• Published 26th Aug 2022
  • 1,055 Views, 48 Comments

Dashing Through Paranormalities - gapty

Rainbow Dash gets overtaken by a truck while riding a motorcycle. She won't rest until she has beaten it.

  • ...

Repeating Hallway

As big as CHS was, Rainbow still knew every room in the school. That’s why when the teacher asked for volunteers to get an overhead projector from the storage room — he was still living in the past and refused to use normal projectors — she raised her hand and went off to get it. She also just wanted to get out of the lesson.

Instead of using the hallways, which would only be a long detour, she used a shortcut through other rooms that she knew were always open. And even when she didn’t have to do it, she used her magic to be faster. But only a little though; she didn’t want to come back to the class too fast.

On the way she entered a lonely art storage room, which she knew was between two hallways. However, once she entered the room and walked in a straight line and passed through the next door, she stopped. She was back in the same hallway as before, wasn’t she? There was clearly a poster for the book club in the other hallway, she remembered the Daring Do book cover on it. She went backwards through the storage room and passed through the door she entered.

This was definitely the same hallway, there was the same book club poster in the exact same place. Just to be sure, Rainbow memorised the hallway, like the placements of the plants and the posters and room numbers, before she passed through the storage room again and confirmed her suspicion.

Was this another Equestrian magic possession? She was so excited to investigate it that she almost forgot what she was supposed to do. Why did she have to find it at the most inconvenient time? With a long sigh, she walked back through the storage room and took a detour to get the overhead projector.

During the rest of the school day she couldn’t concentrate on the lessons, as her thoughts were busy with theorizing what the repeating hallway meant. As much as her friends wished to live a normal life without any magical incidents, Rainbow was always excited whenever they occured — to the point where she was too obsessed with them, like during the cruise trip. During the last class she wanted to talk about the hallway with Rarity, but seeing her stressed for the upcoming exam, Rainbow decided it was best if she investigated the magic alone after school.

Of course it was a bad idea to also not pay attention to the last lesson before the exam, but Rainbow had to write down the different theories and tests she would be doing during the investigation. Not like she would be thinking about anything else and besides, if she already plans out what to check she’d be faster in finishing the investigation and then be able to study.

It would have probably been better if she had told any of her friends that she would be examining a magical phenomenon, but Rarity took off immediately after the bell and the group chat was either talking about the upcoming exams or how they had to postpone the band rehearsal due to time stress. Besides, it was only a repeating hallway; what could go wrong there? Rainbow would be quick anyway.

Standing before the door to the art storage room, she put out her list of tests she had prepared, or “experiments”, as Twilight would surely call them. To be honest, there wasn’t much to check, but maybe while researching the phenomenon she would find more to test out. As for now, the first thing on her list was to just keep going in a straight line — and count how many times she had passed the repeated hallway.

However, once she passed the storage room and was back in the hallway, she opened the door across her and stopped. This was a different room, like a small office with a single table.

She looked over her list and turned backwards. She already had a theory in mind, and when she was back at her starting point and continued further, she saw after opening the door the same office room.

Ticking on her list that the hallway repeats itself between two rooms, she imagined this was how Twilight when she was in her science mode. It was fun though; she was like Daring Do: exploring the unknown and eager to find out as much as possible.

She then turned around and continued going forward, this time also passing the office room she saw the first time. There was the hallway again, same book club poster, same plants and room numbers. Continuing further and opening the next door, she was back at the art storage room.

After passing a few hallways, she turned around and got back to her starting point again and ticked on her list that the hallway was repeating infinitely — that math symbol turned out to be useful for once.

She had to check whether the hallway truly repeated itself. She took a marker and scribbled her name on the door to the storage room, then passed it. When she was back at the hallway, there was no signature on any of the doors, and continuing going forward showed that her name didn’t appear on any doors again. She crossed out the repeating theory and thought for a bit. If that wasn’t a repeating hallway, what was it? She added “Portal?” to her notes and folded the paper.

There was only one thing left to check, and for that she needed to go back to her starting point one last time. As annoying as it sounded, she found it astonishing — if not even hypnotizing — to see how she always returned back to the same hallway despite going in a straight line.

Back at the door with her signature, she took a few pictures of the hallway with her phone and walked back in a straight line, this time checking at each hallway if there were any differences. At first she didn’t notice any, but when she passed through the hallway for the sixth time, she saw how the book club poster had a slightly different font. With a smile, she ticked out the last theory with small changes between the hallways and put the list in one of her folders in her bag. For this research work she could proudly enter the science club; even Twilight wouldn’t have done a better job than her at checking out the magical phenomenon.

At the same time, however, she was disappointed. Was her little research project already over? Looking at her watch, she thought for a bit before continuing going forward. There was still enough time left to further explore the hallways.

At first she only walked in a straight line, opening door after door, but soon she got impatient and began to run before at last using her geode to speed up the process. Once she counted the 100th loop, she stopped for the first time and compared the hallway with the taken pictures, already excited how much this hallway differed.

This time there were definitely more noticeable differences. The book club-poster was replaced with a library club poster, the plants were a different kind and the garbage bin was red instead of green like in her hallway. However, the hallway was still overall, despite the differences, very similar looking. She continued further and used the power from her geode again — her friends will surely understand the necessity if their geodes overpowered.

At the 500th hallway she took another break and looked around, noticing this time way more differences even without comparing it with her pictures. First, the wall was now a rather ugly orange. The windows were placed higher, and one additional door was there at the end of the hallway. However, the most noticeable for her were the posters and plants. They were now completely different; but what gave her a creepy vibe was the state of them, as all of the posters were looking rather used up and the plants were dried out. Out of all the changes she expected would happen, this was not one of them.

Something in her told her to stop her research and go back — after all, she still had to study for the exam — but her curiosity got the best of her and she ran around the school. Indeed, everything around her looked like the school was abandoned. The rooms were all dusty and several objects had traces of slowly rotting away. What had happened? Was it something dangerous? A magic possession that this universe’s Rainbooms couldn’t handle? What bothered her were how many things were left, as if the school went from open one day to closed the next.

Looking at the posters she searched for any dates, revealing that the last planned activity at this school must have happened a year ago. She couldn’t find any hints on why it had happened though; there were no newspapers or anything else to look it up. She couldn’t even find any files in Celestia’s office, and the computers were cut from any power sources. Even creepier was that when she looked outside, the view had the same look of abandonment: the street was empty, there was no movement, and the plants seemed to have taken over small parts of the buildings and the streets.

She didn’t know at which loop it had started, or if the abandonment was a slow evolution from a certain point that then happened earlier and earlier at each new world. But despite the uncomfortable feeling that came over her, she returned to the hallway and continued going further away from where she came from, this time taking more breaks in between to catch any noticeable differences. Who knows, maybe she would find out what had happened.

At the 570th loop the biggest difference from anything else before it occurred, which was that she saw someone — or rather something. A small robot, its height about as high as her knee, was driving on four tires exploring the hallways. It was all black and had a camera and two gripper arms. She would have missed it if she hadn’t stopped and taken a quick glance around, but the robot seemed to have noticed her immediately, as it drove slowly in her direction.

Why was there a robot exploring the area? Was there some kind of disease at that school? Is that the reason why the school was abandoned? Or was her first theory of a magical accident true? All these questions were circling in her mind as the robot stopped in front of her and took a look at her with her camera.

“Hi there, I’m Rainbow Dash! Can you speak?” She tried to stand firmly despite her nervosity. No, she wouldn’t run away from such a small robot! Still, she took a stance ready to run just in case the robot suddenly attacked her.

“How did you get here?” the robot asked in a human voice. It was definitely remotely controlled — or the human consciousness had been transferred into robots.

“Through the doors in this hallway. It always loops back to this hallway of this school despite going in a straight line. What happened here? Why is the school abandoned?”

The robot, or rather the person controlling it, took its time before saying: “How many iterations have you made?”



Why is he believing me so easily? Rainbow asked herself. And why was it immediately asking for the amount of loops she made?

“No, first answer my question! Is there a dangerous virus? A deadly disease?”

“There is no disease, you don’t have to worry about your health,” it immediately replied. “Is your school operational?”

That would have been slightly calming if it didn’t imply that the Rainbooms had lost a magical encounter, if this universe still had the Rainbooms. She was, however, asking herself how much she should reveal to that person. She didn’t trust it yet.

“If you mean that my school is still open, yes. What even happened here?”

“How many iterations have you made?”

Not answering her questions only fueled her distrust.

“I won‘t tell you unless you tell me what happened here!” Rainbow took a quick glance around. The surroundings looked a little bit more worn out than the 500th one, but she didn’t recognise anything too different from there. “And who are you?”

“Tell me how many iterations you have made and I will answer every question.”

“No, first you tell me!” Why was the person so secretive?

“Please cooperate and go to the entrance, a team will arrive to take care of you.”

“Yeah, I’ll go with a big ‘no’ on that. If you don’t want to tell me, I’ll continue my own research.” Rainbow turned from the robot and quickly opened the door to the next room.

After activating her power and passing additional 30 loops, the realisation came to her mind that she should have gone back instead of continuing to loop. Whoever was controlling the robot now knew that she had to go back and would be expecting her. How stupid was she?

She stopped in the storage room, which also had that abandoned and dusty look. There was probably still time to turn back and run to her home universe. However, she was eager to find out what had happened, and somehow she was sure that the answer would be revealed by continuing forward. It wasn’t logical, but her gut feeling had always been right before, so she continued.

Suddenly, at the 628th loop, the usual door changed to a metal one with a weird circular logo that had a circle and three arrows pointing to the center in it. There was no door handle to open the door, but a button that she had to press. When the door slid sideways to open itself, she saw the room that was now visible had completely changed. The walls and the ceiling were white, while the ground was grayish, but most notably was the completely changed furniture, making it seem like an office room but without any computers. This was… interesting, to say the least.

The opposite door had the same metallic door with the logo on it and, after pressing the button to open it, revealed a completely different hallway. This was no school anymore, but she couldn’t make out what the building it could have been for. Or was this dry place lacking any comfort the usual look for any office building? She shuddered at the thought of anyone having to work at this place.

Should she explore the building? What if she ran into someone? Was she in danger? She didn’t have to decide, as at the end of the hallway a door opened and a grown man walked through it, suddenly stopping as he saw Rainbow standing there. He wore a typical white lab coat with the same logo that the door had on the chest region.

“What on… Excuse me, Miss, but who are you and how did you come into this facility?” he asked, staying at the door.

Facility? That didn’t explain much at all. Should she tell him about the looping hallway? There was still the distrust from the robot, and who knows, maybe these two people were in some way connected. She decided she wanted to see if he would believe her as easily as the person controlling the robot had.

“Name’s Rainbow Dash. I found a hallway at my school that loops itself when you go in a straight line through these doors and came here.”

She closely watched the reaction of the man, who looked at the two doors in the hallway she had mentioned. His expression turned from a suspicious look into a friendly and cheerful smile.

“The Recursive Rooms! Oh, I didn’t expect that we would get one here too. How exciting! Let me introduce myself, my name is Dr. Time Turner and I…” A gray hand appeared from the left behind the door and tapped on his shoulder, before returning back. “Oh, right, I need to focus. Ehem. How many… loops have you done, if you have counted them?”

Despite his very friendly and exciting nature, she didn’t trust him. He definitely knew what was going on and, by his own words, there are many of those repeating hallways. And again the question of how many times she had passed the loop. Why was everyone so keen to find out? At least his voice was way friendlier than the one who controlled the robot.

“As long as you tell…”

“Wait, I need a recording device. How unprofessional of me! Just wait for me here, Ms. Dash, I’ll be right back!”

The hand behind the door appeared back and tried to prevent Turner from running away, but was too slow. Then, very slowly, a face emerged from behind the door, lurking at her. Was it…?

“Derpy? Is that you?” Rainbow asked in surprise. What was she doing here?

Derpy shook her head and hesitantly passed the door. She wore her usual casual clothes, at least like she did in Rainbow’s school, but instead of the typical green hers were yellow-coloured.

“Oh, right, that was a nickname. Ah, Muffins!”

Muffins smiled and approached her with an open hand to greet her, which Rainbow took. She might not trust the man, but with Muffins she knew that the blond girl would never harm anyone.

“Nice to meet you. Say, here in this place was a school before, Canterlot High, right?”

Muffins nodded.

“Was the school closed down before this facility was built?”

Another nod.

“But why? What happened?”

Muffins didn’t respond to that question.

“You can talk, right?” Rainbow clearly remembered her speaking in the camping trip to the Everfree forest, and a nod from Muffins confirmed it too — ironic considering the way it was answered.

“You do know what happened, don’t you?”

Muffins didn’t respond, which Rainbow assumed was then a yes. But why didn’t she tell her that? Why was she also so secretive? Something was definitely going on.

Muffins suddenly pointed towards Rainbow’s left wrist, where the wristwatch with her geode was. The geode was already glowing, probably from overusing it, which of course dragged Muffins’ attention.

“You want to know what the deal is with the glowing wristwatch?” Rainbow asked. “Then how about a deal? You tell me why this school here was closed down and I tell you what this is for. On it?” She spit on her hand and offered her it.

Muffins thought for a while, then nodded her head and spit also on her hand, before taking the offered hand and closed the deal.

“Alright. This wristwatch has a geode in it that gives me the power of superspeed. Now, what happened?”

At this moment Turner entered the room with a bag, from which he took out a recording device and pressed on record. Great timing…

“Alright, this is Dr. Turner interviewing Rainbow Dash, a Canterlot High School student from…”

He stopped when Muffins pressed the record button on the device, stopping the recording.

“What are you doing?” he asked surprised, while Muffins took the bag and searched in it for something.

Rainbow took a quick glance at the open door she came from. There was still time to run away.

“Is your superpower known?” Muffins asked Rainbow, ignoring the question from Turner.

“Well, of course,” Rainbow replied and looked at her eyes, or more specifically her right eye. She had noticed it before, but thought that it was just a coincidence. However, when Muffins was searching for something in the bag, her right eye was still staring at Rainbow’s wrist with the geode. “But don’t forget the deal!”

“What deal?” Turner asked.

Without a word Muffins took out two devices from the bag and gave one to the doctor, while she kept the other in her hand. With the other free hand she grabbed Rainbow’s right hand, which Rainbow reluctantly let happen.

“The same thing happened here too,” Muffins said and held the device over Rainbow’s hand. “A portal to a different world has opened.”

Before Rainbow could comprehend what Muffins was saying, the device beeped and on the screen Rainbow could catch a glimpse of a wall of text appearing, before Muffins moved it in front of her own face to read it.

What just happened? What did the device do to her? She touched with her left hand the area where the device was over, but then froze when she felt something in the form of a square in her arm. What was it? Fear crawled over her body as she turned to the door. Maybe she should just leave…

Suddenly, the door Rainbow had entered the hallway from closed down, and a voice from an announcement speaker filled the room.

“Dr. Turner, come immediately to Charge's office with the found subject.”

Rainbow pushed the button on the door, but nothing happened. She was too late…

The doctor sighed, waved at Rainbow to follow her and walked away. Instead, she continued pushing the button, hoping that somehow it would open again, but to no success. However, a hand grabbed hers and, after seeing Muffins’ shaking of her head, she angrily realised that she had to follow. Still, so far she wasn’t in any danger yet; she could still use her power to run away when needed, even if not back for now, so she calmed down.

After passing several hallways – Rainbow made sure to memorise the way back – they entered a typical office room, where a man also wearing a white lab coat was sitting on a chair behind a desk. She also saw two guards in black uniforms with the same logo standing behind him, weapons in their hands. Instinctively she put her right hand over her watch with the geode.

However, what caught most of her attention was a map of Canterlot City labelled as “Scissor Events”, where several circles with different colours — all of them labelled with just a three to four digit number — were drawn on it. Most noticeably were the purple and red coloured circles, as they were all on Everfree Street and the highest in numbers.

“Why is it here?” Charge asked Turner harshly and pointed at Muffins, who had gone to a corner and stood there.

She has every right to be here, Dr. Charge, and you know it.” Turner replied calmly.

“That may be true, but not when it interferes with other anomalies. Unless it sees a potential Scissor Event happen here, it has to immediately go away.” He looked at Muffins, who in return pointed above Rainbow’s head, and then sighed in annoyance. “Fine, stay here then. Dr. Turner, report.”

“We have a potential SCP-970 in the hallway where we found her. She comes from a parallel universe where Canterlot High School hasn’t been closed down.”

“Wasn’t there the same event?”

“There was, but due to slight differences a different approach regarding the anomaly had to be taken.” Turner gave Charge the device that Muffins had used on her. “Her Humes level is also at 1.2, which is unusually high. I suggest we find out how many iterations she has done, amnesticise her and return her back to her world.”

“Amne-what?” Rainbow interrupted them, but didn’t get an answer. A quick glance at Muffins revealed nothing, as her right eye was staring above Rainbow’s head and her other at the two men talking to each other.

“I see. Rainbow Dash, have you counted how many times you have passed the hallway?” Charge asked her.

“Yes, but I won’t tell you.” She crossed her arms.

Charge just looked at her silently with a neutral expression.

“But why? It’s for your best if you cooperate,” Turner said to her.

“I won’t tell you anything until you tell me what this device is, what the square thing in my arm is, and what happened here that closed the school down!”

“Well, you don’t seem to be so smart,” Charge replied with a smirk. “Considering how much you have seen, you might as well have counted two and two together.”

“Are you telling me I’m dumb?” Rainbow stood up from her chair, but saw the guards raise their guns towards her and slowly sat down.

“Potentially. We don’t have time to waste. If you won’t tell me, I will make you.”

“Try me!” Rainbow laughed and put her hand back on her geode, ready to activate it when necessary.

“Bring in a D-Class personnel.”

Rainbow heard Muffins gasp in surprise. One guard saluted and left the room. Confused, Rainbow gave a questioning look at Charge, but he kept reading the text on the device.

“Isn’t that too cruel?” Turner asked.

“I’m not interested in any long worthless talks.”


I’m the Site-Director here, not you.”

Suddenly Muffins pointed back above Rainbow's head and then showed a length with her hands.

“Already so big?” Charge asked her. “You know you should have reported it before it got to that size?”

Muffins answered by showing a shorter length and then making it get longer.

“This fast? That’s very unusual.“ Turner commented. “Should we do something?”

“As long as it hasn't reached stage three we don’t have to worry. It just has to report it, right, Muffins?” Charge replied, to which Muffins nodded.

The guard returned with a man in an orange suit, who was handcuffed behind his back. His eyes showed a sign of fear. What was Charge up to?

“I’m asking again, Rainbow Dash. How many hallways did you repeat?”

“Or what?”

“Or this guy gets shot in his knees.”

This time it was Rainbow who gasped. She took a close look at Charge’s face, which still showed the neutral but determined expression.

“But Dr. Charge, is it really…” Turner said, but got interrupted.

“Don’t interfere in my interrogation!”

Rainbow looked back at Muffins, who had closed her left eye with her hands, while the other still remained staring above Rainbow’s head.

“So?” Charge asked.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Rainbow yelled. She still couldn’t believe he would go with this.

Charge waved his hand and immediately one guard shot the man in the knee, who screamed in pain. He wasn’t the only one, as Rainbow screamed too from the surprise and the shock of seeing what had happened.

“The number, Rainbow.”

“How can you be so cruel!?” she cried. She wanted to look away from the guy and from the blood, but couldn’t. It was all too sudden.

“Give the number and his other knee will stay intact. I will count to three. One…”

Suddenly Rainbow was pushed away by Muffins. From where she was sitting she heard a sudden noise of the chair breaking in pieces and, when she looked in that direction, saw a statue of concrete with a painted face suddenly in the place instead of her.

“Nobody blink! Keep looking at it!” Charge yelled and stood up, and others in the rooms had the same scared expression on their faces as him. “Muffins! Why didn’t you report it!”

“The rift suddenly got bigger!” she replied angrily. “Be happy I saved her!”

Even when confused by the reactions and the panic of a statue (and even more by how it suddenly appeared), she saw the chance to get away from them and try to escape. When she ran away from the room, she heard the Site-Director scream after her to stop, but no one dared to break eye-contact with the statue. She only had to hope that the door back to her home was open again.

Not even seconds passed before she was at the door where she had entered this facility, but when she pushed the button to open it, it didn’t.


Pushing the button again and again didn’t help, and the other door opposite to it didn’t open either. Panic crawled up in her. What should she do now?

Suddenly she felt a touch on her shoulder and, after jumping up in surprise and turning around, saw Muffins standing there, her left eye at her, the other staring to the right. How did she come into the hallway? Rainbow was sure she had closed the doors behind her.

“Sorry for taking so long. Cameras.” She pointed to a corner of the hallway, then produced a screwdriver and pushed it between the button and the door, where sparkles and lightning appeared. It even made Muffins twitch and her hair stand up. “Ouch.”

The door opened.

“Wow, thank you!” A sense of relief came over Rainbow. She knew that at least she could trust Muffins, even when from another universe.

Before Rainbow could leave, Muffins held her back and gave her a piece of paper. “Take this and show it in case you get stopped, but don’t read what is written there and burn it as soon as you return. Promise?” She reached out her free hand, but then reconsidered, spit on it and then gave it to her.

“Why?” Rainbow asked. She still had so many questions open, and maybe what was written there would have the answers.

“Please, for me. I’m already not allowed to help you.”

Rainbow sighed. Seeing as the girl had already done so much for her (and that she really should take the chance to flee), she spit on her palm and shook Muffins’ outstretched hand, then ran away, opening door after door.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the hallway where she had met the robot, and when she was there the opposing door was closed. Of course.

“There you are!” a voice next to her spoke, and when she turned she saw two men in the same black uniform and the logo as the guards in the facility, who had their guns raised at her. “Raise your hands!”

So whoever these people were, they were from the same group as the one from the facility.

“I have a paper to show.” Rainbow raised her hands as ordered.

“Show it!”

She slowly took out the paper and gave it to the speaker, who took their time to read it, making her more worried with every second. Hopefully Muffins didn’t mess this up…

Finally he reached for his radio set.

“Dr. Charge, we have orders from the Foundation to let her pass.”

Rainbow gulped. Of course he had to be on that end.

“Immediately?” the reply came.

“Yes. Her being in the wrong universe drastically accelerates the scissor events. It’s signatured by Site-Director Arctic Charge.”

“Let her pass.”

While one guard took out the keys to open the door, the other photographed the paper and then gave it back to Rainbow. Then the door was opened for her and they gave her room to go through. Without further waiting, she immediately took the opportunity and left.

The signature on the door confirmed that Rainbow had counted the loops correctly. She was finally back at her home. Promptly her phone rang, showing several new messages and missed calls. Looking at the time showed that she was about three hours gone; no wonder everyone was so worried about her.

“Freeze!” a voice next to her shouted.

Oh come on!

Immediately Rainbow grabbed her geode to activate its power and ran the opposite direction, but she tripped over her own feet as her power suddenly didn’t work. She felt a sharp stitch on her neck and, when she touched the spot with her hand, felt a small dart stuck on her. Suddenly her head spun and her view got blurry, but before she fell unconscious, she looked back to see two men in black uniforms and a weird antenna-like device standing behind them.

Rainbow slowly opened her eyes, seeing a blank white ceiling above her. A repeating beep next to her revealed to her that she was in a hospital. But what had happened? All she could feel was a headache.

“She’s awake!” She heard Pinkie Pie’s voice next to her.

She slowly moved her head towards her, but was hugged by her pink friend.

“Where were you?” Twilight asked her.

“We were so worried about you!” Sunset said.

The next moment every one of her friends took turns to either hug or shake her hand, which Rainbow let them do passively.

“Wh… What happened?” Rainbow asked, looking over her body, but not finding anything to give her a hint why she was in the hospital.

“We hoped you could tell us. The police found you in the streets unconscious and brought you here,” Applejack said to her.

“I… don’t remember,” Rainbow stuttered and held her forehead in pain. Trying to recall anything only intensified the headache.

“At least you’re fine now,” Sunset said, “but next time tell us what you are doing if it’s dangerous!”

“Sure…” Rainbow sat up. The headache was already slowly fading away.

She recovered quickly from whatever had happened to her, fast enough that she could go back home the same day. After saying goodbye to her friends, she went up to her room and put her bag on the desk. The doctor had written an excuse for her for tomorrow’s homework, but the upcoming exam had to be prepared for, even if it was a few days away. Procrastinating wouldn’t help her grades, and her health was already back to normal.

Still, what had happened to her? And why didn’t she remember anything after lunch? Twilight assumed that she got some kind of amnesia by an accident, which would explain the headache she had before. Hopefully Rainbow had taken enough notes.

Going through her folders, she saw a paper written clearly by her, but instead of school notes there was a list of theories, most of them ticked with a checkmark and a few crossed out. All of them were about a repeating hallway connected to an art storage room. As much as she tried, she couldn’t remember anything about that.

Was this in some way related to her amnesia? Knowing herself, she probably investigated it by herself without telling anyone. Did something happen there? She had to check it tomorrow.

As soon as she entered school, she went straight to the art storage room. However, the door which was usually open was closed down. Remembering what was standing in her list, she turned to the other door and tried to open it, which she could do.

“Who is there?” someone inside the room asked.

When she entered the room, she saw a woman on a desk sitting in front of a computer screen. Something about this didn’t seem right, maybe the new computer, but she knew the woman as her geology teacher.

“Oh, sorry,” Rainbow apologised, “I thought the room was empty. I sometimes walk through here as a shortcut.”

“Yeah, I noticed how my office was used like that too often. I hope you don’t mind if I could keep my office private and not as another hallway.”

“Sure! My apologies for that. This won’t happen again.”

Rainbow left the room and closed the door, then took out the paper with the list. Something was going on, she could feel it, but what? The bell rang for the first lesson and she put her paper away.

Later on, she tried a few times to pass through any of the rooms, but they were always either closed or occupied.


Author's Note:

The Repeating Hallway is based on SCP-970, which was written by "Freudian". Slight changes to it have been made to fit the story.