• Published 14th Jul 2022
  • 1,190 Views, 23 Comments

The Equestrian Majin: A MLP/DBZ Crossover - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A strange creature from an unknown world comes to Earth. What ensues is a lot of destruction and candy

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Episode 3: Destructive Tantrum

With the Rainbooms

The girls were all driving towards the city in Fluttershy's van. It was the only vehicle big enough to fit them all, so it was the obvious choice. The girls were all tracking the alien as it flew off towards the city to see if the alien was any sort of threat to the city and the population.

If the screaming and running people they saw the further they got towards the downtown area was anything to go by, there was an increasingly high possibility that the alien may be a bit dangerous. As the drove into the city, they saw Octavia and Vinyl Scratch running down the street. Sunset rolled down her window and called out to the young musicians.

"Hey, Octavia! Vinyl! What's going on?!" Sunset called out.

The pair quickly ran to the van and Octavia spoke in hurried and frantic tones.

"This strange alien creature appeared in the city and killed the Diamond Dogs!" she relayed to them.

"'Killed'? How?!" Twilight asked.

"I don't know!" Octavia replied. "He fired some weird energy balls at two of them and blew them up. He somehow turned the last one into a hotdog and ate him!"

"He ATE him?!" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah! Do you know what's going on?!" Octavia asked.

"We now have a fairly good idea. Let's go find our little visitor" Applejack said with a determined scowl on her face.

"Well, whatever you do, stay safe" Octavia said before running off with Vinyl.

Applejack put her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "Sugarcube, get us to downtown Canterlot as fast as you can"

Fluttershy's only response was to floor the gas pedal. For such a shy girl, Fluttershy could really put the pedal to the metal when she needed to.

"Looks like this visitor from outer space isn't so friendly" Rarity said.

"Yeah! Let's make him regret messing with this planet!" Rainbow exclaimed.

With Obuu

Obuu was still tracking the source of the interesting smell. Those three mean thugs he took care of also got him in a mood to fight. Maybe he'll kill off the city's inhabitants to blow off some steam.

As he was continuing his way down the street, he heard some loud rhythmic noises heading his way. Something about those noises really annoyed him. Eventually, several black and white machines with flashing red and blue lights stopped before him.

Several uniformed humans appeared from the vehicles with what Obuu assumed to be weapons at him. One of them had a rather ugly-looking mustache and held up a horn to his mouth.

"You there! Stay where you are and put your hands up!" he shouted at the Majin.

"This mean human think he can boss Obuu around?!" Obuu thought to himself.

Obuu just looked at the gathered humans and glared at them with a menacing smile. With his black sclera and glowing red irises, he immediately sent shivers of fear down the humans' spines. The leader of these humans regained his composure rather quickly.

"I repeat: stay where you are and put your hands up!" he called out again.

Since Obuu was put in the mood to fight, he supposed that fighting these apparent warriors would quell this desire for combat.

"If you want to fight Obuu, then Obuu oblige mean humans" Obuu stated before charging up a Ki blast.

One of the officers fired at Obuu. The bullet hit the Majin square in the chest. Obuu stumbled backwards a bit, but stood straight again with the bullet lodged in his chest. After a few moments, the bullet simply fell to the ground with a clattering sound.

Obuu looked at the bullet, then at the officers, and finally gave the officers a fierce glare with his prominent canine teeth showing. Finally, he started to visibly charge up his Ki with clenched fists.

"You mean, humans! You hurt Obuu, now Obuu... hurt... YOU!!" he shouted before attacking them.

The officers never stood a chance.

The girls made their way to the sight of carnage. They drove through what remained of police cars. There were multiple craters littering the ground and most of the police cars were torn apart, with what looked like fist prints on some of the cars. These cars have been destroyed so easily. Some of the surrounding buildings were reduced to rubble. This alien may be much more dangerous than they thought. Curiously, though, there were no signs of any bodies.

"Did he really do... all of this?" Fluttershy asked in horror.

"It appears so. Who knew that little guy could be so powerful?" Pinkie said.

As the group slowly drove through the remains of the obvious altercation, an injured police officer stepped out and flagged down the group.

"Fluttershy! Stop the car!" Sunset ordered.

Fluttershy did so and the group stepped out to attend to the wounded officer. They managed to get him to the ground and determine just how injured he is. He received several cuts and bruises, a broken arm, some broken ribs, and an obvious head injury. Drips of blood poured from his mouth indicating a punctured lung. His uniform was tattered, singed, and spotted with blood.

His badge indicated that he was the sheriff. The name on the badge read: "Sheriff Silverstar".

"Sheriff! What happened here?" Rarity asked him.

"We were... attempting to arrest... some creepy alien that had destroyed the Diamond Dogs. One of my officers... shot at him. He just shrugged it off... like it was nothing" he replied.

"Then what happened?" Sunset asked.

The sheriff started coughing up more blood. "The alien... attacked us. We didn't know... what hit us. He... was too fast, too strong... and too powerful. He tore us apart... as if we were flies"

"Did he say anything?" Rainbow asked.

"He said... 'You hurt Obuu, now Obuu hurt you'. That was the last thing he said... before he attacked" he responded.

"What happened to the other officers? There are no bodies" Twilight asked.

Silverstar's eyes looked haunted. "He... turned them all into candy and cookies. He... ate them all"

After that, the sheriff passed out. Twilight quickly dialed 911 to send an ambulance to their current location.

The girls then set off to hunt down the alien. They couldn't really tell which direction he went. They really should have asked the sheriff where he took off before he passed out.

"Girls, how do you think we should go about this if we do find him?" Fluttershy asked.

"We beat the brakes off of him, of course!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Rainbow, did you see the destruction he caused? Even if we find him, how are we going to fight him? We don't have much fighting experience" Sunset said.

"Still, we gotta do something. We can't just have a dangerous alien running free around the city" Applejack stated.

"Hey girls. I have this feeling that maybe Obuu isn't so bad" Fluttershy said.

The other girls were stunned by what Fluttershy just said. Not just by the fact that she just referred to the alien by his name, but also the fact that she was proposing that the alien "wasn't so bad".

"How can you say that, Flutters?! This guy just ate a lot of police officers!" Rainbow shouted.

"Only after one of the officers shot him. And the Diamond Dogs? Knowing them, they were most likely trying to pick a fight with him" Fluttershy proposed.

"I guess we'll just find out when we find him" Pinkie said.

After a few more minutes of searching, the girls eventually found the alien standing in front of an abandoned factory. He seemed to be smelling the surrounding area with his antenna. Then he pointed his antenna backwards towards the girls. After several seconds, the alien Obuu turned around to look at them.

"What weak humans want? You going to be mean, too?" Obuu asked them.

Fluttershy stepped forward with her hands out in a non-threatening manner and with a composed look on her face.

"We're not here to be mean to you, Obuu. I bet several humans have tried to be mean to you" she said like a mother trying to calm a child.

It seemed to work, too. Obuu's face seemed to soften a bit.

"Yes. Many humans try to be mean to Obuu. Obuu didn't even do anything and they try to be mean to him. If anyone mean to Obuu, Obuu will hurt them!" Obuu exclaimed.

"I know. I know. It's really tempting to hurt those who hurt you. But you got to control your temper" Fluttershy said getting a little closer.

Obuu's eyes seemed to light up with thought. "How does human girl know name?" he asked.

"The sheriff told us" she responded.

That response seemed to light the fire of rage within Obuu. He looked at Fluttershy with a furious look.

"You with mean human who try to hurt Obuu?!" he shouted at him.

Fluttershy suddenly looked shocked and afraid. "N-no! We're not--!"

"First, humans try to be mean to Obuu! Now you try to lie to Obuu?!" he yelled.

Before Fluttershy could say anything, Rainbow sped forward and punched Obuu square in the face, sending him flying towards the wall of the abandoned factory and left a spiderweb of cracks on the wall.

"Don't you dare try to hurt Fluttershy, you freak!" Rainbow yelled at him.

Obuu stood up and just started cracking his neck with a smile on his face. He began to walk towards the girls in a predatory fashion.

"Know that human make the first move. You had hurt Obuu! Now Obuu hurt you!" he shouted before he started to charge his Ki.

He rose into the air and clenched his fists. The girls were shocked. They couldn't tell what it was, but they felt that they were facing a dynamo of raw destructive power.

The girls all assumed a battle stance.

"Oh, humans want to do this?" Obuu asked. "Alright, then. Let's do this"

Author's Note:

Holy moly! Looks like the girls have finally confronted the Majin Obuu. And just when everything seemed to be going the peaceful route, Rainbow had to go and punch the brakes off Obuu and instigated a fight. Now Obuu's ready to rumble! How will the Rainbooms fare against this extraterrestrial foe? Find out next time on "The Equestrian Majin"!