• Published 19th Sep 2012
  • 1,562 Views, 18 Comments

A Little Mixed Up... - Lithium Vinyl

  • ...

My "Grand" Arrival

"Welcome, all my itty-bitty freshies! I see you have all finished your homework on amphetamines that I assigned yesterday... if you could be so kind as to pass it forward!" The crazed curly-haired professor beamed up at the students, exciting stammered mumbles of "yes sir" and "sure...".

I growled as my ears listened to that buffoon at the front of the room instruct the class. I adore organic chemistry, but this numskull is going to ruin the subject for me! Why can't he just get the job done like the rest of my professors and just treat us like the adults that we are!? Being a college freshmen was a little more demanding than I thought it was going to be; it was only December nineteenth, three days before my first semester exam, and my never-ending schedule was running me completely ragged. Even my once shiny neon-blue hair that served as a symbol of my individuality now sagged loosely against my neck, while the surrounding skin had garnered a pale, almost ethereal glow to it, for as hard as it was to admit it, I hadn't really been outside much lately.

Nope, studying had certainly kept me quite busy, quite busy indeed... Between the rigorous pre-med program at USC and my blasted double major in double bass (yes I'd heard many jokes about it from my crazed jester of a father: "So you gonna quadruple major in quadruped mechanics instead?"), I, the "mighty Platinum", had virtually no time to myself, let alone any free time to do as I fucking pleased! The one chance I had at enjoying himself over the past few weeks was where I had garnered this stupid nickname anyway...

"Mr. Romanov! Very impressive indeed!" Dr. Bruer shouted out in his general direction across the lecture hall.

Shaking myself out of my tempting daydream, I beamed a fake smile down to the podium of the lecture hall, quite possibly to the dismay of his class mates: for once again I was the only one in the class to get one-hundred percent on a take-home test. Seven in a row... I can keep this going! No, but I can't get too full of myself... but really. Seven!? Still... I couldn't help feeling a little overjoyed. Josh and Haden back in Ohio never thought I could make it here, let alone thrive! So much for your MIT family pedigree Josh... Suck on this!

Looking down at my syllabus, my smile vanished faster than my coffee did at three am this morning. Shit! I've still got a damn lab to make up from when I skipped to go on that road trip! Oh well... at least I don't have my stupid O-chem exam for another three days... two fucking days before Christmas! Why did school run so late in California! Picking up my pencil, I fumbled through my binder, which was as well organized as a private library I might add, and grabbed my lab out of the metal clasp system, its rings closing with a resounding *click*. Looking it over, I shuddered as the truly monumnetal amount of content the lab contained struck me: this was going to take hours! And I did NOT have that kind of time...

Well shit... Hey, at least I already have one-hundred percent in here... what kind of damage could one measly little three-hundred point lab do if I didn't turn it in... an eighty-percent for the semester wasn't bad! My entire frame sagged as I realized what I would be doing for six hours tomorrow...

"Mr. Romanov, could you please answer number nine for the class?" the doctor called from the front of the room.

Momentarily raising myself out of my little stupor, my eyes quickly followed from the chalkboard to my blank problem sheet and then back to their original hiding place behind my eyelashes. "0.3274 moles of carbonic acid, Professor" was my confident answer before I could return to my daydreams. This class really isn't that hard... How I had managed to do so well so far in college was still lost somewhere between a little mental talent and a lot of hard work, with the exception of organic chemistry: it seemed to come to me easier than, to be frank, anything else. Which basically just gave me more time between one and four in the morning to study anatomy.

I need a nap... I'll only be asleep for a few seconds and then I'll go right back to paying attention! Why does that prissy Professor have to be so...

- - -

Huh? What? I thought as a shook my head groggily from side to side as I quickly opened my eyes. Startled by the lack of light in the lecture hall, I looked left toward the panoramic windows that graced that side of the room before my heart fell: it was evening! Looking down at watch which read 8:19, I almost lost it. Shit! Shit shit shit! I missed my anatomy seminar AND my bass master class! Wait... how did I sleep that long... surely the professor would have... oh fuck. Sitting desks below his and positioned backwards so that he could look at him was Doctor Bruer, his wacky curls slathered over his head giving him the appearance of a woman in such low light. He was looking straight at me. Oh come on... just the last thing I need right now.

The eccentric professor loudly cleared his throat. His demeanor, contrary to the peppy one he carried in class, was almost joking; like instead of making the best out of life he was making fun of it instead. "Nice to finally see you awake. How was your nap?"

I slowly raised my body up to full height as my mouth began to form words. "I'm sorry s-sir... I-I diddn't meaaann to fall... What I m-mean to say is-s...."

A chuckling professor shook his head. What is just me, or did he seem a little out of it? Normally Dr. Bruer would have had a happy attack by now, not some type of "The Joker"-style smileathon. What was wrong?

"All is well, child. I've only been here for about twenty minutes; I had forgotten you had fallen asleep in my classroom!" Taking a swig of his coffee, the professor went on. "Consider this my favor to you for getting such spectacular marks in my class. You really needed the sleep, and I didn't have the heart to wake you up... Well, I don't the heart to do a lot of things." Cocking his head to the side, the doctor continued to stare into my eyes, his feminine curls giving him a spooky aura that I could not possibly describe.

"Thank you very much Professor, but I did miss a lot of classwork! And exams start in two days!"

The Professor blinked, flashing his glazed-over black eyes."Relax Katalan... knowing your brainpower you'll kill all of them no matter what."

Hearing the old man refer to me with my actual first name was a tad startling Since I had arrived at USC and embarrassed myself, everyone had called me Platinum; even many professors! My friends from high school who had heard the story or had seen it on Youtube (only one of two-hundred million people to do so... *shudder*) had even joined in on it. To hear my actual name... it made me feel closer to his teacher than many of his friends all of a sudden. Which, considering that this was the first real one-on-one discussion they had ever had, was pretty weird.

Wait a moment... my name on my college transcript was John! How had he known... the fuck? Where had that dude learned my actual name!?

He smiled a slightly maniacally-looking smile. "Listen... we don't have much time. I want to make sure you stay alive at least a little longer."

Woah. Woah. WOAH! What!?!?

"I... I don't understand sir." I managed to mumble, not quite grasping what the sudden change in conversation was from.

He smiled that joking smile once again. "You will eventually"

What was he talking about!? We were at a secure location on a beautiful campus in the middle of the best part of LA... Make it out alive!? What the fuck was he talking about? One moment he had been waking me up from an unusually long class nap and all of a sudden he wants me to die or something!? Did he mean it metaphorically? As in "stay alive for exams"? Or was the crazed professor just messing with him? He couldn't be serious. Unless... Holy shit! The dude was a suicide bomber! A terrorist! He was... What was he?

I swiveled around in my chair, two things not quite making sense in my mind: Why had I slept so long? And WHY WAS THIS OLD FUCK CLAIMING HE HOPED I WOULD LIVE JUST A LITTLE LONGER!?

Garnering enough courage to speak, I stammered out an odd question. "What are you?"

Oh come on... You could have asked so many better questions than that... It's not like he was gonna like... THE FUCK!?

The professor's head split open down the middle like an apple being cleaved open with a butcher's knife. His smile still plastered on his face, the two halves of the former Dr. Bruer's face continued to split down the middle, ripping his chest in half.

Out of his body rose the head of an otherworldly creature. It had the head of what appeared to be a starved dragon, and the claws of both a chicken and a... what was that!? An eagle!? The creepiest part about the sickening creature was the intelligent glare in it's eyes... the same maniacal glare that had possessed the doctor moments before.

OK, what the fuck. I'm still asleep. That or this guy must have dropped some acid in my mouth while I was asleep... there is no way this was real. The creature sat not ten feet form his face, plain as day. Ok... this is really freaking me the fuck out! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?

The monster's body had finally emerged from the doctor's corpse, cocking it's head to the side as it stared at him with the craziest looking grin he had ever seen... "I the start of a new beginning, my dear. It's been so long since I've set foot on this planet.. and it has seemed to have cleaned itself up quite a bit! I've come to mess it up a bit! Oh, and by the way, you didn't quite make it."

And with that the monster let loose a massive ball of flame that plunged my world first into a frenzy of light, then utter blackness.

Ugghhhhh... where am I?

Opening my eyes I saw the impending lab in front of my face, drool coating a quarter of the surface and dried drool another fourth. Lifting up my head to look around, I sighed in obvious relief that everything around me seemed to be as it should; The singularly-pieced Dr. Bruer continued to lecture about amphetamines with too much enthusiasm at the base of the lecture hall. The windows to his left let the mid-morning light pour into the hall like wine into a tall, crystal glass, its beauty strangely morphing into a feeling of pure joy in my head. Glancing at my watch, I observed the time to be 10:19; I luckily had only slept for an hour. That''s a little more than I hoped for, but it sure beats the hell out of being burned to death... what kind of fucked up dream was that!?

Just as I began to contemplate this the now-sane professor goofily let an an exclamation. "What a fun-tastic day exploring the world of organic chemistry! I'm so glad I can claim you all to be my besties!"

Oh yeah straight up! You sure are my best friend Doctor... I laughingly thought to myself with a chuckle and got up to leave, only to realize that I had forgotten one my books at my desk. Turning around to go retrieve it, I ran right into a freshmen girl, knocking her over and sending her spiraling towards the ground.

Quickly reaching out grab her hand, I clamped down on it with my right arm and thrusted my right foot forward, shifting my gravity back and stopping her fall just in the nick of time. Blushing red-hot, the girl quickly righted herself and checked to make sure she hadn't dropped anything.

Now I had never been one for romance, but this girl definitely qualified for beautiful. She was about a head shorter than my five-ten, which beautifully complimented her silky brunette hair that reached down just past her shoulders. Sporting a pair of diamond earrings shaped into crescents, her overall demeanor was very confident, almost royal; she possessed a sort of flair that few people possessed at all, never mind a girl of her obvious diminutive stature.

Her stunning appearance seemed to cloud my normally clear mind, for all I could seem to say was "I'm uhhhh... sorry!". She chuckled a little and leaned in closer to him. "Don't mention it hot stuff. And hey, here's your book". Grasping the anatomy textbook I had oh-so-luckily left behind, my brain seemed to gain a little more confidence. "Well thank you! I almost forgot it!"

"You weren't turning around to go retrieve it?" she asked politely.

I inadvertently blushed. How could I help it?

She laughed. "I'm just messing with you! Sheesh..."

I gulped. "Yeah, of course! HAHAHA!"

She looked up and stare into his golden-beige eyes with coal-black ones of her own. "Thank you for catching me though! I'm so clumsy..." she said as she flipped her green hair over one shoulder.

I felt a weird spark as she rose up on her heels to meet my eyes up close. Her red eyes were among the most amazing things I had ever seen. Those red orbs are too good to be true... wait. Weren't they black before? And her hair was brown... why was it... orange now!? It was a green just a second ago. What the fuck was going on... And that was when I saw it.

The same maniacal grin that graced the professor in his dream.

The same fire that burned in it eyes.

The same joking demeanor that it had.

My face instantly went from one of pure joy to pure horror as her mouth began to open, a red glow perpetrating from the deep confides within. Yup. Someone had slipped me some acid. But somehow I knew no one had... Was I still asleep? It seemed so much more real... How was the monster from my most recent nightmare... somehow staring me right in the face!?

A creeping smile slowly inched its way across my visage as she snarled. "YOU FUCKING BI..."

I couldn't even finish my sentence. Suddenly a force seemed to pull me from behind, jerking me away from the monster and into a black abyss that quickly closed itself to the world outside. The last thing I saw was the fire in her eyes as she mouthed to him as the blackness closed around my mind and my body.



Thump Thump.


Thump Thump.

Wow, what? What happened? Where I am...?

Thump Thump.

"Spike! Spike it worked! The spell! It... if FINALLY WORKED!"

Who was that? What... Why did my head feel different.

Thump Thump.

"It did!? Did you manage to get anything over to the other side? Even something like a rock?"

Thump Thump.

I've got to come to... what... why do I feel so weird?

Thump Thump

"I don't know! I've managed to transfer something over though! Something rather... woah!"


"Spike, come quick! Bring a first aid kit! Something!"

"Why!? Are you hurt Twilight!?"

"No... It seems I've brought over... an unconscious pegasus!"

Wait... A what?