• Published 21st Jul 2022
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Anchor Foal II: Return Of The Cringe - Estee

When you love somepony, you have to deal with everything which comes with them. Fleur is perfectly aware that she's effectively inherited Zephyr. She just doesn't understand why she isn't allowed to kill him.

  • ...

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And One Of These Days, That Time Is Gonna Skip Right Over You

There were multiple clauses attached to Dr. Lorem's contract with the palace, and one of the most prominent said that once a mission had ended, Fleur had to go into a therapy session. This was supposed to be scheduled as quickly as possible, and couldn't operate with the usual time limit in place because no one could know how long it was going to take before even a fraction of recent events had been talked out. And as it was typically rather difficult to shuffle enough clients to clear the hours, the usual -- previous... twice-used solution was having the psychiatrist see the former escort during what normally would have been a day off.

The palace paid extra for such emergency sessions, because they used hours which took the griffon away from the rest of her life. The unicorn, who would have normally enjoyed an opportunity to strip extra bits away from the national budget, could at least manage to appreciate that the tiercel had claimed a few.

A session had to be scheduled, and quickly. But it didn't happen instantly and in this case --

"I can't turn my tail towards anything for five minutes!"

-- Fleur hadn't reached the office until after she'd spent a full day in Ponyville.

Perhaps a little too calmly, "Fleur, you were gone for several days --"

"-- which just gives it a multiplier," the unicorn shot back, and the tall form twisted in the nest. Hooves gestured and given the occupant's current position, three of the four were currently trying to curse out the ceiling. "I've lived at the cottage for a while. Five minutes is all it can take before something goes wrong. Five seconds. It goes under that, but don't ask me to measure it. I'm not sure any clock has gears that small --"

"-- and ultimately, the only thing anyone can truly try to control is their own self," the psychiatrist pressed on. "You are in no way responsible for --"

"-- you need to come into Ponyville. Not just for Gilda. For the next session. For every session." The fourth hoof took virtual aim at a glowing length of wire in the ceiling, created a momentary vicious shadowplay across the bottom of the nest. "Because I clearly can't go anywhere. Ever. Sun's spots, at least when the palace was tracking the bracelet, I officially couldn't risk leaving town. Enforced by the Grimcess herself. And now it's just the world trying to punish --"

"-- I was wondering," the too-calm voice smoothly cut in, "if you were aware of your body's current orientation."

The unicorn froze.

She looked at her legs. Then she realized she was looking up at her legs --

-- it's a soft nest. It has to be. The material shifts under you. Support offered for any position. And because it's a nest, you're supposed to feel safe. Protected.

"Right," the harpy eagle beak carefully voiced. "You're on your back. Not exactly a common position for a pony, is it?"

Fleur's mind scrambled.

Sarcastically, "You've never really shown much interest in that part of my life. Not for the working aspects. But if you really want me to teach you about pony positions, we actually have all day --"

"-- and thank you, Fleur's defense mechanisms," Dr. Lorem evenly interrupted. "I was expecting them to get a word in somewhere. Fleur, you are on your back. You've spent some time on your sides, but you're currently carrying your weight on the spine. Kicking at the air. Who else does that?"

Like a...

The unicorn slowly attempted to get her body back into a standard resting position. The ideal would have been to manage the feat with a hint of dignity, and gravity fought her all the way.

"It's not a tantrum," she said after her belly and barrel were touching the nesting material again.

"It's anger," Dr. Lorem placidly replied. "You're allowed to be angry. And this is a place where you can express that anger. Because it's honest rage, Fleur. So it's welcome here. I could even hope that you'd simply felt safe enough to show it in such a primal way. But I wanted you to be fully aware of it."

Fleur took a slow breath, and immediately wished she hadn't. The scents of the imported wood had recently been refreshed, and --

-- she looked out the window. Portions of Canterlot passed by her view and since it was the Aviary, quite a bit of it had talons and paws. Moving in groups, protectively positioned to keep an eye on the smaller talons...

Maybe I could ask her to activate the illusions. Just this once.
Maybe the lies don't have any children going by.

"I was gone for a few days," she forced herself to continue. "And I lost control."

The griffon sighed.

"Sometimes I forget how young you are," Dr. Lorem stated, and the panther tail swayed. "Your body casts a rather effective illusion, as do the cosmetics -- and you're using quite a few today. But saying something like that... it brings the truth back. There are two reasons to believe you can control the world, Fleur. One is delusion, and the other is youth." The beak parted, with the degree of gap approaching a smile. "We could just call that two different forms of insanity. But ultimately, the only thing you can truly hope to control is yourself."

The unicorn did her best to bury the fuming.

"So, before we go back to the rest of it --" the tail ceased its swaying, lashed once "-- and yes, I intend to talk about the whole -- I want you to concentrate on the positives from your mission. You saved so many, Fleur. All of the ones who would have been next --"

"-- after the total had already reached eight," Fleur softly said. "And those are just the ones we know about. Some of them might never come forward. They won't tell their parents, or anypony else. It'll just... fester."

Some memories never faded.
A few had been known to become louder.

"The police are still looking," the griffon reminded her. (The talons were clenching.) "They can use the --" and stopped.

"Trophies," offered a bitter voice. "Call the contents of those albums what they are: trophies. The police can use the trophies and try to connect them with any more victims." Trophies were... surprisingly common. The souvenirs of the hunt.

The Windicity police had told her there was a book.
The operations of paired monsters had required the creation of copies.

"And both of them were caught," Dr. Lorem said, leaning forward a little with the words. "Both, Fleur. It's over --"

"-- for the ones they raped," a very young voice observed, "it's never over."

Silence descended onto the office. The beak failed to clack. Fleur looked towards the nearest window, and then glanced away.

"Having two could make it worse for the trial," the unicorn quietly noted. "Prisoner's dilemma, did you ever fly over that one during your training? The questioning was still going on when the police sent me back, after they had both of them. And it was still in the stage where most of what they were getting was denials and claims that all of the -- physical evidence had been planted."

As opposed to living testimony.
The ones who had to go on.

"There's a lot of evidence," Fleur forced herself to continue. "But testimony could make it easier to have the case stick. And that means they might try to bargain. If one sells the other out from the witness stall, then whoever talks could wind up with a shorter sentence." More softly, "It's not Protocera, is it? That one would get to walk out."

"And they would be watched for the rest of their lives," Dr. Lorem tried to point out. (The tail lashes were getting faster.)

"'Alive' would be the problem," Fleur calmly offered. "They'll be watched. But ponies blink. And corpses don't move."

Both females were quiet for a time.

"You still saved all the ones who would have been next."

Starkly, "Tell that to the eight I wasn't there for. If the number's even that low."

There shouldn't have been so many.
If I'd been called in earlier...
...there should never be one...
Maybe Celestia can at least get that stalling hackamore out of the precinct office.
'Rammed down through the clouds' should be an option.

"And is that your talent, Fleur?" the psychiatrist asked. "To know when something will happen, and appear in time to stop it? To control the world?"

As if I'm that lucky.

It wouldn't matter. Luck ran out.

More silence. The black tail slowed, stilled.

"You have control issues," Dr. Lorem accurately observed. "It's not the first time they've emerged. But -- and yes, I know I'm repeating myself -- you can only truly hope to control yourself. Everything else is... suggestions."

"Then at least I managed to 'suggest' something to the press," the unicorn sighed. "By proxy, anyway." Because setting off a chase in the middle of a public park...

She had fully explored the limits of her talent. Most of those who knew its nature still didn't suspect all the ways she'd learned to use it. But it didn't allow her to solve somepony's profession. (Usually. It was sometimes possible to detect an escort just through the sheer variety of pieces with recently-acquired glow.) And there had been a journalist on a park bench.

Multiple officers had approached that furiously-scribbling reporter on the unicorn's behalf. (It was best for Fleur not to get too close. Be noticed. Identified.) And with surprisingly-calm words, they'd told the mare that there was a second party to find, and it would be considerably harder for the police to do their jobs if that one knew pursuit existed.

The journalist had agreed to hold back on the story, and -- that had bought them some time. Fleur had been teleported out of Windicity before anypony could even consider asking The Mare In The Really Ugly Hat for an interview.

It had bought them time. Enough time. But it had still taken two additional days to find the monster's partner.

And while Fleur had been out of Ponyville...

"Did you send the letters?" the griffon asked. "Telling everypony what was going on?"

Starkly, "Yes." And because she needed some control, "And it's 'everyone'. I did send one to you."

The beak's edged parted again. "Fleur, you may be reluctant to see it this way, but -- that represents progress. You were attempting to work with others. Instead of keeping secrets, you tried to share your knowledge and let them in on your plans. You looked for help."

The unicorn's motionless silence embittered the warm air.

"I haven't seen your letter, though," the psychiatrist admitted. "I'm hoping it didn't get lost in the shuffle --"

"-- you'll probably have it tomorrow," Fleur half-spat. "Because I didn't get to post it until about an hour before I found out it was 'over'. I should be at the cottage in time to sign for my own mail."

The harpy eagle head tilted slightly to the right. "You posted it yourself?"

"I kept missing the concierge --"

"-- why didn't you ask one of the officers to mail it for you?"

Fleur's jaw slammed shut.

"Because you have trouble working with the police for more than what's absolutely essential," Dr. Lorem concluded. "Still, especially when you don't know them as individuals. Watch for that in yourself, Fleur. Now..." The talons shifted as both forelegs moved, and opposing pointed tips briefly touched. "...is there anything in that letter which you haven't told me?"

Fleur shook her head. "I didn't know how long I would be in Windicity. I couldn't leave anything out."

The griffon nodded. "In that case," she said --

You didn't force the reaction back in time.
Every feather just vibrated.

"-- I'd like to talk about Auratui. Or 'Gilda', if you prefer."

Fleur managed to nod back. The tiercel adjusted position, and feathers ruffled back into their usual layers.

"One of the actual problems caused by your absence," Dr. Lorem began, "is with the vestigia. It's been more than long enough for the last traces to fade. No one would be able to tell she acted." Paused. "How strong is her dominari?"

"Above average," decided the mare who'd been through far too many gang initiations. "But not spectacular. Maybe three links past the middle."

She's not the type to hold back. I'm sure of that. What she used was all she had. It was possible to boost raw power, but... special circumstances were required: things unlikely to happen (or be available) in Equestria, even near the Aviary. However Gilda had expected to win 'the next time', it wouldn't have been with that.

"But she's in an area which has no direct experience with that magic," the tiercel reminded her. "They can try to resist, but..." Feathers rustled, and then the psychiatrist sighed. "One of the fastest conclusions any arrival in this nation may come to: that the International Studies curriculum needs to be drastically revised. Most natives won't understand what's happening. They don't know us."

(Fleur immediately decided that she'd been included in 'us'.)

"I listened to what you said earlier, Fleur," the griffon stated. "Truly listened. And now I have to talk for a little while. You'll let me finish."

And that was just about an order. Because you think your link is above mine.
I let you think you'd won --

"I believe that you were telling me the truth about your encounter," Dr. Lorem began. "However, I'm reluctant to create a diagnosis based on your description -- NO, Fleur, I am going to talk. You recounted multiple disturbing indicators. They're more than enough to call for further investigation."

Just nod.
Don't smile. Smiling would be completely out of place.
...don't kick towards the ceiling either.

"But I can't just casually declare 'linkless', because that sort of conclusion should never be casual," the psychiatrist continued. "Not with what it means for a life. So here's what will happen."

And now who's trying to control the world?

The griffon arced her neck forward. The beak clacked.

"I'm going to ask for a specialist to evaluate her," Dr. Lorem said. "Someone who can be sure. But that's going to take some time, because I can't make that request locally."

I expected that. The Aviary is too small. There aren't enough people on staff...

This time, the tiercel's head tilted left.

"You've told me about Spike," she said. "Quite a bit." With humor so faint as to verge on transparent, "I think the contract cleared me for most of it. I could try to use the embassy and ask for a diplomatic courier. They'd understand the emergency, and it would be faster than most express mail. But I may also ask the palace if Spike's services are available. It might effectively cut the time in half. And yes, Fleur: that's going to put me in Ponyville. For a few hours, at least."

Unless the Princess sends the scroll herself. But it was possible that the psychiatrist might not be able to make direct contact with the Solar throne room.

"I can try to observe Gilda while I'm there," Dr. Lorem added. "If she can be found. But..." One deep breath, and then another. "...this is where I need to provide corrections. Because you were going to send her out of the settled zone."

Corrections --

"I see your eyes going wide," the griffon said. "Speak."

"It was just for a day or so," Fleur quickly insisted. "And then -- I'd thought of asking Spike for help, I told you that. Bring Gilda into a controlled meeting with Rainbow. If she's the last link --"

"-- we don't have a true diagnosis," Dr. Lorem cut her off. "But -- if she is linkless, or approaching the point of final severance --" the feathers vibrated again "-- then something significant just happened. She entered a community. If she's going to attempt a claim, then she needs to remain in Ponyville. This gives her the chance to make connections. Possibly the necessity. She may be forced to relink if she wants to accomplish anything at all. So try to avoid anything which might outright banish her, or makes her flee. Being around others creates her best chance."

"It's about how she sees any connection," Fleur rapidly argued. "If it's domination without responsibility, master over slave, then...!"

Her psychiatrist favored her with a rather small nod.

"Yes. But she still said 'My link above yours.' It might indicate connections can still be made --"

"-- she may only honor the chain if she's winning --"

Softly, "-- yes."

"I could just try to bring her to the Aviary. Why does it have to be Ponyville --"

"-- and doing so is trying to control her, when she won't see you as dominant," felt far too calm. "And she chose Ponyville."

Starkly, "You're asking me to keep a potential explosive in close proximity. Letting it decide whether, when, and where to go off."

"I'm aware," emerged in the sort of tone which belied everything taking place with the lashing tail. "Fleur, you will notify Miranda Rights of Auratui's presence." With open boneyard humor, "Although given a griffon in a relatively new place, I suspect she's already found out. But if Auratui is unchained, or nearly so -- then making her flee into isolation may be what triggers final severance. Sending her a scroll -- she might respect the words, coming from Rainbow. But she doesn't know about Spike, does she? About the flame. To see it simply appear... that's nothing more than unknown magic. Something which might be hunting her. And what would be her most likely response?"

"Striking out at any perceived source," Fleur slowly proposed, "or flying away from the attack."

But then she would be gone --

The "Yes," was still far too controlled. "We know where she is. We might have some trouble finding her again. It's a rather large world, and... it's too easy to become isolated within it. Warn Miranda. But tell her not to move in. Not to attempt arrest without a witnessed crime, and have Auratui feel she must attack or flee. And let Rainbow make contact -- snout to beak. That's when it will truly mean something." The talons failed to fully steeple. "Fleur, I'm fully aware of the risks here, and that's why I want your law enforcement personnel to be aware of every last one. At this point, I might be likely to visit Ms. Rights myself: confidentiality can be broken for potential danger. But it may be better if it's you. And if you're right -- then this may be the final chance to save Auratui's life. Her sanity." And in that I Know You Better Than You Want Me To tone which Fleur loathed most of all, "And I think that means something to you, because your first response, when you felt you had discovered the linkless -- was to seek help."

...you have no idea how much I want to kick you right now.
Keep my legs motionless and you still won't.

"Some of the linkless are said to collapse inwards at the end," the tiercel sadly stated. "Listening solely to voices within, as only they know best. Auratui may be a danger only to herself. But... I don't know, Fleur. I can admit that. And that's why I'm going to ask for aid. The help she needs. Keep her in Ponyville if you can. For as long as it's safe." More quickly, "But I am not asking you to risk lives. And that's why your Ms. Rights --"

"-- not mine --" almost felt humorous.

"-- needs to know everything."

Slowly, far too slowly, Fleur nodded.

"Have you seen Auratui since your return?"


"Has anypony?"

Fleur winced.


Far too casually, with layers of true curiosity, "Did you know there's a griffon in town?"

Fleur, whose field had been placing a cork, forced herself to hold position in the examination room. Continued facing away from Caramel, mentally examined her corona for traces of spikes, and sealed the last floating vial of Shimmy's medicine.

"It's been brought up," she told the stallion. Began to turn towards him, keeping her movements careful and controlled. There was limited space in the examination area, she really didn't need to bank a fetlock into anything and besides, Katherine was resting in the small of her back. The shrew tended to stay close for a few days following a mission, and...

Animals didn't understand. Not truly, not for something like this. But it helped to have the company.

Of course, turning around left her facing Caramel's newest attempt at a manestyle. Fleur had already decided to call this one Surf Pounding Against An Artificial Jetty. She was expecting the results to destroy themselves in about an hour, and hoped to have Caramel clear of the cottage before the last of the restraining gel gave way.

"I think she may have been here before," he added. "Supposedly we had a griffon visit a few years ago. Before your time. So it could be the same one." He shrugged. "But I'm guessing. I didn't see that one. Just the --" And then paused. "Fleur, do you remember the right word for a female griffon? International Studies wasn't my best subject."

She made sure to hesitate before answering, made her features twist as if memories were being searched. "...'tiercel' feels right."

He nodded. "Tiercel. Okay. I'll take your word for it, because that's more than I brought back." Thoughtfully, "Tiercel..."

And then his tone changed.

"I saw her flying," Caramel said.

That's wistful.

"It's funny," he rather distantly went on, somehow coming across as a pony who was operating his larynx from several body lengths away. "I don't get into Canterlot much, unless I'm taking a date there for something." With a soft sigh, "So not lately. And I never really go near Embassy Row, or whatever that other little neighborhood is. The rest of not really seeing them around the capital is dumb luck. So I don't think I've ever really paid attention before. To how they move in the air. I watched her for about a minute, until she was out of sight. She stayed pretty high up, though. Kept near the clouds."

As horror went, Don't look at his puzzle had the benefit of being completely internal.

"The wings are strong, aren't they?" Caramel decided. "She looked heavier than a pegasus, so the wings would have to be powerful. But I wouldn't know."

Don't look...

Thoughtfully, "I wonder if the feathers feel the same?"

...oh, horse apples.

"He's just a little curious," Dr. Lorem declared through the smile. "It's natural. A lot of ponies go through that stage --"

"-- at home," Fleur immediately argued. "He's Equestrian. I'm not sure he could find Protocera on a map." Or Drayton, for that matter. Not that many ponies were capable of finding Fleur's falsely-claimed speck of a birth settled zone.

"You've more than suggested that he looks to wings first and foremost," the psychiatrist reminded her. "So at least he's staying on trend?"

Fleur glared at the griffon. No dominari came back the other way.

"Do you feel he's likely to act on it?" Dr. Lorem asked.

The unicorn considered the faint washes of color on the half-formed piece. "Not at this stage. Not if he can find a mare." And probably not without direct invitation. Talons and claws, how desperate is he to be with anyone --

-- I just thought 'anyone' --
-- at least I didn't say it...

"Your charge, Fleur," the tiercel observed. "Take care of him." The talons tapped. "I just thought of something. Your original plan was to have Rainbow contact Auratui via that scroll magic. And you did say that you'd spoken to her." With a soft sigh, "Which is how you learned about the other issue. Can you stop her before she sends something?"

"I think so," Fleur quietly replied. "I can redirect the air carriage and land in town. Find her. I might be too late. But I don't think she would have sent anything today." The pegasus had known that she had to be very careful about her words. With Rainbow, that meant several rounds of editing, a lot of kicked-away papers and eventually, a small lightning bolt directed at ground and garbage pile: that last was both a means of working off frustration and making sure nopony looked at her drafts. "She's... got a lot on her mind."

The friends were resting under the tree together, facing each other from half a body length apart. False shelter had been offered by a willow, one which rested on the northern boundary of a different-yet-similar park, and Fleur had to keep her head down in order to put some distance between the horn and some of the lowest-hanging branches. The position did help her to focus on Rainbow, and also allowed her ears to rotate away from the sounds of laughing children.

The pegasus had landed again. It was still that bad.

Or worse.

Fleur had told her everything she could.

"I'm seeing Dr. Lorem tomorrow," the unicorn said. "We may be able to get more help that way. But I don't know if there's anyone in the Aviary who's studied this as their specialty. It's a small staff, Rainbow. They'll do what they can, I'm sure of it, but -- it could take a while. And until then..."

"...it's me," the weather coordinator quietly finished. And there was no brashness left.

Fleur silently nodded.

"But I'm not sure. I could be seeing the wrong signs. It's another reason to get help. And -- even if it is that bad..." Softly, as her right foreleg began to stretch forward, "Rainbow, you could be the last link. If anypony can pull her back --"

"-- I'm not great with words." The magenta eyes were mostly staring at the ground. "Twilight's tried to help. I'm better than I used to be. But this... it might take at least a day before I've got something I can trust. And you've got to be careful. Just because you beat her magic..."

"You're better when the person is right in front of you," Fleur quietly observed. "If she comes by, you'll be ready."

"Better when they're around," was hollow.

"I think so. Fluttershy --" Fleur hesitated. "-- she didn't say all that much about it." Possibly because something was classified. "But when you two were locked up in the same cell, in that one castle -- she told me that what you said just about saved her life. You found words once. They'll come again --"

"-- I can't even find her, Fleur." And the laugh held no mirth. "She was always better at hide-and-seek. I thought the tail would be more of a giveaway."

"Spike can."

"The scroll can. It doesn't tell him where she is."

A cyan foreleg, unused to stillness, shifted enough to have the hoof scrape a shallow trench into the soil.

"Rainbow --"

The brashness was gone, and its absence was making portions of the voice collapse within internal echo.

"-- we made out one time."

Fleur had told Rainbow everything she could.

The words emerged without thought. "I know."

I shouldn't have said that.

The next vocalization possessed multiple tonal qualities: bitterness, resignation, self-blame...

"...of course you know."

...but not anger.

"I'm sorry," Fleur quietly offered. "I shouldn't have --"

"-- it was a dare," the pegasus went on, as if nopony else had spoken at all. "I stopped it after a few minutes. Because it felt weird."

Because there's a species barrier. Reciprosexual, but -- for ponies.

Barely a whisper now. "Is this my fault?"


They were both quiet for a while, as the willow's branches swayed above them within the scheduled light breeze. Off in the distance, a primary school student tried out a curse which she didn't fully understand and wound up inverting most of the context.

"I'll do what I can," Loyalty promised. "She's... I have to. I've gotta..." Stopped. "But it's words. 'Better when they're around.' That's not how it worked at the Bureau meeting. Not even close. And..."

She hesitated.

"...I haven't told you something." The bitterness was back. "I didn't have the chance. Not when you kicked me with that one. And I haven't told Fluttershy, because -- I knew it was going to be bad. It was bad enough already, with you on the mission. I couldn't make it worse. Not until you got back. And I knew that if she saw him, if she figured it out..."

Another scrape. A second trench. Wings flared, folded back in.

"...Rainbow?" Because Fleur had never seen her like this, not in a state where it felt as if the prismatic mane was on the verge of fading into grey --

The words emerged from the core of inner desolation, and did so all at once. Getting it over with.

"Zephyr's on the weather team."

Fleur blinked.

Then she decided that once was insufficient, and did it again.

...actually, blinking wasn't going to help anything.


"I didn't hire him!" Both forelegs spread in protest, nearly slammed back together. "The Bureau did! From what he was saying when he showed up with his briefing packet, it sounded like all he had to do was trot into the Canterlot office and tell them who he was!"

"But he isn't anypony --" Is he?

And then she worked it out.

"He's a legacy hire!" Rainbow spat.

So apparently just bringing up the names of the parents can manage a lot within the bureaucracy...

"I wasn't asked!" Furious decibels blasted their own path into the dirt. "They went under my snout! It's Passing Shower's revenge!"

"Who's --"

Most of the volume dropped out. "The weather coordinator before me. It's about connections. Passing had them. Too many. And it kept him around. For too long, way past when he should have retired. After he couldn't manage the job anymore and just did whatever the schedule said. Long enough to almost..."

She stopped, and feathers shuddered.

"...Rainbow?" The repetition didn't seem to be helping.

"And now it's Zephyr," Rainbow half-snarled, because it was the pegasus and some plummets arced back up in a hurry. "Because of who his mom and dad are. And because of how the meeting went: I'd bet a Daring Do third printing on that! I know what the Canterlot office is trying to pull here!"

"Then tell me," Fleur quietly requested.

"Stratus," Rainbow told her. "They're trying to pull a Stratus."

The name sounded familiar. "Isn't that the stallion who hired you?"

"Yeah," an abrupt emotional dive announced. "Hired me and put me here. Without any weather college credits, just because of how he felt about the interview. Something we mostly did while flying around, because he wanted to get out of the office and... it was just fun after a while. Keeping up. Figuring out where he was going, and then trying to get ahead. Stratus took a chance on me, and..."

Both back legs kicked out at once. A small portion of displaced air went into the trunk.

"...I'm pretty sure the Bureau is saying they can take another."

Fleur stared at her friend. At a mare falling deeper into misery with every passing instant. A mane and tail which were collapsing under pressure. But with Rainbow, she was also looking at an even more rare sight: somepony who wasn't going for the easy solution.

"He's on the Ponyville team."

"I said that," Rainbow muttered.

"So you're his boss."

"No kidding."

"Fire him --"

Softly, "-- I can't."

"You --"

"-- I can ask. But it goes to the mayor and the Bureau, in that order. I'm in charge of the team. Not personnel. And it's connections, Fleur. I'd probably need something big. He'd have to screw up big-time. The sort of thing where..."

She stopped again, and took a moment to refold her wings.

"You can try to directly supervise his work." Based on limited previous exposure, his barely-work -- but Zephyr did have strength behind his magic. "See if he gets anything wrong --"

"-- I'd have to shift around the assignments. The team mostly does its own thing unless we need a group weave, and I've got to haul my own share. I'm sure not gonna do his job for him. It'll look weird if I'm right on top of him." And snorted. "Not that he'll mind. Turns out I can do something which might get him to start with me."

Quickly, "What can you --"

"-- breathe." This snort was louder. "I don't need your talent to figure out why he was looking at me that way. And I think he wanted to get caught. But he sure didn't notice when I wouldn't look back."

The sleek body slumped. Children laughed, and none of it reached her.

"I guess he sort of took your advice," Fleur wearily decided.

"What advice?" drifted up from the dirt.

"He found a job where he could nap."

The responding glare was almost comforting.

"And then I had to tell Fluttershy." The styled mane slowly twisted as Fleur shifted her position within the nest. "Which made everything worse. Her mane was forward this morning, and it stayed that way." Which wasn't even the worst of it. "If he sticks with this job, and he stays around -- Sun and Moon, the only reason Pinkie may not have Partied him yet is because we asked her to keep some distance, but once he really commits to living in Ponyville --"

"And reconciles with his sibling?" Dr. Lorem calmly asked. "He may be making a true effort, Fleur. To be part of her family. You said you would give him a chance, Fleur. Speaking with him in a neutral setting."

There is no way I am ever bringing Fluttershy in here.
No couples therapy.

But she did need to hear Zephyr speak again. It was the best way to determine where the falsehoods were.

"When I can," Fleur technically didn't lie. "It may not be immediate, though."

The griffon nodded.

"I know this is a high-stress situation, Fleur," her psychiatrist offered. "Especially with the mission involved. But ultimately, this isn't about loss of control. It's about controlling yourself. And there are ways in which you're doing very well. But there are things you can't control. Aspects you need to acknowledge --"

The unicorn decided she had seen where it was going, and jumped the question. Something which let Fleur place her body in front of the true gate.

"Multiple nightmares in Windicity," she said. "But Gratia wasn't there."

"Thank you for telling me that," Dr. Lorem calmly said. "Did you attempt to harm either criminal? Beyond what would have been necessary to apprehend?"

I didn't get a real chance.


"Self-control," the tiercel considered. "Improvement. During what was, for you, one of the most stressful situations possible."

The beak slightly parted. Another smile.

"Progress, Fleur," the tiercel told her. "This is all about your progress."

The unicorn was silent.

Except that it's not about me.

We used a device after I got back. I... just wanted to be with her, but we always have to try. And she's always a little on the quiet side, when we're in the nest. I got used to that. And maybe it wasn't the worst thing, hanging the glass. We'll have unused ones unless we pick up the pace again. I'd have to tell Dr. Mester I was sent out of Ponyville, and she can bucking well ask the palace for details.

I just wanted to be with her. And that was part of it. When I didn't think about the glass.

But I had to tell her about Gilda's attack. About the mission. All of it. She listened. She always listens. And I felt better for telling her. Not keeping secrets.

I... felt a little better. And she was almost normal again. Because she's stronger than I am, and she was being strong for me.

But when I got back from talking to Rainbow, and had to tell Fluttershy about Zephyr...

Her voice is getting softer.

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