my rule. This is what I promise, and let it remain in your head for the years to come."

Author's Note:

Easter egg alert! I wonder if you could find it.

I hope that you enjoyed this fanatical journey that I bizarrely created. All this because I thought of the concept of a homeless person being secretly rich and travelling the world. How weird, it evolved into this.

I will revisit each of the Hobo stories and thoroughly edit and revise them. I hope to polish it so new readers and rereaders will enjoy it more. PLUS, now that it's finally complete, my dad will finally read it!

The kudos list!
21 KM to Nerdiness
My dad
And finally, to those who left nice and helpful comments!
You are all amazing!

Comments ( 17 )

Okay I'm completely and utterly lost what the heck happen!? Somebody explain to me what the heck is happening!? Did they just die? Is there a different conclusion cause this seems to me to be still unfinished?

I'm very lost now at what just happened? Did the girls all died from the grenade blast or will there be a different epilogue as this seems to be unfinished.

The way I understand it is that when Cozy turned Sunset evil originally it never went away. All the good things she did to get the girls together was just to destroy them together. Her new ‘friends’ were in on it but we’d gonna turn against her and take it all for themselves, but Sunset was prepared for this and had a plan to take them out as well.

Basically following Cozy using the bell on Sunset she turned super evil and played the long game about destroying their lives and eventually taking over the world

aye, this guy gets it!

righto, so the grenade was a smoke grenade of some sort, knocked the girls unconscious. Sunset and the evil trio made plans together, then betrayed Sunset. BUT, Sunset figured out their plan and countered them using the alicorn amulet. whatever happens to them or the girls is up for you to decide. Or, I'll change it if somebody wants me to.

Thanks for answering my question.

Ok, I’m confused. If I remember correctly sunset was pissed that rarity keep her generosity, but she stole her magic, whipped her memory, and caused the things she talked about to the girls. This story seems unfinished because despite everything she has done there was no consequence or reactions from the girls when they learned the truth. Pinkie seems to know the most, but is willing to go along with it. Does she know everything that’s going on?

their personalities is their magic. Fluttershy's ability to talk to animals would not happen if she wasn't kind. It's all connected

Indeed, Sunset is cruel and calculated.

And she thought of ghosts because Twilight thinks Sunset is dead, so if she returned to Twilight, then the she'll think Sunset is back from the dead.

True true, but changes in personality has to take time. Her unkindness grows after more and more disappointment from her so called 'friends'

Because it is unfinished, the rest is up to the reader's imagination on what happens next. The mysterious question that everyone asks, "what happens next?" Does Sunset lose? Does Sunset take over the world? Does Princess Twilight return and beat Sunset again? What about the Evil Trio?
It's all up to the reader to decide

But wasn’t she mean during the graduation? This seems to take place not long after that.

So it’s basically an open ending?

Quite true, quite true.
Seems to me, I made a mistake, it happens. Don't take it to seriously

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