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Friendship Carnival

In Equestria, the Pony Six open their own carnival called the Friendship Carnival. They invited the Equestria Girls, in their animal forms, to enjoy the rides and activities.

"I can't believe you were able to have your own carnival," Sunset commented.

"Isn't it amazing," Princess Twilight replied. "I remember when I went to a carnival at your school, so I thought I invited you to mine."

"That's nice," Sci-Twi said. "And you would've liked Equestria Land. If it wasn't for someone who had teleportation magic just to change us in her images using holograms."

"But we have forgiven her and helped her get over her B.Y.B.B," Kanga Rare said.

"Also, your roller coaster is not too fast or high, is it," Rainbow Dragon asked nervously.

"Well, you're fast and you go high a lot," Pony Rainbow said. "Your Fluttershy did talked to us about it last time. Almost sounds like you two are switching places."

Flutterduck gave a nervous Rainbow Dragon a smirking look. "I did quite enjoy the ride," she said.

"Well, maybe I'm not used to it without powers or wings," Rainbow Dragon commented.

"But you were very brave," Flutterduck said. "Even I'm being brave doing something you do." Flutterduck changes forms into Flutterdragon. "Like becoming a dragon like you."

"And I'm not afraid of being around them anymore," Pony Fluttershy added.

"Speaking of which," Twilight said. "I think you're dragon centaur form is interesting, Trixie."

"Thanks," Trixie replied. "Maybe call this a 'dragtaur'? Taking the two words into one."

"That's not bad," Twilight commented.

"Enough talking," Pinkie Cat said. "Let's start having fun!"

"What stuff y'all have planned," Appledog asked.

"Take your pick of who you want to see," Twilght said.

Sunset was making the decision as she sees Starlight Glimmer and pony Trixie setting up a magic act, pony Rarity setting up fashion stage and pony Pinkie Pie with circus outfits.

Choose Pony Trixie

Turning their attention to pony Trixie, Starlight was preparing a cannon for an act that Twilight and Sunset were familiar with.

"The Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive," Sunset exclaimed. "Where you blast yourself out of a cannon and into the mouth of a manticore?"

"And after it swallows you, you magically step out of a box." Dragtaur Trixie finished. "I've heard of a similar trick like that before, but with a lion."

"It was very terrifying if Starlight hadn't been there to help," pony Fluttershy said.

"But no thanks to me because of my rivalry with her," Twilight said.

"But you did help us make up when you proved yourself wrong," Starlight said. "Also, we thought of doing it differently. We called the Starfire Dragon Mouth Dive."

"Instead of a manticore," pony Applejack asked.

"You going to dive into the mouth of a dragon," Appledog finished.

"Oh, my" Kanga Rare comment.

"But what dragon would you to... Wait a minute," Twilight said but stopped when she realized. She turns to the stage of called, "Trixie, I don't know if like where this is going!"

"You mean," Sunset asked.

Behind the curtains was a silhouette of pony Trixie as a dragon and she said, "I know this is not good idea for you, Twilight. But I promise you Starlight will be okay."

"We did a lot of practicing," Starlight added as she loads herself in the cannon.

"I'm going to regret this," Twilight said to herself and lets the do the trick.

With their friends watching, Starlight lights the fuse and prepares herself. Once the cannon goes off, Dragon Trixie reveals herself from the curtains and opens her mouth wide enough as Starlight flies in and gets swallowed. The Mane Cast were shocked even Flutterdragon fainted into Rainbow Dragons arms. Dragon Trixie lets out a big burp of her fire in the shape of a pony, making Starlight appear.

"Completely unharmed," Starlight said.

"That was..." Sunset said. "AMAZING!"

"Better than the manticore," Twilight commented.

"I'll say," Dragtuar Trixie said.

"Thank you," Dragon Trixie said. Noticing her big belly, she blushes with embarrassment. "Well, I admit it was really a candy sculpture of Starlight. She was using that object talking spell behind the stage until she jumped out when fire burped. I don't know how dragons eat jewels, but I don't want to chance it."

"Very cleaver," Pinkie Cat said. "But what would happen if you did it as a snake?"


Pony Trixie and Starlight did do the trick with Trixie as a snake. Starlight give Trixie a teasing smirk about her belly lump.

*End of Flashback*

"I suppose a dragon is a lot better," Dragon Trixie said.

"Because a snake," Starlight said and turns into a snake. "Can make us ssssee you ssssso delicious."

Everyone all shared a laugh.

Choose Pony Rarity

Turning to pony Rarity, she was setting up a fashion show of magic costumes. Sunset was looking at a spell book Rarity barrowed from Princess Twilight.

"Magic costumes that you become what you wear," Sunset asked. "Sounds familiar."

"I've been thinking about your animal dress up," pony Rarity said. "Leave it to fashion to make you what you wear. So, I thought how dressing as something else would give you that ability."

"Like you're using my magic," dragtaur Trixie said.

"Care to assist," pony Rarity asked to Kanga Rare.

"Gladly," she replied.

Later, the Mane Cast watch the fashion show as Kanga Rare holds up name cards of the costumes. The first one she holds up reads: Rari-Tea. Pony Rarity comes out in a teapot costume. Once she puts on the last part, she turns into a pony teapot.

"I do thank Trix-tea for the idea," she said.

"I had that coming," pony Trixie replied.

The next card Kanga Rarity holds up reads: Rainbow Plane and Fluttercopter. Pony Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walk out dress as an airplane and a helicopter until they turn into part vehicles.

"You might say we have a few flying machines," Rainbow Plane said.

"Mostly hot air balloons, airships and zeppelins," Fluttercopter added.

"But there is a peddle copter, too," Rainbow Plane said.

"I did most of the explaining about airplanes," Rainbow Dragon said.

Next card reads: Apple Clown and Pinkie Ball. Pony Applejack and Pinkie Pie walk out. Applejack puts on a clown nose and turns into a clown. Pinkie was wearing a rubber suit with a beach ball pattern. She turns into a rubber pony and can inflate like a beach ball.

"I used to have a fear of clowns before," Apple Clown explained. "But becoming one helps face them."

"And do a lot of silly things with my body," Pinkie Ball said. "But I think something was missing."

Last card reads: The Friendship Siren. Princess Twilight walks out last, wearing a siren costume. Most of her friends seems unsure about the idea.

"I know this doesn't look like a good idea," Twilight explained. "But I've been thinking about a siren that's like the opposite of the evil ones we faced."

"If by opposite you mean," Sunset theorized. "How the singing would make ponies respect each other not hypnotized them to fight each other."

"And absorb their positive energy instead of their negativity," Kanga Rare added.

"Kind of like a love spell I learned from our Princess of Love," Twilight said. "I'm sure this costume will make my like that. Watch and learn."

As Twilight's costume transforms her, she was a more friendly siren as they describe. She spots two ponies fighting and start to test her siren magic. As she sings, she sends out purple cutie mark shaped soundwaves, which hit the ponies and cause them to act friendly again. Even positive energy flows into her cutie mark on her chest.

"Much better than the evil ones," Sunset said amazingly.

"Like a new way to spread friendship," Sci-Twi added. "And just one question: who's the Princess of Love?"

"That would pony Cadence," Siren Twilight said. "But I rather not talk about her life if it's not the same with your Cadence."

"Good point," Sci-Twi said. "And another thing about sirens. They may be beautiful but dangerous creatures; this one is beautiful and friendly."

Everyone all agrees as Siren Twilight sings more.

Choose Pony Pinkie Pie

Turning to pony Pinkie Pie, she was hosting a night circus. The rest of the Pony Six join in with their own performances. The Animal Eight were the only ones in the audience as the circus is not open yet.

"May not be open until tonight," pony Pinkie said. "But we can show our tricks for our friends."

"How'd you know I can explode if I wait too long," Pinke Cat said excitedly.

The rest of her friends laughed at her comment. Pony Pinkie starts the show and says, "For the start of the show, we have Rarity on the tightrope."

They see pony Rarity dresses as an acrobat tightrope walking. She does back flips to walk on her back legs and front flips to front legs. She calls to the next performer, "To added with this is Rainbow Dash as a pony cannonball."

Pony Rainbow Dash was seen in a cannon as she sets it off and sends her flying in the air. She lands on Rarity's back legs then they leap off the tightrope to the ground. Rainbow Dash lands safely as Rarity bounces from a trampoline and lands on Rainbow's front legs. Everyone was amazed as Rainbow says, "As of Fluttershy, she not so nervous as a clown with Applejack."

Pony Applejack and Fluttershy were dressed as clowns. They were both juggling while balancing on balls.

"And last comes Twilight," Applejack said.

Princess Twilight appeared and turns into a dragon. Using her fire breathe, she makes star shaped fire rings and flies through doing tricks. She changes back into a pony and flies on top of the rest of the Pony Six, who are all stacked up as a pyramid. The Animal Eight applaud to their performance.

"That was awesome," Rainbow Dragon commented.

"I think ponies are gonna love this circus," Sunset said.

"I know," pony Pinkie said.

"Too bad you don't have an act of your own," Pinkie Cat said.

"Who said I didn't," she replied. Pony Pinkie reveals she barrowed Pinkie Cat's balloon suit. She inflates with helium to float and changes it to normal air. She tucks herself in like a turtle as she dropped into the cannon and fires her. It sent her ricocheting all over the place until she lands by her friends, dizzy. "I guess I'll just stick with being the ringleader."

Everyone shared a laugh.

Author's Note:

A little longer than the others but it was to explain more about their acts.

Dragon Cuteness coming next.