• Published 24th Jul 2022
  • 332 Views, 1 Comments

A Future Altered - KukriRyuTsukino

What led up to a certain group finding themselves on Equis and how they found one another afterwards.

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II - Advancements and Encounters

Unknown POV — Equis

My gaze shifted as a surge of pale reddish mulberry light erupted before fading to reveal a winged woman. My Shénbiàn notices that both 'women' are, in fact, anthropomorphic ponies. From their bodies, they seem to be mares. I cannot hear what they're saying from where I'm at, but I do notice that an aura gathers around their horns before merged pulses of mulberry light with a slight reddish hue and pale cerulean light wash through the crater before I notice a subtle dull reddish amber glow in numerous narrow beams. I feel my wounds burn as a grunt escapes me as my fingers reflexively let go of the inner edge of the gutter I'm crouching above before I hear a sharp whistling sound before I instinctively push off in a somersault… though I know I don't have the strength to get the tight curl from the intense aching in my muscles as they spasm. My hand dips to the pistol at my hip as I'm well aware Rei and Makoto also have similar pistols before I slide a particular item into it.


SHOTRISE! the Shotriser invoked as he flipped the Progrisekey open. Kamen Rider · Kamen Rider it continued before he pulled the trigger, the nanite infused bullet arcing around as he twisted, backhanding the bullet and shattering the frame before the nanites followed their programming, forming the armor as he hissed as he felt the wounds burning as the nanites healed them as he tightened his core, flipping so he landed on his feet with a deep crunch.

Shooting Wolf! The elevation increases as the bullet is fired.

Unknown POV

My gaze was filtered through a glowing blue lens as I exhaled slowly. "Note to self… nanite healing whilst injured hurts like hell," I mutter under my breath.

I blink, cocking my head as I notice the winged mare glaring at me with a short combat spear in hand. The subtle dulled glint my visor picks up, however, gives away that this is, if not a fake spear, an old and dull one.

A surge of information practically hits me upside the head my visor giving me the relevant information of this creature: name Rainbow Dash Doo, approximate age: 23, pegasi, height: 5 foot 11, weight: 100 lb, cup size: HH.

"How the heck does this thing know all that?" I thought, disregarding the extremely low weight as an error and barely considering the cut size measurement as possibly a quirk of the original creator of the armor.

I shake my head slightly as I turn, spotting the pair I'd been observing running over. My eyes narrow cautiously before I feel a tremor underneath my feet before four fingered hands clawed up from the soil before something close to eight feet tall broke through.

"What are those?!?" the cream furred, elegantly dressed mare shrieked as the mulberry furred winged mare gasped.

"A Reaver Hulk! Not good! Not good!" she cried out before an armored boot kicked the young Reaver Hulk back before numerous bursts of sparks detonated from its armored shell.

The armored male lowered the Shotriser warily as the beast staggered back away from the pair. "Get behind me. This thing is either going to flee… if it's intelligent… or if it doesn't…. something tells me that armored shell could be useful," he commented wryly.

"Who are you?" Rarity questioned, her carefully coiffed mane a bit messy from her unexpected scare.

"Vulcan… at least at present that is what you can call me. Now I strongly advise you take my advice and get…" he sighed before opening fire again, the loud pops and cracks as well as eruptions of sparks from the Reaver Hulk's clawed hand and arm a foot or two from Rarity's head startling the mares, near as he could tell as both mares yelped and darted past him, "away to safety," he finished.

He did notice Rarity darting past as data on her popped up.

Name - Rarity Belle
Age - 26
Race - Unicorn
Height - 6' .5"
Weight - 147 lbs
Cup Size - G cup

He exhaled, ignoring the data but making a note of it. His eyes narrowed fractionally as he shifted his weight, his eyes on the Reaver Hulk.

He also ignored but noted the data that popped up on the other mare.

He also ignored but noted the data that popped up on the other mare.

Name - Twilight Sparkle
Age - 24
Race - ÆLΧŒ₹¡
Height - 5' 11.5"
Weight - 95 lbs
Cup Size - LL

He rolled his shoulders, ignoring the obvious glitch, before he flipped the Progrisekey of 'Shooting Wolf closed before he released it, replacing it with a very different one.

He flipped it open before squeezing the trigger. The nanite laced bullet shattered against his upper back, formatting into a different armor.

"Horobi-Okami! What doesn't kill me makes me more lethal!" the Shotriser invoked. His eyes narrowed fractionally as he shifted his weight, depressing the button on top of the Progrisekey as the blade extended a couple of inches, glowing an ominous purple.

"Sting Dystopia!!" it invoked as he lashed out, the forearm blade ripping deep into the Reaver Hulk's armored shell which was well known to be nigh invulnerable to magic. He twisted as his leg lashed out in a vicious spinning side kick that sent the beast skidding several yards back before it detonated in a massive fireball that ripped it into dozens of flaming chunks.

He didn't notice that he was behind the local spa and massage parlor as he dismissed the armor, revealing his bloody, shredded clothes.