• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 749 Views, 18 Comments

EQG: Digimon Adventure: The Crystal Prep Digi-Destines - Grand-Galvatron

A strange Adventure begins as 8 High School students battle for the sake of the Human and Digital Worlds.

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Prologue: The Digital Adventure begins

(Sunshine Shimmer is the narrator for the beginning part)
Hello everyone, this may sound a little weird, but this is about to be the beginning of an epic adventure. Oh, let's start with a friendly introduction. My name is Sunshine Shimmer, and I am a student a Crystal Prep High School. I have two loving parents who would do everything in their power to make sure that I had a successful future ahead of me.

I have a friendly personality, and I always like to bring a smile everywhere I go. I know that sometimes I may get a little too nice, but that's just what my personality is like. I also practice martial Arts since I have a Red Belt in Karate and an orange belt in Judo, I'm good at both. So, I'm perfectly capable of defending myself if need be.

Alright, enough about me, let's go to my best friends. First, there's Indigo Zap, a cool and collected girl whose always interested in sports and athletics. She also doesn't like conflicts and does everything to stop such conflicts.

Then there's Lemon Zest, I'd call her a living boombox if she was one. She loves music and aims to become a DJ someday.

Then there's Sunny Flare, calling her a perfectionist would be a massive understatement, she doesn't stop doing something until she's satisfied with her results.

Sugarcoat comes next, she may sound a bit blunt sometimes, but it's due to some insecurities she's been having, but she's improving on that. She loves to read and loves to learn about ancient history and myths, such as dinosaurs and sea monsters.

There's Sour Sweet, trust me, her personality can shift at the flip of a coin, one minute she could the friendliest person in the room, and the next minute, she could act abrasive and rude. But she's told me that she's taking medicine to control these mood swings. She loves animals, especially wild cats, Birds of Prey, reptiles, and insects.

Then there's...snicker...Twilight Sparkle, is such a dork. She is so dorky it starts getting cute. I think I may have a crush on her. Alright, enough about romance, let's just talk about her. She, like Sugarcoat, loves to learn and adores anything that talks about science or science fiction.

And finally, there's Wallflower Blush. Let's just say that she is the embodiment of a loner and introvert. She just likes to be left alone so we don't bother her.

Alright, now that we're done with introductions, I think it's time to begin the story where all of us were sent into a strange new world.

Sunshine was in the middle of the final round of the Crystal Prep School Judo Tournament, as she was up against Zephir Breeze, who was not a good fighter at all.

As soon as Sunshine's instructor gave the signal, the battle began. Zephir was using sloppy techniques and tried to charge at Sunshine from behind, but Sunshine used a Judo technique known as Ippon-Seoi-Nage, or The One Hand Shoulder Throw, to grab Zephir's arm and throw him to the ground. Then when Zephir tried to attack again, Sunshine used the Osoto-Gari, or the Large outer leap, to make Zephir lose his balance by pushing him back, then Sunshine used her right leg to sweep Zephir's weight-bearing right leg from the floor in a diagonal motion from behind.

"Alright, Battle over, Sunshine is the Victor," The Instructor said as Sunshine's friends were cheering for her victory.

"Oh, one of these days, I'm going to defeat you Sunset," Zephir sneered. "You just got lucky this time."

"No, it had nothing to do with luck," Sunshine said. "It's just that I've been practicing and perfecting the techniques a whole lot."

"Maybe if you spent your time practicing instead of hanging out with girls, maybe you would win next time," Sunshine said as she took a drink of water from her water jug as Zephir stormed off.

Sunshine only got 2nd Place, since White-Belt Soarin got 1st place, but 2nd place was still a great accomplishment, as Principal Cinch would say. Cinch was one of Sunshine's favorite teachers.

Later, when Sunshine was in the locker room changing out of her Judo Uniform and back into her normal clothes, Indigo and Twilight came in to congratulate her on her victory.

"Congratulations Sunshine," Indigo Zap said. "Sorry that you still lost against Soarin. But at least you got 1st place in the Karate Tournament."

"Oh, don't worry, 2nd place, even 3rd place, are still great accomplishments," Sunshine said. "Besides, at least Zephir gave me a good workout."

"So, you wanna have a celebratory dinner at my favorite eatery, Zappy Burgers," Indigo asked.

"Oh, sorry, today's my family's anniversary, and I never want to miss those, or my Mom will give me an earful," Sunshine said.

"It's ok, we'll understand," Indigo said.

"Umm, Sunshine," Twilight asked. "Would it be ok if I joined you at your family anniversary dinner, Spike's at the pet daycare center, so I don't have to go anywhere tonight?"

Sunshine's face turned red with excitement. "Oh yes, of course, you can come. Mom would be more than willing to invite you."

"Oh, thank you Sunshine," Twilight said as she rubbed up on Sunshine's shoulder.

"I'm in heaven," Sunshine said to herself as hearts appeared in her eyes. That was until...he appeared.

"Hey Twilight," Blueblood said as he got close to Twilight, making her uncomfortable. "Why don't you ditch these losers and go out with me on a date."

"And now I'm in Hell," Sunshine said as the hearts were replaced with fire.

"It's good that I came here in time to sweep you into my arms," Blueblood vainly said as he still got uncomfortably close to Twilight.

"You shouldn't have come here at all," Sunshine silently snarled as her jealousy intensified.

Then Twilight had finally had enough as she pushed Blueblood off her.

"Hey, what's the big idea," Blueblood said. "You’re getting your nerd hands on my tuxedo. Quit being rude."

"Oh, I'm the rude one," Twilight snarled as she then approached Blueblood. "YOU only care about what YOU want, not what I want. Every time we date, It's always about YOU! And whenever we have dinner together, you always expect me to pay for all the expensive food you get. I'm not a Piggybank."

"Do you have any idea how hard it is when I have to hear you bad-mouth about how poor I and my family are? Do you have any decent manners at all? ANSWER ME!" Twilight said as Blueblood was looking at the angered girl in terror.

"So, no, I don't want to go on another fancy date with you, I don't love you and I will never love a rich snob like you," Twilight snapped at Blueblood.

"NO ONE SAYS NO TO ME," Blueblood said as he charged at Twilight.

Sunshine, then through basic instinct, went up to Blueblood and performed a Tomoe Nage, or a circular throw, to break Blueblood's balance by pulling him straight forward, then she slides into a supine posture (facing upward) between the legs of Blueblood, with the sole of one foot placed against Blueblood's stomach area. Sunshine then carries Blueblood's body over her head with that leg, thus throwing him to the floor.

"I think you should leave, or a muddy Tuxedo will be the least of your worries," Sunshine said as Blueblood got back on his feet, his hand now on his messed-up hair.

"WAH, I WISH I NEVER MET YOU," Blueblood whined like a baby as he ran off.

"Sayonara," Twilight said with a childish giggle. "Ha, what a baby."

"Heh, that'll teach him to mess with a Judo Orange Belt," Sunshine said.

"Wow, look at Blueblood, running away like the coward he is," Indigo said.

"Thank you, Sunshine," Twilight said.

"Don't mention it," Sunshine said. "Now, how about we get to my place and enjoy some steak and roast beef."

Suddenly, Sunshine, Twilight, and Indigo felt the ground start to tremble.

"What's happening," Indigo said. "Is it an earthquake?"

Everyone hold on to something," Sunshine said as they all went to safety.

And as soon as the Earthquake started, it suddenly stopped.

"Is everyone ok," Sunshine said.

"Yeah, everyone's safe and sound," Indigo said.

"That's a relief," Sunshine said. "Wonder what all of that was about."

Then, Sunshine noticed something coming from the sky. It seemed like three objects falling from the sky.

Just as Sunshine, Twilight, and Indigo managed to catch the devices, it was revealed to be red, purple, and dark blue devices, similar to a game boy.

"Hmm, what do you think these things are," Twilight asked.

"Who knows," Sunshine said with confusion. "How we figure it out when we get to school tomorrow, right now, we got an anniversary dinner to look forward to."

"Yeah, you're right," Twilight said as they both said farewell to Indigo before Sunshine took Twilight to her family's place for their anniversary dinner.

Sunshine and Twilight had delicious steak and chips for dinner, and her mother and father had a great fondness for Twilight and thought that Sunshine made the right choice in having a romantic interest.

After having a great dinner party, Sunshine dropped Twilight back at her home with her motorcycle before coming back to her family's house to sleep for the rest of the night.

The Next Day at School, Sunshine, Twilight, and Indigo told Lemon, Sugarcoat, Sunny, and Sour about the strange devices that fell from the sky.

"Oh, you saw those too," Sunny Flare said as she, Sugarcoat, and Sour Sweet also had the strange-looking devices.

"Hmm, I wonder if these devices have anything to do with that strange earthquake that popped up yesterday," Sunshine as she looked at the red device in her pocket.

"Hey, what are you all talking about," A voice said behind them, revealing it to be Wallflower Blush.

"Oh, hey Wallflower, what are you doing here," Sunny Flare asked.

"Going to school, what does it look like," Wallflower said bluntly.

"Wow, she's even blunter than Sugarcoat," Lemon Zest thought to herself.

"You must be talking about those weird things that fell from the sky," Wallflower said. "I have one too," Wallflower said as she pulled out the light green device.

"Sigh, I wish something interesting would happen," Wallflower said

Suddenly the ground started to tremble and shake as another earthquake started to occur.

"You just had to say something, didn't you," Sour Sweet scowled.

"Everyone, try to get in some kind of cover," Sunshine said as they tried to get to safety

Then, the ground opened up, revealing a blue light.

"Hey what is that," Sugarcoat said as she was holding on to a light pole.

Then, for some strange reason, it was like the blue light was pulling them in.

"Oh, this is why i like to be left alone," Wallflower said as she was being sucked into the light.

"Wallflower, hang on, I'm coming," Sunshine said as she let go the the light pole she was hanging on to and grabbed Wallflower's hand.

"Sunshine," Twilight said as she then went to grab Sunshine's hand. "Don't worry, I got you."

Sugarcoat then noticed that the strange portal was sucking cars and trees in.

"Hey, we need to go inside that thing," Sugarcoat said. If we don't, then this thing is going to suck up everything."

Then everyone else looked to see that the school was beginning to be torn apart.

"Oh, we are so getting detention for this," Sour Sweet said sadly.

"Wait, if we go, then whose gonna feed Spike, Twi," Sunny Flare said.

"He's at a pet daycare center, he'll be fine for a month while my mom and dad are on their business trip," Twilight said.

"Alright, here goes nothing," Sugarcoat said as she, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest and Sour Sweet jumped and then went straight into the portal followed by Indigo Zap.

"See you all on the flipside," Indigo said as she fell into the blue light.

"Alright, Wallflower, I'm going to let go now, so what ever happens, just remember that we're all in this together. And if we get vaporized, then...I'm sorry." Twilight said.

"VAPORIZED, DON'T SAY STUFF LIKE THAT, You'll get me paranoid," Wallflower said.

Twilight then let go of the ledge she was holding on to as Twilight, Sunshine, and Wallflower were enveloped in the blue light.

Then as they were sucked in, the ground closed up, and the earthquake stopped.

(Meanwhile in the Digital World)

In a Dark Castle, NeoMyotismon sits bored in his throne room.

"Lord NeoMyotismon, a portal to the Human World has opened." Impmon said

"Is it still open," NeoMyotismon asked.

"Umm, no, it just closed minutes ago," Impmon said.

"And you neglected to tell me about this until now," Neomyotismon snarled. "Not only that, but you also allowed Meicoomon to escape before we could corrupt it."

"Umm, I'm sorry, I must have forgot," Impmon said.

"MarineDevimon, punish him for his incompetence," NeoMyotismon said.

"As you wish master," MarineDevimon said as he moved towards Impmon.

"Guilty Black," Marinedevimon said as he fired a ball of dark energy at Impmon, watching with glee as the poor Digimon screamed in agony before evaporating into data.

"Hmm, so humans are now in the Digital World, hmm," NeoMyotismon said.

"KingEtemon," Neomyotismon said as a monkey with shades came.

"Heyo-yo yo yo, what can The Emperor of Rock-N-Roll, Mr. KingEtemon do for you, your almighty evilness," KingEtemon said while doing rock and roll.

"I need you to destroy a few humans for me," Neomyotismon ordered. "They must not become Digi-Destined."

"Yo Yo Yo got it sweet Kingy, I'll squash those dumb kids like bugs on a windshield, and play a few tunes while doing so, babe," KingEtemon said as he then headed to the specific location with his MetalEtemon and Etemon henchmen. "Thank you, Thank you very much."

"That's right, you better, or Impmon won't be the only one who gets deleted today," NeoMyotismon said.

Sunshine Shimmer, thought that she would never wake up, that was until she felt someting poke her on the head.

"Mmm, no mom, 5 more minutes, I don't want to go to school today," Sunshine said in her stupor.

"Hey, wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," A voice said as it continued poking her.

"Alright Mom, I'm waking u...," Sunshine said as she sat up, only to see a strange creature staring right back at her.

"I'm not a mom, I'm a Digimon," The Creature said.

"Who or what are you," Sunshine asked.

"My Name is Sunmon, and I've been waiting a long time to meet you Sunshine," Sunmon said.

"I'm sorry, but I think you've got the wrong girl," Sunshine said as her right eye started twitching.

"Nope, It's you alright, because it was you who picked up the Digivice of Compassion," Sunmon said.

"Digi-what now," Sunshine said as Sunmon pointed at the red toy she had in her hand.

"Yep, that is called a Digivice," Sunmon said.

"Where exactly am I," Sunshine asked.

"You're in the Digital World," Sunmon said.

"Oh my gosh, I must be going completely crazy," Sunshine said as her right eye kept twitching.

"You're not going crazy, Sunshine," Twilight said as she was followed by a creature with a metal helmet on.

"My name is Kapurimon," Kapurimon said. "And I was summoned by the Digivice of Knowledge."

"We all have these strange creatures," Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat said as the ShadowBolts and Wallflower Blush each came out with similar looking creatures.

"Hello Sour Sweet, my names Catomon, and I was summoned through the Digivice of determination." Catomon said.

"Oh, pleased to meet you," Sour Sweet said in a shy voice.

"Hello Lemon Zest, my name Puroromon," Puroromon said. "I was summoned through the Digivice of patience."

"Heyo, what's shakin, you look just like a Honeybee," Lemon Zest said.

"Heya Indigo Zap my dudet, my names Pusurimon, I'm a Digimon who kicks butt and takes names," Pusurimon said. "I was summoned through the Digivice of bravery."

"Wow, my partner's a hamster with a lightning bolt on its head," Indigo said to herself.

"Hello Sugarcoat, the names Dorimon, at your service," Dorimon said. "I was summoned through the Digivice of Redemption."

"Pleased to meet you, Dorimon," Sugarcoat said with a kind smile.

"My names Gurimon, pleased to meet you Sunny Flare," Gurimon said. "I was summoned through the Digivice of Passion."

"Hello, you look nice," Sunny Flare said.

"And my name is Budmon, pleased to meet you Wallflower," Budmon said. "I was summoned through the Digivice of Acceptance."

"Hello, I'm glad that you're my first ever friend," Wallflower said with a smile.

"So, what are you dudes," Lemon Zest asked.

"We are...Digimon, Digital Monsters," All their Digimon said at once.

"Alright, I hope you posers are done with yo introductions, if so, then its rock and roll time, Babe," King Etemon said as he came out of the bushes with his MetalEtemon and Etemon henchmen.

"Hey, whose the big Golden Monkey with the crown and the bad hair-do," Sour Sweet said.

"What the what, you think my cool hair-do is off the pool, oh little girlie you are gonna regret that retort," KingEtemon said as he started getting angry.

"Red-Etemon, take care of these Party-Poopers," KingEtemon said.

"Oh you got it sweet-Kingy," Red-Etemon said as he moved closer to the Crystal Prep Students and their Digimon. "Hope you dumb punks are ready for a duet cause I'm ready to shred."

"Oh, what are we supposed to do against these monkeys with Elvis impressions," Sunshine said with a worried expression.

"We not gonna run away, we fight," Sunmon said as he and the other Digimon charged at red Etemon.

"Hahaha, too slow little dudes, Monkey Kick," Red Etemon said as he knocked them away. "Was my groove a little too much for you Digibabies to handle."

"No, we must not back down," Sunmon said as they all struggled to get up.

"Time to finish you twerps for good, Grateful Knuckle," RedEtemon said as he hit them again.

"Oh, this is horrible," Twilight said. "We can't just stand here and watch this bully tear them apart."

"I know," Sunshine said. "I wished there was something we could do to save our new Digital Friends."

Suddenly, all of their digivices started to glow.

"What's happening to our Digivices," Sunshine said.

"Alright, your friendship with us has made us stronger, Sunshine," Sunmon said. "Alright everyone, it's Digivolving time.

"Sunmon, Digivolve into...CORONAMON," Sunmon said as he transformed from a little sun with a face into a fire-cat.

"Kapurimon Digivolve into...KOTEMON," Kapurimon said as she transformed from a Cat like ball into some kind of Ninja Knight.

"Catomon, Digivolve into...MEIMON," Catomon said as she transformed from a dog-like creature into a strange cat creature.

Puroromon, Digivolve into...FANBEEMON," Puroromon said as he turned from a small cutesy bee into a larger bee.

"Pusurimon, Digivolve into...HERISSMON," Pusurimon said as he turned from a hamster with a lightning bolt to an electric hedgehog.

"Dorimon digivolve into...DORUMON" Dorimon said as it turned from a plush ball like creature to a furry dinosaur.

"Gurimon Digivolve into...GAMMAMON," Gurimon said as it turned from a sea urchin like creature to a dog with horns.

Budmon Digivolve into...LALAMON," Budmon said as it turned from an seedling like creature into what looked like a Flower-Bud

"Uh-Oh bro, something tells me that I bit off more than I could chew," RedEtemon said.

"CORONA-FLAME," Coronamon said as it shot a fireball.

"LIGHTNING-ARROW," Kotemon said as it fired a arrow full of electricity.

"X-ROAR," Meimon said as she attacked.

"GEAR STINGER," FanBeemon said as it shot out rapid-fire poison spikes.

"LIGHTNING QUILLS," Herissmon said as it Attacked by shooting lightning-coated quills.

"METAL CANNON," Dorumon said as it fired a metal sphere from its mouth.

"BREAK-CLAW," Gammamon said as it attacked with its claws.

"SEED-BLAST," Lalamon said as fired solid nuts precisely into RedEtemon.

"Oh no bro, you ruined my groove," RedEtemon said as it disappeared into data.

"Oh, you dumb kids just got lucky this time, but you better watch your backs, cause KingEtemon is always concocting new groovy plans for you oh yeah," KingEtemon said as he and his henchmen retreated.

Yep that was how this adventure began, with us teaming up with strange creatures known as Digimon, and helping them fight against evil Digimon. But what will happen to us in future battles, find out next in the next adventure of the Crystal Prep Digi-Destined.

(Will Continue in Chapter 1: The Digimon Berry Barn, a Devilish Surprise).

Comments ( 18 )

nice work

So is Sunshine Shimmer Rule 63 version of Sunset Shimmer?

No, Sunshine is Female.

I just wanted her and Sunset to have different names so I wouldn't have to call her Human Sunset for the whole story.

Gotcha, thank you for answering my question.

Will this story have any original digimon in it?

I'll think about it as the story goes on.

Etemon is such a meme factory.

Sunshine only got 2nd Place, since White-Belt Soarin got 1st place, but 2nd place was still a great accomplishment, as Principal Cinch would say. Cinch was one of Sunshine's favorite teachers.

A WHITE belt (a beginner) won against a more experienced ORANGE belt? That must be really embarrassing for Sunshine.

White Belt is the highest rank in Judo.

In my experience with martial arts, white is the beginner level.

White Belt is the lowest belt in Karate. This was a Judo Match.

Okay. The martial arts classes I took were MMA and Taekwondo.

Who is Sunshine Shimmer? Whatever happened to Sunset Shimmer?

I'm trying to differentiate the Human Sunset from Equestrian Sunset.

Are Catomon and Meimon original Digimon?

Comment posted by Epic Fable deleted Aug 17th, 2023
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